Growing Arab Support For Israel

Response by Trump haters to the deal (aid with pouty lips):
1. They were already friends so it doesn't count
2. It wasn't Trump's doing
3. What if the Palestinians riot over it (because they haven't been doing so for 70 years!).
4. * Spluttering sounds only*

Palestinians and Iran got a gift from Trump.

View attachment 390002
I'm sure there is some sense in that somewhere that you'll elaborate on. :)
What puzzles you? picture speaks for itself. Two idiots get shat upon.
thank you sir! Nailed the point

RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ GHook20, et al:

BLUF: Ye-esss... This is a very good observation.

GHook20 said:
Very small amount actually... and your premise is very flawed; they give Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan and many other Muslims countries aid and they are still hostile to Israel and America did that matter.
GHook20 said:
Egypt and Jordan keep the peace because they want to keep the peace and it is in their best interest.​

The four adjacent Arab League countries receive the combined amount which is approximately equal to that given Israel. It is not a coincidence.

But as America backs away from its role as a quasi-world leader, the amount of aid given around the world will diminish. While it is possible to buy an ally for a few moments in crisis, an alliance that is based on financial aid is very unreliable.

Most Respectfully,
Arab-Muslim Zionist: Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi
The guy is a joke in the Islamic world. ...

He is a Sufi muslim that basically has no following, except the zionist jews. ...

I like it when You're desperate :lol: :lol:
"Those are only Zionist Jews"... :cuckoo:

Views on radical Islam[edit]
In Palazzi's view, Islam has been "hijacked" by the Salafist movement in Saudi Arabia, a "radical" reformist movement which denies the moderate understanding of the Qur'an and has taken control of Mecca and Medina. He says that oil money made a primitive and violent culture powerful on a global scale. And now, "they are reshaping Islam in accordance with their political issues." [8]
Abdul Hadi Palazzi - Wikipedia
Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince reportedly said Palestinians should accept peace or 'shut up and stop complaining'


  • The Crown Prince offered harsh criticism of Palestine to leaders of several Jewish organizations and said Saudi Arabia has more "urgent and important" issues to deal with.
  • Saudi Arabia has historically played a central role in Middle East peace talks, but recent comments point to the Kingdom growing tired of mediating between Palestine and Israel.

"In the last several decades the Palestinian leadership has missed one opportunity after the other and rejected all the peace proposals it was given," the crown prince said according to a wire sent by the Israeli consulate in New York to Israel's foreign ministry in Jerusalem which summarized the meeting, as well as information from several US and Israeli diplomats with knowledge of the meeting.

"It is about time the Palestinians take the proposals and agree to come to the negotiations table or shut up and stop complaining."

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince reportedly said Palestinians should accept peace or 'shut up and stop complaining'
Is that the same prince who forced some american **** to suck his dick?
Israel is the biggest exporter in oppression. Of course oppressive regimes will suck up to Israel.
This is just what one wants to believe doesn’t matter if it is grounded in complete falsehoods.

It iseasily refutable that it is not worthy of a reply.

Where does your illogical antisemitism come from? I mean you purposely ignore facts and will only demonize Jews despite the facts pointing otherwise.

You admitted to working minimum wage jobs your entire life (which has to be a hard and regretful life, but it doesn’t excuse bigotry). Is it out of jealousy? You have a view that Jews work hard and achieve wealth (and as a whole groups on average that is true) and were unable to do either, so you are jealous?
Another reason some of the Arab states are now receptive allowing Jews to keep territory is that the UN has pretty much abandoned a principle of freezing all borders in place since it's founding, a simple method of keeping 'Peace' at the time, and no longer opposes stronger neighbors taking waht they want from weaker neighboring countries' territories; see Putins' land grabs in 2014 and the lack of interest in the UN in doing anything about it. There is no longer any international order in the way of such grabs any more, and many of the Arab countries either feel threatened by others or have their eyes on other lands. See also Red China's rising belligerence and threats. this current agreement is just another step into the future of escalating warfare and while it looks grand currently it is also a symptom of a general degeneration of the global situation. That always begins with grandiose diplomacy initiatives and big giant love fests among dire enemies. It did so in the lead up to both World Wars and against Prussia, Napoleon, all the way back to before Joshua..
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Watch Turkey; they're already trying to mau-mau the Greeks and plan on their own land grabs for parts of Syria and Iraq, another wild card same as Iran that can de-stabilize any peace accords. The Saudi King remains the largest and most critical holdout in a decent regional counter-balance against both belligerents. Israel should be careful they don't have to bear the brunt of any war that breaks out while their new 'allies' drag asss and wait to see who 'wins'.
Watch Turkey; they're already trying to mau-mau the Greeks and plan on their own land grabs for parts of Syria and Iraq, another wild card same as Iran that can de-stabilize any peace accords. The Saudi King remains the largest and most critical holdout in a decent regional counter-balance against both belligerents. Israel should be careful they don't have to bear the brunt of any war that breaks out while their new 'allies' drag asss and wait to see who 'wins'.
Turkey is a destabilizing factor of the Middle East not to a lesser degree than Iran. Not only the ME, but also the Balkans and South-Eastern Europe. Sooner or later the US will recognize this fact and will drop its policy of imaginary alliance with the Turks.
Watch Turkey; they're already trying to mau-mau the Greeks and plan on their own land grabs for parts of Syria and Iraq, another wild card same as Iran that can de-stabilize any peace accords. The Saudi King remains the largest and most critical holdout in a decent regional counter-balance against both belligerents. Israel should be careful they don't have to bear the brunt of any war that breaks out while their new 'allies' drag asss and wait to see who 'wins'.
Turkey is a destabilizing factor of the Middle East not to a lesser degree than Iran. Not only the ME, but also the Balkans and South-Eastern Europe. Sooner or later the US will recognize this fact and will drop its policy of imaginary alliance with the Turks.

The strategic and tactical reasons to ally with Turkey ended many years ago, with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ Picaro, et al,

BLUF: While I think this assessment is correct, this is no time to discard existing or the potential for new allies.

The strategic and tactical reasons to ally with Turkey ended many years ago, with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

(as well as the US and Commonwealth Nations) need to grow new → 21st Century type relationships; as they become available.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ Picaro, et al,

BLUF: While I think this assessment is correct, this is no time to discard existing or the potential for new allies.

The strategic and tactical reasons to ally with Turkey ended many years ago, with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

(as well as the US and Commonwealth Nations) need to grow new → 21st Century type relationships; as they become available.

Most Respectfully,

In the sense of ' ... keeping one's enemies closer', yes.

I don't oppose Israel going through the motions for existential reasons, I just find it highly doubtful the Arab countries' words mean a damn thing long term. They never have before, outside of Jordan's and occasionally Egypt's.
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RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ Picaro, et al,

BLUF: While I think this assessment is correct, this is no time to discard existing or the potential for new allies.

The strategic and tactical reasons to ally with Turkey ended many years ago, with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

(as well as the US and Commonwealth Nations) need to grow new → 21st Century type relationships; as they become available.

Most Respectfully,

In the sense of ' ... keeping one's enemies closer', yes.

I don't oppose Israel going through the motions for existential reasons, I just find it highly doubtful the Arab countries' words mean a damn thing long term. They never have before, outside of Jordan's and occasionally Egypt's.

That is a rational perspective.
But 'existential reasons' are that of the Arab states.
Because its them who will be literally eaten up in half a day by Iran.

Israel has her allies in the region other than Arabs.
Arabs need to join them, they already joined Israel.

What is happening on the Azeri-Iranian border,
Israelis watch "from afar", Arabs are watching from their own balcony.

Arabs need the Azeris, not vice versa.
If they ever fly a 35, it will be in full Azeri supervision.
Israelis coordinate the agreements with their other allies in the region.

Egypt You've mentioned,
they're in a rush arming up to the teeth,
sticking to worst case scenario to stand alone against Turkey and Iran.

Arabs need allies,
and it's not Israel that they're worried about.
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