Guess How Many Troops Obama Just Authorized 2B Deployed to Iraq?? Sound Familiar, LOL?

EC is making about $11 an hour posting for her paymasters.

She should go back to the Army where an E4 makes that, I guess, plus gets free health care, three hots and a cot.
Our GOP can win big if make sure to make the far right work for us with money and votes but keep their mouths shut. We won because of the new cross over votes from whites, minorities, women, and millennials.
Yup all the result of the 2003 invasion that destabilized the ME.

WMD was there you stupid ass. Even your favorite Socialist rag, the New York Times, was forced to admit it IN WRITING several months ago. MORON. We've been over this a million times, IDIOT.

:lol: Not as were described as a cause for war, it was not, by anyone of repute.

EC, you are simply an idiot and a poor liar.

Here...this bears repeating for an even bigger foo than FOO:

"But when the 2016 elections get here, there are so many videotaped statements of the President lying out his teeth or contradicting himself ON ALL THINGS FOREIGN POLICY that if the GOP can't paste together some awesome ads reminding people, they deserve to be trounced."

Hey Fakey, as a Capitalist, I think it's great you add to click count for this Board, but that's the limit of your value.

We all know it. Including you darling.

So by all means, post away, Fakey. We all just chuckle.
Obama isn't running

What are Republicans going to run on in foreign policy? that they have been wrong all the time?

Come' on're not dopey like LL, Fakey, Foo, know he will do permanent damage to your party. GOP successfully tied Dems to Obama this election....wait till we see disastrous results of his Iraq policy.

Remember, "I said I'd win the Iraq War and I have" from Obummer?

Maybe you can link me to that quote to start
EC has continued to be wrong on everything, including the extent of our victories last week.

She is a neo-con, which ends her integrity right there.

EC has continued to be wrong on everything, including the extent of our victories last week.

She is a neo-con, which ends her integrity right there.

Dude, you're drooling, your skivvies are down around your ankles, and the nurses are about to come give you a scolding for lying out your teeth to them too......LOL.

I think they're about to up your meds, darling.

You keep saying the opposite of the truth on this topic and probably ALL topics......just keep rambling honey.... I'm sure the increased meds will increase the lies here. LMAO
he doesn't lie (knowingly

Did you knowingly lie when you made the argument that Obama was the first US President to require a SOFA to be approved by Iraq's Parliament? Or were you truly unaware of the fact the Bush/Maliki/Sadr SOFA of 2008 had to go through Parliament too. Which was it? A lie or ignorance?

Are you in the same old folks' home Fakey's're so far off from the truth that all we stable people can do is laugh.

I've got about 1000 posts showing you're wrong about all things IRAQ and you know it FOO FOO. :)
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EC is merely making personal attacks because she continues to look stupid when she posts and that is pointed out.

The topic is the number of troops in Iraq, nothing else.

EC is going to starve in the civilian world.
DT 10127860
ten since W...twenty since 41....

Forty-one knew right from wrong. Its too bad he didn't impart that wisdom to his foolish son. Forty-Three had the chance to verify Iraq was disarmed without killing anyone when Iraqis were not killing each other. Forty-Three chose in 2003 to arouse an internecine killing spree that was never fully abated or resolved prior to the end of his term. And while that remains a significant factor in all this Bush is given a pass for cutting a deal that set the end date for US involvement to come to an end,

Bush could have at least tied Maliki to include Anbar Sunnis in Iraq's future and security forces. But Bush cut and run and now lets his idiot minions try to blame it all on Obama.
Put down the crack pipe Foo...the "internecine killing spree" has existed ever since Mohammad invented have to stop the blind protection of your hero and stop trying to blow smoke up the LIBTARDS ass...they're the only ones stupid enough to buy what youre selling.

You are as foolish as EC. We need to come home from Iraq, work on energy independence, and publicly identify and humiliate in the public square all of the neo-cons.
Pauli is not making any important point.

Either he wants ISIS ISIL defeated or not.

His hatred of the President and the American system, like bripat, clouds his vision.

It's funny how I disagree with Pauli on one very fundamental BIG issue (Iraq) yet I have 100 times more respect for him than I have for you. He's consistent, he doesn't lie (knowingly), he doesn't flip flop, he has integrity, he has brains, I really enjoy reading his posts.....the list is long........ all the opposite of you.

I'm pretty sure most people think the same.

I'm pretty sure what you think does not reflect reality.

You simply don't have it here to succeed. Tis what is.

LOL, you're just like the libs.....say it enough times and you think it will be true.

Your ass got kicked in the elections just like all the Dems' asses did. That's because you are one honey.

Oh wait, even THEY won't have you. LOL. Well, thanks for the money you donated to us though. Wait, you probably didn't do that either.

As for the topic, you've been pounded into the ground even worse than the Dems. Your foreign policy ideas are just like Obama's. WHICH IS WHY HE WAS TROUNCED. LOL.

Oh, and did someone tell me you actually voted for that idiot????

LMAO, you must feel a lot of shame.
DT 10127852
stick the sofa up yer arse...and the footstool with it.

The Bush/Maliki/Sadr SOFA of 2008 definitely was a Bush failure as we can see Deltex's lizard brain reaction to serious discussion about it.

How many times do we brilliant people have to remind you losers that Panetta and a whole string of others backed us up?

You're not even worth reading anymore, dumbass. You keep telling everyone the moon's made of cheese and people are tired of telling you to stop lying.
EC is making about $11 an hour posting for her paymasters.

She should go back to the Army where an E4 makes that, I guess, plus gets free health care, three hots and a cot.

An E-4? You promoted me, LOL. I was just an E-1 making 59 cents!

You don't know shit about this topic. Or the difference between the Air Force that I was in....and the Army that you almost got fragged in. No wonder everything you say about the topic is wrong.

Next question?
DT 10127852
stick the sofa up yer arse...and the footstool with it.

The Bush/Maliki/Sadr SOFA of 2008 definitely was a Bush failure as we can see Deltex's lizard brain reaction to serious discussion about it.

How many times do we brilliant people have to remind you losers that Panetta and a whole string of others backed us up?

You're not even worth reading anymore, dumbass. You keep telling everyone the moon's made of cheese and people are tired of telling you to stop lying.
Thank goodness Clinton's chief of staff wasn't listened to. The troops left behind in Iraq would have become priority targets of ISIL and more forces would have been needed to reinforce them. A flood of dead Americans would have had to have been flown home in flag draped coffins and our hospitals would have seen a surge of wounded.. We made the right decision to get our troops out of there when we did.
Now you say you were an E1 :lol:

And now you were in the AF not the Army :lol:

No one backed you up on the SOFA issue. You lose again.

Wow, you were an E1 who was a mover and doer. :lol:
Put down the crack pipe Foo...the "internecine killing spree" has existed ever since Mohammad invented Allah..

It did not exist in Iraq in the first months of 2003. The truth is that the US invasion into Iraq aroused an internecine killing spree that did not exist before the Brits and Americans attacked Iraq.

I wrote, "Forty-Three chose in 2003 to arouse an internecine killing spree that was never fully abated or resolved prior to the end of his term."

You can't rewrite history Deltex.
-> Libya: Now a mess with two governments, and Islamists causing trouble.
-> Syria: Held by Assad and by Islamists worse than him i.e. IS and Free Syria Army.
-> Iraq: After supporting an ineffective Shiite administration and knocking off Saddam - Islamists now control a large part of Iraq.
-> Ukraine: Much like Georgia, Ukraine is trying to hold on to more than it can chew. The blame game with Moscow, and the sanctions, are hurting American investments in Russia and not accomplishing peace.
-> Nation X: To be continued...

Or we could get ourselves out of the mess that is the Middle East, end the sanctions with Russia, and be glad we got out before things got worse.

Yup all the result of the 2003 invasion that destabilized the ME.

WMD was there you stupid ass. Even your favorite Socialist rag, the New York Times, was forced to admit it IN WRITING several months ago. MORON. We've been over this a million times, IDIOT.

:lol: Not as were described as a cause for war, it was not, by anyone of repute.

EC, you are simply an idiot and a poor liar.

Here...this bears repeating for an even bigger foo than FOO:

"But when the 2016 elections get here, there are so many videotaped statements of the President lying out his teeth or contradicting himself ON ALL THINGS FOREIGN POLICY that if the GOP can't paste together some awesome ads reminding people, they deserve to be trounced."

Hey Fakey, as a Capitalist, I think it's great you add to click count for this Board, but that's the limit of your value.

We all know it. Including you darling.

So by all means, post away, Fakey. We all just chuckle.
Obama isn't running

What are Republicans going to run on in foreign policy? that they have been wrong all the time?

I have to admit that when Obama vowed their would be no US boots on the ground, for once he didn't lie. My 5 year old told me that soldiers were no longer allowed to wear boots and were all issued sneakers. Can anyone else confirm that?
EC 10142958
ve got about 1000 posts showing you're wrong about all things IRAQ

Why are you hiding them then. Pick your best one where I can be shown to be wrong about one thing Iraq, let alone all things Iraq.

I know I am right that Obama was not the first US President to require the Parliament in Iraq to approve a SOFA. That's because Bush's SOFA in 2008 had that very same requirement and the last time I checked 2008 came before 2011.

Come on cite one of those thousands.

Or keep running.
How many times do we brilliant people have to remind you losers that Panetta and a whole string of others backed us up?

You believe the Panetta selling some books. I believe the Panetta when he was Secretary of defense. But since he's proven to be two/faced in order to sell a book, no one should believe a word he says now. You hitched your wagon to a rat.

Check what your buddy Deltex has to say about opinions.

Panetta held an opinion when he serving in public office. I will replay his exchange with Senator McCain during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Iraq in November of 2011. Panetta dismissed McCain’s claims that Obama wanted all US troops out of Iraq by the end of 2011 and leave no residual force behind.

Here is that exchange:

. MARTIN: But Senator John McCain lambasted Secretary Panetta. His criticism, the White House never wanted the negotiations to succeed in the first place.

SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: And the truth is that this administration was committed to the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, and they made it happen.

DEFENSE: Senator McCain, that's just simply not true. I guess you can believe that, and I respect your beliefs.

MCCAIN: And I respect your opinion of it.

DEFENSE: But that's not...

And the outcome is exactly as predicted.

But that's not how it happened.

MCCAIN: It is how it happened. (Unintelligible).

DEFENSE: This is about negotiating with a sovereign country, an independent country. This was about their needs. This is not about us telling them what we're going to for with them or what they're going to have to do.

MCCAIN: It's about our needs, as well, Mr. Secretary.

DEFENSE: This is about their country making a decision as to what is necessary here.

Panetta Addresses Iraq Troop Withdrawal On The Hill NPR

Panetta in November 2011: This is about their country making a decision as to what is necessary here. ...This is about negotiating with a sovereign country, an independent country. This was about their needs. This is not about us telling them what we're going to for with them or what they're going to have to do. "
Now you say you were an E1 :lol:

And now you were in the AF not the Army :lol:

No one backed you up on the SOFA issue. You lose again.

Wow, you were an E1 who was a mover and doer. :lol:

I'm also from Mars. My cousins are Klingons. Spock is a distant relative too.


Yo dumbass, I've never said I was in the Army. Always said it was the Air Force. That's your dementia acting up.

Back to the topic. Those are combat troops. PERIOD.

Now STFU old man.
How many times do we brilliant people have to remind you losers that Panetta and a whole string of others backed us up?

You believe the Panetta selling some books. I believe the Panetta when he was Secretary of defense. But since he's proven to be two/faced in order to sell a book, no one should believe a word he says now. You hitched your wagon to a rat.

Check what your buddy Deltex has to say about opinions.

Panetta held an opinion when he serving in public office. I will replay his exchange with Senator McCain during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Iraq in November of 2011. Panetta dismissed McCain’s claims that Obama wanted all US troops out of Iraq by the end of 2011 and leave no residual force behind.

Here is that exchange:

. MARTIN: But Senator John McCain lambasted Secretary Panetta. His criticism, the White House never wanted the negotiations to succeed in the first place.

SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: And the truth is that this administration was committed to the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, and they made it happen.

DEFENSE: Senator McCain, that's just simply not true. I guess you can believe that, and I respect your beliefs.

MCCAIN: And I respect your opinion of it.

DEFENSE: But that's not...

And the outcome is exactly as predicted.

But that's not how it happened.

MCCAIN: It is how it happened. (Unintelligible).

DEFENSE: This is about negotiating with a sovereign country, an independent country. This was about their needs. This is not about us telling them what we're going to for with them or what they're going to have to do.

MCCAIN: It's about our needs, as well, Mr. Secretary.

DEFENSE: This is about their country making a decision as to what is necessary here.

Panetta Addresses Iraq Troop Withdrawal On The Hill NPR

Panetta in November 2011: This is about their country making a decision as to what is necessary here. ...This is about negotiating with a sovereign country, an independent country. This was about their needs. This is not about us telling them what we're going to for with them or what they're going to have to do. "

Yawn. The list is long. Gates, generals and two ambassadors in addition to Panetta. Wow, I've typed this irrefutable fact 20 times yet you still ask it again.

You belong in the same nuthouse Fakey does. :)
EC will run away, shouting over her shoulder, "I am not running away.'

I am running away. I am running away. I am running away.

I thought you said the opposite.

Wait, your demented brain always gets it backward, LOL.

Everyone knows they're combat troops idiot. Dummy.

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