Guess How Many Troops Obama Just Authorized 2B Deployed to Iraq?? Sound Familiar, LOL?

BB 10127980
Obama decided not to listen to his advisors to negotiate a status of forces agreement that left troops there

Nonsense. Obama negotiated. The negotiations did not produce the results some advisers hoped to see. Iraq would not cave on the immunity matter and none of those advisers argue that Obama should have caved on that.
I seem to remember all those "advisors" that were in Viet Nam.

We left Iraq with an Army, a Govt and the ability to make their own country. Took em three years to lose it all and I could care if the Muslims all kill each other.

No way should we have troops back in Iraq.

After all. Barry said the war was over. Mission Accomplished and our troops were pulled out three years ago at the insistance of the Iraqi Govt.

Where are all those folks who protested our troops in Iraq now that Barry has re commited our forces to that country??
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I seem to remember all those "advisors" that were in Viet Nam.

We left Iraq with an Army, a Govt and the ability to make their own country. Took em three years to lose it all and I could care if the Muslims all kill each other.

No way should we have troops back in Iraq.

After all. Barry said the war was over. Mission Accomplished and our troops were pulled out three years ago at the insistance of the Iraqi Govt.

Where are all those folks who protested our troops in Iraq now that Barry has re commited our forces to that country??
Those folks went on vacation and campaigning without voting in Congress to advise or consent to sending the troops back to Iraq at the Iraqi governments request. They shirked their responsibility and let the President use the old and still in place authority that allowed troops to be in Iraq in the first place. Additional troops and funding are now dependent on Congress to give it's approval.
I seem to remember all those "advisors" that were in Viet Nam.

We left Iraq with an Army, a Govt and the ability to make their own country. Took em three years to lose it all and I could care if the Muslims all kill each other.

No way should we have troops back in Iraq.

After all. Barry said the war was over. Mission Accomplished and our troops were pulled out three years ago at the insistance of the Iraqi Govt.

Where are all those folks who protested our troops in Iraq now that Barry has re commited our forces to that country??
Those folks went on vacation and campaigning without voting in Congress to advise or consent to sending the troops back to Iraq at the Iraqi governments request. They shirked their responsibility and let the President use the old and still in place authority that allowed troops to be in Iraq in the first place. Additional troops and funding are now dependent on Congress to give it's approval.

I hope Congress tells him to kiss their ass.
You forgot to move on to the here and conveeeeeeeenient.
What is convenient is how republicans forget the role they played in pushing us into war and what a blunder that decision was

Your Dear Leader didn't end any wars. He only started new ones. I know that's incredibly difficult for you Obamabots to face, but it is reality.
Which wars did he start and which ones did he ignore the whining of the war Hawks and keep us the hell out?

Look, your Dear Leader has gotten us involved with several military conflicts. He hasn't ended any. That's just the way it is. But hey, you're free to live in denial all you want. I understand you have your Obamabot programming. It is what it is.
Name some and we can discuss the scope of our involvement and what military force you believe should have been used

You're in denial. Your Dear Leader has not ended any wars. He's only continued and started new ones. You've been duped. It is what it is.
DT 10127860
ten since W...twenty since 41....

Forty-one knew right from wrong. Its too bad he didn't impart that wisdom to his foolish son. Forty-Three had the chance to verify Iraq was disarmed without killing anyone when Iraqis were not killing each other. Forty-Three chose in 2003 to arouse an internecine killing spree that was never fully abated or resolved prior to the end of his term. And while that remains a significant factor in all this Bush is given a pass for cutting a deal that set the end date for US involvement to come to an end,

Bush could have at least tied Maliki to include Anbar Sunnis in Iraq's future and security forces. But Bush cut and run and now lets his idiot minions try to blame it all on Obama.
Put down the crack pipe Foo...the "internecine killing spree" has existed ever since Mohammad invented have to stop the blind protection of your hero and stop trying to blow smoke up the LIBTARDS ass...they're the only ones stupid enough to buy what youre selling.
Then why is Obama doubling the number of troops in Iraq?
Specifically, allegedly to train 9 new Iraqi Army brigades and 2 Peshmerga brigades. In addition, 2 Operation centers, one dedicated to Anbar Province.

We already accomplished that, Camp. Wake up.
You wake up. The advisers and funding are scheduled for new brigades that will be trained specifically for the "destroy" portion oF the "degrade and destroy" strategy. You just don't know the difference between conventional maneuver forces, static defense forces and shock troops. The concept of defensive and offensive abilities is beyond your knowledge. The only shock troops available to the Iraqi forces at the present time are Shiite militia being commanded by an Iranian General and some pitiful small and ill equipped Peshmerga units.
Think air cav, paratroopers and Marines. Maybe a light will go off in your dopey head.

As usual, I'm talking the big fucking know....the thing your hero Obama couldn't see if his life depended on it......but I'm talking about what we spent ten years already doing that he's claiming he's going back in to do. It all went completely over your head.
-> Libya: Now a mess with two governments, and Islamists causing trouble.
-> Syria: Held by Assad and by Islamists worse than him i.e. IS and Free Syria Army.
-> Iraq: After supporting an ineffective Shiite administration and knocking off Saddam - Islamists now control a large part of Iraq.
-> Ukraine: Much like Georgia, Ukraine is trying to hold on to more than it can chew. The blame game with Moscow, and the sanctions, are hurting American investments in Russia and not accomplishing peace.
-> Nation X: To be continued...

Or we could get ourselves out of the mess that is the Middle East, end the sanctions with Russia, and be glad we got out before things got worse.

Yup all the result of the 2003 invasion that destabilized the ME.

WMD was there you stupid ass. Even your favorite Socialist rag, the New York Times, was forced to admit it IN WRITING several months ago. MORON. We've been over this a million times, IDIOT.
Then why is Obama doubling the number of troops in Iraq?
Specifically, allegedly to train 9 new Iraqi Army brigades and 2 Peshmerga brigades. In addition, 2 Operation centers, one dedicated to Anbar Province.

We already accomplished that, Camp. Wake up.
You wake up. The advisers and funding are scheduled for new brigades that will be trained specifically for the "destroy" portion oF the "degrade and destroy" strategy. You just don't know the difference between conventional maneuver forces, static defense forces and shock troops. The concept of defensive and offensive abilities is beyond your knowledge. The only shock troops available to the Iraqi forces at the present time are Shiite militia being commanded by an Iranian General and some pitiful small and ill equipped Peshmerga units.
Think air cav, paratroopers and Marines. Maybe a light will go off in your dopey head.
And who has empowered ISIS in Iraq ? I thought we had that place in check, so what happened ? Did the undermining of this nation by the left empower ISIS in Iraq, where as all the signals they (ISIS) had gotten were just GO, and this because of what we have had in the type of leadership in which we have currently in place within America today ?

-> Libya: Now a mess with two governments, and Islamists causing trouble.
-> Syria: Held by Assad and by Islamists worse than him i.e. IS and Free Syria Army.
-> Iraq: After supporting an ineffective Shiite administration and knocking off Saddam - Islamists now control a large part of Iraq.
-> Ukraine: Much like Georgia, Ukraine is trying to hold on to more than it can chew. The blame game with Moscow, and the sanctions, are hurting American investments in Russia and not accomplishing peace.
-> Nation X: To be continued...

Or we could get ourselves out of the mess that is the Middle East, end the sanctions with Russia, and be glad we got out before things got worse.

Yup all the result of the 2003 invasion that destabilized the ME.

WMD was there you stupid ass. Even your favorite Socialist rag, the New York Times, was forced to admit it IN WRITING several months ago. MORON. We've been over this a million times, IDIOT.

:lol: Not as were described as a cause for war, it was not, by anyone of repute.

EC, you are simply an idiot and a poor liar.
Bush wanted to give Obabble some chance/room to negotiate.

Bush would do that with a ten year deal like the one Obama got in Afghanistan. But Bush failed to preserve his own surge victory by cutting short the supposed amount of time that was needed to preserve it?

Bush agreed to pull all the US troops out of Iraqi cities just five months into Obama's presidency. That gave Obama no room at all to negotiate. Bush made it known that Maliki and Muqtada al Sadr were in control of where US troops could go to engage the enemy.

I have heard no complaints about Bush's failed negotiations on his way out.

And he left Afghanistan in a big mess while he was getting the MalikiSadr SOFA shoved up his ass in Iraq, by the way.
Foo, you can engage in revisionism all you want.

But when the 2016 elections get here, there are so many videotaped statements of the President lying out his teeth or contradicting himself ON ALL THINGS FOREIGN POLICY that if the GOP can't paste together some awesome ads reminding people, they deserve to be trounced.
-> Libya: Now a mess with two governments, and Islamists causing trouble.
-> Syria: Held by Assad and by Islamists worse than him i.e. IS and Free Syria Army.
-> Iraq: After supporting an ineffective Shiite administration and knocking off Saddam - Islamists now control a large part of Iraq.
-> Ukraine: Much like Georgia, Ukraine is trying to hold on to more than it can chew. The blame game with Moscow, and the sanctions, are hurting American investments in Russia and not accomplishing peace.
-> Nation X: To be continued...

Or we could get ourselves out of the mess that is the Middle East, end the sanctions with Russia, and be glad we got out before things got worse.

Yup all the result of the 2003 invasion that destabilized the ME.

WMD was there you stupid ass. Even your favorite Socialist rag, the New York Times, was forced to admit it IN WRITING several months ago. MORON. We've been over this a million times, IDIOT.

:lol: Not as were described as a cause for war, it was not, by anyone of repute.

EC, you are simply an idiot and a poor liar.

Here...this bears repeating for an even bigger foo than FOO:

"But when the 2016 elections get here, there are so many videotaped statements of the President lying out his teeth or contradicting himself ON ALL THINGS FOREIGN POLICY that if the GOP can't paste together some awesome ads reminding people, they deserve to be trounced."

Hey Fakey, as a Capitalist, I think it's great you add to click count for this Board, but that's the limit of your value.

We all know it. Including you darling.

So by all means, post away, Fakey. We all just chuckle.
EconChick continues to fiddle and spittle all the nonsense of which she is capable.

I hope we can prove his foreign policy has failed, but he sure has proved our neo-con policies have been disastrous.
DT 10127860
ten since W...twenty since 41....

Forty-one knew right from wrong. Its too bad he didn't impart that wisdom to his foolish son. Forty-Three had the chance to verify Iraq was disarmed without killing anyone when Iraqis were not killing each other. Forty-Three chose in 2003 to arouse an internecine killing spree that was never fully abated or resolved prior to the end of his term. And while that remains a significant factor in all this Bush is given a pass for cutting a deal that set the end date for US involvement to come to an end,

Bush could have at least tied Maliki to include Anbar Sunnis in Iraq's future and security forces. But Bush cut and run and now lets his idiot minions try to blame it all on Obama.
Put down the crack pipe Foo...the "internecine killing spree" has existed ever since Mohammad invented have to stop the blind protection of your hero and stop trying to blow smoke up the LIBTARDS ass...they're the only ones stupid enough to buy what youre selling.

Foo must be an ISIS plant on this Board. :badgrin:
EconChick continues to fiddle and spittle all the nonsense of which she is capable.

I hope we can prove his foreign policy has failed, but he sure has proved our neo-con policies have been disastrous.

I've been right on everything I've argued on this board, Bullwinkle.
-> Libya: Now a mess with two governments, and Islamists causing trouble.
-> Syria: Held by Assad and by Islamists worse than him i.e. IS and Free Syria Army.
-> Iraq: After supporting an ineffective Shiite administration and knocking off Saddam - Islamists now control a large part of Iraq.
-> Ukraine: Much like Georgia, Ukraine is trying to hold on to more than it can chew. The blame game with Moscow, and the sanctions, are hurting American investments in Russia and not accomplishing peace.
-> Nation X: To be continued...

Or we could get ourselves out of the mess that is the Middle East, end the sanctions with Russia, and be glad we got out before things got worse.

Yup all the result of the 2003 invasion that destabilized the ME.

WMD was there you stupid ass. Even your favorite Socialist rag, the New York Times, was forced to admit it IN WRITING several months ago. MORON. We've been over this a million times, IDIOT.

:lol: Not as were described as a cause for war, it was not, by anyone of repute.

EC, you are simply an idiot and a poor liar.

Here...this bears repeating for an even bigger foo than FOO:

"But when the 2016 elections get here, there are so many videotaped statements of the President lying out his teeth or contradicting himself ON ALL THINGS FOREIGN POLICY that if the GOP can't paste together some awesome ads reminding people, they deserve to be trounced."

Hey Fakey, as a Capitalist, I think it's great you add to click count for this Board, but that's the limit of your value.

We all know it. Including you darling.

So by all means, post away, Fakey. We all just chuckle.
Obama isn't running

What are Republicans going to run on in foreign policy? that they have been wrong all the time?
DT 10127860
ten since W...twenty since 41....

Forty-one knew right from wrong. Its too bad he didn't impart that wisdom to his foolish son. Forty-Three had the chance to verify Iraq was disarmed without killing anyone when Iraqis were not killing each other. Forty-Three chose in 2003 to arouse an internecine killing spree that was never fully abated or resolved prior to the end of his term. And while that remains a significant factor in all this Bush is given a pass for cutting a deal that set the end date for US involvement to come to an end,

Bush could have at least tied Maliki to include Anbar Sunnis in Iraq's future and security forces. But Bush cut and run and now lets his idiot minions try to blame it all on Obama.
Put down the crack pipe Foo...the "internecine killing spree" has existed ever since Mohammad invented have to stop the blind protection of your hero and stop trying to blow smoke up the LIBTARDS ass...they're the only ones stupid enough to buy what youre selling.

ISIS is pretty sophisticated when it comes to the internet.....wouldn't doubt if they track down all the ISIS related threads.....if they are reading this thread, they are laughing their asses off at Foo and Fakey.

Hey, Foo and Fakey. It's got a ring to it. :)
EC has continued to be wrong on everything, including the extent of our victories last week.

She is a neo-con, which ends her integrity right there.
-> Libya: Now a mess with two governments, and Islamists causing trouble.
-> Syria: Held by Assad and by Islamists worse than him i.e. IS and Free Syria Army.
-> Iraq: After supporting an ineffective Shiite administration and knocking off Saddam - Islamists now control a large part of Iraq.
-> Ukraine: Much like Georgia, Ukraine is trying to hold on to more than it can chew. The blame game with Moscow, and the sanctions, are hurting American investments in Russia and not accomplishing peace.
-> Nation X: To be continued...

Or we could get ourselves out of the mess that is the Middle East, end the sanctions with Russia, and be glad we got out before things got worse.

Yup all the result of the 2003 invasion that destabilized the ME.

WMD was there you stupid ass. Even your favorite Socialist rag, the New York Times, was forced to admit it IN WRITING several months ago. MORON. We've been over this a million times, IDIOT.

:lol: Not as were described as a cause for war, it was not, by anyone of repute.

EC, you are simply an idiot and a poor liar.

Here...this bears repeating for an even bigger foo than FOO:

"But when the 2016 elections get here, there are so many videotaped statements of the President lying out his teeth or contradicting himself ON ALL THINGS FOREIGN POLICY that if the GOP can't paste together some awesome ads reminding people, they deserve to be trounced."

Hey Fakey, as a Capitalist, I think it's great you add to click count for this Board, but that's the limit of your value.

We all know it. Including you darling.

So by all means, post away, Fakey. We all just chuckle.
Obama isn't running

What are Republicans going to run on in foreign policy? that they have been wrong all the time?

Come' on're not dopey like LL, Fakey, Foo, know he will do permanent damage to your party. GOP successfully tied Dems to Obama this election....wait till we see disastrous results of his Iraq policy.

Remember, "I said I'd win the Iraq War and I have" from Obummer?

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