Guess How Many Troops Obama Just Authorized 2B Deployed to Iraq?? Sound Familiar, LOL?

We are involved in war activities because the neo-cons destabilized the ME in the first place. The US needs to bring its troops home and continue to work on energy independence.
We can do the same with the 4000 troops in west Africa ..bring them home and work on ebola immunity. Fuck the world ehhhh jake?
Shows the difference in using troops for humanitarian purposes rather than nation building doesn't it?
Troops are to kill enemies. If you want humanitarian send the peace corpse.
And what of Libya, Syria, Egypt, Ukraine,

Iraq.......5000 US dead
Libya.......0 dead
Syria........0 dead
Egypt.......0 dead
Ukraine.....0 dead

I like Obamas policy better

You're completely UNDER-informed. As usual.
OK, Iraq = Liberated, and a dictator that was a huge menace to the middle east society at large is now gone. His son's who were also a terror are GONE. His idiot cabinet who would follow him straight into Hell like Hitlers followers did him are GONE.

OK, Libya = a dangerous place that got our ambassador there killed, along with others who couldn't get the help needed by this administration that had left these men behind.

OK, Syria = currently at war, hundreds of thousands dead, and no end in sight.

OK, Egypt = Tried it Obumblers way, but then had to arrest the Muslim brotherhood President and his ilk, even as Obumbler and is gang protested this action in which it had taken against the bru-tha hood.

OK, Ukraine = A notable demonstration that Obumbler has no influence on Russia, and on the stopping of Russia's actions in that country whether it be through negotiations or diplomatic efforts. His cozening up to Putin on the supposedly closed microphone makes him a laughing stock now and/or untrustworthy to us here in this nation all because of.

What part of 5000 Americans killed for no reason can't you comprehend?

There were ample reasons for invading Iraq. If you don't believe me, ask John Kerry and Hillary Clinton as well as a large number of other leading Democrats who voted for the authorization to do so. Their 'I was for it before I was against it' BS is not playing well with most people. Their positions and statements have been posted on USMB dozens of times and I won't waste time doing it again.
You can post your nonsense as often as you want. People based their support for the war in Iraq on misinformation at best and outright lies at worst. But that's only the first part. No one expected us to become an occupying force that would fight an insurgency war for a decade. We got suckered into that. No one expected Bush and company to be such horrible war leaders and tacticians. They turned victory into defeat and it had nothing to do with the war on the people who attacked us on 9/11. Instead of defeating al Qaeda they made them stronger.
How many Wars is Obama up to now? Lost track. And shame on Obamabots. Anti-War? Yeah right.

Ding ding ding ding. Either go in and do it right.....or get the hell totally out. Obama's done the worst of both.
Obama fucked up the military gains in Iraq by pulling all US troops out to appease his kook fanbase here.

ISIS rolled into Iraq cutting off heads, raping little girls, killing "all" males 10 and older in cities they raid.....and yet liberal scum still don't want to admit the fucking mistake of leaving Iraq unprotected.....

Well said!
This President is fucking retarded. Holy shit. Should have sent in 100,000 troops plus air power and send these isis fuckers to hell in a matter of 2 weeks, which is all it would take with some American casualties. Attack them from the north and south and corner them
into the center then drop a bunker buster bomb or two right on them.

Obama isn't retarded, he merely hopes that Americans are. He hopes that all Americans are as stupid as JakeStarkey is and believe that American's aren't going into combat in Iraq.

REALLY well said! LOL.

Some of these posts are so good I need to create my uber, uber, special file to stick them in!
Obama's a classic Communist/Progressive Interventionist. Just because his body-count hasn't reach 5,000 U.S. Soldiers, doesn't mean he's not every bit the Interventionist Neocons are.

The Obamabot logic on this issue, isn't really logical at all. Check out this great Stossel piece on how much Neocons and Progressives actually agree on War/Intervention.

Obama's a classic Communist/Progressive Interventionist. Just because his body-count hasn't reach 5,000 U.S. Soldiers, doesn't mean he's not every bit the Interventionist Neocons are.

The Obamabot logic on this issue, isn't really logical at all. Check out this great Stossel piece on how much Neocons and Progressives actually agree on War/Intervention.

I have to respectfully disagree, my friend. This is an area you and I can have a civil conversation about. We conservatives who are also non-isolationists believe in going in and doing it right. And only in the few areas where it's warranted.

Progressives that happen to be interventionist always do it for the wrong reason and they always do it half assed...and they go places (like Libya) that I would never have gone.
Pauli is not making any important point.

Either he wants ISIS ISIL defeated or not.

His hatred of the President and the American system, like bripat, clouds his vision.

It's funny how I disagree with Pauli on one very fundamental BIG issue (Iraq) yet I have 100 times more respect for him than I have for you. He's consistent, he doesn't lie (knowingly), he doesn't flip flop, he has integrity, he has brains, I really enjoy reading his posts.....the list is long........ all the opposite of you.

I'm pretty sure most people think the same.
Pauli is not making any important point.

Either he wants ISIS ISIL defeated or not.

His hatred of the President and the American system, like bripat, clouds his vision.

It's funny how I disagree with Pauli on one very fundamental BIG issue (Iraq) yet I have 100 times more respect for him than I have for you. He's consistent, he doesn't lie (knowingly), he doesn't flip flop, he has integrity, he has brains, I really enjoy reading his posts.....the list is long........ all the opposite of you.

I'm pretty sure most people think the same.
Yo EC....that post of mine was #91
Let's start with Afghanistan where Bush abandoned the war on terror to engage in his blunder of an invasion of Iraq

Then let's move on to Iraq where Bush overstated the threat, underestimated the difficulty of the occupation and never contemplated that we would need to be there for decades to shore up his weak political coalition
You forgot to move on to the here and conveeeeeeeenient.
What is convenient is how republicans forget the role they played in pushing us into war and what a blunder that decision was

Your Dear Leader didn't end any wars. He only started new ones. I know that's incredibly difficult for you Obamabots to face, but it is reality.
Which wars did he start and which ones did he ignore the whining of the war Hawks and keep us the hell out?

Look, your Dear Leader has gotten us involved with several military conflicts. He hasn't ended any. That's just the way it is. But hey, you're free to live in denial all you want. I understand you have your Obamabot programming. It is what it is.
Name some and we can discuss the scope of our involvement and what military force you believe should have been used
Then why is Obama doubling the number of troops in Iraq?
Specifically, allegedly to train 9 new Iraqi Army brigades and 2 Peshmerga brigades. In addition, 2 Operation centers, one dedicated to Anbar Province.

We already accomplished that, Camp. Wake up.
You wake up. The advisers and funding are scheduled for new brigades that will be trained specifically for the "destroy" portion oF the "degrade and destroy" strategy. You just don't know the difference between conventional maneuver forces, static defense forces and shock troops. The concept of defensive and offensive abilities is beyond your knowledge. The only shock troops available to the Iraqi forces at the present time are Shiite militia being commanded by an Iranian General and some pitiful small and ill equipped Peshmerga units.
Think air cav, paratroopers and Marines. Maybe a light will go off in your dopey head.
-> Libya: Now a mess with two governments, and Islamists causing trouble.
-> Syria: Held by Assad and by Islamists worse than him i.e. IS and Free Syria Army.
-> Iraq: After supporting an ineffective Shiite administration and knocking off Saddam - Islamists now control a large part of Iraq.
-> Ukraine: Much like Georgia, Ukraine is trying to hold on to more than it can chew. The blame game with Moscow, and the sanctions, are hurting American investments in Russia and not accomplishing peace.
-> Nation X: To be continued...

Or we could get ourselves out of the mess that is the Middle East, end the sanctions with Russia, and be glad we got out before things got worse.

Yup all the result of the 2003 invasion that destabilized the ME.
There were ample reasons for invading Iraq. If you don't believe me, ask John Kerry and Hillary Clinton as well as a large number of other leading Democrats who voted for the authorization to do so. Their 'I was for it before I was against it' BS is not playing well with most people. Their positions and statements have been posted on USMB dozens of times and I won't waste time doing it again.
You can post your nonsense as often as you want. People based their support for the war in Iraq on misinformation at best and outright lies at worst. But that's only the first part. No one expected us to become an occupying force that would fight an insurgency war for a decade. We got suckered into that. No one expected Bush and company to be such horrible war leaders and tacticians. They turned victory into defeat and it had nothing to do with the war on the people who attacked us on 9/11. Instead of defeating al Qaeda they made them stronger.
You have a very selective perspective and sloppy logic. What victory did bush turn into defeat? That was your hero's doing.
Let's start with Afghanistan where Bush abandoned the war on terror to engage in his blunder of an invasion of Iraq

Then let's move on to Iraq where Bush overstated the threat, underestimated the difficulty of the occupation and never contemplated that we would need to be there for decades to shore up his weak political coalition
You forgot to move on to the here and conveeeeeeeenient.
What is convenient is how republicans forget the role they played in pushing us into war and what a blunder that decision was
Just republicans eh ?
-> Libya: Now a mess with two governments, and Islamists causing trouble.
-> Syria: Held by Assad and by Islamists worse than him i.e. IS and Free Syria Army.
-> Iraq: After supporting an ineffective Shiite administration and knocking off Saddam - Islamists now control a large part of Iraq.
-> Ukraine: Much like Georgia, Ukraine is trying to hold on to more than it can chew. The blame game with Moscow, and the sanctions, are hurting American investments in Russia and not accomplishing peace.
-> Nation X: To be continued...

Or we could get ourselves out of the mess that is the Middle East, end the sanctions with Russia, and be glad we got out before things got worse.

Yup all the result of the 2003 invasion that destabilized the ME.
Don't contributed to global warming also.
Then why is Obama doubling the number of troops in Iraq?
Specifically, allegedly to train 9 new Iraqi Army brigades and 2 Peshmerga brigades. In addition, 2 Operation centers, one dedicated to Anbar Province.

We already accomplished that, Camp. Wake up.
You wake up. The advisers and funding are scheduled for new brigades that will be trained specifically for the "destroy" portion oF the "degrade and destroy" strategy. You just don't know the difference between conventional maneuver forces, static defense forces and shock troops. The concept of defensive and offensive abilities is beyond your knowledge. The only shock troops available to the Iraqi forces at the present time are Shiite militia being commanded by an Iranian General and some pitiful small and ill equipped Peshmerga units.
Think air cav, paratroopers and Marines. Maybe a light will go off in your dopey head.
And who has empowered ISIS in Iraq ? I thought we had that place in check, so what happened ? Did the undermining of this nation by the left empower ISIS in Iraq, where as all the signals they (ISIS) had gotten were just GO, and this because of what we have had in the type of leadership in which we have currently in place within America today ?
You can post your nonsense as often as you want. People based their support for the war in Iraq on misinformation at best and outright lies at worst. But that's only the first part. No one expected us to become an occupying force that would fight an insurgency war for a decade. We got suckered into that. No one expected Bush and company to be such horrible war leaders and tacticians. They turned victory into defeat and it had nothing to do with the war on the people who attacked us on 9/11. Instead of defeating al Qaeda they made them stronger.
You have a very selective perspective and sloppy logic. What victory did bush turn into defeat? That was your hero's doing.
Let's start with Afghanistan where Bush abandoned the war on terror to engage in his blunder of an invasion of Iraq

Then let's move on to Iraq where Bush overstated the threat, underestimated the difficulty of the occupation and never contemplated that we would need to be there for decades to shore up his weak political coalition
You forgot to move on to the here and conveeeeeeeenient.
What is convenient is how republicans forget the role they played in pushing us into war and what a blunder that decision was
Just republicans eh ?

Let's see?

95% of Republicans voted for the war
45% of Democrats
Bush wanted to give Obabble some chance/room to negotiate.

Bush would do that with a ten year deal like the one Obama got in Afghanistan. But Bush failed to preserve his own surge victory by cutting short the supposed amount of time that was needed to preserve it?

Bush agreed to pull all the US troops out of Iraqi cities just five months into Obama's presidency. That gave Obama no room at all to negotiate. Bush made it known that Maliki and Muqtada al Sadr were in control of where US troops could go to engage the enemy.

I have heard no complaints about Bush's failed negotiations on his way out.

And he left Afghanistan in a big mess while he was getting the MalikiSadr SOFA shoved up his ass in Iraq, by the way.

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