Guess the race -25,000 Households In Baltimore To Get Water Shut Off This Week For Not Paying Bills

Your article never even mentions the word "black". Except for your own comment under another name.
Racist Army of One, on the prowl again, determined to keep stirring the shit no matter what...

Hey einstein. Baltimore is officially 64% black which means it's actually 85% black since all cities lie about their black population to avoid scaring away business. So yeah - i'm confident in saying nearly all these deadbeats are black. THINK
The article also mentions a similar situation in Detroit and it's 83% black.
LMAO having lights and heat are luxuries? Wow....Electric and water companies charge OUTRAGEOUS amounts of money. 1st it should be capped,eventually moving towards complete government control over ALL utilities and using tax dollars to pay for same time start putting money into better ways to warm homes,light homes etc.

HAHAHA. So you want EVERYONE'S heat and water and light to be paid for by govt??? What incentive would people have to conserve under such a system.? THINK
So you think people would just go all out and leave lights on and water on for the hell of it? Good lord....its a mixed bag of what needs to happen . Government control of utilities,work programs for ALL on welfare,or training them for new jobs etc,caps on how much electricity and water can be charged for etc.

Sure they would. If those things were provided to them funded by taxes they don't pay, why would they care what it cost?

I believe all those on welfare should be doing something for the handout. As far as job training is concerned, my tax money already went and still goes to something called public education despite my kids no longer using it. My parents, who haven't had a child in public schools in over 30 years, still pay taxes to provide job training and education. They had a chance and didn't take it.
[QUOTE="Conservative65, post: 11127577, member: 51891"][QUOTE="Odium, post: 11127045, member: 53183"][QUOTE="Anathema, post: 11127012, member: 48761"]
Electricity and Water should not be thing to be bought and paid for....more scum trying to make a buck off of poor folks white black latino asian I don't give a shit.

As someone who works for an electric utility company...... how the Hell do you expect these people to get electricity (or clean water); both of which are LUXURIES not Rights; if they don't want to pay the people who create and distribute it.[/QUOTE]
LMAO having lights and heat are luxuries? Wow....Electric and water companies charge OUTRAGEOUS amounts of money. 1st it should be capped,eventually moving towards complete government control over ALL utilities and using tax dollars to pay for same time start putting money into better ways to warm homes,light homes etc.[/QUOTE]

What about those who don't pay the taxes that fund those utilities?[/QUOTE]In a right kind of society EVERYONE works unless they have a legit reason not to. Those that refuse will be neutered so they can't produce more kids that society must take care of and that they might pass their laziness on to.
Your article never even mentions the word "black". Except for your own comment under another name.
Racist Army of One, on the prowl again, determined to keep stirring the shit no matter what...

Hey einstein. Baltimore is officially 64% black which means it's actually 85% black since all cities lie about their black population to avoid scaring away business. So yeah - i'm confident in saying nearly all these deadbeats are black. THINK
The article also mentions a similar situation in Detroit and it's 83% black.

Doesn't matter. There's no indication of anyone's race at all in either example.
Or anywhere in the article at all. The OP made it up. The article isn't about race in any way.

His second link however does note this, for what it's worth...

In 2012, a review by The Baltimore Sun found that some big businesses, government offices and nonprofits had run up more than $10 million in unpaid water bills. Today, just 369 of the past-due accounts are commercial properties, but they make up $15 million of the missing revenue, city officials said.


Officials did not immediately identify which accounts had the largest balances. But Chow said bankrupt RG Steel's delinquent city water bills still account for $7 million of the uncollected funds. "We have been actively engaging them," he said of the steel company.​
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Your article never even mentions the word "black". Except for your own comment under another name.
Racist Army of One, on the prowl again, determined to keep stirring the shit no matter what...

Hey einstein. Baltimore is officially 64% black which means it's actually 85% black since all cities lie about their black population to avoid scaring away business. So yeah - i'm confident in saying nearly all these deadbeats are black. THINK
The article also mentions a similar situation in Detroit and it's 83% black.

Doesn't matter. There's no indication of anyone's race at all in either example.
Or anywhere in the article at all. The OP made it up. The article isn't about race in any way.

So statistical possibilities don't matter?
Your article never even mentions the word "black". Except for your own comment under another name.
Racist Army of One, on the prowl again, determined to keep stirring the shit no matter what...

Hey einstein. Baltimore is officially 64% black which means it's actually 85% black since all cities lie about their black population to avoid scaring away business. So yeah - i'm confident in saying nearly all these deadbeats are black. THINK
The article also mentions a similar situation in Detroit and it's 83% black.

Doesn't matter. There's no indication of anyone's race at all in either example.
Or anywhere in the article at all. The OP made it up. The article isn't about race in any way.

So statistical possibilities don't matter?

Nope. But his incessant race-baiting asshole shit does. Which is why I attack it.
Your article never even mentions the word "black". Except for your own comment under another name.
Racist Army of One, on the prowl again, determined to keep stirring the shit no matter what...

Hey einstein. Baltimore is officially 64% black which means it's actually 85% black since all cities lie about their black population to avoid scaring away business. So yeah - i'm confident in saying nearly all these deadbeats are black. THINK
The article also mentions a similar situation in Detroit and it's 83% black.

Doesn't matter. There's no indication of anyone's race at all in either example.
Or anywhere in the article at all. The OP made it up. The article isn't about race in any way.

So statistical possibilities don't matter?

Nope. But his incessant race-baiting asshole shit does. Which is why I attack it.

What you do if ignore true possibilities.
Hey einstein. Baltimore is officially 64% black which means it's actually 85% black since all cities lie about their black population to avoid scaring away business. So yeah - i'm confident in saying nearly all these deadbeats are black. THINK
The article also mentions a similar situation in Detroit and it's 83% black.

Doesn't matter. There's no indication of anyone's race at all in either example.
Or anywhere in the article at all. The OP made it up. The article isn't about race in any way.

So statistical possibilities don't matter?

Nope. But his incessant race-baiting asshole shit does. Which is why I attack it.

What you do if ignore true possibilities.

That isn't even English. But if I really need to spell this out, his grand fallacy isn't in his throw-a-dart-at-the-wall assumption that of these 25,000 customers they're all black; it's his assumption that they're overdue in their bills because they're black:

well, the people that do that want to be paid. Blacks are too dumb to understand that.

-- which I might add, doubles down on ignorance by assuming that bills for anything merely need payment, and that the money to do so simply exists for everyone in unlimited quantities, i.e. that nonpayment of a bill amounts to a "choice".

That's the level of abject pig-ignorance we're looking at here.
That's what I did when I lived in New Orleans. I figure, "trust public officials in a city where everybody gets their job based on 'who you know' and 'who's your daddy?' Don't think so". Then I looked around for sources of spring water and stayed with that.

Where I live now there's a natural spring up the road (as well as the one in the mountain that supplies the neighborhood). It's all clean and drinkable, since it hasn't been polluted by a surrounding city. But those that live in such a city don't have that luxury.

The board notes, with much disappointment, that a Progressive such as yourself would abandon New Orleans, leaving behind all the disadvantaged folks you could have been helping. That you fled to what surely has to be a lily-white rural enclave in a blatant display of racism.
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Your article never even mentions the word "black". Except for your own comment under another name.
Racist Army of One, on the prowl again, determined to keep stirring the shit no matter what...

Hey einstein. Baltimore is officially 64% black which means it's actually 85% black since all cities lie about their black population to avoid scaring away business. So yeah - i'm confident in saying nearly all these deadbeats are black. THINK
somebody as stupid as this guy implying that someone else is stupid....unbelievable.....
That's what I did when I lived in New Orleans. I figure, "trust public officials in a city where everybody gets their job based on 'who you know' and 'who's your daddy?' Don't think so". Then I looked around for sources of spring water and stayed with that.

Where I live now there's a natural spring up the road (as well as the one in the mountain that supplies the neighborhood). It's all clean and drinkable, since it hasn't been polluted by a surrounding city. But those that live in such a city don't have that luxury.

The board notes, with much disappointment, that a Progressive such as yourself would abandon New Orleans, leaving behind all the disadvantaged folks you could have been helping. That you fled to what surely has to be a lily-white rural enclave in a blatant display of racism.

The board notes no such malarkey. The board notes you're making a similar leap to the OP surmising racial makeup of people and areas you don't know, for rhetorically nefarious purposes;

The board also notes Progressive has yet to be defined as a noun in any way that is either less than a century old or the name of an insurance company; the board further ponders your need to hang labels on those who've not chosen such;

The board notes an abject ignorance on your part of the meaning of the word racism -- which does have a definition -- even though a direct example within this very thread, has already been provided and highlighted;

The board further notes the further ass-umption of knowledge of my movements, as I continue to pack for a trip to .... New Orleans. Tomorrow.

And finally the board notes your sycophantic fluff-girling of an OP that fatally shoots itself in the foot with blatant racism, and the board ponders where that defense puts you.
[The fact that you wish them not to live could not possibly be more meaningless.

It could be more meaningless..... it could be your opinion on anything. Welcome to Ignore.
you put the guy on ignore because he disagrees with you? are as pathetic as Dotcom and Shootspeedos....thats what those two idiots Spock would say.....

That's entirely irrelevant. Humans need water to survive, that's a fact, like it or lump it.
Ergo it's not a luxury. The fact that you wish them not to live could not possibly be more meaningless.

As we explained in the OP, water that is purified and pumped into your house IS a luxury. Water by itself is essential but you can get all of that you want by going to a lake or stream. THINK

Water itself still isn't a "luxury".
Got a map of Baltimore showing the "lakes or streams" you can go get drinkable water in?
this dummy thinks that huge body of water to the east is the go to place with your 5 gal bottles...
The board also notes Progressive has yet to be defined as a noun in any way that is either less than a century old or the name of an insurance company; the board further ponders your need to hang labels on those who've not chosen such

You're right.

It was wrong of me to label as "Progressive" an out-and-out racist, who admits to having fled BLACK New Orleans and now cowering in a rural enclave instead of sticking around to pay taxes to help those downtrodden folks.

So, Progressives, my deepest, most Obamaesque, aploogy.
The board also notes Progressive has yet to be defined as a noun in any way that is either less than a century old or the name of an insurance company; the board further ponders your need to hang labels on those who've not chosen such

You're right.

It was wrong of me to label as "Progressive" an out-and-out racist, who admits to having fled BLACK New Orleans and now cowering in a rural enclave instead of sticking around to pay taxes to help those downtrodden folks.

So, Progressives, my deepest, most Obamaesque, aploogy.

I don't think Flo cares about your delusions.

I must say I happily called New Orleans home for a dozen years without ever referring to it or thinking of it as "BLACK New Orleans". I must say that's informative. But while I was there I was happy to live and work among a vibrant mix of black and white, as well as myriad other ethnic groups -- as I've done ever since on return forays.such as this week. Even though I never thought of those various segments as "BLACK New Orleans", "LATINO New Orleans", "JEWISH New Orleans", or any other artificial label. I'd be hard-pressed to figure out where such dividing lines even were, let alone a reason to create them. It will be delightful to return there yet again and know I don't need to bear the relentless heat of a place with no seasons.

But it's most informative finding out what people's real values are around here. Especially RACIST people's values. How sad to be imprisoned in a label world of one's own making.
As someone who works for an electric utility company...... how the Hell do you expect these people to get electricity (or clean water); both of which are LUXURIES not Rights; if they don't want to pay the people who create and distribute it.

Simple. We raise taxes on working whites so blacks can get free water.
Of course, again working people pay for non-working people

It is class, not race, though the lines are blurred sometimes.
So it somehow was magically NOT racist to take to white-flight like a dove takes to wing, leaving all those ravens squabbling for crumbs?

Well may I be racist. But you have the slight edge, given that I have never run away from any changing neighborhood.
As someone who works for an electric utility company...... how the Hell do you expect these people to get electricity (or clean water); both of which are LUXURIES not Rights; if they don't want to pay the people who create and distribute it.

Simple. We raise taxes on working whites so blacks can get free water.
Of course, again working people pay for non-working people

It is class, not race, though the lines are blurred sometimes.

It is indeed. That was my point on arrival here. Race-master-baiters like to conflate class with race in order to construct racist rants.

Then we have the cowards like Millihenry, trying to cheer them on indirectly.

Some wags just aren't happy unless they can stir the pot when it gets too calm. Then they stand back and go "look what they did!"

This board really needs a psychologist.
Perhaps a good shrink could help with that racist-in-denial issue.

But it's questionable whether Obamacare would pay for it.
Perhaps a good shrink could help with that racist-in-denial issue.

But it's questionable whether Obamacare would pay for it.

In that event I'm sure the generous population of USMB will be delighted to take up a collection for you. :thup:

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