Germany turns off the hot water: Hanover becomes first big city to ban hot water in public buildings in response to Russian gas crisis


the same lesson applies to china if globalists will open their eyes and see it
That, needless to say, tells us that the country to do business with is the US. The one that stole the $300 billion from Russia (by no means am I complaining, I knew the bastards would cheat us anyhow. I don't know how our assholes in the government didn't know). And all the same whatever shit blows the world Russia and China are to blame. Did I miss anyone? Oh, yes, North Korea and Iran, sorry.
That, needless to say, tells us that the country to do business with is the US. The one that stole the $300 billion from Russia (by no means am I complaining, I knew the bastards would cheat us anyhow. I don't know how our assholes in the government didn't know). And all the same whatever shit blows the world Russia and China are to blame. Did I miss anyone? Oh, yes, North Korea and Iran, sorry.
Western countries can replace everything they import from the 4 rogue nations you listed with goods from third countries that do not threaten us

Its just common sense
So tell me .....who are the sanctions against Russia hurting? hmmm?

Hurting the EU of course, in this case Germany!:dunno: and its going to get even worse.

And enabling someone like Putin is going to be a better choice?
One way or another Putin is going to use this to get what he wants. He gets the Ukraine, next he'll want Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. He gets those, then what?

Remember 1939?
Western countries can replace everything they import from the 4 rogue nations you listed with goods from third countries that do not threaten us

Its just common sense
I see where "common sense" got you. Might that be it's not common and it's not sense at all. I'd call it nonsense instead.
Where is that hubris coming from? All your scientists are Chinese or Russians or some other aliens, doctors are Indians. The real americans are busy smoking weed and shooting customers at super-malls. The business is service oriented. The real goods are made in China. Haven't you noticed?
And enabling someone like Putin is going to be a better choice?
One way or another Putin is going to use this to get what he wants. He gets the Ukraine, next he'll want Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. He gets those, then what?

Remember 1939?
They gonna get warm at last. What's bad about this?
I see where "common sense" got you. Might that be it's not common and it's not sense at all. I'd call it nonsense instead.
Where is that hubris coming from? All your scientists are Chinese or Russians or some other aliens, doctors are Indians. The real americans are busy smoking weed and shooting customers at super-malls. The business is service oriented. The real goods are made in China. Haven't you noticed?
You have a very exaggerated and ignorant view of America

The nazis and imperial japanese underestimated America also
Tough shit, Krauts. This wouldn't be happening if Trump were in the WH now. ...

And now the same in Russian now, the language of Trumps friend Putin. :lol:

Happy New World War, idiot.

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Germans are the most neutered people on the planet. They led us into two world wars before ...

Sorry: But it was exclusivelly your own decision to be part of world war 1+2 on the side od the Russian nobles and later on the side of the Russian Soviets - against Germany. You and your allies murdered millions of Germans and you wiped out many German nations - although Germany never had done anything bad to the USA in the whole history of the USA.

And to inform you about real history: Germany did not start World War 1 at all. And that World War 1 continued in World War 2 had many reasons which had also a lot to do with the criminal behavior of the allies who wan World War 1. And the direct cause for WW2 had been the secret part of the Ribbentrop-Molotow pact where Stalin - your ally - and Hitler - your enemy - decided to eliminate the state Poland again.
I admire Scholz resolve, but it gets cold as hell in Hanover in the winter. ...

Because the administration of Hannover has no hot water? The transport of hot water in water pipes costs a lot of senseless wasted energy. And 20°C indoor temperature in winter is luxury.

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The lesson to be learned here is that you just can't do business with Russia as if it were a civilized nation. ...

The people of our region do business with the people in the region which is called "Russia" now since decades of thousands of years.
I wish all members of the United States of Arcturus IV here a nice day in the shadow of your two suns. Don't forget that Germany is not on Arcturus IV but is only a little country on the third planet of the solar system.

And now the same in Russian now, the language of Trumps friend Putin. :lol:

Happy New World War, idiot.

You people who think Trump had any kind of connection with Putin are idiots. Trump was polite and diplomatic in dealing with our adversaries, but firm. He projected strength, and everything he did was for the good of the US.

During the time we had energy dominance under Trump, we caused Russia's oil-based economy to falter. They never would have been able to invade Ukraine at that time. Biden weakened our energy industry and strengthened Russia's and China's.

It was also Germany who had the stupid idea of becoming dependent on Russia's oil and gas, in spite of the fact that Trump warned them about what would happen.

Germany Ignored Trump’s Warnings–Now They Are Regretting It | Those who respect and admire Donald Trump might not understand why people around the world, including leaders, so quickly reject his advice. Trump was a proven businessman who baffled competitors time and again. And he defied the liberal establishment to win the presidency, when few on the left thought he could. And under his leadership, | The Tea Party's Front Page. | Slowly, our freedoms are being chipped away with, "We know better..." justification as its hammer and chisel.
The problem is, that dealing with Russia as if it were a poor, defenseless and less civilized nation cause much more problems.
Russia is a poor country and Putin has proved it is not civilized and clearly its military and political leadership is so corrupt and incompetent that it would be effectively defenseless if NATO/US decided to attack it. The current problems arose from treating Russia as if it were a civilized nation, and Russia's current problem arose from thinking Ukraine was just a poor, defenseless nation.
Elimination of all imports from Russia means suicide for Germany (and EU). Europe already lost four governments since start of the special operation.
No, it just means Europeans will pay slightly more for energy and that European nations will have to compete a little harder to keep their economies thriving. In Europe, the people can change the government whenever they are dissatisfied, but in Russia the only way the people can change governments is through civil war.
The Germany city of Hanover has become the first big city in Europe to ban hot water and central heating in public buildings in response to Vladimir Putin's weaponizing of gas supplies.

The drastic step comes as Germans have been told to expect sky high electricity bills and sweeping gas rationing measures that will affect their day-to-day lives.

How terrible. Who could have foreseen this?

Wait. I could. I said it was a retarded idea to make themselves vulnerable to Russian control of their heat. I said so on this very site.

Any one remember when these same fuckards were talking shit about how their leaders were the adults in the room and Trump was an embarassment?

At least trump knew not to give his enemy control over his vital supplies.

This is Germany's own fault.

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