Germany turns off the hot water: Hanover becomes first big city to ban hot water in public buildings in response to Russian gas crisis

Time to move to Russia​

Pay attention:

That's what we call Russian humour.
I admire Scholz resolve, but it gets cold as hell in Hanover in the winter.
They should have been going Nuclear powered Generation, years ago.

Unfortunately nuclear power plants aren't stock items.
They are showing solidarity with Ukraine and understand that these small sacrifices are nothing compared to the sacrifices being made by Ukrainians.

Basically, they don't have any use for morons who are pointing and cackling.

The Ukraine thing isn't the main issue, the main issue is retarded green energy policy that allowed them to be fucked over by Russia when they decided to support Ukraine.
Nobody is freezing and starving to death in Germany. Nor will they, drama queen.

You have confused Germany with Texas, where your fellow right wing morons were willing to let people freeze and starve to death to keep the big mean ol US gubmint out of their affairs.

Way to fall right on your face.

Winter will be the judge of that.
President Trump advised the Eurotrash to buy natural gas from America instead of Russia, but Fuhrerette Merkel told the Trumpster to go fuck himself.

They made their bed, now they have to sleep in it.

Too fucking bad.
Western leadership in general whether euro or American is pretty dismal

Greenies have far too much influence over our nationsl policy

But we all need each other and its in our best interests to cooperate with the germans whenever possible

I just wish libs would learn from their mistakes some times but they never do
German engineers is well known. Surprising they would be so lacking in confidence or science and technology. Somebody here mentioned Fukushima Daiichi and we are all familiar with Chernobyl. Germany is not highly effected by tidal waves, far more tectonically stable than Japan, and I have more faith in German Engineering than Russian, any day. The Germans took the wrong lessons to heart.

Plus the west uses this novel concept called a containment structure, which was missing at Chernobyl.
Unfortunately nuclear power plants aren't stock items.
Should have been. This is not the dark ages of science and technology. You cannot remain dependent on your enemy to supply your energy needs. That isn't rocket science, either. Just the facts if you wish to remain a free society.
Plus the west uses this novel concept called a containment structure, which was missing at Chernobyl.
Dumbass Russians, tried to go cheap and it blew up in their faces. France is probably the best model to follow. We should be doing more nuclear here also.
Dumbass Russians, tried to go cheap and it blew up in their faces. France is probably the best model to follow. We should be doing more nuclear here also.

We only had one real whoopsie, and it was mostly contained, even after the plant staff did the wrong things for 12 hours or so.
How they manage is their problem, and shutting down those sites, unless design flawed or poorly maintained was an error on the woman that ran that country. They need to be building, not closing. Russia has no qualms about cutting that country off to support their political or empire rebuilding goals.
Oh I agree. At the very least they should be looking at re-commissioning rather than de-commissioning.

The green movement began in the 70's in Germany, so they've been on this path for a long time. In the 90's it gained steam, and after Fukushima, Merkel went all-in on denuclearization of the energy sector.

Russian gas was a "transition" fuel until they transitioned to all renewables, and at least some people recognize the problems with that.

Kind of a similar short-sightedness as our decision to stop building icebreakers because Al Gore said the arctic would be ice-free by 2013...
We only had one real whoopsie, and it was mostly contained, even after the plant staff did the wrong things for 12 hours or so.
I've landed at that international airport. It does give you a funny feeling lookin down those stacks, but it is purely irrational, as you are correct. It is the only emergency that has occurred in this country. No body killed or injured, that I remember. Corrective action taken to insure no repeat and there has been none. TN gets a lot of it's power from Nuclear. It has proven dependable, tightly maintained and safe.
So, you've already located there then.
Pretty feeble troll boy.

You know Calexit and Texit were created by the IRA right? Meaning you are either part of the Russia propaganda machine, or a dupe of it- and it matters not which.
I admire Scholz resolve, but it gets cold as hell in Hanover in the winter.
They should have been going Nuclear powered Generation, years ago.
They were once, big time, but succumbed to the stupid Greens and phased it out in favor of wind and solar. Now what they are doing is, like we say in Russia, freezing off their ears to spite the grandmother. Godspeed.
They were once, big time, but succumbed to the stupid Greens and phased it out in favor of wind and solar. Now what they are doing is, like we say in Russia, freezing off their ears to spite the grandmother. Godspeed.
The lesson to be learned here is that you just can't do business with Russia as if it were a civilized nation. For years the US had warned Europe that becoming dependent on Russia for energy would compromise their national security, and now Putin has proved the US right. Germany will have less energy this winter and it will be a considerable inconvenience to the people and do some short term damage to the economy but by spring NATO will have become stronger for this experience and Russia's economy will continue to shrink under the weight of the sanctions.

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