Germany turns off the hot water: Hanover becomes first big city to ban hot water in public buildings in response to Russian gas crisis

Apparently they aren't the most neutered people on the planet, as long as you are alive. The popular opinion still lies with assisting Ukraine.

Yea, “popular” because if you dare report the truth about Ukrainian government bombing civilians in Donbas they will seize your assets and throw you in jail.

Propaganda must be one-sided, Germans understand that well.
Yet you found it in 3 seconds on Google. I think they have Google in Germany.
Yes, a censored form of Google is. Not that Google itself doesn’t try to hide info that doesn’t push their Agenda as well.

Tried using street view in Germany?

By the way, electricity prices have tripled in Germany over the last year.

But zey are saving zuh climate!
I admire Scholz resolve, but it gets cold as hell in Hanover in the winter.
They should have been going Nuclear powered Generation, years ago.
They did. Then the greenies took over.

30 reactors, 14 power plants, and 10 nuclear fuel sites have been decommissioned in the last 20 years.

Of the 17 nuclear power sites Germany had in 2000, only 3 remain- and they are supposed to be shut down by the end of this year.
They did. Then the greenies took over.

30 reactors, 14 power plants, and 10 nuclear fuel sites have been decommissioned in the last 20 years.

Of the 17 nuclear power sites Germany had in 2000, only 3 remain- and they are supposed to be shut down by the end of this year.
How they manage is their problem, and shutting down those sites, unless design flawed or poorly maintained was an error on the woman that ran that country. They need to be building, not closing. Russia has no qualms about cutting that country off to support their political or empire rebuilding goals.
Tough shit, Krauts. This wouldn't be happening if Trump were in the WH now. We'd be supplying you with all the beautiful natural gas and oil you could use, and Russia would be siting with their fat thumbs up their asses.

Don't you just love that Biden now? :laughing0301:
Remember the smiling German assholes who mocked Trump when he predicted this? Fook 'em... let 'em freeze to death.
I admire Scholz resolve, but it gets cold as hell in Hanover in the winter.
They should have been going Nuclear powered Generation, years ago.
They DID have substantial sources of nuclear power. Die Grunen forced them to close all of them after the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan. Now they're reaping the results of their arrogance and overreaction. Let them freeze for ONE winter and I expect those plants will be ramped back up before the next season.
They DID have substantial sources of nuclear power. Die Grunen forced them to close all of them after the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan. Now they're reaping the results of their arrogance and overreaction. Let them freeze for ONE winter and I expect those plants will be ramped back up before the next season.

Yup. They're gonna be freezin' their little wienerschnitzels off and their kraut's gonna get cold this winter.
They did. Then the greenies took over.

30 reactors, 14 power plants, and 10 nuclear fuel sites have been decommissioned in the last 20 years.

Of the 17 nuclear power sites Germany had in 2000, only 3 remain- and they are supposed to be shut down by the end of this year.

Hopefully those green accomplishments are enough to keep them warm this winter.
They DID have substantial sources of nuclear power. Die Grunen forced them to close all of them after the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan. Now they're reaping the results of their arrogance and overreaction. Let them freeze for ONE winter and I expect those plants will be ramped back up before the next season.
Your theory is good, but not sure what they did shutting down or what state of maintenance they were in before mothballing and what maintenance systems would be required to restart if they could be restarted. One season or even one year, may not get it.
How they manage is their problem, and shutting down those sites, unless design flawed or poorly maintained was an error on the woman that ran that country. They need to be building, not closing. Russia has no qualms about cutting that country off to support their political or empire rebuilding goals.

I'd never accuse the greens of having common sense.
I'd never accuse the greens of having common sense.
German engineers is well known. Surprising they would be so lacking in confidence or science and technology. Somebody here mentioned Fukushima Daiichi and we are all familiar with Chernobyl. Germany is not highly effected by tidal waves, far more tectonically stable than Japan, and I have more faith in German Engineering than Russian, any day. The Germans took the wrong lessons to heart.
Fighting in vain for one of the most corrupt countries in the world, Ukraine, and sanctioning Russia.......

That is the hill, the stupid EU Globalists choose to die on.

I don't feel sorry not one bit.
German engineers is well known. Surprising they would be so lacking in confidence or science and technology. Somebody here mentioned Fukushima Daiichi and we are all familiar with Chernobyl. Germany is not highly effected by tidal waves, far more tectonically stable than Japan, and I have more faith in German Engineering than Russian, any day. The Germans took the wrong lessons to heart.

German engineers is well known. Surprising they would be so lacking in confidence or science and technology.

Greens aren't concerned with science and technology. Or economics or safety or common sense.
The Germany city of Hanover has become the first big city in Europe to ban hot water and central heating in public buildings in response to Vladimir Putin's weaponizing of gas supplies.

The drastic step comes as Germans have been told to expect sky high electricity bills and sweeping gas rationing measures that will affect their day-to-day lives.

In a sign of things to come, Hanover, the capital of Lower Saxony in the north west of the country, will cut off the hot water in public buildings, swimming pools, sports halls and gyms.

Other desperate gas-saving measures include switching off public fountains and blacking out night-time lights on major buildings such as the town hall and museums.

The city's mayor, Belit Onay, spoke of an 'imminent gas shortage' that meant they had to reduce the city's energy consumption by 15 per cent.

The plans call for shutting off heating within public buildings between April and September each year, and thermostats set at just 20C (68F) for the rest of the year, although there will be some exemptions.

There will also be a ban on portable air conditioners, heaters and radiators among the general populace as the average German begins to pay a price for standing up to the Russian dictator.

The panic among European states - especially Germany - will likely come as music to Putin's ears, as he is seen to be cutting energy supplies in retaliation for countries that have supported Ukraine after he invaded the country.

Germany, like most of Europe, has been enjoying a hot summer which should soften the blow of the cold showers, but public officials are introducing the measures now in fear of what awaits them when the season turns.

Meanwhile, UK household energy bills could rocket to £500 a month, which has sparked outrage as the country hardly imports any gas at all from Russia.

This fury has been compounded by news that British Gas owner Centrica has announced its profits had risen five fold to £1.34billion.

Hanover first to ban hot water in response to Russian gas crisis

LOL....All that virtue signaling is not working out too well for the squareheads is it.....Oh well.
I think we will soon know if the germans will continue the same stupid green policies that caused this problem in the first place

But environmentalist wackos are slow learners
German engineers is well known. Surprising they would be so lacking in confidence or science and technology.

Greens aren't concerned with science and technology. Or economics or safety or common sense.
I hope they are good at picking up limbs in the forest and still remember how to make fire.
President Trump advised the Eurotrash to buy natural gas from America instead of Russia, but Fuhrerette Merkel told the Trumpster to go fuck himself.

They made their bed, now they have to sleep in it.

Too fucking bad.

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