Guess who attends funeral of KKK member?

We all know Robert Byrd's past. He repudiated it, David Duke hasn't.

Actually, do you know why David Duke left the KKK? You don't, do you? Obviously from your statement

Yeah, because the klan was too violent.

Yes, he was and is a racist, but he didn't want it backed up with violence, so he quit the klan. And his group wasn't even violent, he quit because others were.

That's pretty much quoting from Dukey's own script, verbatim.

This guy however, a former Dukey underling, says he set Duke up offering to sell his mailing list and powered Duke down in a Klan Kompetition rivalry. Duke denied it, but 16 years later did exactly that, selling his list to the campaign of Woody Jenkins.

So --- when we say "know the facts before pronouncing judgment", one considers the source of those... "facts". The same guy who had Bill McKinley in a nonexistent Klan to try to obscure his own history.

Is there a point I made you're disputing? I wasn't defending David Duke. I made several points, and that wasn't one of them. If you want to debate Duke himself, debate it with someone who gives a shit about him

You brought up the question of why Duke quit the Klan. And that's what I clarified -- apparently with info you didn't have, since all you had to fall back on was Dukey's own narrative, i.e. that of an established liar.
OK, that's F*ING FUNNY!

It seems like almost EVERY TIME Liberals try to accuse Republicans of something it absolutely blows up and melts down in their this!

Libs compare Trump to Hitler but Hillary almost quotes the man word for word.


Libs call GOP racist yet they started the KKK.

Libs try to tie Turmp to the KKK, and slick Willey shows up at a KKK Grand Wizard's funeral!

You just can't make this shite up.

Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?

"I have attended four KKK funerals" This is kind of revealing....

Is it?


OP twists himself into hapless logical pretzel in four...... three..... two......
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?

"I have attended four KKK funerals" This is kind of revealing....

Is it?


I guess it is plausible that we may know one KKK member in our life. We could run into them by our daily encounters with people. Would we attend their funeral? Would our relationship with one KKK member be so deep that we feel a need to attend their funeral? How do you attend the funeral of FOUR kkk members?
Libs call GOP racist yet they started the KKK.

No Sparky, the "GOP" didn't start the KKK either. Six young veteran Confederate soldiers with no political affiliations did that. And at the time the "GOP" didn't even exist in the South.
I'm kind of curious if anyone wants to look into this and perhaps count how many other democrats showed up to the funeral. I would think someone out there would want to know and use it.
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?

"I have attended four KKK funerals" This is kind of revealing....

Is it?


I guess it is plausible that we may know one KKK member in our life. We could run into them by our daily encounters with people. Would we attend their funeral? Would our relationship with one KKK member be so deep that we feel a need to attend their funeral? How do you attend the funeral of FOUR kkk members?
Yup, that I attended four KKK funerals. Not uncommon to do that along the Sabine River and its communities. Or the 29 black funeral. Compare those to the 147 I have attended over all. I have even attended Southern Baptist and Pentecostal funerals, where I thought once at the latter they were going to dance on the coffin. Some one looked she was going to do a handspring dismount vault on and over the remains; her mother grabbed her instead.
Is the democratic party now going to be proud of the fact they attended the funeral of FORMER KKK members?
Libs call GOP racist yet they started the KKK.

No Sparky, the "GOP" didn't start the KKK either. Six young veteran Confederate soldiers with no political affiliations did that. And at the time the "GOP" didn't even exist in the South.

Considering it was the democratic party that were the main backers of the south's desire to leave the union. It would be likely they were democrats.
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?

"I have attended four KKK funerals" This is kind of revealing....

Is it?


OP twists himself into hapless logical pretzel in four...... three..... two......

There is a very old saying "birds of a feather, flock together"......... Remember that? I am older than both of you and I have NEVER attended a KKK funeral. Much less FOUR of them.
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?

So, attending the funeral of a former KKK member doesn't equate to supporting the KKK?
Does this give you an idea?


Obama, Biden attend Byrd memorial in W.Va.

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