Guess who attends funeral of KKK member?

Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?

So, attending the funeral of a former KKK member doesn't equate to supporting the KKK?

Four? Seriously. What are his circle of friends that he knows four people in the KKK. I can't think of anyone who knows four people in the KKK let alone 1.
Does this give you an idea?


Obama, Biden attend Byrd memorial in W.Va.

Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?

So, attending the funeral of a former KKK member doesn't equate to supporting the KKK?
Would 't it depend on why the person left the KKK and what his subsequent actions towards racism and segregation were? IN Byrd's case, of course it's not supporting the Klan, because Byrd came to repudiate his former racist stances. But Byrd could never be seriously considered for the potus. He tried running once, and got nowhere.
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?

"I have attended four KKK funerals" This is kind of revealing....

Is it?


OP twists himself into hapless logical pretzel in four...... three..... two......

There is a very old saying "birds of a feather, flock together"......... Remember that? I am older than both of you and I have NEVER attended a KKK funeral. Much less FOUR of them.
You failed logic then. Four of 147 funerals is less than 3%. One of them was for a man executed for the murder of a black. By standing to the side we were witness to the justice of the sentence. westwall, I don't care if you have attended a suttee. :lol:
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?
He was batshit crazy by then.

When he had all of his faculties, he was still using the 'n' word quite often.
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?

So, attending the funeral of a former KKK member doesn't equate to supporting the KKK?


Guess what Sparky. Attending the funeral of a former plumber doesn't mean you like pipes. Attending JFK's funeral did not mean you "supported the Navy". And attending Ronald Reagan's funeral didn't mean you liked bad movies or believed in Boraxo soap.
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?

"I have attended four KKK funerals" This is kind of revealing....

Is it?


OP twists himself into hapless logical pretzel in four...... three..... two......

There is a very old saying "birds of a feather, flock together"......... Remember that? I am older than both of you and I have NEVER attended a KKK funeral. Much less FOUR of them.

Number one, you don't have a clue how old I am, and number two "there is a very old saying" is not a logical argument.
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?
He was batshit crazy by then.

When he had all of his faculties, he was still using the 'n' word quite often.
I agree. Thurmond was a fucking mess.
Libs call GOP racist yet they started the KKK.

No Sparky, the "GOP" didn't start the KKK either. Six young veteran Confederate soldiers with no political affiliations did that. And at the time the "GOP" didn't even exist in the South.

Considering it was the democratic party that were the main backers of the south's desire to leave the union. It would be likely they were democrats.

Link it then. Because I've done extensive research on this and there is no such information at all. They were simply not involved in politics. And the same is true for Simmons, the guy who restarted the Klan in 1915 -- no political connections at all.

And no, it was not the "democratic party" [sic] who were the main backers of the "south's" [sic] desire to leave the union. That was strictly geographical. And again --- the Republican Party DID NOT EXIST in the South before the Civil War. It ran no POTUS candidates there until Grant. It had only been founded in 1854. So the question of whether to secede was not a political party issue; it was a local sovereignty issue.

Know how many electoral votes Lincoln got in the South in 1860? Zero. Understandable, since he didn't run.
Know how many electoral votes the Democrat Steven Douglas got? Same number --- zero.

That's because the South revolted at the Democratic convention, got it suspended in fact, and then ran their own candidates. Two of them in fact. Look it the fuck up. Those two got more EVs than Douglas did (Douglas carried a total of one state: Missouri).

As for the "desire to leave the union", that dates back to before either of these two parties existed, at least as far back as the "Tariff of Abominations" in 1828. Cries for secession erupted in South Carolina -- the first state to eventually secede -- at least that far back.

Where in the fuck do you learn your history?
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?

"I have attended four KKK funerals" This is kind of revealing....

Is it?


OP twists himself into hapless logical pretzel in four...... three..... two......

There is a very old saying "birds of a feather, flock together"......... Remember that? I am older than both of you and I have NEVER attended a KKK funeral. Much less FOUR of them.

Number one, you don't have a clue how old I am, and number two "there is a very old saying" is not a logical argument.

Very old sayings are remembered, and become very old, because they are always anchored in a strong base of fact.
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?

So, attending the funeral of a former KKK member doesn't equate to supporting the KKK?
Would 't it depend on why the person left the KKK and what his subsequent actions towards racism and segregation were? IN Byrd's case, of course it's not supporting the Klan, because Byrd came to repudiate his former racist stances. But Byrd could never be seriously considered for the potus. He tried running once, and got nowhere.

Would it? Or would it hinge strictly on political hackery?

I think we both know that Robert Byrd wouldn't be getting a pass had he been a Republican.
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?

"I have attended four KKK funerals" This is kind of revealing....

Is it?


OP twists himself into hapless logical pretzel in four...... three..... two......

There is a very old saying "birds of a feather, flock together"......... Remember that? I am older than both of you and I have NEVER attended a KKK funeral. Much less FOUR of them.
You failed logic then. Four of 147 funerals is less than 3%. One of them was for a man executed for the murder of a black. By standing to the side we were witness to the justice of the sentence. westwall, I don't care if you have attended a suttee. :lol:

Wow. You know a LOT of dead people. I would hazard a bet that you have attended more funerals than any other person I have ever met. And I have met a lot of people.
How far will democrats go to defend other democrats especially in an election year...
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?
He was batshit crazy by then.

When he had all of his faculties, he was still using the 'n' word quite often.
I agree. Thurmond was a fucking mess.

How so? Surely he did SOMETHING you agreed with?

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