Guess who attends funeral of KKK member?

Trump doesn't disavow a david duke endorsement in less than ten seconds and he is a racist but the husband of the current democratic candidate attends the funeral of the grand wizard of the KKK and he is a hero of the civil rights movement.

Hanitty has been playing the audio clip of Hilary praising former kkk kl eagle Robert Byrd...praising him as her mentor.....

Trent Lott lost a leadership position for praising storm Thurmond at a birthday party.....

Of course the racist democrats don't care about Hilary praising a former member of the klan....
I was just thinking to myself. We need another thread hell bent on torturing the truth.

WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

We all know Robert Byrd's past. He repudiated it, David Duke hasn't.

if he did it was because of political necessity as blacks were asserting their right to vote in the south.

How many black senators does the south have? 1?

I'm not going to argue about how many black senators their are in the south because it is kind of pointless. THe fact is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK grand wizard.

Clinton also awarded the Presidential medal of Freedom to j. William Fulbright his good friend and hopes political mentor........and an old school segregationist.........
Libs call GOP racist yet they started the KKK.

No Sparky, the "GOP" didn't start the KKK either. Six young veteran Confederate soldiers with no political affiliations did that. And at the time the "GOP" didn't even exist in the South.

Considering it was the democratic party that were the main backers of the south's desire to leave the union. It would be likely they were democrats.

Link it then. Because I've done extensive research on this and there is no such information at all. They were simply not involved in politics. And the same is true for Simmons, the guy who restarted the Klan in 1915 -- no political connections at all.

And no, it was not the "democratic party" [sic] who were the main backers of the "south's" [sic] desire to leave the union. That was strictly geographical. And again --- the Republican Party DID NOT EXIST in the South before the Civil War. It ran no POTUS candidates there until Grant. It had only been founded in 1854. So the question of whether to secede was not a political party issue; it was a local sovereignty issue.

Know how many electoral votes Lincoln got in the South in 1860? Zero. Understandable, since he didn't run.
Know how many electoral votes the Democrat Steven Douglas got? Same number --- zero.

That's because the South revolted at the Democratic convention, got it suspended in fact, and then ran their own candidates. Two of them in fact. Look it the fuck up. Those two got more EVs than Douglas did (Douglas carried a total of one state: Missouri).

As for the "desire to leave the union", that dates back to before either of these two parties existed, at least as far back as the "Tariff of Abominations" in 1828. Cries for secession erupted in South Carolina -- the first state to eventually secede -- at least that far back.

Where in the fuck do you learn your history?

wRong...not one southerner would stand as a delegate for Licoln in the south.....they were all democrats through and through...
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?
He was batshit crazy by then.

When he had all of his faculties, he was still using the 'n' word quite often.
I agree. Thurmond was a fucking mess.
He and Robert Byrd were from the same neigh.

No they weren't. Not even close.
I'm related to Thurmond. I know the territory, trust me. Our branch was the one who had the sense to look around and go "what the fuck, this is South Carolina. We're outta here". Thurmond's was the branch who stayed there.

Byrd was born in NORTH Carolina -- up the road from here, closer to Virginia --- but left as a child to be raised in West Virginia.

Way off.

Thurmond voted to make MLK's birthday a national holiday.

Dafuck does that have to do with where the two were from?

He did so vote, after doing whatever he could to put the idea down ---

>> When Senator Strom Thurmond reconvened the joint hearing, opponents of the King holiday were given the most room they ever had in the record. First was Alan Stang, author of an anticommunist tract, “It’s Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights” (1965). Stang enumerated King’s alleged communist associations more clearly than any holiday opponent had done on the record before. ....
Thurmond called a real live communist next: Julia Brown, a self-identified “loyal American Negro,” who worked as a communist organizer beginning in 1947. At first, Brown had thought she was “joining a legitimate civil rights organization[.] Finding that I was a true member of the Communist Party[,] which advocated the overthrow of the United States Government, I decided to leave the organization, but I had to bide my time to avoid suspicion.” Soon she went to the FBI to report what she had witnessed. “In 1951, I was asked by the FBI to go back into the Communist Party as an undercover agent to report on their subversive activities.” She claimed that only party members attended the meetings she attended. She “frequently heard Martin Luther King discussed.” The communist cells she was in were “continually being asked to raise money for Martin Luther King’s activities and to support his civil rights movement by writing letters to the press and influencing local clergymen, and especially Negro clergymen that he was a good person, unselfishly working for the American Negro, and in no way connected with the Communist Party.” <<
--- but that's got nothing to do with the relative geography of West Virginia versus South Carolina.
Libs call GOP racist yet they started the KKK.

No Sparky, the "GOP" didn't start the KKK either. Six young veteran Confederate soldiers with no political affiliations did that. And at the time the "GOP" didn't even exist in the South.

Considering it was the democratic party that were the main backers of the south's desire to leave the union. It would be likely they were democrats.

Link it then. Because I've done extensive research on this and there is no such information at all. They were simply not involved in politics. And the same is true for Simmons, the guy who restarted the Klan in 1915 -- no political connections at all.

And no, it was not the "democratic party" [sic] who were the main backers of the "south's" [sic] desire to leave the union. That was strictly geographical. And again --- the Republican Party DID NOT EXIST in the South before the Civil War. It ran no POTUS candidates there until Grant. It had only been founded in 1854. So the question of whether to secede was not a political party issue; it was a local sovereignty issue.

Know how many electoral votes Lincoln got in the South in 1860? Zero. Understandable, since he didn't run.
Know how many electoral votes the Democrat Steven Douglas got? Same number --- zero.

That's because the South revolted at the Democratic convention, got it suspended in fact, and then ran their own candidates. Two of them in fact. Look it the fuck up. Those two got more EVs than Douglas did (Douglas carried a total of one state: Missouri).

As for the "desire to leave the union", that dates back to before either of these two parties existed, at least as far back as the "Tariff of Abominations" in 1828. Cries for secession erupted in South Carolina -- the first state to eventually secede -- at least that far back.

Where in the fuck do you learn your history?

wRong...not one southerner would stand as a delegate for Licoln in the south.....they were all democrats through and through...

What the fuck is a "delegate for Lincoln"?

Lincoln did not run in the South. Wasn't on a ballot. The RP was only six years old and had never run in the South yet. Lincoln didn't even show up on a ballot in his birth state of Kentucky until 1864.

Therefore, he got no electoral votes. ALL of the South's electoral votes went to Breckinridge and Bell, the Southern upstart candidates. So Lincoln got no Southern "delegates" and Douglas got no Southern "delegates" --- if that's what we're calling "electors" now.

The only other party around was the Whigs, and that party was in the throes of disintegration. Lincoln had been one.

The point of refutation remains: the Democratic Party wasn't supporting the secession of the South before the war as the OP claimed. Nor was it founding the Klan after.
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?
He was batshit crazy by then.

When he had all of his faculties, he was still using the 'n' word quite often.
I agree. Thurmond was a fucking mess.
Thurmond? He should have stayed Dem. He stained the GOP.

How so? Surely he did SOMETHING you agreed with?
Hanitty has been playing the audio clip of Hilary praising former kkk kl eagle Robert Byrd...praising him as her mentor.....

Who the fuck is "Hannity"? What are his qualifications?

Oh wait --- isn't he the guy who showed video of a snowy day in winter and concluded from that that climate change does not exist?

Trent Lott lost a leadership position for praising storm Thurmond at a birthday party.....

Wrong. Lott got in hot water for what he speculated about his ideology, which was:

"When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we (Mississippi) voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either."​

That really can't be interpreted as saying anything but, "see? If we had elected an ardent segregationist we 'wouldn't have had all these problems'". Presumably 'problems' like civil rights.

And he's referring to 1948, yet another time the South split off from the Democratic Party to run its own candidates because the DP was sounding too civil-rightsy. Not to be confused with 1860 described above, when essentially the same thing happened. This time though ('48), the breakaways only took half the South.

Interesting factoid: when Thurmond next stood for re-election to the Senate, the South Carolina Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot. He had to run as a write-in. Which he did, and won.
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Is it?


OP twists himself into hapless logical pretzel in four...... three..... two......

There is a very old saying "birds of a feather, flock together"......... Remember that? I am older than both of you and I have NEVER attended a KKK funeral. Much less FOUR of them.

Number one, you don't have a clue how old I am, and number two "there is a very old saying" is not a logical argument.

Very old sayings are remembered, and become very old, because they are always anchored in a strong base of fact.

--- As a general guideline of indications. But it does not make for a valid argument.

How old do you have to be to not know that? :rofl:

More than general. Many studies show that the axiom (for that is what it is) holds across intellectual levels, political affiliations, personal amusement etc. It's an axiom because it is ACCURATE. Thus, for someone to have attended 4 KKK funerals is definitely an indicator of ones values.
4 of 147? I guess you seem to think so, but who care about that.
There is a very old saying "birds of a feather, flock together"......... Remember that? I am older than both of you and I have NEVER attended a KKK funeral. Much less FOUR of them.

Number one, you don't have a clue how old I am, and number two "there is a very old saying" is not a logical argument.

Very old sayings are remembered, and become very old, because they are always anchored in a strong base of fact.

--- As a general guideline of indications. But it does not make for a valid argument.

How old do you have to be to not know that? :rofl:

More than general. Many studies show that the axiom (for that is what it is) holds across intellectual levels, political affiliations, personal amusement etc. It's an axiom because it is ACCURATE. Thus, for someone to have attended 4 KKK funerals is definitely an indicator of ones values.
4 of 147? I guess you seem to think so, but who care about that.

Like I said, you've been to waaaaaaay more funerals than any human I know of and I know a lot of people. The fact that you have been to 4 KKK funerals is amazing. Truly amazing. You must be proud.

Or a liar.... Or is that "lair"?:biggrin:
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?
He was batshit crazy by then.

When he had all of his faculties, he was still using the 'n' word quite often.
I agree. Thurmond was a fucking mess.

How so? Surely he did SOMETHING you agreed with?
Thurmond? He should have stayed Dem. He stained the GOP.
westwall, what you know is not of much importance to me, adds nothing to the discussion, gives all of us nothing of interest. On the other hand, I must have known and still know many, many more people than you that have meaning in my life. Watching a klucker buried makes a true American like me feel good to my core to see another one of those bastards bite the dust.:biggrin:
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Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?
He was batshit crazy by then.

When he had all of his faculties, he was still using the 'n' word quite often.
I agree. Thurmond was a fucking mess.

How so? Surely he did SOMETHING you agreed with?
Thurmond? He should have stayed Dem. He stained the GOP.

So, no matter what, he's a piece of shit?
Yes, he was and is a racist, but he didn't want it backed up with violence, so he quit the klan. And his group wasn't even violent, he quit because others were.

That's pretty much quoting from Dukey's own script, verbatim.

This guy however, a former Dukey underling, says he set Duke up offering to sell his mailing list and powered Duke down in a Klan Kompetition rivalry. Duke denied it, but 16 years later did exactly that, selling his list to the campaign of Woody Jenkins.

So --- when we say "know the facts before pronouncing judgment", one considers the source of those... "facts". The same guy who had Bill McKinley in a nonexistent Klan to try to obscure his own history.

Is there a point I made you're disputing? I wasn't defending David Duke. I made several points, and that wasn't one of them. If you want to debate Duke himself, debate it with someone who gives a shit about him

You brought up the question of why Duke quit the Klan. And that's what I clarified -- apparently with info you didn't have, since all you had to fall back on was Dukey's own narrative, i.e. that of an established liar.

I did bring up the question of why he quit the klan. And I said what that reason was. It was in my post. Funny how an old media guy like you can't read a short piece and takeaway the obvious point

You took Dukey's explanation, i.e. hearsay from a known liar, and referred to it as "fact". I showed you that there's an alternative "fact" -- one that your "fact" did not consider.

Funny how that's too complex to follow.

Here's an idea. Read my post and respond to what I said. As to the voices in your head, they're your problem, not mine
Byrd ending up being a good man.

Thurmond, no, could not even acknowledge his illegitimate black daughter.

I have attended four KKK funerals, two of them the whole situation made it very funny to me that I was there but what can you do?
He was batshit crazy by then.

When he had all of his faculties, he was still using the 'n' word quite often.
I agree. Thurmond was a fucking mess.

How so? Surely he did SOMETHING you agreed with?
Thurmond? He should have stayed Dem. He stained the GOP.

So, no matter what, he's a piece of shit?
Anyone like Strom who will not recognize publicly his own daughter, black or white or purple, stains everyone around him professionally and personally.
That's pretty much quoting from Dukey's own script, verbatim.

This guy however, a former Dukey underling, says he set Duke up offering to sell his mailing list and powered Duke down in a Klan Kompetition rivalry. Duke denied it, but 16 years later did exactly that, selling his list to the campaign of Woody Jenkins.

So --- when we say "know the facts before pronouncing judgment", one considers the source of those... "facts". The same guy who had Bill McKinley in a nonexistent Klan to try to obscure his own history.

Is there a point I made you're disputing? I wasn't defending David Duke. I made several points, and that wasn't one of them. If you want to debate Duke himself, debate it with someone who gives a shit about him

You brought up the question of why Duke quit the Klan. And that's what I clarified -- apparently with info you didn't have, since all you had to fall back on was Dukey's own narrative, i.e. that of an established liar.

I did bring up the question of why he quit the klan. And I said what that reason was. It was in my post. Funny how an old media guy like you can't read a short piece and takeaway the obvious point

You took Dukey's explanation, i.e. hearsay from a known liar, and referred to it as "fact". I showed you that there's an alternative "fact" -- one that your "fact" did not consider.

Funny how that's too complex to follow.

Here's an idea. Read my post and respond to what I said. As to the voices in your head, they're your problem, not mine

Already did that, hours ago. Apparently (again) bringing in info you didn't have. And I already noted this.

So how long is this particular meltdown over being uninformed scheduled to go on? I got things to do and there's only 30 days left in the month.
Is there a point I made you're disputing? I wasn't defending David Duke. I made several points, and that wasn't one of them. If you want to debate Duke himself, debate it with someone who gives a shit about him

You brought up the question of why Duke quit the Klan. And that's what I clarified -- apparently with info you didn't have, since all you had to fall back on was Dukey's own narrative, i.e. that of an established liar.

I did bring up the question of why he quit the klan. And I said what that reason was. It was in my post. Funny how an old media guy like you can't read a short piece and takeaway the obvious point

You took Dukey's explanation, i.e. hearsay from a known liar, and referred to it as "fact". I showed you that there's an alternative "fact" -- one that your "fact" did not consider.

Funny how that's too complex to follow.

Here's an idea. Read my post and respond to what I said. As to the voices in your head, they're your problem, not mine

Already did that, hours ago. Apparently (again) bringing in info you didn't have. And I already noted this.

So how long is this particular meltdown over being uninformed scheduled to go on? I got things to do and there's only 30 days left in the month.

You did? What if you quote me this time so I see it?
He was batshit crazy by then.

When he had all of his faculties, he was still using the 'n' word quite often.
I agree. Thurmond was a fucking mess.

How so? Surely he did SOMETHING you agreed with?
Thurmond? He should have stayed Dem. He stained the GOP.

So, no matter what, he's a piece of shit?
Anyone like Strom who will not recognize publicly his own daughter, black or white or purple, stains everyone around him professionally and personally.

Political hackery, as I thought. No surprise.

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