Guess who attends funeral of KKK member?

Jroc is a fellow traveler of the far neo-con right.

He loves himself some Strom.

I don't think Jews are allowed there fake But an old ass, tyrannical government supporting, White boy like yourself would be welcomed with open arms :thup:
I was just thinking to myself. We need another thread hell bent on torturing the truth.

WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

Actually, Byrd has much in common with many of the RW zealots posting on USMB. It is interesting to see how they use his past "conservatism" as a lever to attack those who have forgiven him after he recanted his affiliation with the KKK. I am no ardent fan of Clinton because his upbringing in Arkansas planted the same seeds of racial animus that drove the KKK and Byrd. I am somewhat suspicious of any southern born politician for that very reason....especially those born before 1960.
Robbing people of their liberties, and right to self determination is a liberal thing and yeah you're right about BJ Clinton...

Since 1966 Bill Clinton interned, revered and honored James William Fulbert an Arkansas senator and mentor to Bill & Hillary Clinton to office in Arkansas and beyond. Clinton honored Fulbright in 2002 - close to half a century of documented admiration later with a presidential lifetime achievement - achievement of what? Fulbright's full political career was based on being a staunch klans member. Why is it not coming out the long-term father relationship the Clintons have had with Fulbright, or we playing politics as usual obeying by the clintons agenda? The OLD tricks of politics are not working. The clintons also lost several cases while in office from racial profiling of Hispanic drivers with Texas drivers tags to voter intimidation in Arkansas. Fulbright who made a career from being an open avid racist, segregationist, and attacker of the Civil Rights movement that also included women's rights instead of just snippets and sound bites. fulbright and the clintons are pictured throught an almost 50 year period of time together and not just a tired 2 min snippet or the same 1 picture. Fulbright was not a victim of his time - he was a loon support of injustice. How did the clintons know this animal for all those decades and not know he was an avid racist - everyone else did or are they so thick in the head they couldn't see that either-clinton is not very being very presidential.


Jroc's so desperate he's using contrived YouTube videos as a SOURCE now.

To the title thereof, there's no evidence for Fulbright being in the Klan. Prove me wrong.
Nor is he the topic here, or related thereto.

Desperate deflection fails.
I was just thinking to myself. We need another thread hell bent on torturing the truth.

WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

Actually, Byrd has much in common with many of the RW zealots posting on USMB. It is interesting to see how they use his past "conservatism" as a lever to attack those who have forgiven him after he recanted his affiliation with the KKK. I am no ardent fan of Clinton because his upbringing in Arkansas planted the same seeds of racial animus that drove the KKK and Byrd. I am somewhat suspicious of any southern born politician for that very reason....especially those born before 1960.
Robbing people of their liberties, and right to self determination is a liberal thing and yeah you're right about BJ Clinton...

Since 1966 Bill Clinton interned, revered and honored James William Fulbert an Arkansas senator and mentor to Bill & Hillary Clinton to office in Arkansas and beyond. Clinton honored Fulbright in 2002 - close to half a century of documented admiration later with a presidential lifetime achievement - achievement of what? Fulbright's full political career was based on being a staunch klans member. Why is it not coming out the long-term father relationship the Clintons have had with Fulbright, or we playing politics as usual obeying by the clintons agenda? The OLD tricks of politics are not working. The clintons also lost several cases while in office from racial profiling of Hispanic drivers with Texas drivers tags to voter intimidation in Arkansas. Fulbright who made a career from being an open avid racist, segregationist, and attacker of the Civil Rights movement that also included women's rights instead of just snippets and sound bites. fulbright and the clintons are pictured throught an almost 50 year period of time together and not just a tired 2 min snippet or the same 1 picture. Fulbright was not a victim of his time - he was a loon support of injustice. How did the clintons know this animal for all those decades and not know he was an avid racist - everyone else did or are they so thick in the head they couldn't see that either-clinton is not very being very presidential.


Jroc's so desperate he's using contrived YouTube videos as a SOURCE now.

To the title thereof, there's no evidence for Fulbright being in the Klan. Prove me wrong.
Nor is he the topic here, or related thereto.

Desperate deflection fails.

Another apologist for a racist....The Clintons are the topic

Fulbright was certainly no “ally” of black Americans. Bitterly racist, he fought to protect the Jim Crow laws that denied black citizens their constitutional rights. In 1956 Fulbright was one of ninety-nine congressional Democrats to sign the Southern Manifesto, which declared that the Southern states had a right to keep their populations segregated by race. (It should be mentioned in passing that only two Republicans signed the document.)

In 1964 Fulbright was one of a group of tenacious Democrats who filibustered for fifty-seven days in an attempt to block the Civil Rights Act that outlawed segregation in public accommodations.

Contrary to the stereotypes that Dr. Foner and other liberals try so hard to promote, Fulbright was also a very liberal Democrat. He was a staunch supporter of labor unions. He always lobbied for appeasement of the Soviet Union;

Race and Party Politics, Part II – Senator Fullbright and Justice Black | The Other Half of History
Jroc is no different than Trump or Duke, pulling falsehoods out of his ass. :lol:

What are 'white *******'. Is that different than black *******. WHat about blacks that ain't ******* and whites that ain't *******? How are we using the word ****** in this context?
I was just thinking to myself. We need another thread hell bent on torturing the truth.

WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

Actually, Byrd has much in common with many of the RW zealots posting on USMB. It is interesting to see how they use his past "conservatism" as a lever to attack those who have forgiven him after he recanted his affiliation with the KKK. I am no ardent fan of Clinton because his upbringing in Arkansas planted the same seeds of racial animus that drove the KKK and Byrd. I am somewhat suspicious of any southern born politician for that very reason....especially those born before 1960.
Robbing people of their liberties, and right to self determination is a liberal thing and yeah you're right about BJ Clinton...

Since 1966 Bill Clinton interned, revered and honored James William Fulbert an Arkansas senator and mentor to Bill & Hillary Clinton to office in Arkansas and beyond. Clinton honored Fulbright in 2002 - close to half a century of documented admiration later with a presidential lifetime achievement - achievement of what? Fulbright's full political career was based on being a staunch klans member. Why is it not coming out the long-term father relationship the Clintons have had with Fulbright, or we playing politics as usual obeying by the clintons agenda? The OLD tricks of politics are not working. The clintons also lost several cases while in office from racial profiling of Hispanic drivers with Texas drivers tags to voter intimidation in Arkansas. Fulbright who made a career from being an open avid racist, segregationist, and attacker of the Civil Rights movement that also included women's rights instead of just snippets and sound bites. fulbright and the clintons are pictured throught an almost 50 year period of time together and not just a tired 2 min snippet or the same 1 picture. Fulbright was not a victim of his time - he was a loon support of injustice. How did the clintons know this animal for all those decades and not know he was an avid racist - everyone else did or are they so thick in the head they couldn't see that either-clinton is not very being very presidential.

Did you make up that definition of "Liberal?" My dictionary doesn't correspond with yours ...try using an American english dictionary.

liberal |ˈlib(ə)rəl| adjective1 open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values: they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people.• favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms: liberal citizenship laws.• (in a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform: a liberal democratic state.• (Liberal)of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party.• (Liberal)(in the UK) of or relating to the Liberal Democrat Party: the Liberal leader.• Theology regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.

2 [ attrib. ] (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.

3 (especially of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact:they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation.

4 given, used, or occurring in generous amounts: liberal amounts of wine had been consumed.• (of a person) giving generously: Sam was too liberal with the wine.
So you concede. Wise of you. Strom was a stain on the GOP.

While Thurmond was killing Nazis, Byrd was building a KKK chapter. You think Thurmond is the bad guy? How ironic?
Thurmond was in the military as a decorated veteran, and he never apologized for his racism and never acknowledged his daughter.

Byrd was a shipyard welder during the war, and stated, "Byrd also said, in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."
Look who's an apologist for the KKK and "sheets Byrd" this is why Jake is known as fake on this board:slap:

Where did Jake "apologize for" the KKK?

Anyone who apologizes for "Sheets Byrd" same difference. I wonder how many crosses "sheets" burned on the lawns of Black people? Byrd was a recruiter for the KKK. I wonder how many of those people, he recruited, intimidated, for even murdered blacks? :dunno:
When you find out, let us know!
...well,....racism is racism....pure and simplistic, left or right institutions....clinton's are filthy animals attempting to seize power
once again ......Bill creeeping around.......sniffing out young, attention seeking interns.....we can 't have anymore of his sexual addictions distract government function.....No Clintons!
I was just thinking to myself. We need another thread hell bent on torturing the truth.

WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

Actually, Byrd has much in common with many of the RW zealots posting on USMB. It is interesting to see how they use his past "conservatism" as a lever to attack those who have forgiven him after he recanted his affiliation with the KKK. I am no ardent fan of Clinton because his upbringing in Arkansas planted the same seeds of racial animus that drove the KKK and Byrd. I am somewhat suspicious of any southern born politician for that very reason....especially those born before 1960.
Robbing people of their liberties, and right to self determination is a liberal thing and yeah you're right about BJ Clinton...

Since 1966 Bill Clinton interned, revered and honored James William Fulbert an Arkansas senator and mentor to Bill & Hillary Clinton to office in Arkansas and beyond. Clinton honored Fulbright in 2002 - close to half a century of documented admiration later with a presidential lifetime achievement - achievement of what? Fulbright's full political career was based on being a staunch klans member. Why is it not coming out the long-term father relationship the Clintons have had with Fulbright, or we playing politics as usual obeying by the clintons agenda? The OLD tricks of politics are not working. The clintons also lost several cases while in office from racial profiling of Hispanic drivers with Texas drivers tags to voter intimidation in Arkansas. Fulbright who made a career from being an open avid racist, segregationist, and attacker of the Civil Rights movement that also included women's rights instead of just snippets and sound bites. fulbright and the clintons are pictured throught an almost 50 year period of time together and not just a tired 2 min snippet or the same 1 picture. Fulbright was not a victim of his time - he was a loon support of injustice. How did the clintons know this animal for all those decades and not know he was an avid racist - everyone else did or are they so thick in the head they couldn't see that either-clinton is not very being very presidential.

Did you make up that definition of "Liberal?" My dictionary doesn't correspond with yours ...try using an American english dictionary.

liberal |ˈlib(ə)rəl| adjective1 open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values: they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people.• favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms: liberal citizenship laws.• (in a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform: a liberal democratic state.• (Liberal)of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party.• (Liberal)(in the UK) of or relating to the Liberal Democrat Party: the Liberal leader.• Theology regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.

2 [ attrib. ] (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.

3 (especially of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact:they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation.

4 given, used, or occurring in generous amounts: liberal amounts of wine had been consumed.• (of a person) giving generously: Sam was too liberal with the wine.

You're not that bright are you? how about you link to your source?

I was just thinking to myself. We need another thread hell bent on torturing the truth.

WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

Actually, Byrd has much in common with many of the RW zealots posting on USMB. It is interesting to see how they use his past "conservatism" as a lever to attack those who have forgiven him after he recanted his affiliation with the KKK. I am no ardent fan of Clinton because his upbringing in Arkansas planted the same seeds of racial animus that drove the KKK and Byrd. I am somewhat suspicious of any southern born politician for that very reason....especially those born before 1960.
Robbing people of their liberties, and right to self determination is a liberal thing and yeah you're right about BJ Clinton...

Since 1966 Bill Clinton interned, revered and honored James William Fulbert an Arkansas senator and mentor to Bill & Hillary Clinton to office in Arkansas and beyond. Clinton honored Fulbright in 2002 - close to half a century of documented admiration later with a presidential lifetime achievement - achievement of what? Fulbright's full political career was based on being a staunch klans member. Why is it not coming out the long-term father relationship the Clintons have had with Fulbright, or we playing politics as usual obeying by the clintons agenda? The OLD tricks of politics are not working. The clintons also lost several cases while in office from racial profiling of Hispanic drivers with Texas drivers tags to voter intimidation in Arkansas. Fulbright who made a career from being an open avid racist, segregationist, and attacker of the Civil Rights movement that also included women's rights instead of just snippets and sound bites. fulbright and the clintons are pictured throught an almost 50 year period of time together and not just a tired 2 min snippet or the same 1 picture. Fulbright was not a victim of his time - he was a loon support of injustice. How did the clintons know this animal for all those decades and not know he was an avid racist - everyone else did or are they so thick in the head they couldn't see that either-clinton is not very being very presidential.

Did you make up that definition of "Liberal?" My dictionary doesn't correspond with yours ...try using an American english dictionary.

liberal |ˈlib(ə)rəl| adjective1 open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values: they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people.• favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms: liberal citizenship laws.• (in a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform: a liberal democratic state.• (Liberal)of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party.• (Liberal)(in the UK) of or relating to the Liberal Democrat Party: the Liberal leader.• Theology regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.

2 [ attrib. ] (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.

3 (especially of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact:they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation.

4 given, used, or occurring in generous amounts: liberal amounts of wine had been consumed.• (of a person) giving generously: Sam was too liberal with the wine.

Lefties need to stop calling themselves
I was just thinking to myself. We need another thread hell bent on torturing the truth.

WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

Actually, Byrd has much in common with many of the RW zealots posting on USMB. It is interesting to see how they use his past "conservatism" as a lever to attack those who have forgiven him after he recanted his affiliation with the KKK. I am no ardent fan of Clinton because his upbringing in Arkansas planted the same seeds of racial animus that drove the KKK and Byrd. I am somewhat suspicious of any southern born politician for that very reason....especially those born before 1960.
Robbing people of their liberties, and right to self determination is a liberal thing and yeah you're right about BJ Clinton...

Since 1966 Bill Clinton interned, revered and honored James William Fulbert an Arkansas senator and mentor to Bill & Hillary Clinton to office in Arkansas and beyond. Clinton honored Fulbright in 2002 - close to half a century of documented admiration later with a presidential lifetime achievement - achievement of what? Fulbright's full political career was based on being a staunch klans member. Why is it not coming out the long-term father relationship the Clintons have had with Fulbright, or we playing politics as usual obeying by the clintons agenda? The OLD tricks of politics are not working. The clintons also lost several cases while in office from racial profiling of Hispanic drivers with Texas drivers tags to voter intimidation in Arkansas. Fulbright who made a career from being an open avid racist, segregationist, and attacker of the Civil Rights movement that also included women's rights instead of just snippets and sound bites. fulbright and the clintons are pictured throught an almost 50 year period of time together and not just a tired 2 min snippet or the same 1 picture. Fulbright was not a victim of his time - he was a loon support of injustice. How did the clintons know this animal for all those decades and not know he was an avid racist - everyone else did or are they so thick in the head they couldn't see that either-clinton is not very being very presidential.


Jroc's so desperate he's using contrived YouTube videos as a SOURCE now.

To the title thereof, there's no evidence for Fulbright being in the Klan. Prove me wrong.
Nor is he the topic here, or related thereto.

Desperate deflection fails.

Another apologist for a racist....The Clintons are the topic

Fulbright was certainly no “ally” of black Americans. Bitterly racist, he fought to protect the Jim Crow laws that denied black citizens their constitutional rights. In 1956 Fulbright was one of ninety-nine congressional Democrats to sign the Southern Manifesto, which declared that the Southern states had a right to keep their populations segregated by race. (It should be mentioned in passing that only two Republicans signed the document.)

In 1964 Fulbright was one of a group of tenacious Democrats who filibustered for fifty-seven days in an attempt to block the Civil Rights Act that outlawed segregation in public accommodations.

Contrary to the stereotypes that Dr. Foner and other liberals try so hard to promote, Fulbright was also a very liberal Democrat. He was a staunch supporter of labor unions. He always lobbied for appeasement of the Soviet Union;

Race and Party Politics, Part II – Senator Fullbright and Justice Black | The Other Half of History

I read your link. It says nothing about Fulbright being Klan. Nor does any other site.

You found a YouTube snake oil salesmen and you pulled your intellectual wallet out. Put that thing back in your pants.

Not content with that, your same link goes to some effort to obscure another fact in its relentless slant --- that the first POTUS to prosecute the Klan since Ulysses Grant was Lyndon Johnson. Your bozoblog tries to sell it as "Hoover's idea", as if as FBI director is some kind of independent agency.

Did you buy that too?

Last edited:

What are 'white *******'. Is that different than black *******. WHat about blacks that ain't ******* and whites that ain't *******? How are we using the word ****** in this context?

Use of a term does not in itself racism make, and certainly does not Klan make. Context is crucial.
It's obvious to the literate that Byrd is using the term "******" in its class meaning, devoid of its original connection to blacks. That's the whole point of the qualifier adjective "white". That comes directly out of the topic of "hate". Even your Fox Noise source clarifies that at the end.

What whizzed right by your pointy head as you were looking for score-points is his salient point: "we talk about it so much that we create an illusion".

But no, given a rendering of philosophical complexities, your mental capacity is sated with a grand total of --- one word.
Last edited:
WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

Actually, Byrd has much in common with many of the RW zealots posting on USMB. It is interesting to see how they use his past "conservatism" as a lever to attack those who have forgiven him after he recanted his affiliation with the KKK. I am no ardent fan of Clinton because his upbringing in Arkansas planted the same seeds of racial animus that drove the KKK and Byrd. I am somewhat suspicious of any southern born politician for that very reason....especially those born before 1960.
Robbing people of their liberties, and right to self determination is a liberal thing and yeah you're right about BJ Clinton...

Since 1966 Bill Clinton interned, revered and honored James William Fulbert an Arkansas senator and mentor to Bill & Hillary Clinton to office in Arkansas and beyond. Clinton honored Fulbright in 2002 - close to half a century of documented admiration later with a presidential lifetime achievement - achievement of what? Fulbright's full political career was based on being a staunch klans member. Why is it not coming out the long-term father relationship the Clintons have had with Fulbright, or we playing politics as usual obeying by the clintons agenda? The OLD tricks of politics are not working. The clintons also lost several cases while in office from racial profiling of Hispanic drivers with Texas drivers tags to voter intimidation in Arkansas. Fulbright who made a career from being an open avid racist, segregationist, and attacker of the Civil Rights movement that also included women's rights instead of just snippets and sound bites. fulbright and the clintons are pictured throught an almost 50 year period of time together and not just a tired 2 min snippet or the same 1 picture. Fulbright was not a victim of his time - he was a loon support of injustice. How did the clintons know this animal for all those decades and not know he was an avid racist - everyone else did or are they so thick in the head they couldn't see that either-clinton is not very being very presidential.


Jroc's so desperate he's using contrived YouTube videos as a SOURCE now.

To the title thereof, there's no evidence for Fulbright being in the Klan. Prove me wrong.
Nor is he the topic here, or related thereto.

Desperate deflection fails.

Another apologist for a racist....The Clintons are the topic

Fulbright was certainly no “ally” of black Americans. Bitterly racist, he fought to protect the Jim Crow laws that denied black citizens their constitutional rights. In 1956 Fulbright was one of ninety-nine congressional Democrats to sign the Southern Manifesto, which declared that the Southern states had a right to keep their populations segregated by race. (It should be mentioned in passing that only two Republicans signed the document.)

In 1964 Fulbright was one of a group of tenacious Democrats who filibustered for fifty-seven days in an attempt to block the Civil Rights Act that outlawed segregation in public accommodations.

Contrary to the stereotypes that Dr. Foner and other liberals try so hard to promote, Fulbright was also a very liberal Democrat. He was a staunch supporter of labor unions. He always lobbied for appeasement of the Soviet Union;

Race and Party Politics, Part II – Senator Fullbright and Justice Black | The Other Half of History

I read your link. It says nothing about Fulbright being Klan. Nor does any other site.

You found a YouTube snake oil salesmen and you pulled your intellectual wallet out. Put that thing back in your pants.

He was a racist, segregationist, scumbag. The Clintons love him. My mother always said the people you hang around with are a reflection on you. the Clintons are bigots always have been "Obama would have been fetching their coffee"

What are 'white *******'. Is that different than black *******. WHat about blacks that ain't ******* and whites that ain't *******? How are we using the word ****** in this context?

Use of a term does not in itself racism make, and certainly does not Klan make. Context is crucial.
It's obvious to the literate that Byrd is using the term "******" in its class meaning, devoid of its original connection to blacks. That's the whole point of the qualifier adjective "white". That comes directly out of the topic of "hate". Even your Fox Noise source clarifies that at the end.

What whizzed right by your pointy head as you were looking for score-points is his salient point: "we talk about it so much that we create an illusion".

But no, given a rendering of philosophical complexities, your mental capacity is sated with a grand total of --- one word.

The hell up moron. You've gotta love idiots like you, defending a former Klan member, and recruiter, while actually trying to sound intelligent while doing it :uhoh3:
Actually, Byrd has much in common with many of the RW zealots posting on USMB. It is interesting to see how they use his past "conservatism" as a lever to attack those who have forgiven him after he recanted his affiliation with the KKK. I am no ardent fan of Clinton because his upbringing in Arkansas planted the same seeds of racial animus that drove the KKK and Byrd. I am somewhat suspicious of any southern born politician for that very reason....especially those born before 1960.
Robbing people of their liberties, and right to self determination is a liberal thing and yeah you're right about BJ Clinton...

Since 1966 Bill Clinton interned, revered and honored James William Fulbert an Arkansas senator and mentor to Bill & Hillary Clinton to office in Arkansas and beyond. Clinton honored Fulbright in 2002 - close to half a century of documented admiration later with a presidential lifetime achievement - achievement of what? Fulbright's full political career was based on being a staunch klans member. Why is it not coming out the long-term father relationship the Clintons have had with Fulbright, or we playing politics as usual obeying by the clintons agenda? The OLD tricks of politics are not working. The clintons also lost several cases while in office from racial profiling of Hispanic drivers with Texas drivers tags to voter intimidation in Arkansas. Fulbright who made a career from being an open avid racist, segregationist, and attacker of the Civil Rights movement that also included women's rights instead of just snippets and sound bites. fulbright and the clintons are pictured throught an almost 50 year period of time together and not just a tired 2 min snippet or the same 1 picture. Fulbright was not a victim of his time - he was a loon support of injustice. How did the clintons know this animal for all those decades and not know he was an avid racist - everyone else did or are they so thick in the head they couldn't see that either-clinton is not very being very presidential.


Jroc's so desperate he's using contrived YouTube videos as a SOURCE now.

To the title thereof, there's no evidence for Fulbright being in the Klan. Prove me wrong.
Nor is he the topic here, or related thereto.

Desperate deflection fails.

Another apologist for a racist....The Clintons are the topic

Fulbright was certainly no “ally” of black Americans. Bitterly racist, he fought to protect the Jim Crow laws that denied black citizens their constitutional rights. In 1956 Fulbright was one of ninety-nine congressional Democrats to sign the Southern Manifesto, which declared that the Southern states had a right to keep their populations segregated by race. (It should be mentioned in passing that only two Republicans signed the document.)

In 1964 Fulbright was one of a group of tenacious Democrats who filibustered for fifty-seven days in an attempt to block the Civil Rights Act that outlawed segregation in public accommodations.

Contrary to the stereotypes that Dr. Foner and other liberals try so hard to promote, Fulbright was also a very liberal Democrat. He was a staunch supporter of labor unions. He always lobbied for appeasement of the Soviet Union;

Race and Party Politics, Part II – Senator Fullbright and Justice Black | The Other Half of History

I read your link. It says nothing about Fulbright being Klan. Nor does any other site.

You found a YouTube snake oil salesmen and you pulled your intellectual wallet out. Put that thing back in your pants.

Not content with that, your same link goes to some effort to obscure another fact in its relentless slant --- that the first POTUS to prosecute the Klan since Ulysses Grant was Lyndon Johnson. Your bozoblog tries to sell it as "Hoover's idea", as if as FBI director is some kind of independent agency.

Did you buy that too?


He was a racist, segregationist, scumbag. The Clintons love him. My mother always said the people you hang around with are a reflection on you. the Clintons are bigots always have been "Obama would have been fetching their coffee"

And let me guess ---- that statement also flies over your head. You don't have a clue in the world what that means, do ya?

Can't fix Stoopid.

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