Guess who attends funeral of KKK member?

Trump doesn't disavow a david duke endorsement in less than ten seconds and he is a racist but the husband of the current democratic candidate attends the funeral of the grand wizard of the KKK and he is a hero of the civil rights movement.

Let's see how stupid super-d is ...

in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan." He said he had joined the Klan because he felt it offered excitement and was anti-communist.[13]

In 1997, Byrd told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also warned, "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena."[22] In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions."[23] Byrd also said, in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."[13]

Apparently he is incapable of lying.

But you're not.
Hey that's handy too, since this is your thread.

I actually didn't lie because I only posted a video of a certain president attending the funeral of a (former?) KKK member. You act like that video was some kind of made for television movie or something.

What's the title of this thread?


I don't know what is the point of typing it out because if you couldn't read it the first time I don't see how you would be able to read it again.
Here is another interesting point. How come democrats are not afraid of the political repercussions of attending the funeral of a former KKK member but republicans would. The way Barrack Obama, Bill, and Hillary Clinton acted they wouldn't suffer any consequences of it but a republican wouldn't because they would know that they wouldn't hear the end of it. It just shows how biased the 'liberal' media has been throughout the years. Republicans learn to stay away from these things but democrats know they don't have to worry about it.

Pure speculation fallacy bullshit.

Btw where do you get the childish idea that a Klan membership ----- or any kind of membership, or any activity at all ---- is the one and only thing that person ever did? What are you, seven years old?

And where do you get the idea that Bill Clinton is a candidate for President anyway?

I can see you are mad. Please take a moment and wipe the spittle off of the computer screen.
Let's see how stupid super-d is ...

in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan." He said he had joined the Klan because he felt it offered excitement and was anti-communist.[13]

In 1997, Byrd told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also warned, "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena."[22] In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions."[23] Byrd also said, in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."[13]

Apparently he is incapable of lying.

But you're not.
Hey that's handy too, since this is your thread.

I actually didn't lie because I only posted a video of a certain president attending the funeral of a (former?) KKK member. You act like that video was some kind of made for television movie or something.

What's the title of this thread?


I don't know what is the point of typing it out because if you couldn't read it the first time I don't see how you would be able to read it again.

So you're just gonna go :lalala: on your own title. Eloquent.
I was just thinking to myself. We need another thread hell bent on torturing the truth.

WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

We all know Robert Byrd's past. He repudiated it, David Duke hasn't.
So did Strong Thurmond, but that didn't stop liberals from making Trent Lott step down as speaker. For just giving Thurmond a compliment on his birthday. Or how about Paula Dean? Liberals are hypocrites.
Apparently he is incapable of lying.

But you're not.
Hey that's handy too, since this is your thread.

I actually didn't lie because I only posted a video of a certain president attending the funeral of a (former?) KKK member. You act like that video was some kind of made for television movie or something.

What's the title of this thread?


I don't know what is the point of typing it out because if you couldn't read it the first time I don't see how you would be able to read it again.

So you're just gonna go :lalala: on your own title. Eloquent.

It doesn't make a difference because I never said former or current KKK member and I'm sure we can make an argument that we shouldn't judge people for their past misdeeds but joining the KKK back in the 1950s south wasn't an accident. He had to know what the organization was about and it is good that he left but a lot of people might be creeped out that the nice old guy down the street was once a member of the klan. I don't think black people would ever hang out with a current KKK member and they may not hang out with a former one and a lot of Americans have a pretty high moral standard. So high they probably wouldn't attend the funeral of one much less ever be friends with one.
But you're not.
Hey that's handy too, since this is your thread.

I actually didn't lie because I only posted a video of a certain president attending the funeral of a (former?) KKK member. You act like that video was some kind of made for television movie or something.

What's the title of this thread?


I don't know what is the point of typing it out because if you couldn't read it the first time I don't see how you would be able to read it again.

So you're just gonna go :lalala: on your own title. Eloquent.

It doesn't make a difference because I never said former or current KKK member and I'm sure we can make an argument that we shouldn't judge people for their past misdeeds but joining the KKK back in the 1950s south wasn't an accident. He had to know what the organization was about and it is good that he left but a lot of people might be creeped out that the nice old guy down the street was once a member of the klan. I don't think black people would ever hang out with a current KKK member and they may not hang out with a former one and a lot of Americans have a pretty high moral standard. So high they probably wouldn't attend the funeral of one much less ever be friends with one.

If you don't specify "former" --- it IS "current" by default, liar.

Learn to speak English.
I actually didn't lie because I only posted a video of a certain president attending the funeral of a (former?) KKK member. You act like that video was some kind of made for television movie or something.

What's the title of this thread?


I don't know what is the point of typing it out because if you couldn't read it the first time I don't see how you would be able to read it again.

So you're just gonna go :lalala: on your own title. Eloquent.

It doesn't make a difference because I never said former or current KKK member and I'm sure we can make an argument that we shouldn't judge people for their past misdeeds but joining the KKK back in the 1950s south wasn't an accident. He had to know what the organization was about and it is good that he left but a lot of people might be creeped out that the nice old guy down the street was once a member of the klan. I don't think black people would ever hang out with a current KKK member and they may not hang out with a former one and a lot of Americans have a pretty high moral standard. So high they probably wouldn't attend the funeral of one much less ever be friends with one.

If you don't specify "former" --- it IS "current" by default, liar.

Learn to speak English.

Here is what Hillary Clinton had to say about the difference between current and former.

I was just thinking to myself. We need another thread hell bent on torturing the truth.

WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

We all know Robert Byrd's past. He repudiated it, David Duke hasn't.
So did Strong Thurmond, but that didn't stop liberals from making Trent Lott step down as speaker. For just giving Thurmond a compliment on his birthday. Or how about Paula Dean? Liberals are hypocrites.

Um --- no, he (Thurmond) didn't.

And don't pull that "compliment on his birthday" shinola again. That clock has been cleaned.
I actually didn't lie because I only posted a video of a certain president attending the funeral of a (former?) KKK member. You act like that video was some kind of made for television movie or something.

What's the title of this thread?


I don't know what is the point of typing it out because if you couldn't read it the first time I don't see how you would be able to read it again.

So you're just gonna go :lalala: on your own title. Eloquent.

It doesn't make a difference because I never said former or current KKK member and I'm sure we can make an argument that we shouldn't judge people for their past misdeeds but joining the KKK back in the 1950s south wasn't an accident. He had to know what the organization was about and it is good that he left but a lot of people might be creeped out that the nice old guy down the street was once a member of the klan. I don't think black people would ever hang out with a current KKK member and they may not hang out with a former one and a lot of Americans have a pretty high moral standard. So high they probably wouldn't attend the funeral of one much less ever be friends with one.

If you don't specify "former" --- it IS "current" by default, liar.

Learn to speak English.

No because if you don't have former you can have current or future member. In english we have past, current, and future. It appears you read to much into it.
What's the title of this thread?


I don't know what is the point of typing it out because if you couldn't read it the first time I don't see how you would be able to read it again.

So you're just gonna go :lalala: on your own title. Eloquent.

It doesn't make a difference because I never said former or current KKK member and I'm sure we can make an argument that we shouldn't judge people for their past misdeeds but joining the KKK back in the 1950s south wasn't an accident. He had to know what the organization was about and it is good that he left but a lot of people might be creeped out that the nice old guy down the street was once a member of the klan. I don't think black people would ever hang out with a current KKK member and they may not hang out with a former one and a lot of Americans have a pretty high moral standard. So high they probably wouldn't attend the funeral of one much less ever be friends with one.

If you don't specify "former" --- it IS "current" by default, liar.

Learn to speak English.

No because if you don't have former you can have current or future member. In english we have past, current, and future. It appears you read to much into it.

Just HOW in the wide world of Blue Fuck is a dead man going to be a KKK member in the future?

It is a secret society so how do we know that BRYRD denounced them? For all we know he can still be showing up to the meetings along with many prominent politicians.

I'm sure he still had his white hood hanging in the closest, laughing at these liberal idiots who praised him.
I was just thinking to myself. We need another thread hell bent on torturing the truth.

WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

We all know Robert Byrd's past. He repudiated it, David Duke hasn't.
So did Strong Thurmond, but that didn't stop liberals from making Trent Lott step down as speaker. For just giving Thurmond a compliment on his birthday. Or how about Paula Dean? Liberals are hypocrites.

Um --- no, he (Thurmond) didn't.

And don't pull that "compliment on his birthday" shinola again. That clock has been cleaned.
Um, yes he did. He even acknowledged his black daughter. Also Lott just complimented him on his birthday. Outraged liberals made him step down. So um, yes you are a hypocrite. You have no creditability on this subject.
I don't know what is the point of typing it out because if you couldn't read it the first time I don't see how you would be able to read it again.

So you're just gonna go :lalala: on your own title. Eloquent.

It doesn't make a difference because I never said former or current KKK member and I'm sure we can make an argument that we shouldn't judge people for their past misdeeds but joining the KKK back in the 1950s south wasn't an accident. He had to know what the organization was about and it is good that he left but a lot of people might be creeped out that the nice old guy down the street was once a member of the klan. I don't think black people would ever hang out with a current KKK member and they may not hang out with a former one and a lot of Americans have a pretty high moral standard. So high they probably wouldn't attend the funeral of one much less ever be friends with one.

If you don't specify "former" --- it IS "current" by default, liar.

Learn to speak English.

No because if you don't have former you can have current or future member. In english we have past, current, and future. It appears you read to much into it.

Just HOW in the wide world of Blue Fuck is a dead man going to be a KKK member in the future?

I don't think I ever said any thing like that originally. The only person making any kind of assumptions as to what I said or meant is you. First it was 'current' when I didn't say it was current and now it is future when I didn't say it was the future. I've already achknowledged he was a former KKK member so what is the big deal? can't handle the fact that you are getting you ass whooped so in order to hang onto whatever shred of dignity you think you have hold onto whether I said former or present.

Now you are going to argue that I said he joined the KKK in the future. THat is a pretty stupid statement but since you are not going to let go you are keep on kicking that can down the street until you feel better. To answer your you know how he can join the KKK in the future? When he meets them in HELL and decides to re-enlist.
So you're just gonna go :lalala: on your own title. Eloquent.

It doesn't make a difference because I never said former or current KKK member and I'm sure we can make an argument that we shouldn't judge people for their past misdeeds but joining the KKK back in the 1950s south wasn't an accident. He had to know what the organization was about and it is good that he left but a lot of people might be creeped out that the nice old guy down the street was once a member of the klan. I don't think black people would ever hang out with a current KKK member and they may not hang out with a former one and a lot of Americans have a pretty high moral standard. So high they probably wouldn't attend the funeral of one much less ever be friends with one.

If you don't specify "former" --- it IS "current" by default, liar.

Learn to speak English.

No because if you don't have former you can have current or future member. In english we have past, current, and future. It appears you read to much into it.

Just HOW in the wide world of Blue Fuck is a dead man going to be a KKK member in the future?

I don't think I ever said any thing like that originally. The only person making any kind of assumptions as to what I said or meant is you. First it was 'current' when I didn't say it was current and now it is future when I didn't say it was the future. I've already achknowledged he was a former KKK member so what is the big deal? can't handle the fact that you are getting you ass whooped so in order to hang onto whatever shred of dignity you think you have hold onto whether I said former or present.

Now you are going to argue that I said he joined the KKK in the future. THat is a pretty stupid statement but since you are not going to let go you are keep on kicking that can down the street until you feel better. To answer your you know how he can join the KKK in the future? When he meets them in HELL and decides to re-enlist.

Yeah I already pointed that out. That's the point where you hit yourself over the head with a toilet seat and drowned, suggesting you could have meant a dead man would join the KKK in the future.

It's on the record. There's no way you're getting out of it.

Best thing for you to do is prolly just unsubscribe and try to forget all this ever happened. And hope nobody bumps the thread to show off your stupidity.
It doesn't make a difference because I never said former or current KKK member and I'm sure we can make an argument that we shouldn't judge people for their past misdeeds but joining the KKK back in the 1950s south wasn't an accident. He had to know what the organization was about and it is good that he left but a lot of people might be creeped out that the nice old guy down the street was once a member of the klan. I don't think black people would ever hang out with a current KKK member and they may not hang out with a former one and a lot of Americans have a pretty high moral standard. So high they probably wouldn't attend the funeral of one much less ever be friends with one.

If you don't specify "former" --- it IS "current" by default, liar.

Learn to speak English.

No because if you don't have former you can have current or future member. In english we have past, current, and future. It appears you read to much into it.

Just HOW in the wide world of Blue Fuck is a dead man going to be a KKK member in the future?

I don't think I ever said any thing like that originally. The only person making any kind of assumptions as to what I said or meant is you. First it was 'current' when I didn't say it was current and now it is future when I didn't say it was the future. I've already achknowledged he was a former KKK member so what is the big deal? can't handle the fact that you are getting you ass whooped so in order to hang onto whatever shred of dignity you think you have hold onto whether I said former or present.

Now you are going to argue that I said he joined the KKK in the future. THat is a pretty stupid statement but since you are not going to let go you are keep on kicking that can down the street until you feel better. To answer your you know how he can join the KKK in the future? When he meets them in HELL and decides to re-enlist.

Yeah I already pointed that out. That's the point where you hit yourself over the head with a toilet seat and drowned, suggesting you could have meant a dead man would join the KKK in the future.

It's on the record. There's no way you're getting out of it.

Best thing for you to do is prolly just unsubscribe and try to forget all this ever happened. And hope nobody bumps the thread to show off your stupidity.

I actually said you and the rest of the democratic party can regroup in hell.
I was just thinking to myself. We need another thread hell bent on torturing the truth.

WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

We all know Robert Byrd's past. He repudiated it, David Duke hasn't.
So did Strong Thurmond, but that didn't stop liberals from making Trent Lott step down as speaker. For just giving Thurmond a compliment on his birthday. Or how about Paula Dean? Liberals are hypocrites.

Um --- no, he (Thurmond) didn't.

And don't pull that "compliment on his birthday" shinola again. That clock has been cleaned.
Um, yes he did. He even acknowledged his black daughter. Also Lott just complimented him on his birthday. Outraged liberals made him step down. So um, yes you are a hypocrite. You have no creditability on this subject.

Uh NO HE DID NOT. His family acknowledged that what she said was true. HE did not.

Go ahead, prove me wrong.

And Lott --- once again to re-clean this clock, said, "we (Mississippi) voted for him. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead we wouldn't have had all these problems all these years either".

-- which means, "if the country had just elected an ardent segregationist we wouldn't have had to deal with these annoyances like.... civil rights".

That has ZERO to do with anybody's birthday.
If you don't specify "former" --- it IS "current" by default, liar.

Learn to speak English.

No because if you don't have former you can have current or future member. In english we have past, current, and future. It appears you read to much into it.

Just HOW in the wide world of Blue Fuck is a dead man going to be a KKK member in the future?

I don't think I ever said any thing like that originally. The only person making any kind of assumptions as to what I said or meant is you. First it was 'current' when I didn't say it was current and now it is future when I didn't say it was the future. I've already achknowledged he was a former KKK member so what is the big deal? can't handle the fact that you are getting you ass whooped so in order to hang onto whatever shred of dignity you think you have hold onto whether I said former or present.

Now you are going to argue that I said he joined the KKK in the future. THat is a pretty stupid statement but since you are not going to let go you are keep on kicking that can down the street until you feel better. To answer your you know how he can join the KKK in the future? When he meets them in HELL and decides to re-enlist.

Yeah I already pointed that out. That's the point where you hit yourself over the head with a toilet seat and drowned, suggesting you could have meant a dead man would join the KKK in the future.

It's on the record. There's no way you're getting out of it.

Best thing for you to do is prolly just unsubscribe and try to forget all this ever happened. And hope nobody bumps the thread to show off your stupidity.

I actually said you and the rest of the democratic party can regroup in hell.

I'm not part of a "democratic party" [sic] or any other party. But you might wanna check your own screen name.
No because if you don't have former you can have current or future member. In english we have past, current, and future. It appears you read to much into it.

Just HOW in the wide world of Blue Fuck is a dead man going to be a KKK member in the future?

I don't think I ever said any thing like that originally. The only person making any kind of assumptions as to what I said or meant is you. First it was 'current' when I didn't say it was current and now it is future when I didn't say it was the future. I've already achknowledged he was a former KKK member so what is the big deal? can't handle the fact that you are getting you ass whooped so in order to hang onto whatever shred of dignity you think you have hold onto whether I said former or present.

Now you are going to argue that I said he joined the KKK in the future. THat is a pretty stupid statement but since you are not going to let go you are keep on kicking that can down the street until you feel better. To answer your you know how he can join the KKK in the future? When he meets them in HELL and decides to re-enlist.

Yeah I already pointed that out. That's the point where you hit yourself over the head with a toilet seat and drowned, suggesting you could have meant a dead man would join the KKK in the future.

It's on the record. There's no way you're getting out of it.

Best thing for you to do is prolly just unsubscribe and try to forget all this ever happened. And hope nobody bumps the thread to show off your stupidity.

I actually said you and the rest of the democratic party can regroup in hell.

I'm not part of a "democratic party" [sic] or any other party. But you might wanna check your own screen name.

WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

We all know Robert Byrd's past. He repudiated it, David Duke hasn't.
So did Strong Thurmond, but that didn't stop liberals from making Trent Lott step down as speaker. For just giving Thurmond a compliment on his birthday. Or how about Paula Dean? Liberals are hypocrites.

Um --- no, he (Thurmond) didn't.

And don't pull that "compliment on his birthday" shinola again. That clock has been cleaned.
Um, yes he did. He even acknowledged his black daughter. Also Lott just complimented him on his birthday. Outraged liberals made him step down. So um, yes you are a hypocrite. You have no creditability on this subject.

Uh NO HE DID NOT. His family acknowledged that what she said was true. HE did not.

Go ahead, prove me wrong.

And Lott --- once again to re-clean this clock, said, "we (Mississippi) voted for him. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead we wouldn't have had all these problems all these years either".

-- which means, "if the country had just elected an ardent segregationist we wouldn't have had to deal with these annoyances like.... civil rights".

That has ZERO to do with anybody's birthday.
Trent Lott had to step down because of liberal outrage. You're a hypocrite.
I was just thinking to myself. We need another thread hell bent on torturing the truth.

WHich is Bill Clinton attended funeral of KKK wizard. The picture is right there.

We all know Robert Byrd's past. He repudiated it, David Duke hasn't.

if he did it was because of political necessity as blacks were asserting their right to vote in the south.

How many black senators does the south have? 1?

There are TWO black Senators. Tim Scott from South Carolina, a Republican and Cory Booker from New Jersey. One is a Republican and one is a Democrat. You would think the self proclaimed party of diversity would have more black Senators. Last time I looked, 1:1 is a tie.

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