Guggenheim Museum: Dear Drumpf's We Got No Van Gogh for YOU! But please display this instead. LOL!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
The emailed response from the Guggenheim’s chief curator to the White House was polite but firm: The museum could not accommodate a request to “borrow” a painting by Vincent Van Gogh for President and Melania Trump’s private living quarters.

Instead, wrote the curator, Nancy Spector, another piece was available, one that was nothing like “Landscape With Snow,” the lovely 1888 Van Gogh rendering of a man in a black hat walking along a path in Arles, France, with his dog.

The curator’s alternative: an 18-karat, fully functioning, solid gold toilet


Guggenheim offers Trump a gold toilet for White House: report

:lmao::lol: Clearly, Living as the Great Douche's. After the full bottle treament you
need a Golden Dumper Throne to sit on.:itsok: Poor Douche, Its an ALT-Van Gogh!

The HOOKER Wifey most give Daddy Douche the required service Golden Shower treatment during use.
Some may trickle down into the toilet bowl from the Great Douche mouth.

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The emailed response from the Guggenheim’s chief curator to the White House was polite but firm: The museum could not accommodate a request to “borrow” a painting by Vincent Van Gogh for President and Melania Trump’s private living quarters.

Instead, wrote the curator, Nancy Spector, another piece was available, one that was nothing like “Landscape With Snow,” the lovely 1888 Van Gogh rendering of a man in a black hat walking along a path in Arles, France, with his dog.

The curator’s alternative: an 18-karat, fully functioning, solid gold toilet


Guggenheim offers Trump a gold toilet for White House: report

:lmao::lol: Clearly, Living as the Great Douche's. After the full bottle treament you
need a Golden Dumper Throne to sit on.:itsok: Poor Douche, Its an ALT-Van Gogh!

The HOOKER Wifey most give Daddy Douche the required service Golden Shower treatment during use.
Some may trickle down into the toilet bowl from the Great Douche mouth.
/----/ Who cares what those clowns at the museum think.
I guess the Great Douche is unpopular. This Art gallery happy loaning to past, better run White Houses.
What happened? But they could offer this...As to remind the Hooker Skank Wife how it got into America illegally?

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Great, we can use it to continue flushing Obama's legacy down the toilet.

Why would you flush Obama 14,000 points added to the stock market? Where he handed
it off @19,900. The Yuge gains from 6,800 points received from Dubya messy. Obama took an
unemployment rate from 2008 Dubya's 9.9% down to 4.7% for the 2016-1-20-17
Obama hand off..

Seems the Great Douche has only lower unemployment from that Great Obama hand off
by only 0.6% to 4.1% WOW? you want it go back to 9.9% FFS! Way?
Great, we can use it to continue flushing Obama's legacy down the toilet.

Why would you flush Obama 14,000 points added to the stock market? Where he handed
it off @19,900. The Yuge gains from 6,800 points received from Dubya messy. Obama took an
unemployment rate from 2008 Dubya's 9.9% down to 4.7% for the 2016-1-20-17
Obama hand off..

Seems the Great Douche has only lower unemployment from that Great Obama hand off
by only 0.6% to 4.1% WOW? you want it go back to 9.9% FFS! Way?
/----/ Because Obozo used the sleazy trick of quantitative easing to pump up the market. Trump doesn't have that luxury. I'm surprised a smart LIbtard like you was unaware of this common knowledge.
The Fed and Fiscal Policy During the Obama Years
By James Capretta
August 24, 2016
The Fed and Fiscal Policy During the Obama Years | RealClearMarkets
The federal government has run massive deficits since President Obama became president in 2009, but the deficits, and the government's interest payments on the cumulative federal debt, would have been even greater if the Federal Reserve had not intervened with a massive and unprecedented bond and securities buying program.

Beginning in 2009, the Fed began its multi-stage program of quantitative easing through large-scale purchases of Treasury and other securities. In the aftermath of the financial crash, the agency had quickly lowered the targeted federal funds rate to between zero and 0.25 percent. In early 2009, the bank's leaders, especially Ben Bernanke, sought to provide further monetary stimulus to the national economy and settled on large-scale asset purchases as the most viable way to expand the monetary base with interest rates already at the lower bound.
/----/ Because Obozo used the sleazy trick of quantitative easing to pump up the market. Trump doesn't have that luxury. I'm surprised a smart LIbtard like you was unaware of this common knowledge.

I doubt very much he has the slightest clue what QE is.
Great, we can use it to continue flushing Obama's legacy down the toilet.

Why would you flush Obama 14,000 points added to the stock market? Where he handed
it off @19,900. The Yuge gains from 6,800 points received from Dubya messy. Obama took an
unemployment rate from 2008 Dubya's 9.9% down to 4.7% for the 2016-1-20-17
Obama hand off..

Seems the Great Douche has only lower unemployment from that Great Obama hand off
by only 0.6% to 4.1% WOW? you want it go back to 9.9% FFS! Way?
Great, we can use it to continue flushing Obama's legacy down the toilet.

Why would you flush Obama 14,000 points added to the stock market? Where he handed
it off @19,900. The Yuge gains from 6,800 points received from Dubya messy. Obama took an
unemployment rate from 2008 Dubya's 9.9% down to 4.7% for the 2016-1-20-17
Obama hand off..

Seems the Great Douche has only lower unemployment from that Great Obama hand off
by only 0.6% to 4.1% WOW? you want it go back to 9.9% FFS! Way?
/----/ Because Obozo used the sleazy trick of quantitative easing to pump up the market. Trump doesn't have that luxury. I'm surprised a smart LIbtard like you was unaware of this common knowledge.
The Fed and Fiscal Policy During the Obama Years
By James Capretta
August 24, 2016
The Fed and Fiscal Policy During the Obama Years | RealClearMarkets
The federal government has run massive deficits since President Obama became president in 2009, but the deficits, and the government's interest payments on the cumulative federal debt, would have been even greater if the Federal Reserve had not intervened with a massive and unprecedented bond and securities buying program.

Beginning in 2009, the Fed began its multi-stage program of quantitative easing through large-scale purchases of Treasury and other securities. In the aftermath of the financial crash, the agency had quickly lowered the targeted federal funds rate to between zero and 0.25 percent. In early 2009, the bank's leaders, especially Ben Bernanke, sought to provide further monetary stimulus to the national economy and settled on large-scale asset purchases as the most viable way to expand the monetary base with interest rates already at the lower bound.

But the Great Douche is claiming Obama up wing in points. QE or not.
Wow... If I was on the Guggenheim EC I'd can that chick yesterday. How petty to involve ones personal political opinions in business like that. ~shrug~
The Van Gogh is NOT/ WAS not available for LOAN! BEFORE THE REQUEST IN THE FIRST-PLACE. The Golden Bowl IS!


btw: It's well a KNOWN FACT, the GREAT Douche is a fraud. IT hangs fake artworks claiming they are real. I don't want the US taxpayers not the hook if IT steals it, replacing it with a FAKE.

btw2: SWEET The Great Douche is forever connected to the artwork.

In Donald Trump's role as President of the United States, he and First Lady Melania Trump asked the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum to let him borrow Landscape with Snow for the White House residence. The Guggenheim's Artistic Director and Chief Curator, Nancy Spector, declined, offering America by contemporary Italian artist Maurizio Cattelaninstead.[6]

Landscape with Snow - Wikipedia

btw3: The America- Golden Bowl
Maurizio Cattelan: “America”
Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan’s bold, irreverent work skewers social complacencies and reimagines cultural icons. On the occasion of his 2011–12 retrospective at the Guggenheim, which featured virtually every work he had ever made suspended from the oculus of the rotunda, Cattelan announced his retirement from art making. Five years later, he returns from this self-imposed exile with a new, ongoing project at the museum. For “America”Cattelan replaced the toilet in this restroom with a fully functional replica cast in 18-karat gold, making available to the public an extravagant luxury product seemingly intended for the 1 percent. Its participatory nature, in which viewers are invited to make use of the fixture individually and privately, allows for an experience of unprecedented intimacy with a work of art. Cattelan’s toilet offers a wink to the excesses of the art market but also evokes the American dream of opportunity for all—its utility ultimately reminding us of the inescapable physical realities of our shared humanity.Maurizio Cattelan: “America”

:clap::clap::clap: Is will to let the Great Douche display it long term ...LOL!
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(The White House wanted to "borrow" a Van Gogh.)

The curator's alternative: an 18-karat, fully functioning, solid gold toilet - an interactive work entitled "America" that critics have described as pointed satire aimed at the excess of wealth in this country.

"It is, of course, extremely valuable and somewhat fragile, but we would provide all the instructions for its installation and care."

The White House did not respond to inquiries about the matter.

"I don't want to be rude, I have to go," the artist said, before hanging up.

She included with the email a photograph of the toilet "for your reference."



A gold plated put down.

Is it being respectful?
FYI; Did you known that Maurizio Cattelan made these below? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Description: Not Afraid of Love


Description: Captured Pussy Grab.(My name for it)

Real Tag:
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Already a thread on this from the other troll
I'm okay if the Great Douche, wants to sport this Full Face HAT. I'll pay for it to be painted Douche RED!


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