Gun Battle Erupts as Hundreds of ‘Youths’ Riot at Six Flags in Georgia

They are just as bad, but they are in states with bigger populations........skews the results.
You’re arguing that blue cities and red cities are equally bad. Yet blue states do better than red states in terms of rates.

I don’t think you’re understanding the math on that one.
I don't care... about you or any other progtard. Keep responding if it makes you feel significant...I don't care
If you don’t care, then why did you start responding to me with factually incorrect statements?

Now go away and let me know when you have something useful to contribute.
I suppose there are only so many ways to say "going to hell in a handbasket."

But at the very least, at this late juncture of our dying Republic, it's shockingly undebatable that's where we're inexorably headed without a stark course correction in November.

I weep for America's troubled youth.


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