Gun Battle Erupts as Hundreds of ‘Youths’ Riot at Six Flags in Georgia

Only takes over 5% black to send violent crime rates up; Atlanta Metro has over 60% total, many areas over 92% black.
(1) What has happened to Atlanta is truly sad. Sad for Americans of all ethnicities.

(2) I remember reading that when the movie "Gone with the Wind" had its premiere in Atlanta in 1939, Ms. Hattie McDaniel, who had an important role in the movie, was not allowed to attend the ceremony because of her ethnicity.

(3) Today Atlanta is full of crime (like Jackson, Mississippi).

(4) In the 1960s, we all were so hopeful that civil rights would bring about a happy country in which people could get along nicely.

(5) But it seems that a large proportion of the ethnicity under discussion have become much more violent than their earlier counterparts, who never behaved so violently before World War II or even before the 1960s.

(6) I think that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., would be broken-hearted if he knew.
You would not like my plan

Its your fault so you give us the magic lib formula to fix it
I don’t think there’s an easy plan that can be implemented.

Why is this a bigger issue in red states than in blue states?
My comment isn’t a question drawer
Question posing is a deflection for the ignorant and incapable
Next you will plead how are you ignorant and incapable
Uncovered and doesn’t work
So you just want to throw around baseless accusations without being questioned.

I agree with that

There is no easy fix but we could start with no welfare for single moms

Make the father support the children they conceive
Why don’t red states implement that plan?

It’s a bigger issue in red states.

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