Gun Control Has Only 1 Motive - Confiscation of All Guns from Law Abiding Citizens

I don't believe you deserve equal weaponry as the army. I think you need hunting and personal protection and that's it. None of your conspiracies....
I don't give a fuck what you think I deserve. I don't believe the very institution responsible for so much death and misery around the world deserves a monopoly on force. You apparently do. See the problem?

Being the sooper espert you are, you don't know the difference in the external difference between a Colt AR-15 Model 601 (M-16) and a Colt M-16 Model 602 thru 602. You won't answer that question because you don't know. Well, cupie, I have fired ALL the variants. And you uber gunnutters are so misinformed that your opinions don't count for anything in any conversation. In fact, you hurt any legislation for or against gun regs.

Here is the answer to that question. It's the charging handle. The original AR-15 Model 601 was NOT called a M-16 because it predates the M-16. But it begat both the AR-15 and the M-16 Model 602. The M-16 uses a T handle while the Model 601 uses or used a diamond charging handle. But as the charging handles on the 601 was replaced, it was replaced by the T handle. ALL parts are interchangeable and have been since 1959. The Army got their hands on a few Colt AR-15 601s and tested them and found them to be an adequate replacement for the M-14 and the M-1A1. The Marines and Navy follow suit. Colt then made the Model 602 which had the M-203 rails that were added to the 601s as a Mod. When that mod was done on the 601, it was restamped AR-15 Model 601 (M-16) while the 602 was stamped M-16.

If you handled a M-16 prior to 1992, you may have held an AR-15 Model 601 (M-16) and not even been aware of it. Of course, you are too stupid to know the difference anyway.
Are you attempting to stumble upon a POINT with your v"LOOK OVER THERE" shitposting?
Maybe you like crazy people and felons having machine guns with giant clips but you are brainwashed functionally insane. Of course I can get guns I just don't want guns. Though actually I may buy a hunting rifle soon.
Notice how "crazy" people never go shoot up a bunch of armed people.

You can only guarantee your own safety. Arm up.

He WANTS and NEEDS violence. He MUST have dead children. He CELEBRATES school shootings. This is the only way he can push his agenda.
That's a lie that they try and use to fool everyone else. Felons don't have machine guns. And haven't had for decades. They want to scare others into allowing them to have whatever is in their fondest dreams. Just not going to happen. It's been over 40 years since a full auto weapon has been used in a Crime in the United States no matter the lies that the gunnutters want to weave.

Buy a good hunting Rifle. Spend a few bucks on it. You won't have to buy another one is you buy the right one.

Bullshit. Felons are arrested with machineguns all of the time. There is no difference for them having an MG or a regular firearm. The penalty is the same. YOU are the one who is lying.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

Nobody is scared other than you little hater dupe. Only scared people, or those who wish to control other people push gun control.
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country...

No, you continuously set the violent felons free and only seek to disarm the law abiding, little hater dupe. Either you are stupid beyond belief, or a certifiable nut job who wants violent felons on the street to do their dirty work so you can push your gun confiscation agenda.
Not stupid. Evil.
Nobody is going to change the one percenters we're just going to tax them more like their fair share. you're still talkin about Communists and no one wants communism. Icaramba you're just brainwashed totally
How much tax is their "fair share"? Be specific.
I'll go with the government and armed services of our country thanks the rule of law and all that kind of thing.
And you call me scary. Jesus. You are my worst nightmare. You trust the fucking fox to guard the goddamn hen house. You are the very type of person Thomas Jefferson abhorred.

Please get the fuck out of my country.
He's a poster child for the Pinochet Helicopter Tour Company.
I'll go with the government and armed services of our country thanks the rule of law and all that kind of thing.
And you call me scary. Jesus. You are my worst nightmare. You trust the fucking fox to guard the goddamn hen house. You are the very type of person Thomas Jefferson abhorred.

Please get the fuck out of my country.
He's a poster child for the Pinochet Helicopter Tour Company.
the GOP is full of treasonous conspiracy nutjobs deep State my ass just a wild and crazy orange clown....
Bullshit. Felons are arrested with machineguns all of the time. There is no difference for them having an MG or a regular firearm. The penalty is the same. YOU are the one who is lying.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

Nobody is scared other than you little hater dupe. Only scared people, or those who wish to control other people push gun control.
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country...

No, you continuously set the violent felons free and only seek to disarm the law abiding, little hater dupe. Either you are stupid beyond belief, or a certifiable nut job who wants violent felons on the street to do their dirty work so you can push your gun confiscation agenda.
Not stupid. Evil.
Only In GOP propaganda world, brain washed functional morons
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country..
I am neither. My record is spotless. I have had both criminal and mental health evaluations. I pay taxes and give to charity. I am a model fucking citizen.

If your goal is to keep guns from felons and psychos, why do I have ANY restrictions? My rights should not be infringed. I should get what a soldier gets. This exposes you. We all know why you want those restrictions to apply to me.

Because you are lying your fucking penis off about your real agenda, that's why. Quit your fucking lying, you commie gun-grabbing fuck.

It's it's too bad you brainwashed idiots don't know how to carry on a civil conversation. Ignorance is like that.

Says the little hater dupe who hurls insults with every post.

Pot meet fucking kettle.
What liberals are doing all this gun damage? if you're talking about blacks - not really liberal.
Didn't take long for you to see you were playing a losing hand and play that card. it's white liberals making this mess and you have no response for that so you inject race by pretending it's me that is referencing minorities...white liberals like you protect violent criminals by pretending it is the gun committing the crime and not the person then shift the blame to guns and the conversation to race...make no mistake...white liberals are to blame, not minorities, understand now?
Is that why we have the biggest prison population in the world by far? We should have background checks and ban the sale of military style weapons. There are already plenty of them around anyway.

That's because China executes thousands every year, dumbshit.
Fuck you. You're not getting cocksucking shit!

Machine guns or Valhalla!

And Another unstable nut Job chimes in. Background checks and clip regulations are coming, just a question of time. But confiscation not so much. Another imaginary scandal from The dupes.... I'm guessing you're a felon too...

Maybe, time will tell. Your hero bernie seems to be flailing so maybe this country isn't as far gone as you hoped.
Why do you love the lying scumbag GOP raw deal so much, super duper dupe? Anyway Biden is going in the same direction. We'll see- this coronavirus is pointing out what garbage our healthcare system is...

I don't, little hater dupe, but they are the best option so far. Moronic dipshits, like you, seem to think that socialism is the bee's knee's because you are so ignorant of the realities of socialism, and your unwillingness to actually look at its history. For some reason you think changing the 1% ruling elite is going to magically make your worthless lives better. It ain't.

Sounds to me like you are preaching the hate on this one. I got what I want. And it looks like I am going to get what I want come November as well. I don't have to preach hate like you do. Things are looking up over here. We got the gun regs we needed, we are replacing Gardner for Senate, and it look like Rump is going to be freed up to face NY State and two other States on various charges. Works for me. No hate over here.

I'm not the one trying to deny people their Rights.

And no, November is going to suck for you.
And no it doesn't make any sense anyway. Blame for what?
right, when you said "if you mean blacks" you were just reciting a mantra with no real intent other than to iject rac, u cannot even remember what it was you were replying to.

The problem is mass murders.
born out of a related problem, white liberals

I don't really give a damn anyway.
do you really think any of us took you seriously enough to think that you did or do?
I thought you meant liberals were causing the gun violence problem and that would be the blacks mainly fighting over who to sell drugs to the whites. But they're not little bro they just know which party is full of racists.
no stereotyping to see here keep moving...little bro?:abgg2q.jpg:
And no it doesn't make any sense anyway. Blame for what?
right, when you said "if you mean blacks" you were just reciting a mantra with no real intent other than to iject rac, u cannot even remember what it was you were replying to.

The problem is mass murders.
born out of a related problem, white liberals

I don't really give a damn anyway.
do you really think any of us took you seriously enough to think that you did or do?
I thought you meant liberals were causing the gun violence problem and that would be the blacks mainly fighting over who to sell drugs to the whites. But they're not little bro they just know which party is full of racists.
no stereotyping to see here keep moving...little bro?:abgg2q.jpg:
Blacks are not liberals but they are Democrats.
But Weatherman, we only want sensible gun laws passed!


List the ‘sensible’ gun laws that still need to pass and just ONE Democrat saying once these pass we’ve done all we can do, no more laws about guns will be pushed for.

There isn’t one Leftist. It’s all about riding the slippery slope and making sure felons are on the streets to create more violence to further their agenda of grabbing all guns from law abiding citizens.

Now the end game: Name one tyrannical government in modern history that didn’t grab guns from law abiding citizens.

There isn’t one. They all grabbed the guns first.

The yellow journalists of the democrat controlled media have created a panic and atmosphere of hysteria nationwide. Store shelves are empty because irresponsible and malicious demagoguery has created the illusion of shortages of basic goods like toilet paper. California governor Xi Jin Newsom declared a state of pseudo martial law where he can seize private property at will and might take control of grocery stores. New York and New Jersey are taking similar actions.

The democrats are making their move now, they are staging their Marxist revolution as we speak under the cloak of the Wuhan virus. The fact that we are armed is the biggest impediment to their establishment of a totalitarian state. In Illinois some government hacks have outlawed the sale of firearms and ammunition, knowing that the public might resist.

Civil war is upon us, the public MUST be armed and ready to resist.
And no it doesn't make any sense anyway. Blame for what?
right, when you said "if you mean blacks" you were just reciting a mantra with no real intent other than to iject rac, u cannot even remember what it was you were replying to.

The problem is mass murders.
born out of a related problem, white liberals

I don't really give a damn anyway.
do you really think any of us took you seriously enough to think that you did or do?
I thought you meant liberals were causing the gun violence problem and that would be the blacks mainly fighting over who to sell drugs to the whites. But they're not little bro they just know which party is full of racists.
no stereotyping to see here keep moving...little bro?:abgg2q.jpg:
Blacks are not liberals but they are Democrats.

Less and less every day.
I don't give a fuck what you think I deserve. I don't believe the very institution responsible for so much death and misery around the world deserves a monopoly on force. You apparently do. See the problem?
Yes, I see the problem. It appears you want to arm yourself so you can take on the military if you feel it's necessary. That indicates the problem is you are detached from reality.
The yellow journalists of the democrat controlled media have created a panic and atmosphere of hysteria nationwide.
I'm pretty sure they have medicine to treat paranoia like that.

The thing is, I don't think you're paranoid. You just like to sling total bullshit.

It would take a constitutional amendment to legally confiscate all guns. Not happening.

In truth, you just can't justify being against enhanced gun control because gun violence is a public safety issue so you have to make up bullshit as a rationale to oppose it. I see what you're doing asshole. Don't think I don't.
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country..
I am neither. My record is spotless. I have had both criminal and mental health evaluations. I pay taxes and give to charity. I am a model fucking citizen.

If your goal is to keep guns from felons and psychos, why do I have ANY restrictions? My rights should not be infringed. I should get what a soldier gets. This exposes you. We all know why you want those restrictions to apply to me.

Because you are lying your fucking penis off about your real agenda, that's why. Quit your fucking lying, you commie gun-grabbing fuck.

It's it's too bad you brainwashed idiots don't know how to carry on a civil conversation. Ignorance is like that.

Says the little hater dupe who hurls insults with every post.

Pot meet fucking kettle.
Mine are political insults. Yours are personal insults despite the fact you have no clue about me....

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