Gun Control Has Only 1 Motive - Confiscation of All Guns from Law Abiding Citizens

"It's that kind of thinking that allowed you to keep slaves for so many years...and btw, even milder gun control laws are unconstitutional."
my my look what I found, a treasure trove of the oxymoron referred to as "liberal thought"...lets see just how wrong it is possible for one person to be.

said the blind man

so you....a conservative....
democrat [of the anti "white-liberal" variety] both registered and practicing

a trump supporter (i'm certain)....
of course you are, I voted for Johnson in 16 and Obama twice before that [who in my pinion was one of our greatest presidents ever] and would still vote for him a third time [even you could prove he was Kenyan] and I am voting Biden in this it is easy to see how someone with your mind and education would draw the conclusion you did and be absolutely certain of it.

you think foreign born terrorists have a right to walk into a gun store and buy machine guns and then go out and slaughter innocent Americans?

Only white liberals do that, not foreigners

you have NO PROBLEM with murderers just wandering in to a gun shop and buying a bunch of guns to commit more murders?

"even milder gun control laws are unconstitutional."


that's what you think!
How old are you? you need to answer that
I'll accept the constitutional right of law abiding citizens to own guns (including automatics)

but FIRST you must PROVE that you ARE a "law abiding American citizen"

and THAT means backgrounds checks.
throw in 'being liberal disqualifies for gun ownership' and I will go along

Additionally (I don't care what you think) I DEMAND that all "law abiding American citizens" who wish to own guns be trained and licensed in the proper and safe use of firearms.


(tough shit if you don't fkn like it...I don't fkn like finding out that my cousin died because YOU couldn't properly take care of a weapon)
I don't own guns, don't like em, think they are too dangerous and too easy for liberals to get their hands on and do something stupid where someone ends up dead leaving the rest of us to hold the bag for their mistakes. [and the "tough shit" attitude is so typical of those who really are tired of the whole "constitution non-sense"]

I'm sure the reality that you couldn't have gotten this more wrong is lost on you but the rest of the board will see it.
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And Another unstable nut Job chimes in. Background checks and clip regulations are coming, just a question of time. But confiscation not so much. Another imaginary scandal from The dupes.... I'm guessing you're a felon too...
I have passed multiple background checks for my professional license and my concealed carry license. You likely cannot.

We need to get rid of people like you and the bullshit gun laws you shit out of your asses. We will.

Kill a commie for mommy.

Machine guns or Valhalla, bitch. We WILL have them.

Maybe you like crazy people and felons having machine guns with giant clips but you are brainwashed functionally insane. Of course I can get guns I just don't want guns. Though actually I may buy a hunting rifle soon.

That's a lie that they try and use to fool everyone else. Felons don't have machine guns. And haven't had for decades. They want to scare others into allowing them to have whatever is in their fondest dreams. Just not going to happen. It's been over 40 years since a full auto weapon has been used in a Crime in the United States no matter the lies that the gunnutters want to weave.

Buy a good hunting Rifle. Spend a few bucks on it. You won't have to buy another one is you buy the right one.
I was saying that bootney Farnsworth thinks machine guns for felons is a good idea. Stop calling people liars when you don't even know what they're saying. Nobody here is lying, the only liars are Rush Limbaugh Sean hannity and the rest of the bought off scumbag GOP pundits and for that matter their politicians. Only an imaginary planet of GOP propaganda makes this crap possible
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And Another unstable nut Job chimes in. Background checks and clip regulations are coming, just a question of time. But confiscation not so much. Another imaginary scandal from The dupes.... I'm guessing you're a felon too...
I have passed multiple background checks for my professional license and my concealed carry license. You likely cannot.

We need to get rid of people like you and the bullshit gun laws you shit out of your asses. We will.

Kill a commie for mommy.

Machine guns or Valhalla, bitch. We WILL have them.

Maybe you like crazy people and felons having machine guns with giant clips but you are brainwashed functionally insane. Of course I can get guns I just don't want guns. Though actually I may buy a hunting rifle soon.

That's a lie that they try and use to fool everyone else. Felons don't have machine guns. And haven't had for decades. They want to scare others into allowing them to have whatever is in their fondest dreams. Just not going to happen. It's been over 40 years since a full auto weapon has been used in a Crime in the United States no matter the lies that the gunnutters want to weave.

Buy a good hunting Rifle. Spend a few bucks on it. You won't have to buy another one is you buy the right one.

Bullshit. Felons are arrested with machineguns all of the time. There is no difference for them having an MG or a regular firearm. The penalty is the same. YOU are the one who is lying.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

Nobody is scared other than you little hater dupe. Only scared people, or those who wish to control other people push gun control.
I have passed multiple background checks for my professional license and my concealed carry license. You likely cannot.

We need to get rid of people like you and the bullshit gun laws you shit out of your asses. We will.

Kill a commie for mommy.

Machine guns or Valhalla, bitch. We WILL have them.

Maybe you like crazy people and felons having machine guns with giant clips but you are brainwashed functionally insane. Of course I can get guns I just don't want guns. Though actually I may buy a hunting rifle soon.

That's a lie that they try and use to fool everyone else. Felons don't have machine guns. And haven't had for decades. They want to scare others into allowing them to have whatever is in their fondest dreams. Just not going to happen. It's been over 40 years since a full auto weapon has been used in a Crime in the United States no matter the lies that the gunnutters want to weave.

Buy a good hunting Rifle. Spend a few bucks on it. You won't have to buy another one is you buy the right one.

Bullshit. Felons are arrested with machineguns all of the time. There is no difference for them having an MG or a regular firearm. The penalty is the same. YOU are the one who is lying.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

Nobody is scared other than you little hater dupe. Only scared people, or those who wish to control other people push gun control.
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country...
Maybe you like crazy people and felons having machine guns with giant clips but you are brainwashed functionally insane. Of course I can get guns I just don't want guns. Though actually I may buy a hunting rifle soon.

That's a lie that they try and use to fool everyone else. Felons don't have machine guns. And haven't had for decades. They want to scare others into allowing them to have whatever is in their fondest dreams. Just not going to happen. It's been over 40 years since a full auto weapon has been used in a Crime in the United States no matter the lies that the gunnutters want to weave.

Buy a good hunting Rifle. Spend a few bucks on it. You won't have to buy another one is you buy the right one.

Bullshit. Felons are arrested with machineguns all of the time. There is no difference for them having an MG or a regular firearm. The penalty is the same. YOU are the one who is lying.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

Nobody is scared other than you little hater dupe. Only scared people, or those who wish to control other people push gun control.
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country...

No, you continuously set the violent felons free and only seek to disarm the law abiding, little hater dupe. Either you are stupid beyond belief, or a certifiable nut job who wants violent felons on the street to do their dirty work so you can push your gun confiscation agenda.
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country...
The NRA has no crime, they are where you look to when you want a real safe fact you would be hard pressed to name a place safer than an NRA meeting...perhaps antarctica where there are no liberal politics
That's a lie that they try and use to fool everyone else. Felons don't have machine guns. And haven't had for decades. They want to scare others into allowing them to have whatever is in their fondest dreams. Just not going to happen. It's been over 40 years since a full auto weapon has been used in a Crime in the United States no matter the lies that the gunnutters want to weave.

Buy a good hunting Rifle. Spend a few bucks on it. You won't have to buy another one is you buy the right one.

Bullshit. Felons are arrested with machineguns all of the time. There is no difference for them having an MG or a regular firearm. The penalty is the same. YOU are the one who is lying.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

Nobody is scared other than you little hater dupe. Only scared people, or those who wish to control other people push gun control.
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country...

No, you continuously set the violent felons free and only seek to disarm the law abiding, little hater dupe. Either you are stupid beyond belief, or a certifiable nut job who wants violent felons on the street to do their dirty work so you can push your gun confiscation agenda.
You live on an imaginary planet and have no clue what Democrats want or what Republicans have done to this country the last 30 years. Worst inequality and upward mobility anywhere in the modern world and at least since the twenties? Details details
Bullshit. Felons are arrested with machineguns all of the time. There is no difference for them having an MG or a regular firearm. The penalty is the same. YOU are the one who is lying.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

Nobody is scared other than you little hater dupe. Only scared people, or those who wish to control other people push gun control.
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country...

No, you continuously set the violent felons free and only seek to disarm the law abiding, little hater dupe. Either you are stupid beyond belief, or a certifiable nut job who wants violent felons on the street to do their dirty work so you can push your gun confiscation agenda.
You live on an imaginary planet and have no clue what Democrats want or what Republicans have done to this country the last 30 years. Worst inequality and upward mobility anywhere in the modern world and at least since the twenties? Details details

I was a Democrat for longer than you've been alive, and yes, after they took over both Houses of Congress in 1934 or whenever it was, and controlled them completely for 40 continuous years the end result of their control was the richest 2% went from controlling 76% of this countries wealth to the wealthiest 1% controlling 90%, so the Dems, nor the repubs are working for the People. That is clear little hater dupe. What is also clear is merely changing those one percenters for socialist one percenters will merely result in millions of dead bodies. because that's what socialists ALWAYS do.
Irrelevant. No guns will be grabbed unless you're not allowed to have one as a felon or nut Job.... Background checks and ban of sale of new military style weapons and giant clips are approved by 80% -90% before the propaganda machine went to work....
Fuck you. You're not getting cocksucking shit!

Machine guns or Valhalla!

And Another unstable nut Job chimes in. Background checks and clip regulations are coming, just a question of time. But confiscation not so much. Another imaginary scandal from The dupes.... I'm guessing you're a felon too...

Maybe, time will tell. Your hero bernie seems to be flailing so maybe this country isn't as far gone as you hoped.
Why do you love the lying scumbag GOP raw deal so much, super duper dupe? Anyway Biden is going in the same direction. We'll see- this coronavirus is pointing out what garbage our healthcare system is...

I don't, little hater dupe, but they are the best option so far. Moronic dipshits, like you, seem to think that socialism is the bee's knee's because you are so ignorant of the realities of socialism, and your unwillingness to actually look at its history. For some reason you think changing the 1% ruling elite is going to magically make your worthless lives better. It ain't.

Sounds to me like you are preaching the hate on this one. I got what I want. And it looks like I am going to get what I want come November as well. I don't have to preach hate like you do. Things are looking up over here. We got the gun regs we needed, we are replacing Gardner for Senate, and it look like Rump is going to be freed up to face NY State and two other States on various charges. Works for me. No hate over here.
And Another unstable nut Job chimes in. Background checks and clip regulations are coming, just a question of time. But confiscation not so much. Another imaginary scandal from The dupes.... I'm guessing you're a felon too...
I have passed multiple background checks for my professional license and my concealed carry license. You likely cannot.

We need to get rid of people like you and the bullshit gun laws you shit out of your asses. We will.

Kill a commie for mommy.

Machine guns or Valhalla, bitch. We WILL have them.

Maybe you like crazy people and felons having machine guns with giant clips but you are brainwashed functionally insane. Of course I can get guns I just don't want guns. Though actually I may buy a hunting rifle soon.

That's a lie that they try and use to fool everyone else. Felons don't have machine guns. And haven't had for decades. They want to scare others into allowing them to have whatever is in their fondest dreams. Just not going to happen. It's been over 40 years since a full auto weapon has been used in a Crime in the United States no matter the lies that the gunnutters want to weave.

Buy a good hunting Rifle. Spend a few bucks on it. You won't have to buy another one is you buy the right one.

Bullshit. Felons are arrested with machineguns all of the time. There is no difference for them having an MG or a regular firearm. The penalty is the same. YOU are the one who is lying.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

In Colorado, we passed a comprehensive "Common Sense" set of gun regs. The NRA spent over 2 million in court costs trying to get rid of them. They failed. Our latest is the Red Flag Laws which are in affect and all that crying and moaning has stopped and it's widely accepted by the public. The Sheriffs that spoke out so against it decided that they wanted to keep their jobs and finally just STFU. So there HAS been new Gun Regs passed in the last 25 years but it's been done by the states.
And Another unstable nut Job chimes in. Background checks and clip regulations are coming, just a question of time. But confiscation not so much. Another imaginary scandal from The dupes.... I'm guessing you're a felon too...
I have passed multiple background checks for my professional license and my concealed carry license. You likely cannot.

We need to get rid of people like you and the bullshit gun laws you shit out of your asses. We will.

Kill a commie for mommy.

Machine guns or Valhalla, bitch. We WILL have them.

Maybe you like crazy people and felons having machine guns with giant clips but you are brainwashed functionally insane. Of course I can get guns I just don't want guns. Though actually I may buy a hunting rifle soon.

That's a lie that they try and use to fool everyone else. Felons don't have machine guns. And haven't had for decades. They want to scare others into allowing them to have whatever is in their fondest dreams. Just not going to happen. It's been over 40 years since a full auto weapon has been used in a Crime in the United States no matter the lies that the gunnutters want to weave.

Buy a good hunting Rifle. Spend a few bucks on it. You won't have to buy another one is you buy the right one.
I was saying that bootney Farnsworth thinks machine guns for felons is a good idea. Stop calling people liars when you don't even know what they're saying. Nobody here is lying, the only liars are Rush Limbaugh Sean hannity and the rest of the bought off scumbag GOP pundits and for that matter their politicians. Only an imaginary planet of GOP propaganda makes this crap possible

westwall keeps making that claim. And I call him a liar which he is. There has been NO violent gun crimes committed in the United states involving full auto weapons in decades. Are you saying that Westwall hasn't said that?
That's a lie that they try and use to fool everyone else. Felons don't have machine guns. And haven't had for decades. They want to scare others into allowing them to have whatever is in their fondest dreams. Just not going to happen. It's been over 40 years since a full auto weapon has been used in a Crime in the United States no matter the lies that the gunnutters want to weave.

Buy a good hunting Rifle. Spend a few bucks on it. You won't have to buy another one is you buy the right one.

Bullshit. Felons are arrested with machineguns all of the time. There is no difference for them having an MG or a regular firearm. The penalty is the same. YOU are the one who is lying.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

Nobody is scared other than you little hater dupe. Only scared people, or those who wish to control other people push gun control.
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country...

No, you continuously set the violent felons free and only seek to disarm the law abiding, little hater dupe. Either you are stupid beyond belief, or a certifiable nut job who wants violent felons on the street to do their dirty work so you can push your gun confiscation agenda.

Ooh, feel the hate and fear from this one.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

Nobody is scared other than you little hater dupe. Only scared people, or those who wish to control other people push gun control.
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country...

No, you continuously set the violent felons free and only seek to disarm the law abiding, little hater dupe. Either you are stupid beyond belief, or a certifiable nut job who wants violent felons on the street to do their dirty work so you can push your gun confiscation agenda.
You live on an imaginary planet and have no clue what Democrats want or what Republicans have done to this country the last 30 years. Worst inequality and upward mobility anywhere in the modern world and at least since the twenties? Details details

I was a Democrat for longer than you've been alive, and yes, after they took over both Houses of Congress in 1934 or whenever it was, and controlled them completely for 40 continuous years the end result of their control was the richest 2% went from controlling 76% of this countries wealth to the wealthiest 1% controlling 90%, so the Dems, nor the repubs are working for the People. That is clear little hater dupe. What is also clear is merely changing those one percenters for socialist one percenters will merely result in millions of dead bodies. because that's what socialists ALWAYS do.

When all else fails, bring out the "3rd Red Scare".
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

Nobody is scared other than you little hater dupe. Only scared people, or those who wish to control other people push gun control.
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country...

No, you continuously set the violent felons free and only seek to disarm the law abiding, little hater dupe. Either you are stupid beyond belief, or a certifiable nut job who wants violent felons on the street to do their dirty work so you can push your gun confiscation agenda.
You live on an imaginary planet and have no clue what Democrats want or what Republicans have done to this country the last 30 years. Worst inequality and upward mobility anywhere in the modern world and at least since the twenties? Details details

I was a Democrat for longer than you've been alive, and yes, after they took over both Houses of Congress in 1934 or whenever it was, and controlled them completely for 40 continuous years the end result of their control was the richest 2% went from controlling 76% of this countries wealth to the wealthiest 1% controlling 90%, so the Dems, nor the repubs are working for the People. That is clear little hater dupe. What is also clear is merely changing those one percenters for socialist one percenters will merely result in millions of dead bodies. because that's what socialists ALWAYS do.
Nobody is going to change the one percenters we're just going to tax them more like their fair share. you're still talkin about Communists and no one wants communism. Icaramba you're just brainwashed totally
I have passed multiple background checks for my professional license and my concealed carry license. You likely cannot.

We need to get rid of people like you and the bullshit gun laws you shit out of your asses. We will.

Kill a commie for mommy.

Machine guns or Valhalla, bitch. We WILL have them.

Maybe you like crazy people and felons having machine guns with giant clips but you are brainwashed functionally insane. Of course I can get guns I just don't want guns. Though actually I may buy a hunting rifle soon.

That's a lie that they try and use to fool everyone else. Felons don't have machine guns. And haven't had for decades. They want to scare others into allowing them to have whatever is in their fondest dreams. Just not going to happen. It's been over 40 years since a full auto weapon has been used in a Crime in the United States no matter the lies that the gunnutters want to weave.

Buy a good hunting Rifle. Spend a few bucks on it. You won't have to buy another one is you buy the right one.

Bullshit. Felons are arrested with machineguns all of the time. There is no difference for them having an MG or a regular firearm. The penalty is the same. YOU are the one who is lying.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

In Colorado, we passed a comprehensive "Common Sense" set of gun regs. The NRA spent over 2 million in court costs trying to get rid of them. They failed. Our latest is the Red Flag Laws which are in affect and all that crying and moaning has stopped and it's widely accepted by the public. The Sheriffs that spoke out so against it decided that they wanted to keep their jobs and finally just STFU. So there HAS been new Gun Regs passed in the last 25 years but it's been done by the states.
Democratic states mainly.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

Nobody is scared other than you little hater dupe. Only scared people, or those who wish to control other people push gun control.
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country...

No, you continuously set the violent felons free and only seek to disarm the law abiding, little hater dupe. Either you are stupid beyond belief, or a certifiable nut job who wants violent felons on the street to do their dirty work so you can push your gun confiscation agenda.
You live on an imaginary planet and have no clue what Democrats want or what Republicans have done to this country the last 30 years. Worst inequality and upward mobility anywhere in the modern world and at least since the twenties? Details details

I was a Democrat for longer than you've been alive, and yes, after they took over both Houses of Congress in 1934 or whenever it was, and controlled them completely for 40 continuous years the end result of their control was the richest 2% went from controlling 76% of this countries wealth to the wealthiest 1% controlling 90%, so the Dems, nor the repubs are working for the People. That is clear little hater dupe. What is also clear is merely changing those one percenters for socialist one percenters will merely result in millions of dead bodies. because that's what socialists ALWAYS do.
Actually all this inequality started with Reagan tax cuts for the rich.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

Nobody is scared other than you little hater dupe. Only scared people, or those who wish to control other people push gun control.
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country...

No, you continuously set the violent felons free and only seek to disarm the law abiding, little hater dupe. Either you are stupid beyond belief, or a certifiable nut job who wants violent felons on the street to do their dirty work so you can push your gun confiscation agenda.
You live on an imaginary planet and have no clue what Democrats want or what Republicans have done to this country the last 30 years. Worst inequality and upward mobility anywhere in the modern world and at least since the twenties? Details details

I was a Democrat for longer than you've been alive, and yes, after they took over both Houses of Congress in 1934 or whenever it was, and controlled them completely for 40 continuous years the end result of their control was the richest 2% went from controlling 76% of this countries wealth to the wealthiest 1% controlling 90%, so the Dems, nor the repubs are working for the People. That is clear little hater dupe. What is also clear is merely changing those one percenters for socialist one percenters will merely result in millions of dead bodies. because that's what socialists ALWAYS do.
So you were Democrat for 69 years? Lol
we want to control the felons and nut jobs and so do 80 90% of the country. yeah we have to stop the NRA from ruining the country...
The NRA has no crime, they are where you look to when you want a real safe fact you would be hard pressed to name a place safer than an NRA meeting...perhaps antarctica where there are no liberal politics
That'll work LOL
Maybe you like crazy people and felons having machine guns with giant clips but you are brainwashed functionally insane. Of course I can get guns I just don't want guns. Though actually I may buy a hunting rifle soon.

That's a lie that they try and use to fool everyone else. Felons don't have machine guns. And haven't had for decades. They want to scare others into allowing them to have whatever is in their fondest dreams. Just not going to happen. It's been over 40 years since a full auto weapon has been used in a Crime in the United States no matter the lies that the gunnutters want to weave.

Buy a good hunting Rifle. Spend a few bucks on it. You won't have to buy another one is you buy the right one.

And some of those Blue States went from Red to Purple and passed those laws. So it's not just the Democratic States. It's also the swing states. No, the Deep Red States won't. But I guess they like the gun violence upswing they have had including the mass shootings in Texas and Florida lately. At one time, we had the same laws as Texas until we went through a series of mass shootings and said, Enough.

Bullshit. Felons are arrested with machineguns all of the time. There is no difference for them having an MG or a regular firearm. The penalty is the same. YOU are the one who is lying.
yes and that should continue of course along with the new background checks and ban on sale of super clips and assault rifles military style weapons. There already are plenty of military-style weapons. You people are so scared quaking in your boots while Democrats haven't been able to pass anything in 25 years.

Democratic states mainly.
In Colorado, we passed a comprehensive "Common Sense" set of gun regs. The NRA spent over 2 million in court costs trying to get rid of them. They failed. Our latest is the Red Flag Laws which are in affect and all that crying and moaning has stopped and it's widely accepted by the public. The Sheriffs that spoke out so against it decided that they wanted to keep their jobs and finally just STFU. So there HAS been new Gun Regs passed in the last 25 years but it's been done by the states
"It's that kind of thinking that allowed you to keep slaves for so many years...and btw, even milder gun control laws are unconstitutional."
my my look what I found, a treasure trove of the oxymoron referred to as "liberal thought"...lets see just how wrong it is possible for one person to be.

said the blind man

so you....a conservative....
democrat [of the anti "white-liberal" variety] both registered and practicing

a trump supporter (i'm certain)....
of course you are, I voted for Johnson in 16 and Obama twice before that [who in my pinion was one of our greatest presidents ever] and would still vote for him a third time [even you could prove he was Kenyan] and I am voting Biden in this it is easy to see how someone with your mind and education would draw the conclusion you did and be absolutely certain of it.

you think foreign born terrorists have a right to walk into a gun store and buy machine guns and then go out and slaughter innocent Americans?

Only white liberals do that, not foreigners

you have NO PROBLEM with murderers just wandering in to a gun shop and buying a bunch of guns to commit more murders?

"even milder gun control laws are unconstitutional."


that's what you think!
How old are you? you need to answer that
I'll accept the constitutional right of law abiding citizens to own guns (including automatics)

but FIRST you must PROVE that you ARE a "law abiding American citizen"

and THAT means backgrounds checks.
throw in 'being liberal disqualifies for gun ownership' and I will go along

Additionally (I don't care what you think) I DEMAND that all "law abiding American citizens" who wish to own guns be trained and licensed in the proper and safe use of firearms.


(tough shit if you don't fkn like it...I don't fkn like finding out that my cousin died because YOU couldn't properly take care of a weapon)
I don't own guns, don't like em, think they are too dangerous and too easy for liberals to get their hands on and do something stupid where someone ends up dead leaving the rest of us to hold the bag for their mistakes. [and the "tough shit" attitude is so typical of those who really are tired of the whole "constitution non-sense"]

I'm sure the reality that you couldn't have gotten this more wrong is lost on you but the rest of the board will see it.
What liberals are doing all this gun damage? if you're talking about blacks - not really liberal.

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