Britain doesn't have the 2nd criminals have guns, just murdered 9 year old, in gun free Britain...

Oh, we're back to counting criminals using illegal handguns now. None of the above was a mass shooting, but targeted assassination attempts by drug gangs against rival drug gang members.

And now to the other problem in Britain...increasing gun crime.....

29 out of 43 English and Welsh police forces have seen increases in gun crime during that same period.

Eight of those forces reported a doubling of the number of offences involving firearms, and one force saw levels six times higher than a decade ago.

County lines

Peter Squires, professor of criminology at the University of Brighton, told The Guardian that so-called “county lines” – a form of criminal exploitation where urban gangs persuade young people to take drugs to rural areas of the country – are probably behind the rise in gun crime in places such as Sussex, Kent and Cheshire.

Gun smuggling

The prevalence of firearm offences is also partially to do with gun smuggling, experts say. Firearms can now be hired for as little as £100 around the UK and can be acquired in “less than a day”, reported the i news site’s investigations correspondent Dean Kirby.

According to Dr Robert Hesketh, a criminology expert at Liverpool John Moores University, it is “relatively easy” to get hold of a firearm in many cities.

“A MAC-10 will cost about £3,000, an MP5 £3,000,” Hesketh said. “These are automatic weapons. Another gun doing the rounds a few years ago and possibly now was a Desert Eagle, for about £500. It isn’t hard, put it that way.”

There is also an option to rent a weapon – with criminals borrowing firearms for short periods. “You can get one possibly for £100 to £150 if you know the right people,” Hesketh said.

While it is working to cut off supplies to the UK, the National Crime Agency has seen a “gradual increase” in the use of fully automatic weapons.

Some of the weapons used are deactivated or blank-firing devices, which are being bought in eastern Europe, where they are legal and unrestricted. They are then illegally reactivated by criminals before being transported to the UK, Kirby said.

Guns can also be bought on the dark web, and stolen, lawfully bought guns have also ended up being used in shootings. On the messaging app Telegram The Sunday Times found firearms advertised for sale from £400.

In 2019/20, the National Crime Agency seized 552 illegal firearms in the UK and abroad. The UK Border Force, meanwhile, picked up 2,600 lethal and non-lethal firearms in the year to September 2020.

It is incredibly stupid to arm teachers – it’s reckless and irresponsible.

As noted in post 149, teachers lack the training and experience to offer safe, effective self-defense in the chaotic environment of an active shooting incident.

Armed teachers would result in teachers shooting and killing students and other teachers, not the intruder.

You mean, except for this guy....right?

As Hunt and other partiers had a bite to eat in the kitchen, the suspect pulled out a gun and began firing on the crowd, sending everyone fleeing, Mendez recounted.

Mendez was shot in the head in front of his wife, who rushed to his side and believed he was dead due to the amount of blood covering his face. She then grabbed their two daughters and put them into a room deeper in the house, barricading them and other children inside.

"She barricaded the door with the dresser. There were three other children in there, not including my two daughters. A total of five kids. She … throws them in the closet, throws clothes over them. Tells them, ‘Be quiet. Do not make a peep if you hear loud noises in this room,’" Mendez said of his wife's actions.

As Hunt continued his alleged rampage, two other women began fighting back against the suspect and screamed for Mendez, knowing he had a concealed carry weapon, Mendez said.

"By the glory of God or the adrenaline and just everything, just the will to live and the will to protect my family, I was able to hear those pleas, those yells for help. I heard my name. And I was able to get up," he said.

He was able to pull out his firearm and shoot the suspect four times in the chest.

"Detectives have determined the individual who shot Jason, and others who fought against Jason, were acting in self-defense and defense of other innocent parties," Sgt. Tommy Hale said in a press release days after the incident, KTAR reported at the time.

It is incredibly stupid to arm teachers – it’s reckless and irresponsible.

As noted in post 149, teachers lack the training and experience to offer safe, effective self-defense in the chaotic environment of an active shooting incident.

Armed teachers would result in teachers shooting and killing students and other teachers, not the intruder.

Here....a collection of just such stories...normal Americans stopping mass public shooter with their privately owned guns...often concealed carry guns....


Indiana mall shooting...


West Virginia woman....


Shotgun attacker at Church service....


Southerland Springs Church shooting .....

You mean because I think it's INCREDIBLY stupid to arm teachers? Something is wrong with me?
You aren't able to understand no one is talking about arming teachers.
You are one to talk. Are you one of those gun lovers who doesn't mind seeing dead kids?
There you go again, standing on the bodies and bathing in the blood of innocent children as a means to push your mindless agenda.
So, in addition to the above, you're also a sociopath.
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I think Uvalde showed us what most ammosexuals would do when the bullets start flying. Hide and cower.
400 ammosexuals... with badges.
If only the police a military should have guns, and the police refuse to act.... then what?
I suspect most of you ammosexuals are just paper tigers. You fantasize about being a big hero. But you are too scared of everyone and everything.
Quite an imagination you have there - must be why you tell people you're never alone on Saturday nights.

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And the cool thing about your solutions is: it puts the onus on just plain folks...
The onus is always on plain folks - you are your own first responder.
You can choose to not take that responsibility, but then you choose to put your life in the hands of others.
It arms teachers and turns schools into armed encampments.
You're just unhappy because you know it will work better than a "No guns" sign - which means fewer dead kids you can use to push your mindless agenda.
And we know you don't want that.
Wrong, are trying to confuse the issue, again....

On the contrary, you are the one pushing an agenda, I merely pick apart your "argument" which forces you to deluge any thread with cut and paste discredited BS, to try and bury and deflect. It's a tactic used by the Soviet Communists called a "fire hose of falsehoods".
And now to the other problem in Britain...increasing gun crime.....

29 out of 43 English and Welsh police forces have seen increases in gun crime during that same period.

Eight of those forces reported a doubling of the number of offences involving firearms, and one force saw levels six times higher than a decade ago.

County lines

Peter Squires, professor of criminology at the University of Brighton, told The Guardian that so-called “county lines” – a form of criminal exploitation where urban gangs persuade young people to take drugs to rural areas of the country – are probably behind the rise in gun crime in places such as Sussex, Kent and Cheshire.

Gun smuggling

The prevalence of firearm offences is also partially to do with gun smuggling, experts say. Firearms can now be hired for as little as £100 around the UK and can be acquired in “less than a day”, reported the i news site’s investigations correspondent Dean Kirby.

According to Dr Robert Hesketh, a criminology expert at Liverpool John Moores University, it is “relatively easy” to get hold of a firearm in many cities.

“A MAC-10 will cost about £3,000, an MP5 £3,000,” Hesketh said. “These are automatic weapons. Another gun doing the rounds a few years ago and possibly now was a Desert Eagle, for about £500. It isn’t hard, put it that way.”

There is also an option to rent a weapon – with criminals borrowing firearms for short periods. “You can get one possibly for £100 to £150 if you know the right people,” Hesketh said.

While it is working to cut off supplies to the UK, the National Crime Agency has seen a “gradual increase” in the use of fully automatic weapons.

Some of the weapons used are deactivated or blank-firing devices, which are being bought in eastern Europe, where they are legal and unrestricted. They are then illegally reactivated by criminals before being transported to the UK, Kirby said.

Guns can also be bought on the dark web, and stolen, lawfully bought guns have also ended up being used in shootings. On the messaging app Telegram The Sunday Times found firearms advertised for sale from £400.

In 2019/20, the National Crime Agency seized 552 illegal firearms in the UK and abroad. The UK Border Force, meanwhile, picked up 2,600 lethal and non-lethal firearms in the year to September 2020.

Duh, handguns and automatic weapons are illegal in the UK, so possessing one is automatically a "gun crime". Figures are going up because law enforcement here is getting better at finding smugglers.
Duh, handguns and automatic weapons are illegal in the UK, so possessing one is automatically a "gun crime". Figures are going up because law enforcement here is getting better at finding smugglers.

They are finding them because there are more of them……
Duh, handguns and automatic weapons are illegal in the UK, so possessing one is automatically a "gun crime". Figures are going up because law enforcement here is getting better at finding smugglers.

From the article I just posted you can get an illegal gun in Britain for about £150……cheaper than a gun in the U.S legally…….
They are finding them because there are more of them……
Oh good grief.
"In reporting the number of firearm offences, it is not always possible to ascertain whether a real firearm was actually used. Unless a weapon is fired or recovered by the police following a criminal offence, in many cases there is no way of knowing conclusively whether the firearm was real or an imitation, or whether it was loaded or unloaded at the time of the offence. Moreover, the categorisation of firearms will sometimes be strongly reliant on the description given to the police by victims or witnesses, or upon other evidence. Some offences also involve the use of imitation weapons, while others involve the use of a ‘supposed firearm’."
"It is worth noting that the ONS suggest that some of the recent increases in recorded crime are due to “improved crime recording practices and processes leading to a greater proportion of reports of crime being recorded.” "https://commonslibrary.parliament.u...ere were a total,offences recorded in 2019/20.
From the article I just posted you can get an illegal gun in Britain for about £150……cheaper than a gun in the U.S legally…….
Well you can rent on for that amount, although it is not clear if that's per day, per week, or per month.

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