Gun Control in stupid is it? Ask the journalists and deli patrons......

Because of a culture of class distinction, and fewer minorities, and they don't have a border with a narco state like Mexico....

The lower classes in Europe are used to being disarmed...Americans are not, we have far more interracial turmoil in our democrat controlled cities than Europe has, though with the import of angry muslims that is obviously changing......and by the way...gun crime in Europe is centered in those immigrant expect more of it....
Ah yes it's all brown people's fault. You must be a republican.

Ummmm...not all muslims are brown.....are you a racist for assuming that? and looking at actual violent crime stats in the U.S.......most crime is committed by the poor, and by minorities trapped in democrat inner cities.....
You blamed minorities. You were talking about brown people. Don't try to get smart.

Here is a look at the stats....

Distorting the Truth About Crime and Race by Heather Mac Donald City Journal 14 May 2010
Yet guns are available in most of the cities in the U.S. with the highest murder rates. So shouldn't they have prevented most of those murders?

And yet it is those cities that have the strictest gun control...Chicago, D.C., New York ( and New York has a lower crime rate because they had Rudy Guiliani as a mayor, and they had stop and frisk which made it hard for gang members to carry guns....)....and 24 0f the 25 most violent cities....have been run by democrats for decades......

In those cities....only the cops and criminals have had access to guns.......and you see what happened.....
Ah yes it's all brown people's fault. You must be a republican.

Ummmm...not all muslims are brown.....are you a racist for assuming that? and looking at actual violent crime stats in the U.S.......most crime is committed by the poor, and by minorities trapped in democrat inner cities.....
You blamed minorities. You were talking about brown people. Don't try to get smart.

I don't have to "get Smart" I am smart....and most of our crime happens in our large cities, in small, multi block areas that are mainly minority black or latino.....who have voted over 95% for democrats, and have suffered for it.....blacks are 12% of the population but over 40% of the violent crime....somewhere in there.....race has nothing to do with for a political party that doesn't care about you does.....
But unlimited gun access, of course, doesn't :rolleyes:

Actually no.....look at Switzerland or Israel.....both countries have more guns per 100,000 people than we do and lower crime rates.....then look at countries with absolute gun control that have higher gun murder rates then we do.....
We have far more guns per capita than Israel and Switzerland. Try again please.
Ummmm...not all muslims are brown.....are you a racist for assuming that? and looking at actual violent crime stats in the U.S.......most crime is committed by the poor, and by minorities trapped in democrat inner cities.....
You blamed minorities. You were talking about brown people. Don't try to get smart.

I don't have to "get Smart" I am smart....and most of our crime happens in our large cities, in small, multi block areas that are mainly minority black or latino.....who have voted over 95% for democrats, and have suffered for it.....blacks are 12% of the population but over 40% of the violent crime....somewhere in there.....race has nothing to do with for a political party that doesn't care about you does.....
But unlimited gun access, of course, doesn't :rolleyes:

Actually no.....look at Switzerland or Israel.....both countries have more guns per 100,000 people than we do and lower crime rates.....then look at countries with absolute gun control that have higher gun murder rates then we do.....
We have far more guns per capita than Israel and Switzerland. Try again please.

here is a look at Switzerland...where every household has to have an actual military rifle......and they still have less crime than we do...Israel....I'd have to look that up to make sure.....

In the right to bear arms debate, pro-gun Americans point to Switzerland, where almost every adult male is legally required to possess a gun. One of the few nations with a higher per capita rate of gun ownership than the United States, Switzerland has virtually no gun crime. Therefore, argue the pro-gunners, America doesn't need gun control.
Ah yes it's all brown people's fault. You must be a republican.

Ummmm...not all muslims are brown.....are you a racist for assuming that? and looking at actual violent crime stats in the U.S.......most crime is committed by the poor, and by minorities trapped in democrat inner cities.....
You blamed minorities. You were talking about brown people. Don't try to get smart.

Here is a look at the stats....

Distorting the Truth About Crime and Race by Heather Mac Donald City Journal 14 May 2010
Yet guns are available in most of the cities in the U.S. with the highest murder rates. So shouldn't they have prevented most of those murders?

And yet it is those cities that have the strictest gun control...Chicago, D.C., New York ( and New York has a lower crime rate because they had Rudy Guiliani as a mayor, and they had stop and frisk which made it hard for gang members to carry guns....)....and 24 0f the 25 most violent cities....have been run by democrats for decades......

In those cities....only the cops and criminals have had access to guns.......and you see what happened.....
It's funny that you mention Chicago, the GOP's favorite city, and it's not even in the top 100 most violent cities in America. You're a joke.
Ummmm...not all muslims are brown.....are you a racist for assuming that? and looking at actual violent crime stats in the U.S.......most crime is committed by the poor, and by minorities trapped in democrat inner cities.....
You blamed minorities. You were talking about brown people. Don't try to get smart.

Here is a look at the stats....

Distorting the Truth About Crime and Race by Heather Mac Donald City Journal 14 May 2010
Yet guns are available in most of the cities in the U.S. with the highest murder rates. So shouldn't they have prevented most of those murders?

And yet it is those cities that have the strictest gun control...Chicago, D.C., New York ( and New York has a lower crime rate because they had Rudy Guiliani as a mayor, and they had stop and frisk which made it hard for gang members to carry guns....)....and 24 0f the 25 most violent cities....have been run by democrats for decades......

In those cities....only the cops and criminals have had access to guns.......and you see what happened.....
It's funny that you mention Chicago, the GOP's favorite city, and it's not even in the top 100 most violent cities in America. You're a joke.

Sorry, they are hiding their murder numbers.....
You blamed minorities. You were talking about brown people. Don't try to get smart.

I don't have to "get Smart" I am smart....and most of our crime happens in our large cities, in small, multi block areas that are mainly minority black or latino.....who have voted over 95% for democrats, and have suffered for it.....blacks are 12% of the population but over 40% of the violent crime....somewhere in there.....race has nothing to do with for a political party that doesn't care about you does.....
But unlimited gun access, of course, doesn't :rolleyes:

Actually no.....look at Switzerland or Israel.....both countries have more guns per 100,000 people than we do and lower crime rates.....then look at countries with absolute gun control that have higher gun murder rates then we do.....
We have far more guns per capita than Israel and Switzerland. Try again please.

here is a look at Switzerland...where every household has to have an actual military rifle......and they still have less crime than we do...Israel....I'd have to look that up to make sure.....

In the right to bear arms debate, pro-gun Americans point to Switzerland, where almost every adult male is legally required to possess a gun. One of the few nations with a higher per capita rate of gun ownership than the United States, Switzerland has virtually no gun crime. Therefore, argue the pro-gunners, America doesn't need gun control.
They have far less guns per capita than we do. And their government has a far better method than we do of keeping track of its guns. You're digging a hole here Bill.
Number of Gun Homicides in France in 2010- 127. ..

Guns in France Firearms gun law and gun control

Number of Gun Homicides in USA in 2010 - 11,078

Guns in the United States Firearms gun law and gun control

Number of TOTAL homicides in France, 2010- 743

Number of TOTAL homicides in the US - 2010 - 16,259

Total number of gun suicides in France - 2010 - 1378

total nuber of gun suicides in USA - 2010 - 19738

Yeah, we really, really do have a gun problem. The French have one mass shooting, everyone panics.

We have a couple mass shootings every year.
You blamed minorities. You were talking about brown people. Don't try to get smart.

Here is a look at the stats....

Distorting the Truth About Crime and Race by Heather Mac Donald City Journal 14 May 2010
Yet guns are available in most of the cities in the U.S. with the highest murder rates. So shouldn't they have prevented most of those murders?

And yet it is those cities that have the strictest gun control...Chicago, D.C., New York ( and New York has a lower crime rate because they had Rudy Guiliani as a mayor, and they had stop and frisk which made it hard for gang members to carry guns....)....and 24 0f the 25 most violent cities....have been run by democrats for decades......

In those cities....only the cops and criminals have had access to guns.......and you see what happened.....
It's funny that you mention Chicago, the GOP's favorite city, and it's not even in the top 100 most violent cities in America. You're a joke.

Sorry, they are hiding their murder numbers.....
I don't have to "get Smart" I am smart....and most of our crime happens in our large cities, in small, multi block areas that are mainly minority black or latino.....who have voted over 95% for democrats, and have suffered for it.....blacks are 12% of the population but over 40% of the violent crime....somewhere in there.....race has nothing to do with for a political party that doesn't care about you does.....
But unlimited gun access, of course, doesn't :rolleyes:

Actually no.....look at Switzerland or Israel.....both countries have more guns per 100,000 people than we do and lower crime rates.....then look at countries with absolute gun control that have higher gun murder rates then we do.....
We have far more guns per capita than Israel and Switzerland. Try again please.

here is a look at Switzerland...where every household has to have an actual military rifle......and they still have less crime than we do...Israel....I'd have to look that up to make sure.....

In the right to bear arms debate, pro-gun Americans point to Switzerland, where almost every adult male is legally required to possess a gun. One of the few nations with a higher per capita rate of gun ownership than the United States, Switzerland has virtually no gun crime. Therefore, argue the pro-gunners, America doesn't need gun control.
They have far less guns per capita than we do. And their government has a far better method than we do of keeping track of its guns. You're digging a hole here Bill.

Every household has to have a military rifle in it, by law......tell me that fits your gun control agenda....and yet they have less crime...why.....homogenous population, with a tradition of non violence....
But unlimited gun access, of course, doesn't :rolleyes:

Actually no.....look at Switzerland or Israel.....both countries have more guns per 100,000 people than we do and lower crime rates.....then look at countries with absolute gun control that have higher gun murder rates then we do.....
We have far more guns per capita than Israel and Switzerland. Try again please.

here is a look at Switzerland...where every household has to have an actual military rifle......and they still have less crime than we do...Israel....I'd have to look that up to make sure.....

In the right to bear arms debate, pro-gun Americans point to Switzerland, where almost every adult male is legally required to possess a gun. One of the few nations with a higher per capita rate of gun ownership than the United States, Switzerland has virtually no gun crime. Therefore, argue the pro-gunners, America doesn't need gun control.
They have far less guns per capita than we do. And their government has a far better method than we do of keeping track of its guns. You're digging a hole here Bill.

Every household has to have a military rifle in it, by law......tell me that fits your gun control agenda....and yet they have less crime...why.....homogenous population, with a tradition of non violence....
29% of households in Switzerland have guns.

Gun politics in Switzerland - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
On Switzerland....

Besides subsidised military surplus, the Swiss can buy other firearms easily too. While long guns require no special purchase procedures, handguns are sold only to those with a Waffenerwerbsschien (purchase certificate) issued by a cantonal authority. A certificate is issued to every applicant over 18 who is not a criminal or mentally infirm.

There are no restrictions on the carrying of long guns. About half the cantons have strict permit procedures for carrying handguns, and the other half have no rules at all There is no discernible difference in the crime rate between the cantons as a result of the different policies.

Thanks to a lawsuit brought by the Swiss gun lobby, semi-automatic rifles require no purchase permit and are not registered by the government. Thus, the only long guns registered by the government are full automatics. (Three cantons do require collectors of more than 10 guns to register.)

Gun sales from one individual to another are regulated in five cantons and completely uncontrolled in all the rest.

Retail gun dealers do keep records of over-the-counter gun transactions; transactions are not reported to or collected by the government. (This is also the policy in the U.S. during those periods the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms feels like obeying the law.) In Switzerland, purchases from dealers of hunting long guns and of smallbore rifles are not even recorded by the dealer. In other words, the dealer would not record the sale of a .30-06 hunting rifle, but would record the sale of a .30-06 Garand.

Thus, Handgun Control's assertion that all Swiss guns are registered is just plain wrong, and its claim that "Switzerland and Israel strictly control handgun availability" is more than a little inaccurate.
Number of guns in circulation[edit]

In some 2001 statistics, it is noted that there are about 420,000 assault rifles (fully automatic, or "selective fire") stored at private homes, mostly SIG SG 550 models. Additionally, there are some 320,000 semi-auto rifles and military pistols exempted from military service in private possession, all selective-fire weapons having been converted to semi-automatic operation only. In addition, there are several hundred thousand other semi-automatic small arms classified as carbines. The total number of firearms in private homes is estimated minimally at 1.2 million to 3 million.[7][broken citation]

In 2005 over 10% of households contained handguns, compared to 18% of U.S. households that contained handguns. In 2005 almost 29% of households in Switzerland contained firearms of some kind, compared to almost 43% in the US.[8]

420,000 assault rifles...actual military a country of about 8 million people.....and yet...very little crime.....

plus 320,000 semi auto rifles.....

In a country of 8 million people........740,000 rifles alone...

The only reason they don't have more mass one in Switzerland wants to do it....when they actually do decide to do will be a mess....
ahhhh...the beauty of strict gun control in your guns in a Belgium train station......gun control is a only arms criminals and terrorists.....

Again, I'd take their 178 gun murders over our 11,000 any day of the week.
Violence is a culture thing.....Britain has strict gun control like France but a higher crime rate....
Violence is a culture thing.....Britain has strict gun control like France but a higher crime rate....

But NEITHER country has anywhere near or level of violence.

I've been thinking about that....blame their class system, and World War 1 and turned them into submissive, pacifists.....who when the time came to stop the mass murderers...they couldn't......
Americans, who live without gun control, have a 5 times higher chance of being murdered than French people do.
Not really fair to compare the two countries, especially given our far more diverse population. Lets compare nations within Europe, that is more apt of a comparison. For example Sweden has about 4 times the number of guns per 100,000 in the population versus Spain, but a lower murder rate(both with and without guns). Slovakia has about 15 times the number of guns per 100,000 vs Romania, but a lower overall murder rate and lower overall gun murder rate. Greece has about 5 times the number of guns per 100,000 in the population vs Hungary, yet a lower overall murder rate and lower gun murder rate.

Norway has the second number rate of guns per 100,000 people in Europe yet the second lowest murder rate.
Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy - Galley Template

There is no correlation between higher gun ownership rates and a higher murder rate.
Americans, who live without gun control, have a 5 times higher chance of being murdered than French people do.
Not really fair to compare the two countries, especially given our far more diverse population. Lets compare nations within Europe, that is more apt of a comparison. For example Sweden has about 4 times the number of guns per 100,000 in the population versus Spain, but a lower murder rate(both with and without guns). Slovakia has about 15 times the number of guns per 100,000 vs Romania, but a lower overall murder rate and lower overall gun murder rate. Greece has about 5 times the number of guns per 100,000 in the population vs Hungary, yet a lower overall murder rate and lower gun murder rate.

Norway has the second number rate of guns per 100,000 people in Europe yet the second lowest murder rate.
Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy - Galley Template

There is no correlation between higher gun ownership rates and a higher murder rate.
The U.S. has a far higher murder rate than all of those countries you mentioned. And also a far, far, FAR, higher rate of gun ownership.

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