Gun Control in stupid is it? Ask the journalists and deli patrons......

I am not the one making it easier for criminals to get guns...they get them whenever they want or need you saw in France where 3 terrorists, one a convicted terrorist on a French government watch list, acquired fully automatic rifles, a rocket propelled grenade launcher and hand grenades.....and they got these weapons in France....where you anti gunners bow down in abject orgasmic pleasure over their strict gun gun laws do not keep guns out of the hands of was also just shown in Belgium where another terrorist had a small stock pile of fully automatic rifles, hand guns, and grenades..........

You guys are the ones who make it easier for law abiding citizens to be murdered by these criminals by making it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns....because again, the criminals can get guns even in gun control paradises of Canada, France, Britain, Australia, Belgium......and the only ones who can't get guns are the innocent, law abiding people.......

Yes 3 terrorists got guns. We have thousands of armed criminals. They aren't going to trade for that. You are the ones arming the criminals. 232,000 guns stolen each year. Way to go.
no, I support laws against breaking into people's homes...therefore, according to you gun grabbers...problem more stolen guns...right.....?

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