Gun control laws don't work....these guys had a rocket propelled grenade, and an aresnal..

what's the problem with registration?

The problem with registration first and foremost is it is always the first step to banning or ordering turn ins of all or some happened in Britain, and Australia.........

The next big doesn't actually stop or solve any crimes....criminals are not required to register their illegal guns...there is an actual supreme court case on that.....and they won't register their illegal guns the only people who will register their guns, the law abiding, don't commit crimes with guns in the first it has no deterrent effect on crime at all.....
I register my car and it has never been banned or confiscated

Again with the boneheaded analogy...
I know.......because registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation

well...Germany, Britain, Australia.....Canada.....see a trend.......? And it took Germany from the 1920s when registration was enacted to 1930s to ban weapons for Jews and other enemies of the nazi party....
How are their murder rates?

One fifth of ours?
The problem with registration first and foremost is it is always the first step to banning or ordering turn ins of all or some happened in Britain, and Australia.........

The next big doesn't actually stop or solve any crimes....criminals are not required to register their illegal guns...there is an actual supreme court case on that.....and they won't register their illegal guns the only people who will register their guns, the law abiding, don't commit crimes with guns in the first it has no deterrent effect on crime at all.....
I register my car and it has never been banned or confiscated

Again with the boneheaded analogy...
I know.......because registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation

well...Germany, Britain, Australia.....Canada.....see a trend.......? And it took Germany from the 1920s when registration was enacted to 1930s to ban weapons for Jews and other enemies of the nazi party....
How are their murder rates?

One fifth of ours?

Because their criminals choose not to use guns...but as we saw in France, Australia, Denmark, Belgium and Sweden, nothing stops them from getting guns when they want or need them and they have no gun stores for the general public and they have stricter gun control than we do.....

And if you include Government Murder...their murder rate is greater than ours...when their people were disarmed and helpless........
Yeah...the Violence Policy Center like other gun grabber groups has to cook their books to get their numbers up...just like Everytown does.....

Massive errors in the Violence Policy Center s Concealed Carry Killers - Crime Prevention Research Center

The Violence Policy Center regularly puts out the claim that concealed handgun permit holders are a danger to themselves and others. Right now they claim that concealed handgun permits have been responsible for 636 deaths from the entire United States over almost seven years from May 2007 to March 2014. John Lott has pointed out errors in the VPC numbers for Florida, so here let’s take the errors in just one state Michigan.
— In the Michigan state reports on concealed handgun permit holders that are cited by the VPC, 185 people died of suicides during the four reports from 2007 through 2012. That is 29 percent of the purported 636 deaths for the entire United States that the Violence Policy Center attributes to permitted concealed handguns.

But there is the problem: If you look at page 2 in the latest report, you will see that the 28 suicides do not list a cause of death. The report merely notes that permit holders committed suicide. We don’t know if they committed suicide with a gun and if it was a gun, that it was the gun that they carried concealed. Given that the overwhelming majority of these suicides were presumably at home, like most suicides, it isn’t even clear why a concealed handgun permit is relevant.

The suicide rate among permit holders in Michigan in 2012/13 (6.2 per 100,000 = ((28/450,000)*100,000) is about 62% lower than the suicide rate in the general adult population (see screen shot of suicide rate numbers from the CDC for adults in Michigan).
I register my car and it has never been banned or confiscated

Again with the boneheaded analogy...
I know.......because registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation

well...Germany, Britain, Australia.....Canada.....see a trend.......? And it took Germany from the 1920s when registration was enacted to 1930s to ban weapons for Jews and other enemies of the nazi party....
How are their murder rates?

One fifth of ours?

Because their criminals choose not to use guns...but as we saw in France, Australia, Denmark, Belgium and Sweden, nothing stops them from getting guns when they want or need them and they have no gun stores for the general public and they have stricter gun control than we do.....

And if you include Government Murder...their murder rate is greater than ours...when their people were disarmed and helpless........

They choose not to because of the laws.
I register my car and it has never been banned or confiscated

Again with the boneheaded analogy...
I know.......because registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation

well...Germany, Britain, Australia.....Canada.....see a trend.......? And it took Germany from the 1920s when registration was enacted to 1930s to ban weapons for Jews and other enemies of the nazi party....
How are their murder rates?

One fifth of ours?

Because their criminals choose not to use guns...but as we saw in France, Australia, Denmark, Belgium and Sweden, nothing stops them from getting guns when they want or need them and they have no gun stores for the general public and they have stricter gun control than we do.....

And if you include Government Murder...their murder rate is greater than ours...when their people were disarmed and helpless........
It is rare when one of their criminals use a gun

It is rare when one of ours does not
Registration is only for confiscation of guns from those who have done nothing wrong.

More stupid rhetoric.

Tell that to those living in Nazi Germany....

Because in the end, everything always ends up........HITLER

Would you like some more recent examples?

Please do.......also include their murder rate

I will..........dummy:2up: Harvard University would say youre a dick!!

And making shit up is ghey!!:coffee:


Harvard Study Gun Control Is Counterproductive The American Civil Rights Union

Entire study herein >> Harvard Study-Gun Bans Don t Work Gun News

From the authors:

"If the mantra “more guns equal more death and fewer guns equal less death” were true, broad cross-national comparisons should show that nations with higher gun ownership per capita consistently have more death. Nations with higher gun ownership rates, however, do not have higher murder or suicide rates than those with lower gun ownership. Indeed many high gun ownership nations have much lower murder rates."

s0n.......whats up with consistently pwning yourself publically???!!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Every citizen is law abiding until they break the law...
Exactly, so you agree with me. The problem is that if a 'law abiding' person owns a gun, his/her way of breaking the law may be to shoot someone, either on purpose or to be so negligent that it is by accident. That makes it reasonable for the government to put lots of controls on who owns guns. It wouldn't be at all unreasonable to have the same restrictions on guns as we have on cars: a license to drive, the car is registered, if the car is sold, paperwork needs to be done and it needs to be registered with the government, etc.[/QUOTE]
A criminal of any intelligence is not going to use a gun registered in his name to commit a crime. Thus we can predict that career criminals aren't going to register their guns. Registration will most likely not provide the name of the individual who used that gun in a crime, merely tell you is who the legitimate owner is. I suppose one could argue that might help /catch/ the criminal - but that's not what people pushing for gun registration want in asking for it, they want it to "reduce" gun crime - something that registration will not do.

There is /only/ one way to prevent gun crimes, and that is to ban and confiscate ALL of them, and increase 100% of the border control to prevent /all/ incoming guns, and remove guns from ALL armed services, FBI, and police. That is /never/ going to happen because of the constitution.

The better choice will always be education. Scare the shit out of the kids, show them horrible pictures of someone's exploded brains and exit wounds. Then teach them the basics of safe gun handling; even if you elect /not/ to teach them how to shoot. Start young and cross your fingers that they have more respect for guns than they do for the potential lethality of improperly operating motor vehicles.

As an aside that no one ever seems to give a shit about; teen drivers - we should be teaching this shit in school too (Car Crash Statistics Based on Age and Location -

A car crash kills a person every 12 minutes on average in the United States. Every year there are more than 6 million car accidents, the cause of about 40,000 fatalities per year. Among other factors, statistics are compiled based on age and location. Depending on the age group, the chances of a fatal car accident is more or less likely to happen. Indeed, the highest risk age group is 16 to 19-year olds.

Teens = Highest Risk Group: For every mile driven, teens between the ages of 16 and 19 are four times as likely to be involved in a car crash
  • Teenage Car Fatalities: 5,000 teens in the 16 to 20 age group die each year as a result of a car crash
  • Teenage Car Injuries: 400,000 teens in the same age group are injured each year in car accidents
  • Disproportionate Population / Fatality Ratio: Teens make up 10% of the population but represent 12% of car crash fatalities
  • Cost: 30% or $26 billion per year in costs are accounted for by drivers under the age of 24
  • Driving Habits: Teenagers are more likely to speed, tailgate and only 10% report wearing seatbelts
  • Teen Male Drivers: Of male drivers ages 15 to 20 killed in car crashes, 38% were speeding and 24% were under the influence of alcohol
  • High Risk Age Groups: People between the ages of 15 and 24 and over 75 are the groups most likely affected by car accidents
  • Senior Drivers: Drivers over the age of 65 are second most likely to die in a car crash
  • Safety Disparity: Despite the fact that older drivers are on average slower, safer drivers, they are more likely to die in a car accident than younger drivers

(Close to home for me atm, my roommate had an 18 year old "fail to see" an oncoming vehicle as she turned left from a stop sign to cross his lane, completely totaled his car, dual air bag deployment. She has apparently told her insurance company that he "sped into her" - after telling the officer on scene that "she didn't see him.")
Every citizen is law abiding until they break the law...
Exactly, so you agree with me. The problem is that if a 'law abiding' person owns a gun, his/her way of breaking the law may be to shoot someone, either on purpose or to be so negligent that it is by accident. That makes it reasonable for the government to put lots of controls on who owns guns. It wouldn't be at all unreasonable to have the same restrictions on guns as we have on cars: a license to drive, the car is registered, if the car is sold, paperwork needs to be done and it needs to be registered with the government, etc.

Sorry, you are you are saying you agree, any woman can turn into a whore on purpose or in negligence so we should take their photo, get their name on a list so when they turn to a life of sex for money we can more promptly deal with them...thanks for confirming what M-14 pointed out......

You have just described the attitude of every totalitarian in history...........thanks for letting your inner fascist out for all to see......
Again with the boneheaded analogy...
I know.......because registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation

well...Germany, Britain, Australia.....Canada.....see a trend.......? And it took Germany from the 1920s when registration was enacted to 1930s to ban weapons for Jews and other enemies of the nazi party....
How are their murder rates?

One fifth of ours?

Because their criminals choose not to use guns...but as we saw in France, Australia, Denmark, Belgium and Sweden, nothing stops them from getting guns when they want or need them and they have no gun stores for the general public and they have stricter gun control than we do.....

And if you include Government Murder...their murder rate is greater than ours...when their people were disarmed and helpless........
It is rare when one of their criminals use a gun

It is rare when one of ours does not

That is a matter of culture, not again, their criminals get guns easily when they want them......and our gun violence is mainly contained in small, multi block areas in cities...usually controlled by our gun violence is not a national problem but a very local one for these inner city shooting galleries....
Again with the boneheaded analogy...
I know.......because registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation

well...Germany, Britain, Australia.....Canada.....see a trend.......? And it took Germany from the 1920s when registration was enacted to 1930s to ban weapons for Jews and other enemies of the nazi party....
How are their murder rates?

One fifth of ours?

Because their criminals choose not to use guns...but as we saw in France, Australia, Denmark, Belgium and Sweden, nothing stops them from getting guns when they want or need them and they have no gun stores for the general public and they have stricter gun control than we do.....

And if you include Government Murder...their murder rate is greater than ours...when their people were disarmed and helpless........

They choose not to because of the laws.

No brain, they don't, as the terrorists and criminals in France, Belgium, Denmark, Britain, Australia and Sweden show.....laws don't discourage them because they break them at will...easily, when they want or need guns.....
More stupid rhetoric.

Tell that to those living in Nazi Germany....

Because in the end, everything always ends up........HITLER

Would you like some more recent examples?

Please do.......also include their murder rate

I will..........dummy:2up: Harvard University would say youre a dick!!

And making shit up is ghey!!:coffee:


Harvard Study Gun Control Is Counterproductive The American Civil Rights Union

Entire study herein >> Harvard Study-Gun Bans Don t Work Gun News

From the authors:

"If the mantra “more guns equal more death and fewer guns equal less death” were true, broad cross-national comparisons should show that nations with higher gun ownership per capita consistently have more death. Nations with higher gun ownership rates, however, do not have higher murder or suicide rates than those with lower gun ownership. Indeed many high gun ownership nations have much lower murder rates."

s0n.......whats up with consistently pwning yourself publically???!!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

Nations with higher gun ownership rates, however, do not have higher murder or suicide rates than those with lower gun ownership. Indeed many high gun ownership nations have much lower murder rates."
What total bullshit that is totally unsupported by data

Name a nation with a high gun ownership rate that has a lower murder rate than ours
I know.......because registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation

well...Germany, Britain, Australia.....Canada.....see a trend.......? And it took Germany from the 1920s when registration was enacted to 1930s to ban weapons for Jews and other enemies of the nazi party....
How are their murder rates?

One fifth of ours?

Because their criminals choose not to use guns...but as we saw in France, Australia, Denmark, Belgium and Sweden, nothing stops them from getting guns when they want or need them and they have no gun stores for the general public and they have stricter gun control than we do.....

And if you include Government Murder...their murder rate is greater than ours...when their people were disarmed and helpless........

They choose not to because of the laws.

No brain, they don't, as the terrorists and criminals in France, Belgium, Denmark, Britain, Australia and Sweden show.....laws don't discourage them because they break them at will...easily, when they want or need guns.....

All laws get broken...that is a fact of life

However it is not a justification not to have laws
Tell that to those living in Nazi Germany....

Because in the end, everything always ends up........HITLER

Would you like some more recent examples?

Please do.......also include their murder rate

I will..........dummy:2up: Harvard University would say youre a dick!!

And making shit up is ghey!!:coffee:


Harvard Study Gun Control Is Counterproductive The American Civil Rights Union

Entire study herein >> Harvard Study-Gun Bans Don t Work Gun News

From the authors:

"If the mantra “more guns equal more death and fewer guns equal less death” were true, broad cross-national comparisons should show that nations with higher gun ownership per capita consistently have more death. Nations with higher gun ownership rates, however, do not have higher murder or suicide rates than those with lower gun ownership. Indeed many high gun ownership nations have much lower murder rates."

s0n.......whats up with consistently pwning yourself publically???!!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

Nations with higher gun ownership rates, however, do not have higher murder or suicide rates than those with lower gun ownership. Indeed many high gun ownership nations have much lower murder rates."
What total bullshit that is totally unsupported by data

Name a nation with a high gun ownership rate that has a lower murder rate than ours

Name a country that has a segment of their society that kills each at such an alarming rate.
well...Germany, Britain, Australia.....Canada.....see a trend.......? And it took Germany from the 1920s when registration was enacted to 1930s to ban weapons for Jews and other enemies of the nazi party....
How are their murder rates?

One fifth of ours?

Because their criminals choose not to use guns...but as we saw in France, Australia, Denmark, Belgium and Sweden, nothing stops them from getting guns when they want or need them and they have no gun stores for the general public and they have stricter gun control than we do.....

And if you include Government Murder...their murder rate is greater than ours...when their people were disarmed and helpless........

They choose not to because of the laws.

No brain, they don't, as the terrorists and criminals in France, Belgium, Denmark, Britain, Australia and Sweden show.....laws don't discourage them because they break them at will...easily, when they want or need guns.....

All laws get broken...that is a fact of life

However it is not a justification not to have laws

And who said anything about not having guys want stupid laws that do nothing to achiever what you claim to want to would think you would analyze what your laws are supposed to do and how miserably they fail at that...

I support actual laws that work to curb criminals using guns...if you use a gun to commit a crime you get arrested and locked up for a long time...if you are a felon and are caught in possession of a gun, you get arrested and locked up for a long time...those two laws actually achieve what you say you want, and they don't bother innocent, law abiding people........

They are laws designed like all of our other laws....punished when you break them......
Tell that to those living in Nazi Germany....

Because in the end, everything always ends up........HITLER

Would you like some more recent examples?

Please do.......also include their murder rate

I will..........dummy:2up: Harvard University would say youre a dick!!

And making shit up is ghey!!:coffee:


Harvard Study Gun Control Is Counterproductive The American Civil Rights Union

Entire study herein >> Harvard Study-Gun Bans Don t Work Gun News

From the authors:

"If the mantra “more guns equal more death and fewer guns equal less death” were true, broad cross-national comparisons should show that nations with higher gun ownership per capita consistently have more death. Nations with higher gun ownership rates, however, do not have higher murder or suicide rates than those with lower gun ownership. Indeed many high gun ownership nations have much lower murder rates."

s0n.......whats up with consistently pwning yourself publically???!!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

Nations with higher gun ownership rates, however, do not have higher murder or suicide rates than those with lower gun ownership. Indeed many high gun ownership nations have much lower murder rates."
What total bullshit that is totally unsupported by data

Name a nation with a high gun ownership rate that has a lower murder rate than ours

Sorry...studies have been done, as has research into the opposite....countries with strict gun control also have higher gun murder rates...Russia, all of Latin America......and Britain has 2 times the violent crime that the U.S. has......
Tell that to those living in Nazi Germany....

Because in the end, everything always ends up........HITLER

Would you like some more recent examples?

Please do.......also include their murder rate

I will..........dummy:2up: Harvard University would say youre a dick!!

And making shit up is ghey!!:coffee:


Harvard Study Gun Control Is Counterproductive The American Civil Rights Union

Entire study herein >> Harvard Study-Gun Bans Don t Work Gun News

From the authors:

"If the mantra “more guns equal more death and fewer guns equal less death” were true, broad cross-national comparisons should show that nations with higher gun ownership per capita consistently have more death. Nations with higher gun ownership rates, however, do not have higher murder or suicide rates than those with lower gun ownership. Indeed many high gun ownership nations have much lower murder rates."

s0n.......whats up with consistently pwning yourself publically???!!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

Nations with higher gun ownership rates, however, do not have higher murder or suicide rates than those with lower gun ownership. Indeed many high gun ownership nations have much lower murder rates."
What total bullshit that is totally unsupported by data

Name a nation with a high gun ownership rate that has a lower murder rate than ours

Bill Whittle is great and he explains the issue on this video....America is number 1 for gun ownership...but way down on the list for murder.....


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