Gun control laws don't work....these guys had a rocket propelled grenade, and an aresnal..

Than I guess everyone who drives a car is a potential child killer.

Yes. Everyone who drives could potentially run over a child. That's part of the reason we have driving tests. To make sure every driver at least knows the proper way to drive to limit potential wrecks, which includes the possibility of children being run over.

And cars all are registered and have license plates.

No they're not. People drive unregistered vehicles and they drive with stolen plates.

So you think auto registration is useless and should be done away with?

Where did I say that?

It's the same logic you use to oppose reasonable gun control. Here is an example of where it didn't work this time, so it is useless.
No. Its not. The license ensure that you have passed a minimum requirement to exercise the state-issued privilege to drive, not prevent you from doing so illegally.

Again: Even though you do not have a DUI, do you believe you should be forced to blow into a breathalizer every time you want to start your car?
Incorrect -- you're arguing that a felon will break the law with regard to selling/buying/owning a gun, but not break the law with resepct to having a background check. Surely you see how silly that is.

The laws against felons owning guns is not there to prevent felons form getting guns, but to punish them when they do.
Universal background checks are impossible to enforce w/o universal registration.
Thinking supporters of UBC know this, which is why they support UBC.
The rest of you are simply their useful idiots.
what's the problem with registration?

The problem with registration first and foremost is it is always the first step to banning or ordering turn ins of all or some happened in Britain, and Australia.........

The next big doesn't actually stop or solve any crimes....criminals are not required to register their illegal guns...there is an actual supreme court case on that.....and they won't register their illegal guns the only people who will register their guns, the law abiding, don't commit crimes with guns in the first it has no deterrent effect on crime at all.....
I register my car and it has never been banned or confiscated

Again with the boneheaded analogy...
I know.......because registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation

You're right it has.
No. Its not. The license ensure that you have passed a minimum requirement to exercise the state-issued privilege to drive, not prevent you from doing so illegally.

Again: Even though you do not have a DUI, do you believe you should be forced to blow into a breathalizer every time you want to start your car?
Incorrect -- you're arguing that a felon will break the law with regard to selling/buying/owning a gun, but not break the law with resepct to having a background check. Surely you see how silly that is.

The laws against felons owning guns is not there to prevent felons form getting guns, but to punish them when they do.
Universal background checks are impossible to enforce w/o universal registration.
Thinking supporters of UBC know this, which is why they support UBC.
The rest of you are simply their useful idiots.
what's the problem with registration?
Registration is only for confiscation of guns from those who have done nothing wrong.

More stupid rhetoric.

Tell that to those living in Nazi Germany....

Because in the end, everything always ends up........HITLER

Would you like some more recent examples?
what's the problem with registration?
Registration is only for confiscation of guns from those who have done nothing wrong.

More stupid rhetoric.

Tell that to those living in Nazi Germany....

This isn't Nazi Germany idiot.

So you're one of those"it cant happen here" people?

Right. What happened in Nazi Germany can't happen here, and anybody who thinks it can is crazy.
Yes. Everyone who drives could potentially run over a child. That's part of the reason we have driving tests. To make sure every driver at least knows the proper way to drive to limit potential wrecks, which includes the possibility of children being run over.

And cars all are registered and have license plates.

No they're not. People drive unregistered vehicles and they drive with stolen plates.

So you think auto registration is useless and should be done away with?

Where did I say that?

It's the same logic you use to oppose reasonable gun control.
Newsflash Cupcake: Nobody opposes reasonable gun-control.
what's the problem with registration?
Registration is only for confiscation of guns from those who have done nothing wrong.

More stupid rhetoric.

Tell that to those living in Nazi Germany....

This isn't Nazi Germany idiot.

So you're one of those"it cant happen here" people?

No it can't. We have 24/7 news, Internet, smart phones... Our military can't be fooled now.
I don't.
Registration is only for confiscation of guns from those who have done nothing wrong.
hmm. i registered my car. i still own it. registered my dogs. nobody has confiscated them. registered my property... still own it.

registration and confiscation seem to be different things - how do you conclude they are the same?
I don't.

Thanks for playing, Mr. Presumpto.
"registration is only for confiscation"
how do you reach that conclusion if registration does not mean confiscation?

are they not separate issues?
They are separate.

The same way that paint brushes are not painting, registration is not confiscation.

Gun registration is only for confiscating guns from those who have done nothing wrong.
you state that, but that doesn't make it true.
Of course not. It's true whether I say it or not.

lots of things get registered that are never confiscated, why would it be different with guns?
Everything that is registered, is registered for the purposes of confiscation; guns are not different in this regard. You are obviously ignorant of the express purpose for registration.

But guns are different from dogs and cars in a very important regard... keeping and bearing them is a specifically protected right.

if guns had to be registered and sold with a title, much like a car, do you not believe it would be easier to keep guns out of the hands of criminals?
It has already been demonstrated that it would only be another burden upon everyone else, with virtually zero impact on criminals... for obvious reasons.
No. Its not. The license ensure that you have passed a minimum requirement to exercise the state-issued privilege to drive, not prevent you from doing so illegally.
Again: Even though you do not have a DUI, do you believe you should be forced to blow into a breathalizer every time you want to start your car?
You're arguing that a felon will break the law with regard to selling/buying/owning a gun, but not break the law with resepct to having a background check. Surely you see how silly that is.
The laws against felons owning guns is not there to prevent felons form getting guns, but to punish them when they do.
Universal background checks are impossible to enforce w/o universal registration.
Thinking supporters of UBC know this, which is why they support UBC.
The rest of you are simply their useful idiots.
what's the problem with registration?
Out of everything I said, that's your total response?
Registration is a precondition to the exercise of the right not inherent to same; the state cannot create the plenary requirement for you to tell it when and how you will exercise your rights in order to do so.

Tens of millions of gun owners and hundreds of millions of guns are NOT involved in a crime each year; that being the case it is impossible to soundly argue that it is necessary for the state to know the identity and whareabout of either in order to protect the rights of the people.
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I know you are trying to somehow claim that registration would be required for background checks, but that has been proven to be crap long ago. The NRA is lying to you.
Universal background checks are impossible to enforce w/o universal registration.
Thinking supporters of UBC know this, which is why they support UBC.
The rest of you are simply their useful idiots.
Says he who knows he cannot show how, thus the abbreviated response.
How does a CHL prevent the possibility that the possessor might kill someone?[
The same way that universal background checks, plenary registration of guns and plenary licensing requirement for gun owners keep people from killing someone.
Since you missed the point, rocket launchers are illegal for all citizens, not just felons and apparently these two thugs were able to get them easily......with background check laws firmly in place right now........and considering you can't buy them at the local gun store.....

This whole thread is ridiculous. With your reasoning, if a person intentionally ran over a group of kids, that would mean all traffic laws are a waste of time because they didn't stop that one criminal act. You are either intentionally obtuse or stupid.

Than I guess everyone who drives a car is a potential child killer.

Yes. Everyone who drives could potentially run over a child. That's part of the reason we have driving tests. To make sure every driver at least knows the proper way to drive to limit potential wrecks, which includes the possibility of children being run over.

So? According to the post I was responding to all gun owners are potential killers. Even those with CHLs.

How does a CHL prevent the possibility that the possessor might kill someone?

It doesn' is just a way to generate revenue...since criminals don't get Carry permits do they.....and they are the ones killing people, while the law abiding citizen who spends the time and money to get a carry permit doesn't kill people.....
No. Its not. The license ensure that you have passed a minimum requirement to exercise the state-issued privilege to drive, not prevent you from doing so illegally.

Again: Even though you do not have a DUI, do you believe you should be forced to blow into a breathalizer every time you want to start your car?
Incorrect -- you're arguing that a felon will break the law with regard to selling/buying/owning a gun, but not break the law with resepct to having a background check. Surely you see how silly that is.

The laws against felons owning guns is not there to prevent felons form getting guns, but to punish them when they do.
Universal background checks are impossible to enforce w/o universal registration.
Thinking supporters of UBC know this, which is why they support UBC.
The rest of you are simply their useful idiots.
what's the problem with registration?

The problem with registration first and foremost is it is always the first step to banning or ordering turn ins of all or some happened in Britain, and Australia.........

The next big doesn't actually stop or solve any crimes....criminals are not required to register their illegal guns...there is an actual supreme court case on that.....and they won't register their illegal guns the only people who will register their guns, the law abiding, don't commit crimes with guns in the first it has no deterrent effect on crime at all.....
I register my car and it has never been banned or confiscated

Again with the boneheaded analogy...
I know.......because registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation

well...Germany, Britain, Australia.....Canada.....see a trend.......? And it took Germany from the 1920s when registration was enacted to 1930s to ban weapons for Jews and other enemies of the nazi party....
This whole thread is ridiculous. With your reasoning, if a person intentionally ran over a group of kids, that would mean all traffic laws are a waste of time because they didn't stop that one criminal act. You are either intentionally obtuse or stupid.

Than I guess everyone who drives a car is a potential child killer.

Yes. Everyone who drives could potentially run over a child. That's part of the reason we have driving tests. To make sure every driver at least knows the proper way to drive to limit potential wrecks, which includes the possibility of children being run over.

And cars all are registered and have license plates.

No they're not. People drive unregistered vehicles and they drive with stolen plates.

So you think auto registration is useless and should be done away with?

Auto registration is to generate revenue...nothing else...
This whole thread is ridiculous. With your reasoning, if a person intentionally ran over a group of kids, that would mean all traffic laws are a waste of time because they didn't stop that one criminal act. You are either intentionally obtuse or stupid.

Than I guess everyone who drives a car is a potential child killer.

Yes. Everyone who drives could potentially run over a child. That's part of the reason we have driving tests. To make sure every driver at least knows the proper way to drive to limit potential wrecks, which includes the possibility of children being run over.

So? According to the post I was responding to all gun owners are potential killers. Even those with CHLs.

How does a CHL prevent the possibility that the possessor might kill someone?

It doesn' is just a way to generate revenue...since criminals don't get Carry permits do they.....and they are the ones killing people, while the law abiding citizen who spends the time and money to get a carry permit doesn't kill people.....

No they kill people too.
VPC Concealed Carry Killers
what's the problem with registration?
Registration is only for confiscation of guns from those who have done nothing wrong.

More stupid rhetoric.

Tell that to those living in Nazi Germany....

Because in the end, everything always ends up........HITLER

Would you like some more recent examples?

Please do.......also include their murder rate
Than I guess everyone who drives a car is a potential child killer.

Yes. Everyone who drives could potentially run over a child. That's part of the reason we have driving tests. To make sure every driver at least knows the proper way to drive to limit potential wrecks, which includes the possibility of children being run over.

So? According to the post I was responding to all gun owners are potential killers. Even those with CHLs.

How does a CHL prevent the possibility that the possessor might kill someone?

It doesn' is just a way to generate revenue...since criminals don't get Carry permits do they.....and they are the ones killing people, while the law abiding citizen who spends the time and money to get a carry permit doesn't kill people.....

No they kill people too.
VPC Concealed Carry Killers

Ya want to know what kills far more people than CHL holders?
Since you missed the point, rocket launchers are illegal for all citizens, not just felons and apparently these two thugs were able to get them easily......with background check laws firmly in place right now........and considering you can't buy them at the local gun store.....

This whole thread is ridiculous. With your reasoning, if a person intentionally ran over a group of kids, that would mean all traffic laws are a waste of time because they didn't stop that one criminal act. You are either intentionally obtuse or stupid.

Than I guess everyone who drives a car is a potential child killer.

Yes. Everyone who drives could potentially run over a child. That's part of the reason we have driving tests. To make sure every driver at least knows the proper way to drive to limit potential wrecks, which includes the possibility of children being run over.

So? According to the post I was responding to all gun owners are potential killers. Even those with CHLs.

How does a CHL prevent the possibility that the possessor might kill someone?
Than I guess everyone who drives a car is a potential child killer.

Yes. Everyone who drives could potentially run over a child. That's part of the reason we have driving tests. To make sure every driver at least knows the proper way to drive to limit potential wrecks, which includes the possibility of children being run over.

So? According to the post I was responding to all gun owners are potential killers. Even those with CHLs.

How does a CHL prevent the possibility that the possessor might kill someone?

It doesn' is just a way to generate revenue...since criminals don't get Carry permits do they.....and they are the ones killing people, while the law abiding citizen who spends the time and money to get a carry permit doesn't kill people.....

No they kill people too.
VPC Concealed Carry Killers

The Violence Policy Center is lying...they double count and lie about the incidents to get their numbers up.....
Registration is only for confiscation of guns from those who have done nothing wrong.

More stupid rhetoric.

Tell that to those living in Nazi Germany....

Because in the end, everything always ends up........HITLER

Would you like some more recent examples?

Please do.......also include their murder rate

Holy shit you're a dumb ass.
2aGuy just did three posts above yours.
This whole thread is ridiculous. With your reasoning, if a person intentionally ran over a group of kids, that would mean all traffic laws are a waste of time because they didn't stop that one criminal act. You are either intentionally obtuse or stupid.

Than I guess everyone who drives a car is a potential child killer.

Yes. Everyone who drives could potentially run over a child. That's part of the reason we have driving tests. To make sure every driver at least knows the proper way to drive to limit potential wrecks, which includes the possibility of children being run over.

So? According to the post I was responding to all gun owners are potential killers. Even those with CHLs.

How does a CHL prevent the possibility that the possessor might kill someone?
Yes. Everyone who drives could potentially run over a child. That's part of the reason we have driving tests. To make sure every driver at least knows the proper way to drive to limit potential wrecks, which includes the possibility of children being run over.

So? According to the post I was responding to all gun owners are potential killers. Even those with CHLs.

How does a CHL prevent the possibility that the possessor might kill someone?

It doesn' is just a way to generate revenue...since criminals don't get Carry permits do they.....and they are the ones killing people, while the law abiding citizen who spends the time and money to get a carry permit doesn't kill people.....

No they kill people too.
VPC Concealed Carry Killers

The Violence Policy Center is lying...they double count and lie about the incidents to get their numbers up.....

They all look pretty well documented to me.
And background checks for private sales...impossible for the police to monitor they are pointless, useless and do nothing to stop crime or mass shootings...


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