Gun control works! Why do so many people object to it?


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Check out these statistics! Gun control really does work...

[ame=]Gun Control Works - YouTube[/ame]

...for the governments controlling the guns!
Make no mistake about it either.

The left doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone's kids, or they wouldn't tolerate abortion.

The people running the left want to manage human beings like a resource and be able too cull the herd at will. They know they can never get their agenda to full fruition unless they remove the means of resistance.

The ordinary bed wetters found in lower classes are programmed to think they're pushing an agenda to reduce violence and killing. They'll be the first victims of their masters, since few liberals have much in the way of thinking skills or talents.
Make no mistake about it either.

The left doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone's kids, or they wouldn't tolerate abortion.

The people running the left want to manage human beings like a resource and be able too cull the herd at will. They know they can never get their agenda to full fruition unless they remove the means of resistance.

The ordinary bed wetters found in lower classes are programmed to think they're pushing an agenda to reduce violence and killing. They'll be the first victims of their masters, since few liberals have much in the way of thinking skills or talents.

And they don't give a fuck about individual rights either.
They are all about empowering the government at the expense of the individual.
Slavery works. Why are people against it?

Actually slavery does not work in a modern society. tech has made most labor skilled labor and not muscle labor. Slavery only works in a few fields and not very efficiently.

But isn't it telling you would compare our protected right to possess firearms to slavery.
Make no mistake about it either.

The left doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone's kids, or they wouldn't tolerate abortion.

The people running the left want to manage human beings like a resource and be able too cull the herd at will. They know they can never get their agenda to full fruition unless they remove the means of resistance.

The ordinary bed wetters found in lower classes are programmed to think they're pushing an agenda to reduce violence and killing. They'll be the first victims of their masters, since few liberals have much in the way of thinking skills or talents.

To these light in the loafer lefties - the only thing that matters is they"collective".

The left can STILL kiss my black ass.
If gun control works because the government controls the guns it is necessary to redefine murder and assault. Randy Weaver's teen age son was shot in the back by federal officers. His wife was shot in the face while she was holding a 18 month old baby in her arms. The FBI sniper who shot Mrs Weaver was indicted for manslaughter by a grand jury but a federal judge dismissed the charges.
Slavery works. Why are people against it?

Actually slavery does not work in a modern society. tech has made most labor skilled labor and not muscle labor. Slavery only works in a few fields and not very efficiently.

But isn't it telling you would compare our protected right to possess firearms to slavery.

I think he's comparing gun control to slavery, and it's apt.

A disarmed people are little more than slaves.
And like most of these countries, Americans say it can never happen here. Really, what makes us so unique?
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Slavery works. Why are people against it?

Actually slavery does not work in a modern society. tech has made most labor skilled labor and not muscle labor. Slavery only works in a few fields and not very efficiently.

But isn't it telling you would compare our protected right to possess firearms to slavery.

Literal-minded little thing, aren't you?

Isn't it telling that you missed the point of the post completely?

Usually, I don't bother replying to ex-marines. I just throw a bucket of sand down and tell them to hit the beach. It keeps them amused for hours.
Its because op....

1. the right knows the dirty tricks will be used on them like they do to the left combat abortion, if they give an inch.

2. at least 20 million americans would be denied the right to own a hand gun if the 1968 gun laws were upheld. they are admited drunks, been in rehab, pot smokers and the like.

simple really.
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And like most of thes countries, Americans say it can never happen here. Really, what makes us so unique?

We have guns, lots and lots of them.

The other countries people didn't fight, what makes you believe Americans will be willing to give up everything to do so. This country has been so sissified in the last 40 years do you really think they will be willing to get dirty to resist? At this point I have my doubts.
And like most of thes countries, Americans say it can never happen here. Really, what makes us so unique?

We have guns, lots and lots of them.

The other countries people didn't fight, what makes you believe Americans will be willing to give up everything to do so. This country has been so sissified in the last 40 years do you really think they will be willing to get dirty to resist? At this point I have my doubts.

I have some hope for rural America. America's cities are in decline and apt to get worse. Few people in cities know how to do anything useful. Mechanics, carpenters, all blue collar workers are generally held in disdain. People who shuffle papers or bits and bytes hold the power. It's a recipe for disaster.

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