Gun controll works

Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

Save your sperm and cirlce jerk to something else.
Wow, what a great response. Are you a speech writer for Donald Trump.
You appear to very thoughtful and quite articulate.
Yes this argument has been made time and time again by the far left, yet not one far left drone can point to any laws new and old that would have prevented what happened in San Bernardino..
No law will eliminate all gun related killings but they will reduce them. Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes, that does not mean you do not have speed limits.
Try again.

WOW! Speed limits eliminate all car deaths?

What planet do you live on?
Can you read and comprehend? Apparently not from your response. I said speed limits do not eliminate all traffic deaths, you dork. Your inability to read and comprehend explains your ass backward views of the world.

"Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes,"

These are your words.. Seems you are the one with the problem..
Oops, I do have a problem with typing but you knew what I was saying.
I will admit my problem with typing if you admit your problem with reading, comprehending and your view on gun control.

No I do not know what you were saying..

However your argument is moot. Show all the laws that can prevent mass shootings..

Also driving is a privilege, not a right. This shows how silly your comments are..
No law will eliminate all gun related killings but they will reduce them. Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes, that does not mean you do not have speed limits.
Try again.

If anti-murder laws don't stop people, then anti-gun laws won't stop them either.
Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

You know who else sees little to no gun violence? Switzerland. And it's guns, guns everywhere over there.
"Switzerland has a comprehensive gun-control regime that is governed by federal law and implemented by the cantons. This regime may be somewhat less restrictive than that of other European countries, yet since 2008 it has complied with European Union requirements. The Swiss Weapons Act requires an acquisition license for handguns and a carrying license for the carrying of any permitted firearm for defensive purposes. Exceptions exist for hunters. Automatic weapons are banned."
You obviously have no idea of what you are talking about. Another example of a gun extremist making up stuff to defend their ridiculous stance.
I have lived and worked in Switzerland. It is wonderful country but if you are a small government advocate, it is not the place you want to live. They have a very strong and controlling government. It works very well for them.
Let us consider............lefty social policy causes societal rot such as.....fatherless black children, single mothers everywhere, open borders, drug acceptance, and stealing from one or more persons to give to another.

Now, because of the social rot created by them, the country's poor areas are out of control. Black people are shooting black people at an absolutely astounding rate. Virtually ALL of the guns used are illegally obtained.

And so, their solution is NOT to have police presence in these areas and frisk them, because we see they don't like stop and frisk, now do they! Their solution is to make everything harder for law abiding residents.

I think everyone should look up on Google how many of the guns used in Chicago killings were legally registered last year, and were NOT stolen, or illegal weapons!

On another note, in areas surrounding Chicago in Illinois, within the last few years, there has been at least 3 to 5 incidences of people breaking into homes, and being SHOT by the homeowner. In fact, one of them was a woman over 60! In all of these cases arrests were made after the fact, and in each case, the homeowner was ALSO ARRESTED for illegally discharging a fire arm within the city limits in which they reside. This is TRUE! All were eventually released because of extreme public pressure, but this is how the libs work. They won't send the police to a street corner to frisk, no.......they would rather arrest people protecting themselves with legal weapons on a technicality! Now Illinois has a republican governor, I have a feeling things will change for the better on this gun front!

So in closing, the left created the problem, they have tried to fix the problem and made it worse, now they want to fix it again, and they claim the reason this is happening is because you; the law abiding citizen, have TO MANY FREEDOMS! Why are any of us not surprised with their take on it!!!!!!!!
No law will eliminate all gun related killings but they will reduce them. Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes, that does not mean you do not have speed limits.
Try again.

WOW! Speed limits eliminate all car deaths?

What planet do you live on?
Can you read and comprehend? Apparently not from your response. I said speed limits do not eliminate all traffic deaths, you dork. Your inability to read and comprehend explains your ass backward views of the world.

"Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes,"

These are your words.. Seems you are the one with the problem..
Oops, I do have a problem with typing but you knew what I was saying.
I will admit my problem with typing if you admit your problem with reading, comprehending and your view on gun control.

No I do not know what you were saying..

However your argument is moot. Show all the laws that can prevent mass shootings..

Also driving is a privilege, not a right. This shows how silly your comments are..
You cannot be this stupid.
The greatest right we have is our right to life. Guns take more lives per capita than any 1st world country in the world. The reason is our lack of regulation and that can be proven by checking other 1st world countries gun regulations.
There is no law that will eliminate all mass killings or gun deaths but they will reduce them. I am sure that Australia will have another mass shooting at some point but the rate has been reduced by the addition of regulations.
Do you feel any of the proposed gun regulations would prevent you from having a gun. If so you shouldn't have one. Even though you appear to be a complete idiot I am guessing none of the proposed regulations would prevent you from gun ownership.
Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

They traded that for more rape and robbery.
They don't have a 2nd amendment.
Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

They traded that for more rape and robbery.
They don't have a 2nd amendment.
The 2nd amendment provides the right to bear arms not guns.
One key purpose of the 2nd amendment was to give power to fight back against a rogue USA government.
Do you think guns are going to provide you a check against a rogue USA government. A rogue US government is not going to have a gun fight with idiots like you. They will come bomb you and all your guns to hell.
If you want to stand up for the 2nd amendment, don't be a wimp. Go after nuclear bombs, fighter jets, tanks, bomb dropping drones etc.
You have no logic to your 2nd amendment argument and gun control.
No law will eliminate all gun related killings but they will reduce them. Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes, that does not mean you do not have speed limits.
Try again.

Studies have shown that the vast majority of drivers ignore speed limits, and just drive at whatever speed is comfortable for them.
I drive 9 miles over the limit because I judge once told me that a cop will never give you a ticket unless you are going at least 10 miles over the limit.
Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

They traded that for more rape and robbery.
They don't have a 2nd amendment.
The 2nd amendment provides the right to bear arms not guns.
One key purpose of the 2nd amendment was to give power to fight back against a rogue USA government.
Do you think guns are going to provide you a check against a rogue USA government. A rogue US government is not going to have a gun fight with idiots like you. They will come bomb you and all your guns to hell.
If you want to stand up for the 2nd amendment, don't be a wimp. Go after nuclear bombs, fighter jets, tanks, bomb dropping drones etc.
You have no logic to your 2nd amendment argument and gun control.

Bearing Arms means weapons and ammunition; armaments.

The 2nd amendment is for the right to defend ourselves.
Don't see how you got what you wrote, with our right to defend our persons, homes and businesses. which is what I was talking about.

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