Gun controll works

Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

Island country. Not wide open borders. USA can't/won't control human beings, drugs etc. pouring over border. Guns would flow up here like blood at OJ crime scene.
The one thing that becomes obvious whenever leftwing turds post on the subject of gun control is that they don't give a crap about the Bill of Rights.

there is no lawful purpose to justify ownership of assault weapons by the average American.

we should have a strict process by which law abiding citizens can apply for any proposed lawful purpose.

Gun Ownership Rights Under Heller |

In April, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago said that, under Heller, assault weapons may be banned in the interest of protecting public safety. By a 2-to-1 vote, a panel of the Seventh Circuit upheld a ban imposed in 2013 by the Illinois city of Highland Park, which acted in response to the December 2012 elementary school massacre in Newtown, Conn. The Newtown killer used a legally acquired large-capacity assault rifle known as an AR-15.

Heller did not establish a right to keep any weapon for any purpose, Judge Frank Easterbrook wrote for the majority on the three-judge panel. The Supreme Court did not question long-standing federal bans on fully automatic machine guns and sawed-off shotguns, which have no legitimate purpose in the hands of civilians, he added. The question, said Easterbrook, is: "Where does the balance of danger lie?"

To answer that query, Easterbrook examined whether the Highland Park ban affected weapons common at the time of the ratification of the Second Amendment (no) and whether law-abiding citizens retained other "adequate means of self-defense" (yes). "A ban on assault weapons won't eliminate gun violence in Highland Park, but it may reduce the overall dangerousness of crime that does occur," the judge said.

If Hillary Clinton Bans Assault Weapons, Would It Be Constitutional?
Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.
They probably didnt have any mass shootings for the 20years preceeding the one that precipitated the law either.
But I'll bet the people i Australia are pissed now they gave up their guns when they found out there was an active Muslim plot to behead people randomly.
Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

Island country. Not wide open borders. USA can't/won't control human beings, drugs etc. pouring over border. Guns would flow up here like blood at OJ crime scene.
No need to. There are 300M guns already here.
No comment on the Norway mass shooting, eh coward?


[URL=""]Today, somebody broke the law[/URL]
The one thing that becomes obvious whenever leftwing turds post on the subject of gun control is that they don't give a crap about the Bill of Rights.

there is no lawful purpose to justify ownership of assault weapons by the average American.

we should have a strict process by which law abiding citizens can apply for any proposed lawful purpose.

Gun Ownership Rights Under Heller |

In April, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago said that, under Heller, assault weapons may be banned in the interest of protecting public safety. By a 2-to-1 vote, a panel of the Seventh Circuit upheld a ban imposed in 2013 by the Illinois city of Highland Park, which acted in response to the December 2012 elementary school massacre in Newtown, Conn. The Newtown killer used a legally acquired large-capacity assault rifle known as an AR-15.

Heller did not establish a right to keep any weapon for any purpose, Judge Frank Easterbrook wrote for the majority on the three-judge panel. The Supreme Court did not question long-standing federal bans on fully automatic machine guns and sawed-off shotguns, which have no legitimate purpose in the hands of civilians, he added. The question, said Easterbrook, is: "Where does the balance of danger lie?"

To answer that query, Easterbrook examined whether the Highland Park ban affected weapons common at the time of the ratification of the Second Amendment (no) and whether law-abiding citizens retained other "adequate means of self-defense" (yes). "A ban on assault weapons won't eliminate gun violence in Highland Park, but it may reduce the overall dangerousness of crime that does occur," the judge said.

If Hillary Clinton Bans Assault Weapons, Would It Be Constitutional?

The Bill of Rights says you don't need a "lawful purpose," dumbass.

You are a goose stepping bootlicker to the bone. You don't believe Americans should be allowed to do anything unless it has a "lawful purpose." In other words, they shouldn't be allowed to do anything unless some government bureaucrat has said you can do it.

The Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves from the knowledge that reptiles like you even exist.

BTW, I know gun grabbers are proud to display their ignorance about guns, but an AR-15 is not an "assault rifle." It's semi-automatic, just like countless hunting rifles. It only fires one bullet with each pull of the trigger. A true assault rifle like the M-16 is fully automatic.
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Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

Guns went down. Knifing and beatings went up.

Where there is a will there is a way. Remember the mother last year who stabbed 9 babies to death in Australia?
there is no lawful purpose to justify ownership of assault weapons by the average American.

we should have a strict process by which law abiding citizens can apply for any proposed lawful purpose.

Says you, your opinion and 50 cents will buy you a cup of coffee. Its my opinion, backed up by the 2nd amendment that you have jack shit to say about whether or not I purchase a so called "assault" weapon. The very name "assault" is a lie, the vast majority of these rifles owned by law abiding citizens are defense weapons not assault weapons.

Feel free to move to France where there are strict gun laws, oh wait France has had more people killed and injured in mass shootings just this year than in the past 7 years in the USA. In France the law says you have to trust the state to protect you, only you are frequently already dead by the time the state arrives on scene.
Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

You know who else sees little to no gun violence? Switzerland. And it's guns, guns everywhere over there.
Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

Yes this argument has been made time and time again by the far left, yet not one far left drone can point to any laws new and old that would have prevented what happened in San Bernardino..
No law will eliminate all gun related killings but they will reduce them. Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes, that does not mean you do not have speed limits.
Try again.
Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

Yes this argument has been made time and time again by the far left, yet not one far left drone can point to any laws new and old that would have prevented what happened in San Bernardino..
No law will eliminate all gun related killings but they will reduce them. Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes, that does not mean you do not have speed limits.
Try again.

WOW! Speed limits eliminate all car deaths?

What planet do you live on?
Once again, for the stupid and retarded, its not the guns.
Once again, for the stupid and retarded, its not the guns.
The terms you use in the statement above shows what type of person you are. I do not need to describe what you are, you do a very good job of doing that yourself.
May God help you.
No law will eliminate all gun related killings but they will reduce them. Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes, that does not mean you do not have speed limits.
Try again.

Studies have shown that the vast majority of drivers ignore speed limits, and just drive at whatever speed is comfortable for them.
Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

Yes this argument has been made time and time again by the far left, yet not one far left drone can point to any laws new and old that would have prevented what happened in San Bernardino..
No law will eliminate all gun related killings but they will reduce them. Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes, that does not mean you do not have speed limits.
Try again.

WOW! Speed limits eliminate all car deaths?

What planet do you live on?
Can you read and comprehend? Apparently not from your response. I said speed limits do not eliminate all traffic deaths, you dork. Your inability to read and comprehend explains your ass backward views of the world.
Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

Yes this argument has been made time and time again by the far left, yet not one far left drone can point to any laws new and old that would have prevented what happened in San Bernardino..
No law will eliminate all gun related killings but they will reduce them. Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes, that does not mean you do not have speed limits.
Try again.

WOW! Speed limits eliminate all car deaths?

What planet do you live on?
Can you read and comprehend? Apparently not from your response. I said speed limits do not eliminate all traffic deaths, you dork. Your inability to read and comprehend explains your ass backward views of the world.

"Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes,"

These are your words.. Seems you are the one with the problem..
No law will eliminate all gun related killings but they will reduce them. Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes, that does not mean you do not have speed limits.
Try again.

Studies have shown that the vast majority of drivers ignore speed limits, and just drive at whatever speed is comfortable for them.
Are you saying eliminate speed limits?
Why have laws that make murder a felony crime when so many people do not follow the law; of course not. There is no logic to your statement.
Gun extremists make up stuff to justify the lack of gun regulations
Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

Save your sperm and cirlce jerk to something else.
Australia has seen no mass killings — defined as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significantly tightened its gun-control laws after a massacre in Tasmania almost 20 years ago.

Yes this argument has been made time and time again by the far left, yet not one far left drone can point to any laws new and old that would have prevented what happened in San Bernardino..
No law will eliminate all gun related killings but they will reduce them. Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes, that does not mean you do not have speed limits.
Try again.

WOW! Speed limits eliminate all car deaths?

What planet do you live on?
Can you read and comprehend? Apparently not from your response. I said speed limits do not eliminate all traffic deaths, you dork. Your inability to read and comprehend explains your ass backward views of the world.

"Speed limit do eliminate all deathe from car crashes,"

These are your words.. Seems you are the one with the problem..
Oops, I do have a problem with typing but you knew what I was saying.
I will admit my problem with typing if you admit your problem with reading, comprehending and your view on gun control.

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