Gun culture

What about someone merely having a psychiatric episode or having drunk a little too much? Do they all deserve to die.
Having sympathy for them makes them no less dangerous.
But why can British police take them alive, but American police have to execute them?

If that were true in every case, you might have an argument. It is not, and you do not.

The example you gave is also true of the vast majority of police confrontations in America. The shootings are sensationalized because media is in the pocket of the Democrats, and supports their agenda.
I'm not troublesome so it isn't something I worry about. A Brit cop could probably start a stopwatch to measure his lifespan in a big city here.
So you say, but that's not your call is it? That's the call of whoever has the gun. Which is the bottom line of the thread, gun culture is the reason why you made that comment about British police. IMO, I think you're talking out of your ass on that one.

"Gun culture" How silly.

There is no "gun culture". There is only cause and effect.
Why should the police risk themselves against a scumbag?.
That's their job, NOT being judge, jury and executioner. Hope you or no one you know ever gets themselves into a bad situation. You might not even be the perp, just collateral damage.
If you had been at the Christmas party and the couple came in and started killing your co-workers would YOU have wished you had a gun or not?
Ya fucking right asshole LIB coward!
Maybe you would have taken 'Bonobo's' advice and asked if they wanted to "dialogue" with you.
These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -
Even if you shoot a guy he can still advance and open you up. It's a judgment call by the cops. You are playing a risky game by waving a knife around. That guy was a loser and I'm happy we don't have to fund his existence any longer.

What I don't understand is why liberals care so deeply about troublesome assholes.
Because THEY are the "troublesome assholes".
Get stoned and or drunk and get into it with a LEO you are going to lose 100% of the time. Get into it with a LEO when you are displaying any weapon or claiming you have a weapon on you your chances of being shot dead go up exponentially.
These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -
Even if you shoot a guy he can still advance and open you up. It's a judgment call by the cops. You are playing a risky game by waving a knife around. That guy was a loser and I'm happy we don't have to fund his existence any longer.

What I don't understand is why liberals care so deeply about troublesome assholes.
it's about killing a human being, I'm sorry you can't comprehend's murder to kill someone not trying to kill you, and every precaution and step should be taken to NOT kill someone else... WHY is that so hard to understand?
These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -
Even if you shoot a guy he can still advance and open you up. It's a judgment call by the cops. You are playing a risky game by waving a knife around. That guy was a loser and I'm happy we don't have to fund his existence any longer.

What I don't understand is why liberals care so deeply about troublesome assholes.
it's about killing a human being, I'm sorry you can't comprehend's murder to kill someone not trying to kill you, and every precaution and step should be taken to NOT kill someone else... WHY is that so hard to understand?

It is prudent to assume anyone pointing a weapon of any kind at you wants to at least harm you and at most kill you

And the most sure fire way to end up shot dead is to point a weapon at a cop

^Question. What is the non white population of those nations you list?
These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -
Even if you shoot a guy he can still advance and open you up. It's a judgment call by the cops. You are playing a risky game by waving a knife around. That guy was a loser and I'm happy we don't have to fund his existence any longer.

What I don't understand is why liberals care so deeply about troublesome assholes.
it's about killing a human being, I'm sorry you can't comprehend's murder to kill someone not trying to kill you, and every precaution and step should be taken to NOT kill someone else... WHY is that so hard to understand?

When a guy with a knife moves towards close must he get before it's ok to shoot him? Or is it just never ok until he's digging your jugular vein out?
These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -

Oh look the far left is running their religious narrative without question or hesitation..
Oh look, Kosh is flapping yap with nothing at all to say.

You asses won't even admit we have a problem here. When our rate of gun violence is that far above everybody else's, perhaps we should be looking at the source of the problem.
These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -

Oh look the far left is running their religious narrative without question or hesitation..
Oh look, Kosh is flapping yap with nothing at all to say.

You asses won't even admit we have a problem here. When our rate of gun violence is that far above everybody else's, perhaps we should be looking at the source of the problem.

Another far left drone showing they are unwilling to admit that their far left religion is worse than ISIS..

But we all know that the far left has to run their narratives without question or hesitation..

Once we remove the far left religion from politics and science then we humans can progress..
Senator Ted Cruz urges us to arm ourselves. Jerry Falwell, Jr., urges college students to arm themselves. An elected official in Nevada sends out a Christmas card showing his family armed (and nothing says Christmas quite like a gun!). And of course, The Bloviator, Donald Trump, urging all kinds of mayhem. With these "influential" people urging the unhappy people in the U.S. to arm, is it any wonder?
And a bunch of them do, and most have zero idea about gun safety. And leave them where young children have easy access, or where mentally unstable members of their family can get them. And we see the dailly result in the carnage on the streets of this nation.

And all these inbreds can do is scream we need more guns on the street. No, we do not. And we do not need more people with zero experiance with gun safety packing in public.
I don't cry when dangerous people are removed from the face of the earth
Let's hope no one ever views you as dangerous. There are all sorts of reasons why the person might not really have been dangerous, but they're really dead.
A person can be dangerous, but not deserving of death. A schizophrenic should be killed because he goes off? Even when there is a non-fatal solution to rendering him harmless? The far right seems to worship death as much as ISIS does.
Time for some real facts to trump all the far left religious dogma:

While in Paris for the climate change conference, President Obama commented on the Colorado Springs shooting that killed three people and injured nine others.

The president again made the claim that mass shootings don’t happen in other countries.

“I say this every time we have one of these mass shootings. This just doesn’t happen in other countries,” President Obama said.

The president made the statement in Paris, the site of a recent armed ISIS attack that killed 130 civilians, and the location of Charlie Hedbo magazine attacks that killed 12 people and injured 11 people in January.

So, are the president’s claims true?

The following is a chart of mass shooting statistics, when corrected for population. It shows that the U.S. has comparable frequency to other nations when accounting for its large population size. It should also be noted that the U.S. by far has most armed citizens in the world.

noted that the U.S. by far has most armed citizens in the world.

Image credit: OECD data. Archived at:

The Rampage Shooting Index. Taken from a [URL='']now-defunct website
, assembled data from around the world to construct a per capita mass shootings index that controls for population differences. [Update: Archived data based on OECD and other statistics can be found here.]

And since we’re just talking about members of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), we can assume these 34 countries are sufficiently “advanced” to enter into the discussion.

The bottom line: The United States falls from number one due to its frequency of 38 mass shootings from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2013 (which would be number one without correcting for population) to number seven.

Security Magazine commented on the data findings:

Between January 1, 2009, and December 31, 2013,there were 413 fatalities from mass shootings in the 34 member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). From the five-year period of 2008-2012, there were 373 total spree shooting fatalities.

According to the OECD’s latest version of the Rampage Shooting Index, a pair of deadly shootings in Switzerland in early 2013 pushed the U.S. out of the top five OECD nations for the most per capita fatalities, but the U.S. continues to have the most rampage shooting deaths (one reason could be its size – The U.S. population accounts for 25 percent of the OECD total). However, the U.S. saw a drop in mass shooting deaths from 93 in 2012 to 68 in 2013.

The U.S.’ index of 0.12 per 5,000,000 places it behind Norway (recall the Anders Breivik massacre), Finland, Slovakia, Israel, and Switzerland – at half the ratio.

Another thing one might note: The top 5 countries for mass shootings per capita all have “restrictive” gun policies.[/URL]
Senator Ted Cruz urges us to arm ourselves. Jerry Falwell, Jr., urges college students to arm themselves. An elected official in Nevada sends out a Christmas card showing his family armed (and nothing says Christmas quite like a gun!). And of course, The Bloviator, Donald Trump, urging all kinds of mayhem. With these "influential" people urging the unhappy people in the U.S. to arm, is it any wonder?
And a bunch of them do, and most have zero idea about gun safety. And leave them where young children have easy access, or where mentally unstable members of their family can get them. And we see the dailly result in the carnage on the streets of this nation.

And all these inbreds can do is scream we need more guns on the street. No, we do not. And we do not need more people with zero experiance with gun safety packing in public.

And the far left drone runs their narrative!!!

Having no basis of fact other than their religious beliefs..
I don't cry when dangerous people are removed from the face of the earth
Let's hope no one ever views you as dangerous. There are all sorts of reasons why the person might not really have been dangerous, but they're really dead.
A person can be dangerous, but not deserving of death. A schizophrenic should be killed because he goes off? Even when there is a non-fatal solution to rendering him harmless? The far right seems to worship death as much as ISIS does.

Yes the far left religion is far more dangerous than ISIS, yet you follow it without question or hesitation..
Like I said I have no sympathy for criminals who get themselves dead
You apparently have no conscience either. What about someone merely having a psychiatric episode or having drunk a little too much? Do they all deserve to die. What about the cop that "thinks" you're not all you say you are?

I know enough to shut my trap even if a cop is being an asshole

I also know enough not too drink too much and get out of control

As for the mentally ill there is no way to know if some guy pointing a knife at you is merely having an episode is there?
LOL. If a guy is 'pointing' a knife at me, and is further than 6 feet away, he is not an immediate danger. I can take a leg out from under him in a blink. And only have to fire once. This bullshit of cops shooting someone multiple times is idiocy.
These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -

Oh look the far left is running their religious narrative without question or hesitation..
Oh look, Kosh is flapping yap with nothing at all to say.

You asses won't even admit we have a problem here. When our rate of gun violence is that far above everybody else's, perhaps we should be looking at the source of the problem.
Send twenty thousand NG into each inner city negro shithole one city at a time.
Start at one end and remove every illegal gun. Use trained dogs to find the hidden guns. Turn over literally every stone.
Once this has been accomplished the President will sign an executive order making possession of any illegal firearm punishable by death within five days of the person charged being found guilty.
Guess what would happen to the murder by firearm statistics?
Overheard in a negro shithole Government paid for (AKA taxpayer) apartment:
"You are not bringing that fucking gun into my house fool! Get out and take your fucking illegal gun with you!"
Mind you the sale of long 'pointed sticks' would skyrocket.
Negro on negro murder using illegal guns is the major reason the number is so high.
Look at the numbers based on percent of population.
I don't cry when dangerous people are removed from the face of the earth
Let's hope no one ever views you as dangerous. There are all sorts of reasons why the person might not really have been dangerous, but they're really dead.
A person can be dangerous, but not deserving of death. A schizophrenic should be killed because he goes off? Even when there is a non-fatal solution to rendering him harmless? The far right seems to worship death as much as ISIS does.

And tell me how am I to know if the guy rushing me with a weapon is some "harmless" schizo or if he really wants to hurt me

You might want to wait until the knife is in your gut to see but that's your call not mine
These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -
Even if you shoot a guy he can still advance and open you up. It's a judgment call by the cops. You are playing a risky game by waving a knife around. That guy was a loser and I'm happy we don't have to fund his existence any longer.

What I don't understand is why liberals care so deeply about troublesome assholes.
it's about killing a human being, I'm sorry you can't comprehend's murder to kill someone not trying to kill you, and every precaution and step should be taken to NOT kill someone else... WHY is that so hard to understand?
What the fuck makes you so high and mighty? How do I not understand it's a human? I happen to disagree with your lofty self that it's a life worth preserving at all costs. Hoping a nut with a knife won't kill you is a fool's game. Cops are humans too, you know?

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