Gun culture

Is there a "gun culture?" Or just citizens who happen to own guns and get tired of being compared to criminals, murderers, mass murderers, and terrorists? So they band together and say, "hey, you know what? Fuck off!"
Why can't we be more like Hitler's Germany, Mao's China or Stalin's USSR where only the Government had guns?
These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -

Oh look the far left is running their religious narrative without question or hesitation..
Oh look, Kosh is flapping yap with nothing at all to say.

You asses won't even admit we have a problem here. When our rate of gun violence is that far above everybody else's, perhaps we should be looking at the source of the problem.
We know what the problem is, it's just that the left is too arrogant to accept it. We've always had guns. And guns aren't the violent ones. If someone beats you with a baseball bat is that bat violence? You can't think!
These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -

The police in London were just lucky…..they decided that it was better to take a chance on letting this guy murder an officer than to use lethal force…….they do not value their police or citizens….you can see that in the way they treat crime victims..if a victim resists a violent criminal, they can be subject to arrest as well….
Senator Ted Cruz urges us to arm ourselves. Jerry Falwell, Jr., urges college students to arm themselves. An elected official in Nevada sends out a Christmas card showing his family armed (and nothing says Christmas quite like a gun!). And of course, The Bloviator, Donald Trump, urging all kinds of mayhem. With these "influential" people urging the unhappy people in the U.S. to arm, is it any wonder?
And a bunch of them do, and most have zero idea about gun safety. And leave them where young children have easy access, or where mentally unstable members of their family can get them. And we see the dailly result in the carnage on the streets of this nation.

And all these inbreds can do is scream we need more guns on the street. No, we do not. And we do not need more people with zero experiance with gun safety packing in public.
Stay in Portlandia then, when you leave the city people around you will be packing.
We like to shoot people here, especially darkies. 300 million deadly toys must be played with. They're no fun otherwise.
you're well known for your idiotic anti gun braying but this is a nadir even for a turd like you
The truth hurts...

Again, they include suicides…try again.
These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -

The police in London were just lucky…..they decided that it was better to take a chance on letting this guy murder an officer than to use lethal force…….they do not value their police or citizens….you can see that in the way they treat crime victims..if a victim resists a violent criminal, they can be subject to arrest as well….
if I remember correctly didn't a Bobbie get chopped up by some muslim
Is there a "gun culture?" Or just citizens who happen to own guns and get tired of being compared to criminals, murderers, mass murderers, and terrorists? So they band together and say, "hey, you know what? Fuck off!"
There is a definate 'gun culture'. As a gun owner that has owned guns for over sixty years, the 'Conservatives' putting guns on a pedestal, and equating regulation of rapid fire high power weapons with tyranny is ample proof of the 'Gun Culture' and it's insanity. And the rest of us pay the price for this insanity.
why is it that the ethnic group with the most legal guns has a lower rate of gun violence than white europeans while the ethnic group that votes Democrat 95% of the time and mainly lives in Democrat run cities has a many times higher violent crime rate?

guns don't murder anyone moron-people do

this needs to be repeated….what do all of those countries have in common with the same ethnic group in America that is not using their guns to murder people…
Is there a "gun culture?" Or just citizens who happen to own guns and get tired of being compared to criminals, murderers, mass murderers, and terrorists? So they band together and say, "hey, you know what? Fuck off!"
There is a definate 'gun culture'. As a gun owner that has owned guns for over sixty years, the 'Conservatives' putting guns on a pedestal, and equating regulation of rapid fire high power weapons with tyranny is ample proof of the 'Gun Culture' and it's insanity. And the rest of us pay the price for this insanity.

So you do not own one semiautomatic rifle?

BEcause that's all these so called "assault weapons " are

And of course…..Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives…… put that number in with the rest and see how it turns out….and that number comes from bill clinton.
Is there a "gun culture?" Or just citizens who happen to own guns and get tired of being compared to criminals, murderers, mass murderers, and terrorists? So they band together and say, "hey, you know what? Fuck off!"
There is a definate 'gun culture'. As a gun owner that has owned guns for over sixty years, the 'Conservatives' putting guns on a pedestal, and equating regulation of rapid fire high power weapons with tyranny is ample proof of the 'Gun Culture' and it's insanity. And the rest of us pay the price for this insanity.
No, we pay the price of liberalism. They corrupt society with their moral relativism, blame games, lack of discipline and accountability and think the thing they can touch is the source of the problem.
Like I said I have no sympathy for criminals who get themselves dead
You apparently have no conscience either. What about someone merely having a psychiatric episode or having drunk a little too much? Do they all deserve to die. What about the cop that "thinks" you're not all you say you are?

I know enough to shut my trap even if a cop is being an asshole

I also know enough not too drink too much and get out of control

As for the mentally ill there is no way to know if some guy pointing a knife at you is merely having an episode is there?
LOL. If a guy is 'pointing' a knife at me, and is further than 6 feet away, he is not an immediate danger. I can take a leg out from under him in a blink. And only have to fire once. This bullshit of cops shooting someone multiple times is idiocy.
Thank God LEO is not trained to react like you would. You'd be dead sooner than later. There is no LE training on the planet that trains LEO's to shoot at someone's leg.
Guess how long it takes someone who's holding a knife to throw it at you? Half a second. Guess how long it takes you to react? You would have to be looking at the leg to know where to aim right.
LEO's globally are ALL trained to shoot center mass and keep shooting until the LEO is positive the threat has been neutralised.
You're just another stupid LIB pussy fool who has watched too many Roy Rogers shows.
Is there a "gun culture?" Or just citizens who happen to own guns and get tired of being compared to criminals, murderers, mass murderers, and terrorists? So they band together and say, "hey, you know what? Fuck off!"
There is a definate 'gun culture'. As a gun owner that has owned guns for over sixty years, the 'Conservatives' putting guns on a pedestal, and equating regulation of rapid fire high power weapons with tyranny is ample proof of the 'Gun Culture' and it's insanity. And the rest of us pay the price for this insanity.

There are over 3,700,000 AR-15s in private hands in the United States…… many are used in crimes or mass shootings each year……under 10? If that……so tell me….how exactly is that a problem…..

Knives kill more people than AR-15s.

Clubs kill more people than AR-15s.

Bare Hands kill more people than AR-15s.

So please…..go back…do some actual research, think a long time, and redo your post more intelligently…..
Is there a "gun culture?" Or just citizens who happen to own guns and get tired of being compared to criminals, murderers, mass murderers, and terrorists? So they band together and say, "hey, you know what? Fuck off!"
There is a definate 'gun culture'. As a gun owner that has owned guns for over sixty years, the 'Conservatives' putting guns on a pedestal, and equating regulation of rapid fire high power weapons with tyranny is ample proof of the 'Gun Culture' and it's insanity. And the rest of us pay the price for this insanity.

Yes…Europe regulated rifles right after WW 1….and 20 years later the military, armed with the rifles they wouldn't let the civilians own, marched 12 million innocent men, women and young children into gas chambers….simply because the small, ruling elite didn't like those people……

the really amazing thing that with that in their history….the Europeans gave up their guns to the very type of people that allowed that to happen…..and just assume that it will never happen again……

That is f*****g insane…..

If I had an aquarium that sprang a leak….I would never trust that aquarium to hold water ever again……..these people watched the governments of Europe murder 12 million people….and think it can never happen again….

Is there a "gun culture?" Or just citizens who happen to own guns and get tired of being compared to criminals, murderers, mass murderers, and terrorists? So they band together and say, "hey, you know what? Fuck off!"
There is a definate 'gun culture'. As a gun owner that has owned guns for over sixty years, the 'Conservatives' putting guns on a pedestal, and equating regulation of rapid fire high power weapons with tyranny is ample proof of the 'Gun Culture' and it's insanity. And the rest of us pay the price for this insanity.

There are two gun cultures in America….

ONe gun culture is created by normal people, who use guns for self defense, hunting, collecting, tinkering and sport….

The other gun culture is composed of dependents on the democrat political party and who use guns to commit crimes…in small areas of our inner cities controlled for the most part by democrat politicians…….
Senator Ted Cruz urges us to arm ourselves. Jerry Falwell, Jr., urges college students to arm themselves. An elected official in Nevada sends out a Christmas card showing his family armed (and nothing says Christmas quite like a gun!). And of course, The Bloviator, Donald Trump, urging all kinds of mayhem. With these "influential" people urging the unhappy people in the U.S. to arm, is it any wonder?

Yes….it is still a wonder that you guys disarm us with your gun free zones…and then when killers enter your gun free zones with guns…you wonder why no one stopped them…….

YOu focus your hate on normal gun owners…we focus our solutions on actual criminals…your way has led to more death…our way leads to less death…..
it's about killing a human being, I'm sorry you can't comprehend's murder to kill someone not trying to kill you, and every precaution and step should be taken to NOT kill someone else... WHY is that so hard to understand?

Can we presume correctly, then, that unlike most liberals, you are soludly opposed to abortion?

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