Gun culture

These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -

Advertizing shoulders some of the blame for our violent culture. From bazooka bubblegum to germ-killing products to this latest one showing a dead mouse being flung into a bullseye violence is all over tv. Nerf too, toys that are guns are advertized on children's tv channels and during their programs. It teaches kids that a gun solves problems. Or killing solves problems. Wanna be safe in the kitchen KILL 99.99% of germs (what they don't tell you is germs replicate rather quickly with the few that aren't killed.)
Thinking behind the 21 food rule:

Precisely. Unless you have already drawn on the perp, go to hand-to-hand-defense, get the perp on the ground, then draw the weapon.

The cops in the first demos are dingbats, walking up to the perp and closing the distance unarmed. (Holstered weapon=unarmed).

Inosanto's been around forever. One of the few original Jeet Kune Do guys remaining.
why is it that the ethnic group with the most legal guns has a lower rate of gun violence than white europeans while the ethnic group that votes Democrat 95% of the time and mainly lives in Democrat run cities has a many times higher violent crime rate?

guns don't murder anyone moron-people do

this needs to be repeated….what do all of those countries have in common with the same ethnic group in America that is not using their guns to murder people…
No, your racism and xenophobia is not worthy of repeating.

Not a racist or a xenophobe…..the truth and facts and reality need to defeat political correctness…as we saw…political correctness kills…..14 people would be alive today if a woman living next to muslim terrorists hadn't been afraid of telling the truth…that she was concerned about the activity of her neighbors……she was afraid of people like you accusing her of being a racist and xenophobe so she withheld the truth….and 14 people died.

Every day blacks are murdered by other blacks….and you guys on the left focus on shaming people for revealing this truth….and more blacks die everyday….you don't care about blacks dying as long as you can use that fact to attack your enemies…and as long as there are enough blacks to vote on election day to give you power.
Is there a "gun culture?" Or just citizens who happen to own guns and get tired of being compared to criminals, murderers, mass murderers, and terrorists? So they band together and say, "hey, you know what? Fuck off!"
There is a definate 'gun culture'. As a gun owner that has owned guns for over sixty years, the 'Conservatives' putting guns on a pedestal, and equating regulation of rapid fire high power weapons with tyranny is ample proof of the 'Gun Culture' and it's insanity. And the rest of us pay the price for this insanity.
No, we pay the price of liberalism. They corrupt society with their moral relativism, blame games, lack of discipline and accountability and think the thing they can touch is the source of the problem.
Liberals created this nation, liberty, and capitalism created the rest. If you don't like then get the fuck out.

BTW, plenty of Muslims would agree with you, bin Laden said so.

Classical liberals created this country…they would be called Conservatives today…...
These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -

Advertizing shoulders some of the blame for our violent culture. From bazooka bubblegum to germ-killing products to this latest one showing a dead mouse being flung into a bullseye violence is all over tv. Nerf too, toys that are guns are advertized on children's tv channels and during their programs. It teaches kids that a gun solves problems. Or killing solves problems. Wanna be safe in the kitchen KILL 99.99% of germs (what they don't tell you is germs replicate rather quickly with the few that aren't killed.)

Nah. I had a seriously overstocked "gun safe" filled with toy guns and replicas when I was a kid. Cops and robbers and war games were default. Grew up on Three Stooges, Jonny Quest, and The Untouchables TV series, among others. All pretty damned violent.

I have never drawn an actual firearm on anyone, much less shot anyone. God knows I've probably had justification at times.:laugh2:

The problem is caused by educational deficiencies caused by the system and the current culture. Good is boring and evil is fun and heroic. Children almost from birth are turned over to the system to allow both parents to work, and those brought up in the public system are unable to tell the difference between the real and the contrived nonsense they've been taught. It's all a big video game.
why is it that the ethnic group with the most legal guns has a lower rate of gun violence than white europeans while the ethnic group that votes Democrat 95% of the time and mainly lives in Democrat run cities has a many times higher violent crime rate?

guns don't murder anyone moron-people do

this needs to be repeated….what do all of those countries have in common with the same ethnic group in America that is not using their guns to murder people…
No, your racism and xenophobia is not worthy of repeating.

Not a racist or a xenophobe…..the truth and facts and reality need to defeat political correctness…as we saw…political correctness kills…..14 people would be alive today if a woman living next to muslim terrorists hadn't been afraid of telling the truth…that she was concerned about the activity of her neighbors……she was afraid of people like you accusing her of being a racist and xenophobe so she withheld the truth….and 14 people died.

Every day blacks are murdered by other blacks….and you guys on the left focus on shaming people for revealing this truth….and more blacks die everyday….you don't care about blacks dying as long as you can use that fact to attack your enemies…and as long as there are enough blacks to vote on election day to give you power.
I'm not PC, and guns in the hands of reactionaries are why 16 people are dead. No guns, no religion, no reactionaries, very little deadly nonsense like this BS. Liberalism is the answer, embrace it.
Classical liberals created this country…they would be called Conservatives today…...
Nope. We had those then, they spied on us for the King, and fled to Canada.

Nope…the supporters of the government during the revolution…would be the same people who support big government today…big nanny government…you guys…the left….
why is it that the ethnic group with the most legal guns has a lower rate of gun violence than white europeans while the ethnic group that votes Democrat 95% of the time and mainly lives in Democrat run cities has a many times higher violent crime rate?

guns don't murder anyone moron-people do

this needs to be repeated….what do all of those countries have in common with the same ethnic group in America that is not using their guns to murder people…
No, your racism and xenophobia is not worthy of repeating.

Not a racist or a xenophobe…..the truth and facts and reality need to defeat political correctness…as we saw…political correctness kills…..14 people would be alive today if a woman living next to muslim terrorists hadn't been afraid of telling the truth…that she was concerned about the activity of her neighbors……she was afraid of people like you accusing her of being a racist and xenophobe so she withheld the truth….and 14 people died.

Every day blacks are murdered by other blacks….and you guys on the left focus on shaming people for revealing this truth….and more blacks die everyday….you don't care about blacks dying as long as you can use that fact to attack your enemies…and as long as there are enough blacks to vote on election day to give you power.
I'm not PC, and guns in the hands of reactionaries are why 16 people are dead. No guns, no religion, no reactionaries, very little deadly nonsense like this BS. Liberalism is the answer, embrace it.

Nope…..atheists murdered 100 million people around the world in the modern day, not during the feudal period, or the bronze age……atheists….

And we have already seen what happens when you take guns away……those with the guns march 12 million people into gas chambers...
why is it that the ethnic group with the most legal guns has a lower rate of gun violence than white europeans while the ethnic group that votes Democrat 95% of the time and mainly lives in Democrat run cities has a many times higher violent crime rate?

guns don't murder anyone moron-people do

this needs to be repeated….what do all of those countries have in common with the same ethnic group in America that is not using their guns to murder people…
No, your racism and xenophobia is not worthy of repeating.

Not a racist or a xenophobe…..the truth and facts and reality need to defeat political correctness…as we saw…political correctness kills…..14 people would be alive today if a woman living next to muslim terrorists hadn't been afraid of telling the truth…that she was concerned about the activity of her neighbors……she was afraid of people like you accusing her of being a racist and xenophobe so she withheld the truth….and 14 people died.

Every day blacks are murdered by other blacks….and you guys on the left focus on shaming people for revealing this truth….and more blacks die everyday….you don't care about blacks dying as long as you can use that fact to attack your enemies…and as long as there are enough blacks to vote on election day to give you power.
I'm not PC, and guns in the hands of reactionaries are why 16 people are dead. No guns, no religion, no reactionaries, very little deadly nonsense like this BS. Liberalism is the answer, embrace it.

I have, since childhood. Not your brand, however.

Frankly, like Lecter's doctors, I don't have a name for you people yet.
The “liberals” who founded this nation were nothing like those who ate callec by that name today. In fact, I dare say that modern “liberals” are pretty close to being the exact opposite of those who founded this nation.
yes for instance Liberals do not own slaves.................
Hitler repealed gun restrictions, dummy. just not for Jews.

The point, just as with modern gun control here, was to make sure that only those on his side were able to be armed. Just as also with the earliest gun control laws here, enacted at the behest of the Ku Klux Klan, to deprive Negros of the right to defend against the KKK; and just as with New York's Sullivan Act—the progenitor of all modern gun control—authored by a criminal gangster turned politician, for the benefit of his own gang, crafted to deny arms to prospective victims or rival gangs.
why is it that the ethnic group with the most legal guns has a lower rate of gun violence than white europeans while the ethnic group that votes Democrat 95% of the time and mainly lives in Democrat run cities has a many times higher violent crime rate?

guns don't murder anyone moron-people do

this needs to be repeated….what do all of those countries have in common with the same ethnic group in America that is not using their guns to murder people…
No, your racism and xenophobia is not worthy of repeating.

Not a racist or a xenophobe…..the truth and facts and reality need to defeat political correctness…as we saw…political correctness kills…..14 people would be alive today if a woman living next to muslim terrorists hadn't been afraid of telling the truth…that she was concerned about the activity of her neighbors……she was afraid of people like you accusing her of being a racist and xenophobe so she withheld the truth….and 14 people died.

Every day blacks are murdered by other blacks….and you guys on the left focus on shaming people for revealing this truth….and more blacks die everyday….you don't care about blacks dying as long as you can use that fact to attack your enemies…and as long as there are enough blacks to vote on election day to give you power.
I'm not PC, and guns in the hands of reactionaries are why 16 people are dead. No guns, no religion, no reactionaries, very little deadly nonsense like this BS. Liberalism is the answer, embrace it.

I have, since childhood. Not your brand, however.

Frankly, like Lecter's doctors, I don't have a name for you people yet.
The “liberals” who founded this nation were nothing like those who ate callec by that name today. In fact, I dare say that modern “liberals” are pretty close to being the exact opposite of those who founded this nation.
yes for instance Liberals do not own slaves.................

Actually....the liberals of today are the political descendants of those who owned the slaves...but instead of wanting to own just blacks as slaves...they want to own everyone as slaves...

Oh yeah...and what is the one thing the slaves lacked that made them slaves....guns.
The “liberals” who founded this nation were nothing like those who ate callec by that name today. In fact, I dare say that modern “liberals” are pretty close to being the exact opposite of those who founded this nation.
yes for instance Liberals do not own slaves.................

Nobody can own slaves. :rolleyes-41: Can't you guys come up with something new, maybe from THIS century for material?

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