Gun culture


I have three retards blocked posting on this page so didn't see much conversation. Why do you guys even talk to Joeblow, TyroneSlopehead or Paintsniffer? What's the point?
Nope.....the guys who supported big government are no different than they are today......they look to the state as God.........just like they did back then with the divine right of Kings......
Government is a necessary evil, dumbass. And those who supported the King were like you, and fled to Canada.

I am a modern American Conservative...or back then I would have been a Classical Liberal and on the side of the Founders...supporting limited government, hemmed in by a separation of powers and checks and balances.....

No one said government isn't a necessary guys simply embrace the devil because he offers you nice things for your soul......
You are nothing like a conservative. You are a reactionary....

Nope...trying to conserve the principals set down in our constitution, bill of rights and declaration of Independence......
The DOI is crap, and you don't defend the Constitution, you don't even know what it is. Defend:

The burka?
Flag burning?
Homosexual Marriage?
Gays in the military?
God hates Fags signs at military funerals?
Legal Abortion?
Legal Prostitution?


Yeah….I see almost all of them as Constitutional……except for abortion…murder is not constitutional… marriage…I was all for not redefining the actual definition of marriage but for civil unions….

your turn jerk.
What?? Lol. :cuckoo:
Conservatives then were Tories, traitors to the cause of liberal America, for King George.

The brits tried to seize the patriots guns-moron

You'd been telling the RedCoats which one of your neighbors had a hidden powder supply or had said "seditious things" about the king

you will be dropping dimes on people you think own guns when the banoid democrat party tries to ban them
My people gave you your freedoms, little reactionary.

When you stand up for the Burka, then we'll discuss your guns...

What people would that be twit?
Liberals, dumbass, AKA liberalism, AKA, liberty.

That isn't what you are…..Liberals of the Founding would be American conservatives today… guys follow big government statism…a different kind from a king but you still worship the all powerful state and citizens as the ruled, not the rulers….

Oh… want to attend a concert in Paris that is a gun free zone….let me write you a prescription for that….oh….your already dead…...

Dude if you got to strut around like its Halloween every day because you lack both brains and balls ...hey its your right to embarrass yourself.... Look at my signature ....born born born born to be alive...born to be alive

Too bad one of those people wasn't armed. They could have prevented a massacre.
Too bad Bush 43 was not armed with brains we could have prevented 9 11
and if you had wheels instead of legs you would be a bicycle........
These two stories are a telling comparison of the way guns are used here vs. Britain. In London a man stabs several people on the subway, is subdued with a stun gun and arrested. In Miami Beach a man brandishes a razor, injures no one, but is killed by police. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why can't American police non-fatally subdue a suspect? Are guns and violence that ingrained that no other avenues are considered?

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

Video shows Miami Beach police fatally shooting man -

Our police prevented injury or death and you think that's something to b1tch about. Prevention is better.

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