CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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So why bother with locks at all? Just let anyone come and go as they please, but shoot the ones you don't like, is that your preferred lifestyle?

Utter drivel. Of course violent crimes happen but the easiest and cheapest way to defend yourself at home is to... wait for it... lock your doors! (Oh, and have doors capable of withstanding crowbars and battering rams, still cheaper than guns and ammunition.
Yeah because criminals never break in right?

Windows are easy to break, doors can be breached.

And why do you assume that violent crime only occurs when a person is at home?

A violent crime is committed every 26 seconds in this country
You insert a brain, stop thinking binary, and just do what the successful countries have done to vastly reduce gun violence whilst still having guns.

It's not rocket science, a 4 year old could explain it if you're still struggling.
Check yourself.
Members of the public may own sporting rifles and shotguns, subject to licensing. However, handguns have been banned in Great Britain for most purposes since the Dunblane school massacre in 1996.

In America the 2nd Amendment exists as a deterrent and final check against tyranny. It makes no sense to give the institution that is being checked the authority to decide what they will be checked with.

The 2nd amendment implicitly grants the right of peaceable law abiding citizens - who are the militia - to own and possess the technology of the day that any light infantry ought to own and possess.

UK laws are effectively gun bans and gun confiscations.
I am not aware of having such a need.

Is name-calling really necessary?

It's like a certain word with black people. Just because they freely use the word to refer to themselves doesn't mean they welcome the use of that same word by a white person.

Same thing. Reduction is prevention.

A completely pointless achievement. Murder victims are just as dead when they are killed with other kinds of weapons.

Even if gun bans actually did reduce the number of people who are murdered, saving lives would still not be worth giving up our freedom.

But giving up freedom just so the same number of people are murdered with a different kind of weapon is especially tragic.

Victims of stray bullets are not all that common. But it is always important to know what is downrange of whatever you are shooting at.

I understand that in the more populated parts of Michigan, deer hunters are required to use shotguns instead of rifles so that stray shots will not travel as far.

I only backtrack when someone proves that I have made an error. Such occurrences are rare, but it does happen now and then.

I do not believe that you have proved that I have made an error here.
You made a gun rhetoric error.
The difference between America and other countries is that in America we have a constitutionally protected right to own and possess firearms that any light infantry of the day ought to possess. Today that would be semiautomatic rifles, pistols and shotguns with high capacity magazines.

Other countries don’t have a constitutionally protected right to own and possess firearms that any light infantry of the day ought to possess. So it was easy for their governments to ban and confiscate guns.
I guess if I lived in the UK and had my guns banned and confiscated I’d rationalize I didn’t need them and argue that every country should do the same. Misery loves company.
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