CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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Banning and confiscating guns is the logical conclusion for people who have zero tolerance for gun violence and gun accidents.
They are next to Russia. They nearly defeated Russia in their last war with them.

"nearly"? You talking about the Winter War? I think you'll find the Finns see it as more than "nearly defeated" Russia.

They think they have a fair shot at defeating Russia in a future conventional war, should one happen. They are right to think this, but Russia's nuclear weapons would be a problem.

It's nice that the only things you know about Finland are it is near Russia and a somewhat fuzzy understanding of the Winter War. You know they have an entire society as well.

I guess if I lived in the UK and had my guns banned and confiscated I’d rationalize I didn’t need them and argue that every country should do the same. Misery loves company.

Yeah I'm sure they really secretly wish they could have a per capita gun violence rate like we do.
Facts, as posted here show that trucks are deadlier than guns.
And that Americans are more effective at killing with guns doesn’t mean guns are going to be ‘banned’ or ‘confiscated.’

You ignore the facts and contrive ridiculous lies because you believe – incorrectly – that the facts will be used to justify ‘banning’ or ‘confiscating’ guns, when nothing could be further from the truth.

You’re ridiculous with your lies and delusional paranoia.
You ignore the facts and contrive ridiculous lies because you believe – incorrectly – that the facts will be used to justify ‘banning’ or ‘confiscating’ guns, when nothing could be further from the truth.
You’re ridiculous with your lies and delusional paranoia.
I've seen no lies, delusions, or paranoia in his posts.

Neither have I seen him ignore any facts. In fact, he is quick to confront and address factual claims.
For now……hope they don’t learn about trucks
Acknowledge the fact that homes with guns are less safe than home without guns – try being honest and truthful for a change.

And the fact that homes with guns are less safe than home without guns isn’t going to be used to ‘justify’ gun ‘bans’ or ‘confiscation.’
Acknowledge the fact that homes with guns are less safe than home without guns
Kind of like homes with bathtubs are less safe than homes without bathtubs.

Homes with stairways are less safe than homes without stairways.

try being honest and truthful for a change.
He has always been honest and truthful.

And the fact that homes with guns are less safe than home without guns isn’t going to be used to ‘justify’ gun ‘bans’ or ‘confiscation.’
I've seen progressives try to use that sort of thing to justify violating people's civil liberties before.
Acknowledge the fact that homes with guns are less safe than home without guns – try being honest and truthful for a change.

And the fact that homes with guns are less safe than home without guns isn’t going to be used to ‘justify’ gun ‘bans’ or ‘confiscation.’
So what’s your acceptable rate of gun violence and gun accidents?
You need three things which I have said many many times. You need adequate gun regulations and laws. You need strict enforcement of said gun regulations and laws. You need a sensible gun culture that takes many decades to develop.
No, what we need is for conservatives to stop lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

We need conservatives to stop with the fearmongering, demagoguery, and obstructionism.

We need to address the issue of gun crime and violence by finding solutions that work for the United States – what might work in the UK and other Western countries won’t work in America; solutions that might be possible in a democracy aren’t possible in a Republic, where America is governed by the will of the states, not the people.
No, what we need is for conservatives to stop lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

We need conservatives to stop with the fearmongering, demagoguery, and obstructionism.
It’s because people like you won’t say what your acceptable rate of gun violence and gun accidents are that causes others to believe that there is no acceptable rate of gun violence and gun accidents you will accept that leads us to believe that banning and confiscating guns is the logical conclusion for people who have zero tolerance for gun violence and gun accidents.

Now do you understand?
We need to address the issue of gun crime and violence by finding solutions that work for the United States
We already have laws. The problem is that people break laws. That’s not a valid reason to infringe upon the rights of people who don’t break the laws.
what might work in the UK and other Western countries won’t work in America; solutions that might be possible in a democracy aren’t possible in a Republic, where America is governed by the will of the states, not the people.
The difference between America and other countries is that in America we have a constitutionally protected right to own and possess firearms that any light infantry of the day ought to possess. Today that would be semiautomatic rifles, pistols and shotguns with high capacity magazines.

Other countries don’t have a constitutionally protected right to own and possess firearms that any light infantry of the day ought to possess. So it was easy for their governments to ban and confiscate guns.

Overturning a constitutional right like the 2nd Amendment is not easily done for good reason. In fact, it is quite difficult to do as it should be. The bar is extremely high.

In America the 2nd Amendment exists as a deterrent and final check against tyranny. It makes no sense to give the institution that is being checked the authority to decide what they will be checked with.

The 2nd amendment implicitly grants the right of peaceable law abiding citizens - who are the militia - to own and possess the technology of the day that any light infantry ought to own and possess.
No. Progressives often claim that reality is whatever they want it to be at any given moment. But they are wrong. Further, I am not a progressive.

The truth is the truth, and in the real world reality doesn't change.

Those people are wrong.

We don't have nobility or royalty here in America. We're an entire nation of free peasants.
Wish that was true, but its not. If you have money you can buy your way into or out of most anything, We see that playing out right now.
Guns that are effective for self defense are not inappropriate.

What is inappropriate is Iceland's lack of freedom. America chooses to remain free.

Private citizens possessing guns has nothing to with ‘keeping us free’ – that’s insurrectionist nonsense.

Private citizens with semi-auto AR 15s are no match for a modern military armed with advanced weapons.

The war in Ukraine is proof of that – where Ukrainian solders have reported that they don’t need more small arms to fight against the Russians; that small arms are useless. They need artillery and missile systems.

This is another example of conservatives contriving ridiculous lies in an effort to ‘justify’ possessing firearms where no such ‘justification’ is needed.

Conservatives need to stop ignoring facts about guns they don’t like and lying about guns in a baseless effort to ‘justify’ gun ownership.
So what’s your acceptable rate of gun violence and gun accidents?

Lower than what we have now. I'd settle for a gun violence rate of, oh, let's say about an order of magnitude less (I will assume you know what the phrase "order of magnitude" means.)
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