CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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Iceland have tighter controls than the UK, hence no gun homicides since 2007. They ban inappropriate guns from society and only the competent apply and own guns.
This is as ridiculous as ‘guns keep us free’ and insurrectionist dogma.

You can’t compare the United States with European democracies – primarily because the United States isn’t a democracy; the people don’t decide national policy, there is no majority rule, there are no referenda.

Unlike the UK and Iceland, the United States is a far more violent society, where violence is accepted as a legitimate means of conflict resolution.

Unlike the UK and Iceland, the United States has no universal healthcare – particularly with regard to mental healthcare.

Indeed, the lack of gun crime and violence in countries such as the UK and Iceland has far more to do with comprehensive public policy and governance than firearm regulatory measures.
No, what we need is for conservatives to stop lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’
Conservatives are not lying. Progressives want to do exactly that.

We need conservatives to stop with the fearmongering, demagoguery, and obstructionism.
Telling the truth is neither fearmongering nor demagoguery.

It is proper that attempts to violate people's civil liberties are obstructed.

Not wrong.

Guns that are effective for self defense are not inappropriate.

What is inappropriate is Iceland's lack of freedom. America chooses to remain free.

Private citizens possessing guns has nothing to with ‘keeping us free’ – that’s insurrectionist nonsense.
Private citizens with semi-auto AR 15s are no match for a modern military armed with advanced weapons.
The war in Ukraine is proof of that – where Ukrainian solders have reported that they don’t need more small arms to fight against the Russians; that small arms are useless. They need artillery and missile systems.
This is another example of conservatives contriving ridiculous lies in an effort to ‘justify’ possessing firearms where no such ‘justification’ is needed.
None of that has anything to do with anything that I said.

Conservatives need to stop ignoring facts about guns they don’t like and lying about guns in a baseless effort to ‘justify’ gun ownership.
Conservatives are neither lying nor ignoring facts.
This is as ridiculous as ‘guns keep us free’ and insurrectionist dogma.

You can’t compare the United States with European democracies – primarily because the United States isn’t a democracy; the people don’t decide national policy, there is no majority rule, there are no referenda.

Unlike the UK and Iceland, the United States is a far more violent society, where violence is accepted as a legitimate means of conflict resolution.

Unlike the UK and Iceland, the United States has no universal healthcare – particularly with regard to mental healthcare.

Indeed, the lack of gun crime and violence in countries such as the UK and Iceland has far more to do with comprehensive public policy and governance than firearm regulatory measures.
Mental health causes 1% of the mass shootings in the US. When I find the link sometime with that stat on it, I'll post it.
Mental health causes 1% of the mass shootings in the US. When I find the link sometime with that stat on it, I'll post it.
I question that. Many of these shooters seem to have mental health issues.

They may not have a serious mental illness like schizophrenia (many people with such mental illnesses are actually nonviolent), but a lot of these shooters do have problems that could be resolved with psychiatric help.
They should be locked up for any of the other felonies they commit before they shoot need to talk to the democrat party prosecutors and judges who keep releasing them...
You are not able to think and considerate this claim, of course you can't think that anything trumps the 2nd A. You are obsessed with guns, and that is not mentally healthful
I question that. Many of these shooters seem to have a lot of mental health issues.
LOL the statement was sarcastic. An example of all the crap posted above who make claims and can't provide a link to support their claims.
No, what we need is for conservatives to stop lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

We need conservatives to stop with the fearmongering, demagoguery, and obstructionism.

We need to address the issue of gun crime and violence by finding solutions that work for the United States – what might work in the UK and other Western countries won’t work in America; solutions that might be possible in a democracy aren’t possible in a Republic, where America is governed by the will of the states, not the people.
What worked in the UK started 150 years ago with gun licensing. It's taken that long to get we are today. Handguns under a certain length weren't banned until 1996ish. So it takes quite a while to change the culture. Anyone who thinks you can implement a UK, Aussie, New Zealand system etc.. and have the same results overnight or over a handful of years, doesn't understand guns and gun cultures.
What worked in the UK started 150 years ago with gun licensing. It's taken that long to get we are today. Handguns under a certain length weren't banned until 1996ish. So it takes quite a while to change the culture. Anyone who thinks you can implement a UK, Aussie, New Zealand system etc.. and have the same results overnight or over a handful of years, doesn't understand guns and gun cultures.
Anyone who thinks that the same sort of gradual changes will ever be allowed in America doesn't understand America.
No we just need some extreme restrictions on guns. Numbers and registrations etc. Law enforcement needs to know who has which guns in town.
Needless to say that’s not going to happen – nor should it.

More government excess and overreach is not the answer; ‘bans’ don’t work – whether it’s abortion, Prohibition, or guns.

Gun crime and violence is a complex, multi-faceted problem with no quick or easy solutions – such as extreme restrictions on guns.

A good place to start would be for conservatives to stop lying and obstructing efforts to address gun crime and violence.
Needless to say that’s not going to happen – nor should it.
More government excess and overreach is not the answer; ‘bans’ don’t work – whether it’s abortion, Prohibition, or guns.
Gun crime and violence is a complex, multi-faceted problem with no quick or easy solutions – such as extreme restrictions on guns.
A good place to start would be for conservatives to stop lying and obstructing efforts to address gun crime and violence.
Good grief. I was about to give that a thumbs up until I read the last line. Conservatives are not lying.

Gun control efforts are not about addressing gun crime and violence. Progressives only want to violate people's civil liberties. It is proper that conservatives obstruct such things.
Good grief. I was about to give that a thumbs up until I read the last line. Conservatives are not lying.

Gun control efforts are not about addressing gun crime and violence. Progressives only want to violate people's civil liberties. It is proper that conservatives obstruct such things.
Higher accessibility and ownership of guns has been cited as a reason for the U.S.'s high rate of mass shootings.[5][10][51] The US has the highest per-capita gun ownership in the world with 120.5 firearms per 100 people; the second highest is Yemen with 52.8 firearms per 100 people.[51]

A study published in PLOS One in 2015 examined mass shootings in the U.S. from 2005 to 2013 (and school shootings in the U.S. from 1998 to 2013). The study authors found that the "state prevalence of firearm ownership is significantly associated with the state incidence of mass killings with firearms, school shootings, and mass shootings."[52]

A 2019 study published in The BMJ conducted a cross-sectional time series study of U.S. states from 1998 to 2015; the study found that "States with more permissive gun laws and greater gun ownership had higher rates of mass shootings, and a growing divide appears to be emerging between restrictive and permissive states."[53] The study specifically found that "A 10% increase in state gun ownership was associated with a significant 35.1% (12.7% to 62.7%, P=0.001) higher rate of mass shootings. Partially adjusted regression analyses produced similar results, as did analyses restricted to domestic and non-domestic mass shootings."[53]

A 2020 study published in Law and Human Behavior examined the relationship of state guns laws and the incidence and lethality of mass shootings in the U.S. from 1976 to 2018.The study found that "laws requiring permits to purchase a gun are associated with a lower incidence of mass public shootings, and bans on large capacity magazines are associated with fewer fatalities and nonfatal injuries when such events do occur."[54] The study specifically found that large-capacity magazine bans were associated with approximately 38% fewer fatalities and 77% fewer nonfatal injuries when a mass shooting occurred.[54]

The American Psychiatric Association has endorsed assault weapons bans, high-capacity magazine bans, and universal background checks as a way to curb gun violence in the U.S.
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