Gun deaths now leading cause of death for children in America.

I never was in the USA and as far as it is in the will of god I will hopefully also never have to visit the USA.
We don't want you to visit either.

So tell me how do you know if I am a member of the NRA or not?
Suicide is a choice.

A sick choice of sick people. And instead to send such people to a doctor you give them a gun.

every single person has the right to decide whither he lives or dies.

Every single person has also the right to decide to cut off an arm or not to do so. But who is the idiot who is really doing so and what thinks such a man 10 years later about this nonsense?
A sick choice of sick people. And instead to send such people to a doctor you give them a gun.

Every single person has also the right to decide to cut off an arm or not to do so. But who is the idiot who is really doing so and what thinks such a man 10 years later about this nonsense?
So what?

That's your opinion and you have no right to tell anyone what they can or can't do with their own bodies
So what?

That's your opinion and you have no right to tell anyone what they can or can't do with their own bodies

But no one ever wrote any constitution where's explicit written: "Every idiot has the right to be an idiot." The only real rule in this context is: "It exists not any foolproof system which a fool will not break down".
But no one ever wrote any constitution where's explicit written: "Every idiot has the right to be an idiot." The only real rule in this context is: "It exists not any foolproof system which a fool will not break down".
It's not your right to tell anyone what decision they can make regarding their own bodies.

And yes people have the right to make their own decisions even bad decisions.

Why do you feel such a need to control other people?

Like what?

Please quote the post you think is "extremist propaganda".

For example to speak useless nonsense which has absolutelly nothing to do with the theme on reason to find a weak point in another person which you are able to use for defaming propaganda.
For example to speak useless nonsense which has absolutelly nothing to do with the theme on reason to find a weak point in another person which you are able to use for defaming propaganda.
Like what?

Quote a post
It's not your right to tell anyone what decision they can make regarding their own bodies.

And yes people have the right to make their own decisions even bad decisions.

Why do you feel such a need to control other people?

I control no one. People with weapons control others.
I control no one. People with weapons control others.
I have weapons and I control no one.

I let people make their own decisions and don't tell them what they can and can't do.

I mind my own business. You should try it.
Read yourselve what an empty nonsense you write and be ashamed on your own. To find this out you need no one else.
So you can't quote a post.

If you want to tell me what I said and you refuse to quote my words then you are just making shit up.
So you are a man who plays with weapons and controls no one - also not yourselve.

So you don't smoke, you don't use alcohol or drugs or other stimulants except tea and coffee and you don't waste your time with senseless guns. Good for you.

I do not "play with weapons".

Weapons are tools that is all they are.

And a firearm happens to be the single best tool for self defense that has ever been invented.

And no I do not control anyone

What goes on in that addled head of yours?

Do you think I walk around town pointing my weapons at everyone and order them around?

FYI most of the people I know don't know for sure if I own guns or not because I do not tell them and it is none of their business.
The thread title is a LIE. The leading cause of death of people under 30 and especially young people is Fentanyl overdose. It's exploded due to Biden's dumb ass open borders policies. 1.7 million illegal crossings in 2021 alone and enough Fentanyl has poured in to kill every American several times over. Illegals are lacing all drugs with that stuff even pot. It's dirt cheap to produce and 100 times more potent than heroin. Recent cases of college students smoking a joint and dropping dead.

So with 79,000 dead from Fentanyl overdoses in just the past 2 years why aren't Biden and Dems securing the border??
The thread title is a LIE. The leading cause of death of people under 30 and especially young people is Fentanyl overdose. It's exploded due to Biden's dumb ass open borders policies. 1.7 million illegal crossings in 2021 alone and enough Fentanyl has poured in to kill every American several times over. Illegals are lacing all drugs with that stuff even pot. It's dirt cheap to produce and 100 times more potent than heroin. Recent cases of college students smoking a joint and dropping dead.

So with 79,000 dead from Fentanyl overdoses in just the past 2 years why aren't Biden and Dems securing the border??
You do realize that the definition of the word child excludes people age 18 and older don't you?.

Or is it you position that a 30 year old is still a child?

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