Gun deaths now leading cause of death for children in America.

There is no such thing as an anti Christ.

And I'm not anti Christian that's you displaying a persecution complex

FYI that stat includes 18 and 19 year old ADULTS
Before you said that included black kids so we should ignore it
It is not. I explained very clear what's the problem with this weapons.

Your constitution speaks about such things:

To remember:
Up to the 18th/19th century the Red Indians had been able to defend themselves with archery before you wiped many of their tribes out of this Americans before they became US-Americans.

But such things always will happen - and whatelse had been his target in this case?

I respect archery because this is a very old tradition - I do not respect pseudo-modern gun owners on reason of fun who don't see any need to protect the life of the people in the own country with good, strong and strict weapon laws.

Ah yes foreigners and their misunderstanding of the Constitution of the US

I suppose that since you think the 2nd amendment only applies to muskets that the First amendment only applies to words written on parchment with quill and ink pens too.
Before you said that included black kids so we should ignore it

I said that?

OK so now you get to quote the post where I said that.

When you can't quote the post will you admit you are a lying sack of shit with absolutely no integrity?

I doubt it.
It is not. I explained very clear what's the problem with this weapons.

Your constitution speaks about such things:

To remember:
Up to the 18th/19th century the Red Indians had been able to defend themselves with archery before you wiped many of their tribes out of this Americans before they became US-Americans.

But such things always will happen - and whatelse had been his target in this case?

I respect archery because this is a very old tradition - I do not respect pseudo-modern gun owners on reason of fun who don't see any need to protect the life of the people in the own country with good, strong and strict weapon laws.

The Supreme Court has ruled that the police have no legal obligation to protect the public.

So tell me who is going to protect my family if not me?

In only 99.999% of all cases true where a doctor is hopefully able to help. It exist some very very very rare exceptions where it is better to end the own life because it is necessary to do so for the life of others. But this extremely rare exceptions confirm only the rule "life is holy and has to be respected".

Wrong as usual.

You are forcing you beliefs onto others. A person's life is his own. His body is his own. His mind is his own. What that person decides to do with his life, body and mind are for him and only him to decide.

You have absolutely no say in the matter
Ah yes foreigners and their misunderstanding of the Constitution of the US

The constitution of the USA I do not discuss with US-Americans because it is sacrosanct for you. The problems which you have with unregulated weapons started to grow in the 1970ies.

I suppose that since you think the 2nd amendment only applies to muskets that the First amendment only applies to words written on parchment with quill and ink pens too.
Wrong again, foreigner

Says a member of a terror organsation who doesn't care about the rest of the world as long as he is able to make out of the "the world" = "the USA" an unfree autocracy from extremist idiots grace with war weapons? Where every extremist idiot is clothed in weapons exists no freedom.


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Wrong as usual.

You are forcing you beliefs onto others.

I force no one to do anything. How - without a weapon in my hands? The problem is the wrongness of the overwhelming US-American weapon fetishism which is a danger for everyrone who lives in the USA. And to avoid such problems with always only more weapons and more security walls is the totally wrong way.

A person's life is his own.

Except he meets someone with a weapon who kills him because he says "Fine weather today" and the drunk man with the gun hates fine weather today.

His body is his own. His mind is his own. What that person decides to do with his life, body and mind are for him and only him to decide.

What has this to do with weapons? Is this a plea for free suicide? I said it yet: Life likes to live. If someone likes to die then this shows only a gigantic problem.

You have absolutely no say in the matter

I said this: "In only 99.999% of all cases true where a doctor is hopefully able to help. It exist some very very very rare exceptions where it is better to end the own life because it is necessary to do so for the life of others. But this extremely rare exceptions confirm only the rule "life is holy and has to be respected"."

Guns have the problem that they make it very easy to do a stupid nonsense decision like the very stupid spontanous idea to kill someone else or to kill the own person. A titantic tragedy are in this case specially also all forms of extended suicides. This extended suicides show an extremely malfunction - specially of the male mind.
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Says a member of a terror organsation who doesn't care about the rest of the world as long as he is able to make out of the "the world" = "the USA" an unfree autocracy from extremist idiots grace with war weapons? Where every extremist idiot is clothed in weapons exists no freedom.



What terror organization do I belong to?

And don't forget the terrorism you Germans are guilty of so maybe you shouldn't be so quick to point fingers.
I force no one to do anything. How - without a weapon in my hands? The problem is the wrongness of the overwhelming US-American weapon fetishism which is a danger for everyrone who lives in the USA. And to avoid such problems with always only more weapons and more security walls is the totally wrong way.

Except he meets someone with a weapon who kills him because he says "Fine weather today" and the drunk man with the gun hates fine weather today.

What has this to do with weapons? Is this a plea for free suicide? I said it yet: Life likes to live. If someone likes to die then this shows only a gigantic problem.

I said this: "In only 99.999% of all cases true where a doctor is hopefully able to help. It exist some very very very rare exceptions where it is better to end the own life because it is necessary to do so for the life of others. But this extremely rare exceptions confirm only the rule "life is holy and has to be respected"."

Guns have the problem that they make it very easy to do a stupid nonsense decision like the very stupid spontanous idea to kill someone else or to kill the own person. A titantic tragedy are in this case specially also all forms of extended suicides. This extended suicides show an extremely malfunction - specially of the male mind.

People make stupid decisions with or without guns.

In fact world wide more suicides are committed by means other than guns and only half of all suicides in the US are committed with guns.

Suicide is a choice. And you really have a problem with people making their own choices don't you?
People make stupid decisions with or without guns.

But who uses a gun makes not the experience "What has this been 5 minutes ago? What's wrong with me? Why did I think such an unbelievable bullshit? "

In fact world wide more suicides are committed by means other than guns and only half of all suicides in the US are committed with guns.

Suicide is a choice.

To do suicide is sick - nothing else. The very very very rare exceptions where a suicide is really a free choice doesn't justify to say every suicide is a free choice. If everyone would be dead who thought for a little moment "wished I would be dead" then I fear all mankind would not exist any longer.

And you really have a problem with people making their own choices don't you?

That's a propagandistic defamation because you have no answer on real questions like for example this one: "What for heavens sake is fascinating in deadly machines which spray little deadly pieces of metal through the air?"
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But who uses a gun makes not the experience "What has this been 5 minutes ago? What's wrong with me? Why did I think such an unbelievable bullshit? "

To do suicide is sick - nothing else. The very very very rare exceptions where a suicide is really a free choice doesn't justify to say every suicide is a free choice. If everyone would be dead who thought for a little moment "wished I would be dead" then I fear all mankind would not exist any longer.

That's a propagandistic defamation because you have no answer on real questions like for example this one: "What for heavens sake is fascinating in deadly machines which spray little deadly pieces of metal through the air?"
Suicide is a choice.

every single person has the right to decide whither he lives or dies.
How do you know if I belong to the NRA or not?

Oh yeah, you don't. Just like you don't know much about the US

I never was in the USA and as far as it is in the will of god I will hopefully also never have to visit the USA.

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