Gun deaths now leading cause of death for children in America.

Hey stupid...that super low number of gun deaths in Europe (with twice the population of the US) INCLUDES suicide.

And yet they have increasing levels of gun crime...with "machine guns." Because their criminals are evolving...they don't care about European values, culture or laws.....
Pretty sure dodging coat hangers and lethal injections is the top concern of children aged 0-9months.
American criminals are not using rifles,

Aha. The criminal school shooter murdered the 19 children + 2 other human beings with what? With hot dogs?

for the most part, let alone military rifles.....the only ones who actually use military rifles, fully automatic "machine guns," are the criminals in Europe.....they are the weapon of choice of criminals in Europe....

In the USA you kill every year about 7 times (=700%) more people per 100,000 inhabitants than this happens in Germany. This shows you have a lot of scope for greater reductions.

Tell us....are "machine guns," legal in Europe? Or is it only legal for criminals and terrorists to use them?

I hope it is even a crime only to know and not also to inform the police who owns a private machine gun or an AR-15 or comparable weapons for mass-murder. Such war weapons are only for experienced professionals and for the use in very extreme situations. Simple question: If everyone is able to buy easily nukes - how long do you think will all mankind survive before the first private made nuclear war will start to destroy the whole planet?
The fuck they don't.

A. Talk to the families of suicide and you'll be straightened out right quick

B. Many murders are committed by people intent on suicide as well

How many?

And suicide is a choice and every single person has the absolute right to make that choice.
In the USA you kill every year about 7 times (=700%) more people per 100,000 inhabitants than this happens in Germany.

Such war weapons are only for experienced professionals and for the use in very extreme situations.

Germany was one of the nations that gave the world a powerful demonstration of the consequences of only allowing “experienced professionals” to possess and use weapons.

Germany was one of the nations that gave the world a powerful demonstration of the consequences of only allowing “experienced professionals” to possess and use weapons.

View attachment 658175

Exactly. We would need now informations about how many German soldiers and soldiers from other nations died in friendly fire and could in this way find out who had the most professional army. Many soldiers in the German armies had been "children" - so I guess it had not been the most professional killer army. By the way: In the Donbass region and Siberia murdered the Ukrainians and Russians millions of Germans without guns after world war 2.

PS: What shows this picture? A picture from an Hollywood film? With or without real background?
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Aha. The criminal school shooter murdered the 19 children + 2 other human beings with what? With hot dogs?

In the USA you kill every year about 7 times (=700%) more people per 100,000 inhabitants than this happens in Germany. This shows you have a lot of scope for greater reductions.

I hope it is even a crime only to know and not also to inform the police who owns a private machine gun or an AR-15 or comparable weapons for mass-murder. Such war weapons are only for experienced professionals and for the use in very extreme situations. Simple question: If everyone is able to buy easily nukes - how long do you think will all mankind survive before the first private made nuclear war will start to destroy the whole planet?

And, of course, you will never add in to your total the 15 million innocent men, women and children your country murdered in Germany and across Europe...more people than will ever be murdered by criminals in this country......

And, again.....the criminals across Europe are the ones who actually use "weapons of war," fully automatic military rifles and, you have nothing to lecture us on..........

Are criminals the "experienced professionals," you are referring to?
And, of course, you will never add in to your total the 15 million innocent men, women and children your country murdered in Germany

From the allies?

and across Europe...more people than will ever be murdered by criminals in this country......

What makes now unimportant the avoidavble murder from 19 US American children and 2 other US-American human beings?

I can see by the way very easily that you are not in harmony with god because you seak with someone who lost many family members in the Holcocaust. For me are Jews and Germans the same.

And, again.....the criminals across Europe are the ones who actually use "weapons of war," fully automatic military rifles and, you have nothing to lecture us on..........

You speak anti-German and anti-European nonsense now to justify your extreme weapon fetishism which makes the whole USA to an unhappy nation.

Are criminals the "experienced professionals," you are referring to?

You know exactly what I really spoke about and now you look on your own to the best way to go to hell by using stupid forms of extremist propaganda.
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From the allies?

What makes now unimportant the avoidavble murder from 19 US American children and 2 other US-American human beings?

I can see by the way very easily that you are not in hatmnoyn owthngod because you seak withsonen who lost many family members in the Holcocaust. For me are Jews and Germans the same.

Youi speka anti- Grmasn adn anto eierine nonsens to jsuirtciejfey yiur wesin fetdsjnheims whc make sthe whole USA to an unhappy nation.

You know exactly what I spoke abuit and now you look on your own to the best way to gi to gele by using stupid forms of extremist propaganda. You shodl rost aof al thnk abitu yiu inw coreal minde boe to atratck all oierns inthenwodl wot be criminal. Who gave for example the USA any right to murder in masses Germans in world war 1+2 although Germany never had done anyting bad to the USA?


No.....the German Socialists murdered 15 million Europeans...and Russians....not war deaths, simple murder in concentration camps and mass executions and shallow graves....

you seak withsonen who lost many family members in the Holcocaust.

Oh....goody.....the emotional blackmail trick you idiots always use when you can't win an argument....

And considering that if it is learned nothing from their deaths...............

German socialists

By genocide, the murder of hostages, reprisal raids, forced labor, "euthanasia," starvation, exposure, medical experiments, and terror bombing, and in the concentration and death camps, the Nazis murdered from 15,003,000 to 31,595,000 people, most likely 20,946,000 men, women, handicapped, aged, sick, prisoners of war, forced laborers, camp inmates, critics, homosexuals, Jews, Slavs, Serbs, Germans, Czechs, Italians, Poles, French, Ukrainians, and many others. Among them 1,000,000 were children under eighteen years of age.1

And none of these monstrous figures even include civilian and military combat or war-deaths

People are free to make bad choices.

Children are free to make the bad choice to go to school and to become murdered there from an extremist idiot of the own "holy" nation with war weapons - what easily could had been avoided by the moral duty of all politicians of the USA to make good, strong and strict weapon laws?
Children are free to make the bad choice to go to school and to become murdered there from an extremist idiot of the own "holy" nation with war weapons - what easily could had been avoided by the moral duty of all politicians of the USA to make good, strong and strict weapon laws?

Again...the AR-15 is not a "war weapons."

The AK-47 military rifle...the fully automatic "machine gun," version.... is the weapon of choice for European criminals and terrorists.........actual "war weapons," and they are used in your country and the rest of Europe by criminals and terrorists....

Meanwhile, the AR-15 is rarely used for crime here in the U.S....and it is not a "war weapons."

Do you think the mass-murdering bombs of the allies had no effects?

No.....the German Socialists murdered 15 million Europeans.

Which socialists? The Nazis not had been socialists. Ort do you call the KKK movement in the USA in the 1920ies where millions of US-Americans had been members of the racist KKK also "socialists"?

..and Russians....not war deaths, simple murder in concentration camps and mass executions and shallow graves....

I don't know where your number "15 million" comes from. The Nazis murdered about 2 million Russian pows and 6 million German and Yiddish speaking (= German) Jews. All other murders like murdered Gypsies and Homosexuals for example had not been a number of 7 millions as far as I know.

you seak withsonen who lost many family members in the Holcocaust.

Oh....goody.....the emotional blackmail trick you idiots always use when you can't win an argument....

Bye bye. Do not try to speak with me again. Never again in your whole life. I'm tired about people like you. Don't forget to take all of your soldiers and to leave Germany.
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Again...the AR-15 is not a "war weapons."

The AK-47 military rifle...the fully automatic "machine gun," version.... is the weapon of choice for European criminals and terrorists.........actual "war weapons," and they are used in your country and the rest of Europe by criminals and terrorists....

Meanwhile, the AR-15 is rarely used for crime here in the U.S....and it is not a "war weapons."
no comment
I don't hate anyone.


How insecure are you that you have to believe that people who disagree with you "hate" you?

No. I called you an anti-Christian (not anti-Christ!) because you used the word "fool" in the original sense of "godless fool" what's a break with the Christian tradition. But if you are a proud not-Christian then this is obsolete.
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