gun facts for anti at own your beliefs...

guess you wouldn't need a gun for defense if so many criminals weren't armed.

Yes, you would still need a gun if criminals didn't have guns...they attack people who are alone, who are weaker, smaller, elderly, injured, and handicapped...and the criminals will use knives and baseball bats...again, see my thread 2guys, 2bats, 1'woman with a gun...who wins....criminals will also team up to attack people, so a gun is always going to be necessary to stop violent criminals...a large percent of home invasions are now done with more than one criminal...

Law abiding people do not use guns to commit crimes...but you don't want them to be able to stop being raped, robbed, beaten or murdered...

You have done a good job fighting for your points...and you actually took on my is good debating with someone like you who doesn't attack with name calling...I appreciate that...
That's funny this says they have the same homicide rate:
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
both are .8

Now the US with the most guns in the world is at 4.7. Ouch.

so, riddle me this batman...

From the Harvard study posted on foreign gun crime...they point out that Luxembourg does not allow handguns and other guns are tightly controlled...more than Germany...yet Lux has a higher mureder rate than Germany...9 times is that possible...?
Yeah, that makes no won't stop a single violent crime...not even mass murder..without guns they will use poison gas...Japan...or bombs...mcveigh...

More specious reasoning -- using the false premise that gun violence emanates from a pre-existing desire to commit murder.
here do you get this cockamamie idea that gun violence can be reduced to a mathematical formula?

the point...Luxembourg has more gun control than Germany...but has a higher muder guns aren't the problem....right?
so, riddle me this batman...

From the Harvard study posted on foreign gun crime...they point out that Luxembourg does not allow handguns and other guns are tightly controlled...more than Germany...yet Lux has a higher mureder rate than Germany...9 times is that possible...?
here do you get this cockamamie idea that gun violence can be reduced to a mathematical formula?

the point...Luxembourg has more gun control than Germany...but has a higher muder guns aren't the problem....right?

So where do you get this mathematical formula bullshit?

And maybe more to the point, why did you cut out your original comment from this passage? I had to put it back. Why did you cut out my name as well? Trying to hide something?
I haven't seen a news link for your example. Sounds made up to me.

I did post a news link for the woman accidently shot and killed by a concealed carry guy. What about her? Minding her own business and this idiot accidently shoots her dead.

guess you wouldn't need a gun for defense if so many criminals weren't armed.

Yes, you would still need a gun if criminals didn't have guns...they attack people who are alone, who are weaker, smaller, elderly, injured, and handicapped...and the criminals will use knives and baseball bats...again, see my thread 2guys, 2bats, 1'woman with a gun...who wins....criminals will also team up to attack people, so a gun is always going to be necessary to stop violent criminals...a large percent of home invasions are now done with more than one criminal...

Law abiding people do not use guns to commit crimes...but you don't want them to be able to stop being raped, robbed, beaten or murdered...

You have done a good job fighting for your points...and you actually took on my is good debating with someone like you who doesn't attack with name calling...I appreciate that...
ore specious reasoning -- using the false premise that gun violence emanates from a pre-existing desire to commit murder.

Hmmmm..well, gun violence doesn't exactly stem from heartfelt wishes of good,will toward the victims...does it?
So where do you get this mathematical formula bullshit?

How is it bullshit...please explain....or do you just not like the reality that lack of guns will not mean less murder?
did post a news link for the woman accidently shot and killed by a concealed carry guy. What about her? Minding her own business and this idiot accidently shoots her dead.

do you know how rare these and in fact all gun accidents are? It is tragic...but not a reason to keep good people from saving lives with guns...that logic means we have to ban cars, swimming pols and buckets of water...
so, riddle me this batman...

From the Harvard study posted on foreign gun crime...they point out that Luxembourg does not allow handguns and other guns are tightly controlled...more than Germany...yet Lux has a higher mureder rate than Germany...9 times is that possible...?
here do you get this cockamamie idea that gun violence can be reduced to a mathematical formula?

the point...Luxembourg has more gun control than Germany...but has a higher muder guns aren't the problem....right?

So where do you get this mathematical formula bullshit?

And maybe more to the point, why did you cut out your original comment from this passage? I had to put it back. Why did you cut out my name as well? Trying to hide something?

So where do you get this mathematical formula bullshit?

How is it bullshit...please explain....or do you just not like the reality that lack of guns will not mean less murder?

:banghead: Where did I ever suggest that by itself that would be the conclusion? Do you not read your own thread at all? Is it just "me me me" without listening? Am I not already saying you/ve oversimplified into a cold mathematical formula, which by definition ignores context?

And again --- why are you cutting the context out? What are you afraid of here?
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You could go to the gun forum...Predfan has a thread devoted to people stopping crime and saving lives with guns...some of those stories are harrowing as well as would be good to read those stories gives a better all around sense of what guns can do to save lives....too often the only stories people see are the need some uplifting gun stories...
And again --- why are you cutting the context out? What are you afraid of here?

Give me a break, I'm on an iPad right now...and you know what you posted and anyone curious can find the rest of it...

personally, I hate having to scroll down a huge page of multiple quotes simply to see the next original post...

don't take it personally...
They don't seem that rare. I quick search finds lots of them. How about that Uzi girl?

did post a news link for the woman accidently shot and killed by a concealed carry guy. What about her? Minding her own business and this idiot accidently shoots her dead.

do you know how rare these and in fact all gun accidents are? It is tragic...but not a reason to keep good people from saving lives with guns...that logic means we have to ban cars, swimming pols and buckets of water...
"uplifting gun stories" :lmao:

:Goes right back to my first post here. None so blind.

See also "our favorite tsunamis", "world's favorite famines" and "America's got gallows"
Gawd......why do the gun grabber mental cases even bother? Any of these gun threads leave them ALL looking like......well......mental cases.:boobies::boobies::2up:

These people on the far left......just no ability to connect the dots. Its fascinating. All their shit is emotion driven. Fascinating.
It isn't my math it is the anti-gunners...they always say less guns mean less murders...hence, we need to ban guns...but Luxembourg and Germany show that isn't true...
And again --- why are you cutting the context out? What are you afraid of here?

Give me a break, I'm on an iPad right now...and you know what you posted and anyone curious can find the rest of it...

personally, I hate having to scroll down a huge page of multiple quotes simply to see the next original post...

don't take it personally...

"A poor workman blames his tools"

You certainly have the time to post a stream of bullshit, doncha?
Wassamatta? Everybody else can simply hit "reply" and let the quotes take care of themselves, you all by yourself can't do it? Isn't it more work to manually C&P quotes individually? Yes it is. I call bullshit.
It isn't my math it is the anti-gunners...they always say less guns mean less murders...hence, we need to ban guns...but Luxembourg and Germany show that isn't true...

All of Europe combined show that isn't true ( see last page......Harvard study ). People get murdered ALOT more in countries with gun bans. Its not even debatable.
Here is an uplifting gun story...a thug breaks into a senior citizen's home...she is a widow. He forces her to walk around her house and show him where her valuables are...he takes her upstairs and orders her to take her clothes off and get in her bed...she tells the thug that she remembered some cash she kept in a shoebox in her closet...he orders her to get it...she rummages around...when she turns back...she shoots the asshole and kills him with her dead husbands pistol...that she kept in the shoebox

that is an uplifting story to innocent woman is saved from degradation and possibly death because she had a gun...

but the anti-gunners...if they had their choice...she would have been raped, robbed and killed...and that would be their preferred outcome...right? since you want all guns banned...right?
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