Gun Grabbing bill is signed by Colorado governor,sheriffs vow not to enforce it

As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.
The Colorado Democrats are going full throttle. They have already disenfranchised all of the state’s voters in presidential elections, and now they can remove second amendment rights on hearsay. Unfortunately this state has gone from red to blue in a relatively short time because of the influx of new liberal residents.
The language of this bill is ridiculous

It requires a preponderance of evidence, the same standard for small claims court, for proving a person is mentally ill.
So basically if 2 people tell a judge they think a person is a danger to himself or others and only the person being accused says he's not a danger to himself that's a preponderance of evidence and the guy will lose his guns for a year
As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.

The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.
Far Left Carpet Bagger Democrats like Evie Hudak (NYC Communist) have been recalled before. The Front Range is ruining Colorado.
Far Left Carpet Bagger Democrats like Evie Hudak (NYC Communist) have been recalled before. The Front Range is ruining Colorado.

And then in 2014, the Republican that replaced her lost to a Democrat in a General Election so the only thing that was lost was millions of tax payer dollars for the recall election. Then by 2018, the whole State Government went totally Blue.

In 2020, there is a very good chance that the Republican Senator Gardner will have to go back to Farming as well. Gardner was reelected in 2016 by distancing himself from Trump. Now, that's not working so he's stuck his nose securely up Trumps butt in hopes he can survive that way. And he's slipping even further into unemployment. Until he decided to support trump at that level, I might have voted for him. But not now. And it has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with Gardner's lack of showing integrity for the last couple of years.
Wow, how subjective......if a person is thought...... And of course the liberal loons cheer this idiocy. Im not surprised.
As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.

The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.
You're an idiot.

But I get to keep my guns. If you lived here, you might not be so lucky. We would have to see.

Colorado is a perfect example of what the libtards do to a place when they leave New York. We got allot of new your down here to. Such trash.

I can see you went to the DeVos school of Higher Learning.

That and I just got out of bed, and don’t realize give two shits about spells. The point got across and had the desired effect. The proof is your response. If your blue states are so awesome, why you all leaving them? Y’all are weird on this one. It’s like the sanctuary city thing. Y’all make them, but won’t let illegals go to them. Y’all say blue states are better, but y’all end up moving to Texas. Just saying.
As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.

The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.
No expert testimony needed just a "preponderance of evidence"

That is not an acceptable standard
As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.

The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.
No expert testimony needed just a "preponderance of evidence"

That is not an acceptable standard

ARe you saying that a licensed Shrinks testimony isn't an expert in the requirement?
As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.

The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.
No expert testimony needed just a "preponderance of evidence"

That is not an acceptable standard

ARe you saying that a licensed Shrinks testimony isn't an expert in the requirement?

Does the 'licensed shrink' own firearms, or does he have a bias against them?
As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.

The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.
You're an idiot.

But I get to keep my guns. If you lived here, you might not be so lucky. We would have to see.

They'll take yours away soon enough.
As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.

The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.
No expert testimony needed just a "preponderance of evidence"

That is not an acceptable standard

ARe you saying that a licensed Shrinks testimony isn't an expert in the requirement?

Does the 'licensed shrink' own firearms, or does he have a bias against them?

Or does the shrink not think black people should own guns?

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