Gun law is stupid

The argument would be, Why would anyone wish to own an AK47? Convince me with valid reasons for owning one before you are granted a permit:eusa_angel:Most applicants would have great difficuilty doing that.

Why does a person wish to own a 100,000.00 sports car which runs 210mph, when a 15,000 compact serves the same purpose?

For the enjoyment of it.

The list could get large doing this!

A guy was talking in the movie theater so I shot him.
Then everyone in the theater shot you.

I got drunk and got in an argument with a guy, so I shot him.

I got mad at my wife, so I got a gun and shot her.
No you didn't; you got shot in the movie theater for being a lethal douchebag. That ended your retarded shooting spree . . .

Except that in the real world, gun-control laws target law abiding folk, disarming them, while doing nothing about retarded sociopaths.
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Actually it is.
Actually it has not.

The states with the most guns per capita have the most gun deaths per capita.
The states with more bicycles per capita have more bicycle death per capita too--this kind of statistic is meaningless.

Why do you so greatly prefer [some other kind of] death to gun death?
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The argument would be, Why would anyone wish to own an AK47?

Convince me with valid reasons for owning one before you are granted a permit:eusa_angel:Most applicants would have great difficuilty doing that.
Valid reason for owning an AK47: the desire to own an AK47. Perfectly valid.
The bloke who used his firearm inappropriately may go to prison and serves him right. Then he might not. Question is, will he now not be able to ever legally get a firearm? That's the key in that one. Other responsible gun owners would be aghast at what the idiot did. Anyone else with a short fuse temper and a ccw permit would be wise to reflect. Of course I'm assuming the bloke was lawfully possessing.

Back to Mayor Miller. He's confused and he's also desperate. But he's gone after exactly the wrong people. Gang bangers in TO don't give a rat's arse about lawful firearms or firearms laws, they'll get their weapons through the underground channels they inhabit

there are many guns i n montréal then Toronto and Géraild tremblay dont want gun law i n US.
The argument would be, Why would anyone wish to own an AK47? Convince me with valid reasons for owning one before you are granted a permit:eusa_angel:Most applicants would have great difficuilty doing that.

Protection from the Government. But, of course, you have to ask the government if you can have one... Neat trick, eh?
Why does a person wish to own a 100,000.00 sports car which runs 210mph, when a 15,000 compact serves the same purpose?

For the enjoyment of it.

The list could get large doing this!

Of course it will. There's a limit to everything, we're probably only focusing on where the limit lies. But there is a limit.
there are many guns i n montréal then Toronto and Géraild tremblay dont want gun law i n US.

I haven't been to Montreal Svante so I can't comment on the comparison. I know Montreal has had major problems in the past with biker groups but I don't know if it has what might be called "youth gangs". I think they might be the legitimate target for Mayor Miller's ire.
You're in favor of any old bloke picking up an AK 47? Why? It's clearly a weapon of war. Why does a private citizen need this kind of firearm?
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You're in favor of any old bloke picking up an AK 47? Why? It's clearly a weapon of war. Why does a private citizen need this kind of firearm?

As I said I believe the opposition needs to think of a good reason to say 'no you can't have one'

If an Ak-47 will make someone happy then there's a good reason. It's pursuit of happiness and all that jazz.
I don't think, "because it will make me happy", is a reasonable and objective justification. But I do agree that, "we don't want you to have it, " isn't a good reason for prohibiting private ownership either. I believe the onus should be on those who would prohibit a particular weapon from private ownership to justify such prohibition.
That's why I say the burden is on those who want to take it away. 'It will make me happy' is a weak reason but when the opposition does not have a good reason to take it away it becomes an adequate reason.
You're in favor of any old bloke picking up an AK 47?
Absent some specific reason this particular "old bloke" should not own an AK 47; Yes.

Because there's no specific reason this particular "old bloke" should not own an AK 47, and it might prove useful.

It's clearly a weapon of war.
So what?

Why does a private citizen need this kind of firearm?
Because the police do not confine their assualts to criminals, and soldiers do not confine their assaults to other soldiers.
Everybody hates Toronto, heck if the Leafs ever had season good enough to win the Stanley Cup non-Torontonians would probably burn it down! :lol:

Miller has a problem though, gang crime. Not that I know much about him or his politics but it seems he came to office as a single-issue candidate, did nothing about the issue that got him elected and stayed on because it was a good gig.

But Miller has conflated gun control with crime control. I think the situation in Toronto is that handguns in particular are coming across the border into criminal hands in a big way, I'm not sure but it could be a trade for drugs. There have been some highly publicised shootings which are related to gang activity - this is just one of them - 'Toronto has lost its innocence,' police say of Boxing Day shooting

As far as I know it's not ordinary Torontonians who are going around shooting each other and innocent bystanders, it's gang members who are criminals. So that's where the focus should be. Miller has, excuse the pun, picked the wrong target, but he's picked a soft target.

i see you have been....i guess the biker gangs who control the hard drugs will have to go back to hanging people....canada is like the fucking window licker nation on the damned short bus...sorry but yall do some dumbass shit...and yes i can give examples...the fast cats in vancouver and the sale of them etc...
You're in favor of any old bloke picking up an AK 47? Why? It's clearly a weapon of war. Why does a private citizen need this kind of firearm?

need vs. want

why as a law abiding citizen should i not be able to purchase one?

i live out in the country....i like being armed
shitteeeeeeeeeeeeee sky....i can make a can of hair spray and a bic into a wmd....a saw off is called a wmd....pretty soon them rats on a string will be wmd's (that is what man calls small dogs on leashes)

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