Gun-loving conservative columnist accidentally killed after letting teen boy hold his firearm

This is why its so important to learn about gun safety if guns have to be out there at all.

God bless you and the guy's family always!!!

It is interesting that pro 2nd Amendment defenders celebrate when an innocent victim uses a gun to save a fighting off a criminal....

anti gun morons celebrate whenever there is a death of an innocent due to a gun accident....they are sick fuckers....
No more 2nd amendment rights for him

Harmon, a conservative columnist who frequently wrote in favor of gun ownership rights for the Portland Press Herald, died this week after being accidentally shot by a teenage boy.

Gun-loving conservative columnist accidentally killed after letting teen boy hold his firearm

It is a good thing that accidental gun deaths have been going down as more Americans buy and carry guns.....always be careful with your firearms......always follow the 4 rules.....
It is interesting that pro 2nd Amendment defenders celebrate when an innocent victim uses a gun to save a fighting off a criminal....

anti gun morons celebrate whenever there is a death of an innocent due to a gun accident....they are sick fuckers....

that is because that is who they are
No more 2nd amendment rights for him

Harmon, a conservative columnist who frequently wrote in favor of gun ownership rights for the Portland Press Herald, died this week after being accidentally shot by a teenage boy.

Gun-loving conservative columnist accidentally killed after letting teen boy hold his firearm
Interesting that you're jumping for joy over someone's death......... Speaks volumes........ :thup:

Yep. guano is a particularly disgusting piece of shit. That being said it is sad when a tragedy like this occurs. The guy who died feels no pain, but the kid that shot him is going to need a lot of help because the guy who died didn't handle his weapon properly. That is unforgivable.
Here is the truth about guns and accidents in our country.....we went from 200 million guns in the 1990s and 4.7 million people permit carrying guns for self defense.....and in 2016 we now have 357-400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense.....

And the amazing thing is that with 357-400 million guns in private hands......our accident rate is so small.......Americans are amazingly responsible with their firearms....


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