Gun manufacturers: Liability for misuse

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Because they want to put gun manufacturers out of business, anti-gun loons continue to whine about the PLCAA and scream for its repeal, so said manufacturers can be held liable for the damages related to the intentional/accidental misuse of their product -- unlike GM and Jack Daniels and every other manufacture in the country, all of whom cannot be held liable because they have no reasonable means to control how the consumer uses their product, they say gun manufacturers produce a product designed with the intent to kill people and so must be held to a higher standard.

A question for those people who want to hold gun manufacturers liable for the intentional/accidental misuse of their product:
What reasonable means of control over the use of their product could the gun manufacturers implement which would then render them immune to liability?
a product designed with the intent to kill people and so must be held to a higher standard.
That ^^^ is a pure lie by the proponents of that law. Guns are designed for a multitude of reasons--target competitions, trap and skeet, HUNTING. The fact that they are capable of being used for other things does not mean the mfrs. are liable. As you stated liquor producers and vehicle mfrs. are exempted, the firearms industry should be as well.
2/3's of each house of Congress and 3/4's the States ... otherwise check your State Constitution, usually Article I, and see if you have the individual right to keep and bear arms ...

I agree with gun safety courses ... and this should be taught in middle schools and high schools ... for the purposes of every individual being able to enjoy a Constitution Right ... much like we insist on reading skills to enjoy Free Press ... it is the government's responsibility to teach her citizens how to overthrow their government ... what's called a "Republic" ... of the people ...

IF guns only have to be locked up at gun shows ... THEN mass shootings will only happen at gun shows ... RESTRICT GUN SHOWS NOT GUNS ...
2/3's of each house of Congress and 3/4's the States ... otherwise check your State Constitution, usually Article I, and see if you have the individual right to keep and bear arms ...
No need.
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

And, completely of topic.

They should hold gay rights groups liable for every same sex molestation that occurs in this country.
Misuse of alcohol kills and maims far more people each year yet it's complete crickets from Dems. Dem's SELECTIVE attacks on full display.
In commie CA, they have laws that hold bartenders liable for damages caused by people who were drinking in their establishments---WTF, isn't anyone responsible for their own actions anymore?
In commie CA, they have laws that hold bartenders liable for damages caused by people who were drinking in their establishments---WTF, isn't anyone responsible for their own actions anymore?
Trying to figure out if Dems are just scumbags, or if their greed drives them to come up with evermore creative ways to take other people's money.

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