Gun nuts intimidate mothers in parking lot

If fear isn't the issue, why the fuck do you keep bringing it up?

What the fuck are you babbling about now? Does the life force want you to pretend that everyone is going to follow your fake religion? If not, why the fuck even bring it up? Is this part of your expertise in fallacy?

Number one, I haven't been bringing up "fear". You did. See above.
Number two, you addressed this question to me individually and personally, so that's the way I answered.

Now you don't like the answer and want to redo the question... sigh...

I didn't ask a question, I mocked you.

By the way, if fear isn't the issue, and you don't keep bringing it up, why do you keep insisting the mothers were intimidated by the non fear inducing men with guns?

It would be an issue in that sense although it's not a word I've used (again = you did).
The point was, and has always been, intimidation as the OCT's objective. That's an active process. Fear is a reactive process. The thrust of what we have here is the action of the OCT -- not the reaction of their targets.

Nice try. That one actually needed more than ten seconds to answer.
If you're carrying jumper cables you're equipped to help somebody.
If you're carrying weapons you're equipped to kill somebody.

No brainer there.

No, you're equipped to prevent lethal harm to you or to a other innocent bystander when an armed (or just plain big) bad guy wishes to do you or someone else harm. The vast majority of the time the weapon is presented and not fired to prevent a crime from occurring. Over 1.5 million times per year (in the US) in point of fact.

The fact remains, the power to kill somebody IS what enables you even in that noblest scenario. You have power over another's life, whether that's justified or not (and therefore "bad guys" has no place here). You're equipped to kill somebody, regardless how you sugar coat it. That's the whole reason for its existence.
Of course I'm equipped to kill someone when armed. Isn't that the point?
The difference is, 99% of the time, you will never know that I'm armed and 99.9% of the remainder of the time, I will not have to take a life.
What did the civil rights advocates do, EXACTLY, that made the civil rights opponents fear their personal safety?

I was in our lobby an hour ago, and a man got in a 3/4 ton truck, with 500 horse power. He turned that massively powerful machine on, even though I was only feet away, and it was pointing at me.

Your position is idiocy, the mere presence of items that CAN do damage is not intimidation.

Like the civil rights opponents you advocate for, you have empty pockets.

I don't know why you keep going to civil rights issues Pothead. When you figure out what the topic is here, send me a PM and I'll start reading again.

Of course you don't. And that is why you cannot understand this issue.

I don't have the time to suss out his cute crypticism. I've got ten people piling on. You don't get more than a glance; if you can't make your point, I move on.
Ah, the lament of the extremist.

"I can't be bothered to make sense, you're picking on me!"
Then you haven't been following the discussion.
Where have I said that possession or carrying of guns should be banned?

Ah, a straw man.

I understand your need to distract from the topic.

I assume this means you cannot point to any act that directly intimidated the civil rights opponents, then?

Do you know what that means?
I answered your assertion
Back to the vehicle/gun false-equivalency!
How tired.

I have no problem with people openly carrying guns if it's legal...why do you think that I do?

Because you're in this thread, arguing... :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Then you haven't been following the discussion.
Where have I said that possession or carrying of guns should be banned?
No, you're equipped to prevent lethal harm to you or to a other innocent bystander when an armed (or just plain big) bad guy wishes to do you or someone else harm. The vast majority of the time the weapon is presented and not fired to prevent a crime from occurring. Over 1.5 million times per year (in the US) in point of fact.

The fact remains, the power to kill somebody IS what enables you even in that noblest scenario. You have power over another's life, whether that's justified or not (and therefore "bad guys" has no place here). You're equipped to kill somebody, regardless how you sugar coat it. That's the whole reason for its existence.

I could kill someone if I was stark naked. I guess that proves guns aren't the problem, nice to see you finally dropping the argument.

Thanks for that image :eek: but while you're dropping trou I haven't dropped squat.
And no, I guess that proves nothing and isn't related to any point I've made. We don't have a "naked culture".

Where's that list of fallacies, KG? Whizbag needs it.

I don't know why you keep going to civil rights issues Pothead. When you figure out what the topic is here, send me a PM and I'll start reading again.

Of course you don't. And that is why you cannot understand this issue.

I don't have the time to suss out his cute crypticism. I've got ten people piling on. You don't get more than a glance; if you can't make your point, I move on.

When will you make you point?
I have said many times that the mothers intent was intimidation, and you keep agreeing with me, and then spouting nonsense about how it is wrong to respond to intimidation by fighting back. Are you finally going to stop, or is this another fallacy?

No-- that's the opposite of what you said above. "they (the mothers) deserve to be intimidated". They're on the receiving end, which is correct. Now we're all going to pretend your sentence sitting there means the opposite of what it means?

I said nothing about wrong or right to respond to intimidation by fighting back. Once again, putting words in my mouth.

They do deserve it, and I wish someone found a way to do it. The world would be better off if they stopped trying to take away other people's rights, even if the only reason they did it was out of fear. Unfortunately, no one scared them, even a little.

Trying to retreat from your one honest moment? Too late -- once it's quoted it's on the record. And it's quoted. Might as well own it.
Personally, I carry a weapon because I have learned that it helps in extremely rare situations, just like jumper cables. Yet you insist it is about fear when I do it, but not when you carry the same weapon.

I only carry a gun when I'm hunting.
It's dismantled and locked away when I'm not.
I have no fear, concern or sense that I need a weapon of any sort for personal protection.

Strange, I don't remember saying a thing about personal protection.

FYI, I carry a knife with me every where I go. I don't walk out of the house without it, and it is not because I am afraid that someone might attack me.

But, please, keep putting thoughts inside my head, and telling me how brave you are.

I'm brave if I don't carry a weapon?
The point is that, like the men in the restaurant parking lot, I was targeting no one. I intimidated or terrified nobody. I did not enter the place armed to make a point. I went there because I was hungry. What I did was 100% legal. No one called the cops nobody fainted.

And nobody sees a comparison.

OCT didn't even go in to eat. Because that's not what they came for.

But you are claiming 4 women not even in close proximity to several firearms that may or may not have been loaded, were threatened by weapons. Certainly, a very large revolver 6 feet from you is more dangerous than a .223 100 yards away.

I've not been to the restaurant; I don't know what the distances are. But the women, the restaurant management and the police all figured that they were close enough.

Regardless, it's the vision of what's going on outside the window and what might happen in the moment. And that includes the fact that those people are able-bodied and capable of walking forward; they're not rooted to the ground.

I don't know why you keep beating this dead horse; yes they were within the law, no nobody got shot -- but in the moment when they show up, they merit attention. And they got it. To pretend such an event DOES NOT merit attention and checking out would be insane. But that's the stretch y'all insist on making here.
Personally, I carry a weapon because I have learned that it helps in extremely rare situations, just like jumper cables. Yet you insist it is about fear when I do it, but not when you carry the same weapon.

I only carry a gun when I'm hunting.
It's dismantled and locked away when I'm not.
I have no fear, concern or sense that I need a weapon of any sort for personal protection.

Strange, I don't remember saying a thing about personal protection.

FYI, I carry a knife with me every where I go. I don't walk out of the house without it, and it is not because I am afraid that someone might attack me.

But, please, keep putting thoughts inside my head, and telling me how brave you are.

I'm sorry, I misread you.
You carry jumper leads for personal protection.
Read the OP, and then come back.

Idiot. It's your post, not the OP.

Can't answer? Paint yourself into a corner again?

Do you need me to spell it out?

How is any intent to take away freedom not malicious?

How is four women sitting at a restaurant table in any way related to "taking away freedoms"?

Do you have any idea what the process for Constitutional amendment is? Hint: it does not involve four women sitting in a restaurant.

What they were doing -- discussing whatever-- could have been met with the same level of interaction, such as simply walking in to the restaurant and sitting down with the women and engaging in the discussion.

According to a link offered earlier, that is in fact what OCT is moving on to next. They should have done that from the beginnning. OCT figured it out; you and your ilk are still arguing over a dead horse.
No, you are just arguing that they are stupid for exercising it.

Be honest now, how often do you find yourself thinking people that stand up for their rights are stupid?

I'm arguing that their method of standing up for their rights is counter-productive to the general arguments in favour of gun ownership.

I would think something is wrong if you thought their method was productive. :eusa_whistle:

This is the UNITES STATES OF AMERICA. Not some two bit second rate country like your's

"second rate"?

What do you know about New Zealand then?
-- by killing someone or brandishing that threat.


Better to stand by helplessly and watch her be raped, and perhaps killed.

Like a good progressive dope.

(more) Appeal to Emotion; ad hominem.


You REALLY don't understand logical fallacy, do you?

It's not ad're the one who objects to protection of rape victims with force. I'm just responding to your (admitted) idiocy.

Which really gives you more credit than you deserve.

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