Gun nuts intimidate mothers in parking lot

They are proving the point that there is no threat from a bunch of law abiding citizens openly armed, despite the position of said gun control group.

Actually they're undermining it but close enough.

Damn right though -- where's the "threat"? Nobody's breaking the law.

Here's another group of law abiding citizens not breaking the law, engaged in the act of not-intimidation:


Armed guards not-intimidating potential trespassers:


A sign posted to not-intimidate potential burglars:


Basic psychology of not-intimidation.

Personally, I carry a weapon because I have learned that it helps in extremely rare situations, just like jumper cables. Yet you insist it is about fear when I do it, but not when you carry the same weapon.

I only carry a gun when I'm hunting.
It's dismantled and locked away when I'm not.
I have no fear, concern or sense that I need a weapon of any sort for personal protection.

Of course not. You live in a country that is close to paradise. Where are you North Island? Auckland population 800,000 or there about. The rest of the island 500,000? Primarily Caucasian population with Maori and Polynesians tossed in. The San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles has the exact same population confined to an area the size of Auckland with the distance from city center to Papakura thrown in. Add to that the mélange of cultures and race and it is easy to see why Los Angeles is a fairly violent area. Too many rats in the cage.

You're trying to compare a mouse with an elephant. It don't compute dude.

I wouldn't claim paradise status...we have our issues - racial included - like everywhere.
I'm in the South Island - population 1 million, land area the size of Illinois.

Of course the comparison isn't fair...I was trying to win an argument!
I only carry a gun when I'm hunting.
It's dismantled and locked away when I'm not.
I have no fear, concern or sense that I need a weapon of any sort for personal protection.

Strange, I don't remember saying a thing about personal protection.

FYI, I carry a knife with me every where I go. I don't walk out of the house without it, and it is not because I am afraid that someone might attack me.

But, please, keep putting thoughts inside my head, and telling me how brave you are.

I'm brave if I don't carry a weapon?

Are you retreating from your claim that the only reason to carry a weapon is if you are afraid?
And nobody sees a comparison.

OCT didn't even go in to eat. Because that's not what they came for.

But you are claiming 4 women not even in close proximity to several firearms that may or may not have been loaded, were threatened by weapons. Certainly, a very large revolver 6 feet from you is more dangerous than a .223 100 yards away.

I've not been to the restaurant; I don't know what the distances are. But the women, the restaurant management and the police all figured that they were close enough.

Regardless, it's the vision of what's going on outside the window and what might happen in the moment. And that includes the fact that those people are able-bodied and capable of walking forward; they're not rooted to the ground.

I don't know why you keep beating this dead horse; yes they were within the law, no nobody got shot -- but in the moment when they show up, they merit attention. And they got it. To pretend such an event DOES NOT merit attention and checking out would be insane. But that's the stretch y'all insist on making here.

They all figured that? When? Are you privy to top secret information that no one else on the planet has seen again?
Strange, I don't remember saying a thing about personal protection.

FYI, I carry a knife with me every where I go. I don't walk out of the house without it, and it is not because I am afraid that someone might attack me.

But, please, keep putting thoughts inside my head, and telling me how brave you are.

I'm brave if I don't carry a weapon?

Are you retreating from your claim that the only reason to carry a weapon is if you are afraid?

I don't remember making that claim., if you think I'm brave for not carrying a weapon, does that make someone that does carry one the opposite of brave?
Idiot. It's your post, not the OP.

Can't answer? Paint yourself into a corner again?

Do you need me to spell it out?

How is any intent to take away freedom not malicious?

How is four women sitting at a restaurant table in any way related to "taking away freedoms"?

Do you have any idea what the process for Constitutional amendment is? Hint: it does not involve four women sitting in a restaurant.

What they were doing -- discussing whatever-- could have been met with the same level of interaction, such as simply walking in to the restaurant and sitting down with the women and engaging in the discussion.

According to a link offered earlier, that is in fact what OCT is moving on to next. They should have done that from the beginnning. OCT figured it out; you and your ilk are still arguing over a dead horse.

How is Henry wondering aloud about turbulent priest a death sentence for Thomas Becket?

How is the KKK discussing dealing with uppity blacks a license to kill?

Want to try again?
The point is, not what they're capable of doing, but what they seek to do.
Their purpose was to figure out how to limit the rights of the citizens to enjoy their second amendment rights.
The purpose of the men outside was to show a unified front apposed to that agenda. No one outside advocated, supported or intended violence.
Their peaceful protest was photographed from an angle designed to make it look like an armed confrontation. The dishonesty and hypocrisy of the anti gunners got exposed and it pisses you off. Sorry Pogo. You can't talk your way out of this one.

Sorry Ernie, but "undeniably" got up from the operating table, walked out and went to the gym. In picture perfect health. Your post is carefully worded here but the fact remains, there's no reason to show up brandishing guns if your purpose is not to intimidate. That can't be refuted. You might say it's an inconvenient truth.

Ah, you might not...

I'm not really interested in the pictures (the video tells me a lot more) but since you bring it up, tell me this---
WHO took that picture from that angle?


What was the purpose of the women's meeting? It was to intimidate law abiding, freedom loving gun owners.

Not buying it. Got a copy of their meeting agenda?

Is not turn about fair play?

Turnabout is always fair play. That's why I kept saying, why didn't they just walk into the restaurant and meet the women face to face in the same idiom they were using -- talking? That would have been fair turnabout, even if they were uninvited. Now if you can show me where Mothers Against Gun Violence parked their cars outside OCT's meeting and brandished weapons, then everybody drinks and goes home.

I suppose the men may have known that the women would feel intimidated.

Thank you. Again, like pulling teeth around here :rolleyes:

So what? Some people are intimidated by clowns. Is that the clowns' fault. Some are afraid of spiders. Is that a spider's purpose in life?
So, intimidation is in the eyes of the intimidated.
Feel free to come to my home armed. I will be 100% cool with that. Just don't ask me to come up on the roof with you. THAT intimidates the shit out of me.

Ernie, I'll put my acrophobia up against yours any day, pard. I can barely even climb a ladder. I stay on terra firma. Just like I do in here :)

We may yet get that chance yanno -- I'm starting to make my travel plans, probably coming down on the weekend and running the flip-flop after Turkey day if you're around...

Have a good night, Bud.
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if liberals are so against gun violence, why does liberal Hollywood glorify gun violence? Why does liberal Hollywood and the liberal music industry glorify the bad boy image and thug life? why do liberals vent all their anger at the NRA who promote gun safety and responsibility, yet they give the liberal industry that promotes it a free ride?

I don't know what's "liberal" about Hollywood. Far as I'm concerned that's part of the problem. As far as why they glorify gun violence -- Hollyweird is just opportunistic. LCD drama sells. :dunno:
But you are claiming 4 women not even in close proximity to several firearms that may or may not have been loaded, were threatened by weapons. Certainly, a very large revolver 6 feet from you is more dangerous than a .223 100 yards away.

I've not been to the restaurant; I don't know what the distances are. But the women, the restaurant management and the police all figured that they were close enough.

Regardless, it's the vision of what's going on outside the window and what might happen in the moment. And that includes the fact that those people are able-bodied and capable of walking forward; they're not rooted to the ground.

I don't know why you keep beating this dead horse; yes they were within the law, no nobody got shot -- but in the moment when they show up, they merit attention. And they got it. To pretend such an event DOES NOT merit attention and checking out would be insane. But that's the stretch y'all insist on making here.

They all figured that? When? Are you privy to top secret information that no one else on the planet has seen again?

I read this post from the bottom, not seeing whose name was on it. From the sheer trollistic inanity I figured Unkotare. But no, it's Bag-o-Wind.

Ah, same difference. :eusa_whistle:
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But you are claiming 4 women not even in close proximity to several firearms that may or may not have been loaded, were threatened by weapons. Certainly, a very large revolver 6 feet from you is more dangerous than a .223 100 yards away.

I've not been to the restaurant; I don't know what the distances are. But the women, the restaurant management and the police all figured that they were close enough.

Regardless, it's the vision of what's going on outside the window and what might happen in the moment. And that includes the fact that those people are able-bodied and capable of walking forward; they're not rooted to the ground.

I don't know why you keep beating this dead horse; yes they were within the law, no nobody got shot -- but in the moment when they show up, they merit attention. And they got it. To pretend such an event DOES NOT merit attention and checking out would be insane. But that's the stretch y'all insist on making here.

They all figured that? When? Are you privy to top secret information that no one else on the planet has seen again?
I believe the restaurant manager declined to call the police. I'm willing to bet that either the women did, or the lying sack of shit photographer who chose to snap a shot from the side to falsely show them in a confrontational stance.

“I was terrified,” said the woman who helped coordinate the meeting and who spoke on the condition of anonymity because she said she feared for her safety. “They didn’t want to talk. They wanted to display force.”

The armed group of men, women and children was made up of members of a gun rights organization called Open Carry Texas, and they stayed in the parking lot about 10 or 15 minutes to protest the Moms Demand Action meeting and then left.

40 Armed Gun Advocates Intimidate Mothers Against Gun Violence In A Restaurant Parking Lot | ThinkProgress

According to a spokeswoman for Moms Demand Action (MDA), the moms were inside the Blue Mesa Grill when members of Open Carry Texas (OCT) — an open carry advocacy group — “pull[ed] up in the parking lot and start[ed] getting guns out of their trunks.” The group then waited in the parking lot for the four MDA members to come out. The spokeswoman said that the restaurant manager did not want to call 911, for fear of “inciting a riot” and waited for the gun advocates to leave. The group moved to a nearby Hooters after approximately two hours.

MDA later released a statement calling OCT “gun bullies” who “disagree[d] with our goal of changing America’s gun laws and policies to protect our children and families.” The statement added that the members and restaurant customers were “terrified by what appeared to be an armed ambush.” A member of OCT responded by tweeting, “I guess I’m a #gunbullies #Comeandtakeit.”

Open Carry Advocates Stand Outside Moms Against Gun Violence Meeting: Tell Us if You Think They Went Too Far |


Armed protesters rattle Texas moms' gun-control meeting

Police monitored the incident at the Blue Mesa Grill in Arlington, Texas, but took no action because it is legal to carry long guns openly in Texas.

"We are aware that a group did gather in a shopping area in Arlington Saturday," Tiara Ellis Richard of the Arlington Police office of communication said in an e-mail to USA TODAY. "Officers were notified and arrived at the location. There were no issues that we are aware of, and no arrests occurred."

A ticking time bomb.

yep... ticking time bomb indeed...

been my experience that pissed-off moms can go off at any moment...with disasterous consequences...
Sorry Ernie, but "undeniably" got up from the operating table, walked out and went to the gym. In picture perfect health. Your post is carefully worded here but the fact remains, there's no reason to show up brandishing guns if your purpose is not to intimidate. That can't be refuted. You might say it's an inconvenient truth.

Ah, you might not...

I'm not really interested in the pictures (the video tells me a lot more) but since you bring it up, tell me this---
WHO took that picture from that angle?


What was the purpose of the women's meeting? It was to intimidate law abiding, freedom loving gun owners.

Not buying it. Got a copy of their meeting agenda?

Turnabout is always fair play. That's why I kept saying, why didn't they just walk into the restaurant and meet the women face to face in the same idiom they were using
-- talking? That would have been fair turnabout, even if they were uninvited. Now if you can show me where Mothers Against Gun Violence parked their cars outside OCT's meeting and brandished weapons, then everybody drinks and goes home.

I suppose the men may have known that the women would feel intimidated.

Thank you. Again, like pulling teeth around here :rolleyes:

So what? Some people are intimidated by clowns. Is that the clowns' fault. Some are afraid of spiders. Is that a spider's purpose in life?
So, intimidation is in the eyes of the intimidated.
Feel free to come to my home armed. I will be 100% cool with that. Just don't ask me to come up on the roof with you. THAT intimidates the shit out of me.

Ernie, I'll put my acrophobia up against yours any day, pard. I can barely even climb a ladder. I stay on terra firma. Just like I do in here :)

We may yet get that chance yanno -- I'm starting to make my travel plans, probably coming down on the weekend and running the flip-flop after Turkey day if you're around...

Have a good night, Bud.

Their agenda is to limit a civil right. Would you feel intimidated if your local police chief said he wanted to do away with search warrants and have the right to enter your home at will? Same concept, different right, only this one, you would miss, if it 4 women were plotting to take it from you.

Why should they come in and talk to the women? What makes you think 4 women would be less intimidated by 18 men in close proximity armed or not? Who are you to judge the most effective way for the open carry folks to make their point?
The fact that you are afraid of scary black guns is irrelevant, nor does anyone involved give a shit what you think may be the best "non-confrontational"way for these men to act.

Let me know when plans firm up.
What was the purpose of the women's meeting? It was to intimidate law abiding, freedom loving gun owners.

Not buying it. Got a copy of their meeting agenda?

Turnabout is always fair play. That's why I kept saying, why didn't they just walk into the restaurant and meet the women face to face in the same idiom they were using
-- talking? That would have been fair turnabout, even if they were uninvited. Now if you can show me where Mothers Against Gun Violence parked their cars outside OCT's meeting and brandished weapons, then everybody drinks and goes home.

Thank you. Again, like pulling teeth around here :rolleyes:

So what? Some people are intimidated by clowns. Is that the clowns' fault. Some are afraid of spiders. Is that a spider's purpose in life?
So, intimidation is in the eyes of the intimidated.
Feel free to come to my home armed. I will be 100% cool with that. Just don't ask me to come up on the roof with you. THAT intimidates the shit out of me.

Ernie, I'll put my acrophobia up against yours any day, pard. I can barely even climb a ladder. I stay on terra firma. Just like I do in here :)

We may yet get that chance yanno -- I'm starting to make my travel plans, probably coming down on the weekend and running the flip-flop after Turkey day if you're around...

Have a good night, Bud.

Their agenda is to limit a civil right. Would you feel intimidated if your local police chief said he wanted to do away with search warrants and have the right to enter your home at will? Same concept, different right, only this one, you would miss, if it 4 women were plotting to take it from you.

I STILL have no evidence at all that this is the case. Nor do I believe that any such action can happen from a restaurant table. To single out such a meeting as "intimidating a civil right" is ludicrous. Whatever they discussed at the table might have been exactly the same conversation over the phone. Meeting with one's associates, regardless who does it, produces no action. It can't.

Why should they come in and talk to the women? What makes you think 4 women would be less intimidated by 18 men in close proximity armed or not? Who are you to judge the most effective way for the open carry folks to make their point?

It isn't for us to say what they "should" do -- I'm saying that had they taken that course, that would have been meeting on equal footing. That's just for the purpose of comparing apples to apples to make the phrase "turnabout is fair play" function. Talk-to-talk would be fair turnabout. Talk-to-guns isn't.

The fact that you are afraid of scary black guns is irrelevant, nor does anyone involved give a shit what you think may be the best "non-confrontational"way for these men to act.

Why do you keep bringing up what color the guns were? I didn't even notice. Is black significant in some way?

My fears are irrelevant; I wasn't there to be afeared. As to whether anyone involved "gives a shit", well we're not talking to them, we're talking among ourselves. But I can tell you without doubt, if some yahoo appeared out my window with a gun right now I would drop this post and go check it out.

Let me know when plans firm up.

Aye, as noted before it's a bit off my route but not to say I can't divert. More likely on the way back from NOLA, as that would be daytime rather than night. :thup:
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