CDZ Gun rights folks, you better join with the other small government folks!


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
I think the gun rights folks have an ideological problem. They claim to be Constitionalists but generally support all the big government "Patriot Act" provisions.

If someone wanted to form a real block in favor of gun rights the NRA would court those in favor of Dignified Death (legal assisted suicide), and Abortion not to mention the hippies who don't want the government listening to their phone calls, Google recording our locations, or the Feds tracking who deposits what into bank accounts (try depositing into a corporate account lately?). Should I even mention the NRA should be providing armed escorts for marches of pro-freedom folks who want choose what sex parts you have after you get bored with your old ones or whatever?

So in my opinion the gun rights folks are a bit hypocritical pretending to be Constitionalists or Conservative or whatever but go and kick away the other small government folks by not forming their own party of true small government / pro human rights folks.

-I was reading how one site determines who is a conservative, liberal, libertarian or authoritarian a few years back and realized being pro freedom meant all personal freedoms, not just your liberally chosen freedoms but not the freedoms of others.
I am astounded by your logic ...

I am astounded by your logic ...


What part is confusing? That if people want their rights respected they should respect and even defend the rights of others?

It seems soo simple.

It is simple, and got Henry David Thoreau put in jail. We in the US live in the most free nation to have ever existed, and yet idealists - like you? - can't see the forest for the tree.

Libertarian's lack pragmatism, that is their strength and their down fall.
I think the gun rights folks have an ideological problem. They claim to be Constitionalists but generally support all the big government "Patriot Act" provisions.

If someone wanted to form a real block in favor of gun rights the NRA would court those in favor of Dignified Death (legal assisted suicide), and Abortion not to mention the hippies who don't want the government listening to their phone calls, Google recording our locations, or the Feds tracking who deposits what into bank accounts (try depositing into a corporate account lately?). Should I even mention the NRA should be providing armed escorts for marches of pro-freedom folks who want choose what sex parts you have after you get bored with your old ones or whatever?

So in my opinion the gun rights folks are a bit hypocritical pretending to be Constitionalists or Conservative or whatever but go and kick away the other small government folks by not forming their own party of true small government / pro human rights folks.

-I was reading how one site determines who is a conservative, liberal, libertarian or authoritarian a few years back and realized being pro freedom meant all personal freedoms, not just your liberally chosen freedoms but not the freedoms of others.

From a Constitutional Feudalist's perspective (yeah, we're the answer to Democratic Socialists wink, wink) gun ownership should be as protected as tongues and the free speech that leaps from them. See, after we elect our first demesne ruling Count Palatine, we Constitutional Feudalists intend to--on a trial basis--legalize all weapons up to and including 30mm cannons, for the personal enjoyment of private serf-citizens. Yes, we have thought it all through, we will first be reinforcing all bank vaults in the palatinate in question. So, power to the Palatine and all that--I'm outta here!
I am astounded by your logic ...


What part is confusing? That if people want their rights respected they should respect and even defend the rights of others?

It seems soo simple.

It is simple, and got Henry David Thoreau put in jail. We in the US live in the most free nation to have ever existed, and yet idealists - like you? - can't see the forest for the tree.

Libertarian's lack pragmatism, that is their strength and their down fall.

Some will argue we were more free under Clinton than by thenend of the W Bush era. Where should we draw the line? Giving up our guns? Registering our guns?
I am astounded by your logic ...

What part is confusing? That if people want their rights respected they should respect and even defend the rights of others?

It seems soo simple.

It is simple, and got Henry David Thoreau put in jail. We in the US live in the most free nation to have ever existed, and yet idealists - like you? - can't see the forest for the tree.

Libertarian's lack pragmatism, that is their strength and their down fall.
Not quite the most free nation. We are heavily modeled after the Swiss republic. Outside of their mandatory 2 year military service for men at the age of 18, they beat us in every category of freedom. You could argue their healthcare is universal and ours no longer is since the stripping away of the ACA mandate...but their HC system has very little regulation outside of you must have insurance. They have more economic freedom, more social freedom, basically anything you can think of they are more free.

Us on the other hand, name a BOR amendment that isn’t being violated or that isn’t under attack? The 1st in under heavy scrutiny from both the right and left, I’d classify it as hanging on by a thread. The 2nd has already been infringed upon and is trying to be done away with. The 3rd, not much of a worry there, except the FBI in a few cases occupying houses. The 4th, that’s gone bye-bye. All of the judicial procedure ones are pretty warped. And the 9th and 10th have died off a long time ago despite being pretty important ones.

The executive branch has been creating laws for a while now with executive orders, and regulatory bodies. The SCOTUS have become a legaslative branch of their own. The legislative branch defers much of their powers to the executive and judicial branches, and the powers they do use, they use for things like omnibus bills. There’s a lot of unelected officials out there making laws, which is strictly limited to the legislative branch. Not a lot of robust checks and balances these days.

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