Gun shows for dummies…..what actually goes on at a gun show…..

This is a brief primer on gun shows and what goes on in them…I know the truth and reality of gun shows is not part of the discussion since lying about them can be done more easily if people know nothing about them….

The Fiction And The Truth About Gun Shows | Extrano's Alley, more than a gun blog

Of course, the fact that virtually every gun sold at a typical show will sell for three to five times the street price of a similar firearm does not register with the media’s fiction writers and jabbering heads. Just as the fact that gun show record keeping is adequate to allow the ATF to determine the buyer of almost any new gun sold within ten minutes. Not just the name, but the State issued identification card’s number, home address, date of birth, ethnicity, and more.

Prison surveys show a tiny minority, less than one percent, of criminals ever try to buy a gun from a dealer, a private individual, or other legitimate source. 43 percent of career criminals buy guns from “friends or relatives,” who are also criminals. 17 percent of convicts say they stole the guns they used to expedite a crime. 36 percent bought a gun from “a guy I met on the street.”

Here in the real world, prison surveys show neither gun shows or private sellers are a problem. We live in a world where a convict can walk out of San Quentin, Deer Lodge, Joliet, Ossining, Jefferson City, Huntsville, Angola, Parchman, or any other prison in the United States, and possess a stolen street gun within 30 minutes, at most. And that is a problem.

Those friends or relatives are perfectly legal when they sell them guns. How many of them would refuse if they knew they were supposed to go through the background check process? Accepting the responsibility of breaking the law themselves would stop a lot of gun sales.

Wrong because they already know…they are buying guns for gang members and criminals right now…they report the weapons lost or stolen……..they know right now that they have to go through a background check…because the gang member is paying them to get the gun because the gang member can't get past the background check….why is this so hard for you guys to understand…..?

It isn't stopping gun sales to criminals right now…why would a universal background check, which can be avoided the same way as current background checks change anything?

No.Right now, they don't have to go through a background check.

They buy their guns at gun stores through straw purchasers……

And if they go to a gun show, and the private seller needs to do a background check, what will the gang members do differently to get their guns…nothing….they will have the same people who bought the guns because they have a clean background, buy the guns at the gun shows…….

It isn't rocket science people…..and yet you still think background checks are something magical……but what you really want is to screw over law abiding people…..that is your goal, and your focus….since criminals and mass shooters ignore your laws.

Some do get guns through straw purchasers, but no,they don't have to get a background check at all gun shows. Of course checks won't stop all sales to the thugs, but it will stop many.

All licensed gun dealers have to do federal background checks…..
This is a brief primer on gun shows and what goes on in them…I know the truth and reality of gun shows is not part of the discussion since lying about them can be done more easily if people know nothing about them….

The Fiction And The Truth About Gun Shows | Extrano's Alley, more than a gun blog

Of course, the fact that virtually every gun sold at a typical show will sell for three to five times the street price of a similar firearm does not register with the media’s fiction writers and jabbering heads. Just as the fact that gun show record keeping is adequate to allow the ATF to determine the buyer of almost any new gun sold within ten minutes. Not just the name, but the State issued identification card’s number, home address, date of birth, ethnicity, and more.

Prison surveys show a tiny minority, less than one percent, of criminals ever try to buy a gun from a dealer, a private individual, or other legitimate source. 43 percent of career criminals buy guns from “friends or relatives,” who are also criminals. 17 percent of convicts say they stole the guns they used to expedite a crime. 36 percent bought a gun from “a guy I met on the street.”

Here in the real world, prison surveys show neither gun shows or private sellers are a problem. We live in a world where a convict can walk out of San Quentin, Deer Lodge, Joliet, Ossining, Jefferson City, Huntsville, Angola, Parchman, or any other prison in the United States, and possess a stolen street gun within 30 minutes, at most. And that is a problem.

Those friends or relatives are perfectly legal when they sell them guns. How many of them would refuse if they knew they were supposed to go through the background check process? Accepting the responsibility of breaking the law themselves would stop a lot of gun sales.

Wrong because they already know…they are buying guns for gang members and criminals right now…they report the weapons lost or stolen……..they know right now that they have to go through a background check…because the gang member is paying them to get the gun because the gang member can't get past the background check….why is this so hard for you guys to understand…..?

It isn't stopping gun sales to criminals right now…why would a universal background check, which can be avoided the same way as current background checks change anything?

No.Right now, they don't have to go through a background check.

Gun shows make up 1% of all illegal purchases…stealing guns and straw purchases make up almost all of the rest.

In the first place, they aren't illegal, but they should be, and where did you get that number? Out of your ass?

And here asswipe….

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