Gun violence in the world

That would be a meaningless comparison considering that the homicide rate in many of those nations does NOT change when gun laws are passed in those very same nations.

No, it's not the"End of story". Even if the statement above is true, why are Americans more prone to murder each other? Clearly a broad question, but one that needs to be explored.
There are many reasons that I would point to that are societal – some can be solved and others cannot. For instance, there is nothing you can do to address the fact that higher murder rates occur in dense population centers – that is simply a fact of life. Poverty tends to raise crime and homicide rates as well – that can be addressed.
The above statement IS true by the way – nations that have passed strict gun control have not seen any significant reductions in homicide rates after the law passed. Typically, the trend line simply plows on as if nothing changed showing that gun control does not seem to achieve anything.
Seems Americans are not on board with the gun grabbers....

According to the latest poll by Rasmussen Reports, American voters “overwhelmingly” prefer to live in neighborhoods with high gun ownership, as opposed to areas that don’t allow firearms.

The polling shows 68 percent of Americans “would feel safer” living in a neighborhood where firearms are readily available. Meanwhile, that number for those who want gun-free neighborhoods are much lower:

“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 22% of Likely U.S. Voters would feel safer living in a neighborhood where nobody was allowed to own a gun over one where they could have a gun for their own protection.”

Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
I noted a lalck of this 'overwhelming evedence' yet again after I provided you facts that 'overwhelmingly' state otherwise.
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.

Apples and antelopes isn't a comparison of worth. Compare the US with other Western Democracies and get back to us.

And of course you fail to point out that Americans use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 2million times a year on Average...that is 2 million fewer lives shattered by violent criminals.....

2 million crimes stopped vs.

Accidental gun deaths 2013...505

Gun murders 2013....8,454

Which number is bigger? Even you should be able to do that math...

Let's do the math. According to you, 2 million crimes are stopped by guns a year. Given there are 365 days in a year, you are saying that 5480 per day are prevented or about 230 an hour....230 an hour....every hour of every day of the year.

I think we can stop considering you to be a serious commentator at this point.
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.

Apples and antelopes isn't a comparison of worth. Compare the US with other Western Democracies and get back to us.

And of course you fail to point out that Americans use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 2million times a year on Average...that is 2 million fewer lives shattered by violent criminals.....

2 million crimes stopped vs.

Accidental gun deaths 2013...505

Gun murders 2013....8,454

Which number is bigger? Even you should be able to do that math...

Let's do the math. According to you, 2 million crimes are stopped by guns a year. Given there are 365 days in a year, you are saying that 5480 per day are prevented or about 230 an hour....230 an hour....every hour of every day of the year.

I think we can stop considering you to be a serious commentator at this point.
230! Wow, that must be impossible. Of course...

There were 9,795,658 crimes committed in 2013. This is a fact easily verified:
United States Crime Rates1960 - 2013
Given there are 365 days in a year, that means there are 26,837 per day are prevented or about 1,118 an hour....1,118 an hour every hour of every day of the year.

230 certainly is not impossible or even all that high considering that there are almost 5 times that number of crimes actually successfully committed AND reported. The number of crimes attempted or never reported is going to be MUCH higher. 2 million is likely an over estimate but if it is even half that you are dealing with a SIGNIFICANT numbers of defensive uses.

Even you can do the math and see that it is not all that unreasonable at all.
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.

Apples and antelopes isn't a comparison of worth. Compare the US with other Western Democracies and get back to us.

And of course you fail to point out that Americans use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 2million times a year on Average...that is 2 million fewer lives shattered by violent criminals.....

2 million crimes stopped vs.

Accidental gun deaths 2013...505

Gun murders 2013....8,454

Which number is bigger? Even you should be able to do that math...

Let's do the math. According to you, 2 million crimes are stopped by guns a year. Given there are 365 days in a year, you are saying that 5480 per day are prevented or about 230 an hour....230 an hour....every hour of every day of the year.

I think we can stop considering you to be a serious commentator at this point.
230! Wow, that must be impossible. Of course...
Well, because it is.
There were 9,795,658 crimes committed in 2013. This is a fact easily verified:
United States Crime Rates1960 - 2013
Given there are 365 days in a year, that means there are 26,837 per day are prevented or about 1,118 an hour....1,118 an hour every hour of every day of the year.
Huh? You're taking the number of crimes and dividing by 365 and claiming that they are prevented. Nothing supports that.

230 certainly is not impossible or even all that high considering that there are almost 5 times that number of crimes actually successfully committed AND reported.
Brought to you by the same folks who said Iraq would cost less than a billion and Reagan-nomics.

2 million is likely an over estimate but if it is even half that you are dealing with a SIGNIFICANT numbers of defensive uses.
It's nowhere near 2,000,000 or even half that.

Even you can do the math and see that it is not all that unreasonable at all.

Given that 2,000,000 fantasy, it translates into 230 preventions due to guns per hour....every single hour of every single day.

Pick a day in the future...lets say July 7...if you can show me 50 news stories on 7/7/15 detailing such preventions that occurred on 7/6/15...I'll buy the statistic.

Surely if there are 230 every hour of every day, 25% of them +/- get reported by the local newspapers/radio/tv...don't they?

Accept the challenge?
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.

Apples and antelopes isn't a comparison of worth. Compare the US with other Western Democracies and get back to us.

Yes see how the far left will dismiss data that does not fit their narrative..
Apples and antelopes isn't a comparison of worth. Compare the US with other Western Democracies and get back to us.

And of course you fail to point out that Americans use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 2million times a year on Average...that is 2 million fewer lives shattered by violent criminals.....

2 million crimes stopped vs.

Accidental gun deaths 2013...505

Gun murders 2013....8,454

Which number is bigger? Even you should be able to do that math...

Let's do the math. According to you, 2 million crimes are stopped by guns a year. Given there are 365 days in a year, you are saying that 5480 per day are prevented or about 230 an hour....230 an hour....every hour of every day of the year.

I think we can stop considering you to be a serious commentator at this point.
230! Wow, that must be impossible. Of course...
Well, because it is.
There were 9,795,658 crimes committed in 2013. This is a fact easily verified:
United States Crime Rates1960 - 2013
Given there are 365 days in a year, that means there are 26,837 per day are prevented or about 1,118 an hour....1,118 an hour every hour of every day of the year.
Huh? You're taking the number of crimes and dividing by 365 and claiming that they are prevented. Nothing supports that.

230 certainly is not impossible or even all that high considering that there are almost 5 times that number of crimes actually successfully committed AND reported.
Brought to you by the same folks who said Iraq would cost less than a billion and Reagan-nomics.

2 million is likely an over estimate but if it is even half that you are dealing with a SIGNIFICANT numbers of defensive uses.
It's nowhere near 2,000,000 or even half that.

Even you can do the math and see that it is not all that unreasonable at all.

Given that 2,000,000 fantasy, it translates into 230 preventions due to guns per hour....every single hour of every single day.

Pick a day in the future...lets say July 7...if you can show me 50 news stories on 7/7/15 detailing such preventions that occurred on 7/6/15...I'll buy the statistic.

Surely if there are 230 every hour of every day, 25% of them +/- get reported by the local newspapers/radio/tv...don't they?

Accept the challenge?

Far left propaganda alert!
Apples and antelopes isn't a comparison of worth. Compare the US with other Western Democracies and get back to us.

And of course you fail to point out that Americans use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 2million times a year on Average...that is 2 million fewer lives shattered by violent criminals.....

2 million crimes stopped vs.

Accidental gun deaths 2013...505

Gun murders 2013....8,454

Which number is bigger? Even you should be able to do that math...

Let's do the math. According to you, 2 million crimes are stopped by guns a year. Given there are 365 days in a year, you are saying that 5480 per day are prevented or about 230 an hour....230 an hour....every hour of every day of the year.

I think we can stop considering you to be a serious commentator at this point.
230! Wow, that must be impossible. Of course...
Well, because it is.
There were 9,795,658 crimes committed in 2013. This is a fact easily verified:
United States Crime Rates1960 - 2013
Given there are 365 days in a year, that means there are 26,837 per day are prevented or about 1,118 an hour....1,118 an hour every hour of every day of the year.
Huh? You're taking the number of crimes and dividing by 365 and claiming that they are prevented. Nothing supports that.
No. Where did I say that? I said that is how many crimes actually occur. That is a fact.
You are the one that seems to think, that 230 is a number that is completely unrealistic. The reality is that it is NOT unrealistic when you consider the fact you are talking about over 300 MILLION people.

And yes, those numbers ARE supported by studies. Even the CDC places defensive gun use at million uses a year. The fact that you can’t imagine that is irrelevant.
230 certainly is not impossible or even all that high considering that there are almost 5 times that number of crimes actually successfully committed AND reported.
Brought to you by the same folks who said Iraq would cost less than a billion and Reagan-nomics.

No. Brought to you by studies in defensive gun use. Sorry that you can’t see past partisan BS.
2 million is likely an over estimate but if it is even half that you are dealing with a SIGNIFICANT numbers of defensive uses.
It's nowhere near 2,000,000 or even half that.
Yes it is. A million a year is likely the most accurate.
Even you can do the math and see that it is not all that unreasonable at all.

Given that 2,000,000 fantasy, it translates into 230 preventions due to guns per hour....every single hour of every single day.

Pick a day in the future...lets say July 7...if you can show me 50 news stories on 7/7/15 detailing such preventions that occurred on 7/6/15...I'll buy the statistic.

Surely if there are 230 every hour of every day, 25% of them +/- get reported by the local newspapers/radio/tv...don't they?

Accept the challenge?

News stories? Is that what you take as meaningful evidence and investigation?

That is idiotic. You don’t even want an honest discussion on the topic if you are looking for news stories as some sort of evidence.
There were 316,500,000 Americans in 2013

33,636 of which died when killed with a gun.

United States Total Number of Gun Deaths

--Now, when you factor in actual math--

Those 33,636 deaths were all of 0.01% of the entire 2013 US population.

If that exact number died of each year, it would take 9400 years for the entire 2013 population to die from that rate of gun violence.

316,500,000 / 33,636 gun deaths per year = 9,409 years

This fear mongering is laughable. And useless. Liberals consistently exaggerate the severity of gun violence to push for gun control.

Now, take medical malpractice. From 2008 to 2011, an estimated 210,000 to 440,000 people died each year from medical malpractice. That makes it the third leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease and cancer. Guess where deaths caused by guns are ranked?


John James a New Evidence Based Estimate of Patient Harms 2013 1
Last edited:
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.

Apples and antelopes isn't a comparison of worth. Compare the US with other Western Democracies and get back to us.

And of course you fail to point out that Americans use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 2million times a year on Average...that is 2 million fewer lives shattered by violent criminals.....

2 million crimes stopped vs.

Accidental gun deaths 2013...505

Gun murders 2013....8,454

Which number is bigger? Even you should be able to do that math...

I know a guy whose ex brother-in-law was attacked by 43 thugs in a back alley in Detroit, and with only a hand gun was able to fight off 41, kill two and one five year old when an errant shot escaped the alley and hit the child in her mom's minivan.

True story, sorry, I don't have any facts to back it up, but that seems to be the theme with many of the posts by 2aguy and his brethren.

Asshole, all of the stories I post are culled from news reports of the event...I don't make them up. I site the source of news story.....but keep trying.......
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.

And of course that is not true......the studies that try to say that include as friends and family drug dealers and buyers as "Acquaintances" and home invaders as people in the home............try to research the studies you think make your point.....
Apples and antelopes isn't a comparison of worth. Compare the US with other Western Democracies and get back to us.

And of course you fail to point out that Americans use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 2million times a year on Average...that is 2 million fewer lives shattered by violent criminals.....

2 million crimes stopped vs.

Accidental gun deaths 2013...505

Gun murders 2013....8,454

Which number is bigger? Even you should be able to do that math...

Let's do the math. According to you, 2 million crimes are stopped by guns a year. Given there are 365 days in a year, you are saying that 5480 per day are prevented or about 230 an hour....230 an hour....every hour of every day of the year.

I think we can stop considering you to be a serious commentator at this point.
230! Wow, that must be impossible. Of course...
Well, because it is.
There were 9,795,658 crimes committed in 2013. This is a fact easily verified:
United States Crime Rates1960 - 2013
Given there are 365 days in a year, that means there are 26,837 per day are prevented or about 1,118 an hour....1,118 an hour every hour of every day of the year.
Huh? You're taking the number of crimes and dividing by 365 and claiming that they are prevented. Nothing supports that.

230 certainly is not impossible or even all that high considering that there are almost 5 times that number of crimes actually successfully committed AND reported.
Brought to you by the same folks who said Iraq would cost less than a billion and Reagan-nomics.

2 million is likely an over estimate but if it is even half that you are dealing with a SIGNIFICANT numbers of defensive uses.
It's nowhere near 2,000,000 or even half that.

Even you can do the math and see that it is not all that unreasonable at all.

Given that 2,000,000 fantasy, it translates into 230 preventions due to guns per hour....every single hour of every single day.

Pick a day in the future...lets say July 7...if you can show me 50 news stories on 7/7/15 detailing such preventions that occurred on 7/6/15...I'll buy the statistic.

Surely if there are 230 every hour of every day, 25% of them +/- get reported by the local newspapers/radio/tv...don't they?

Accept the challenge?

Given that that number comes from actual research, done over 40 years by both private and public researchers in economics and criminology it isn't fantasy....fantasy is when you anti gun extremists pull a number out of the air and say...that is the number.....

Here is the actual research and this isn't even all of it........

I just averaged the studies......which were conducted by different researchers, from both private and public researchers, over a period of 40 years looking specifically at guns and self defense....the name of the researcher is first, then the year then the number of times they determined guns were used for self defense......notice how many of them there are and how many of them were done by gun grabbers like the clinton Justice Dept. and the obama CDC

And these aren't all of the studies either...there are more...and they support the ones below.....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)
DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)
L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)
Kleck...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."



Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....

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