Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

Washington Navy Yard shooting: Active shooter sought in Southeast D.C. |

Police search for active shooter on grounds of Washington Navy Yard in Southeast D.C. - The Washington Post

Once again, a nut case with a gun has shot people and is now at large. As with Boston, people are being advised to "shelter in place" and schools are on shut down.

Bring on the nutters with their lame ass excuses.

And once again, a Libturd has to make it about guns instead of motive for the attack
Yes, the only way to stop that guy is to take my gun away,

You can't argue with unassailable logic like that.

Show me one post in any thread, where I have said I think guns should be "taken away" from citizens. I have no intention of giving up my guns and you're a liar if you say differently. PROVE YOUR LIES OR STFU.

The FACT is, its the nutters who want to make sure these shooters have free and easy access to any gun they want.

There you go lying again. Do you get paid for every lie you tell?

see? is someone else who doesnt seem to think your posts are what you say they up Dudley....just admit that maybe your threads about guns just might give many the impression that what you say in your threads does not back up what you claim you believe.....lets see if you actually have the integrity you claim the "rw's" dont have....
It was stated during the panel discussion Friday night on Real Time.

People don't generally make blatantly false statements on national TV when they know they are a target for certain political factions. That would lead to a loss of credibility.

Bill Maher makes blatantly false statements on national TV on a weekly basis.......but then he only has credibility with the low information sheeple, soooo.......

He often criticizes the president and the D congress.

Too bad there's no way for you to know that because you get your info from muslim fux, dredge, lusbo....

Puddly Pillowbite, I didn't say I don't/haven't watched his show. That's how I know he makes blatantly false statements on national TV on a weekly basis. Unlike you, I get my information from a wide variety of sources....and they aren't Fox or MSNBC. Try Real Clear Politics some time where they post some of the best opinion and analysis from both sides. I doubt you could bring yourself to try it since you like your thinking spoonfed to you, but do try.
Where does it say they shouldn't?
In light of this, all drug laws are un-Constitutional.

Apparently, the fact that it clearly states "militia" actually means "civilians".

Obviously, our language has changed quite a lot in a relatively short period of time.

Wait until you find out that militia was just another word for slave patrols and the only reason the 2nd amendment is a state right instead of an federal right is because the southerners forced this in order to make sure they had the right to kill slaves in the event of an uprising.
Washington Navy Yard shooting: Active shooter sought in Southeast D.C. |

Police search for active shooter on grounds of Washington Navy Yard in Southeast D.C. - The Washington Post

Once again, a nut case with a gun has shot people and is now at large. As with Boston, people are being advised to "shelter in place" and schools are on shut down.

Bring on the nutters with their lame ass excuses.

And once again, a Libturd has to make it about guns instead of motive for the attack

He made it political before the blood even dried.
Liberals have a bad way of being insensitive in times of tragedy. Boston, Fort Hood, Tuscon, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Washington D.C. ... they have literally no shame about them.
But since Luddly wants this to be political, I'll destroy his gun control argument in one post. One.

Another mass shooting, this time in the capitol...

13 dead in Navy Yard shooting; 1 suspect dead, 1 sought
16 Sept.`13 WASHINGTON — At least 13 people died Monday during a shooting at the Washington Navy Yard, officials said. One gunman died in the shooting, and police are seeking another possible shooter.
The suspected gunman was identified by the FBI as Aaron Alexis, a 34-year-old civilian contractor from Queens, New York, who most recently resided in Fort Worth, Texas. The Navy said Alexis was a full-time reservist from 2007 to 2011. He left the Navy on Jan. 31, 2011, as a petty officer 3rd class and had been working for the fleet logistics support squadron No. 46 in Fort Worth. Alexis was arrested in Fort Worth in 2010 for discharging a firearm in city limits, police records show. Charges were never filed.

The Navy Yard was placed on lockdown after shots were fired inside a building on the base, the U.S. Navy said. A Metro police officer and naval base officer were among those injured in the shooting, according to the D.C. Metro Police. Washington Mayor Vincent Gray said Alexis was shot during an exchange with the Metro Police officer. "As far as we know, it's an isolated incident," Gray said. "We have no known motive at this stage." The mayor said there was "no reason at this stage" to believe it was terrorism, but would not rule it out.

D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier said authorities were seeking a potential second suspect, described as a black male, approximately 40 to 50 years old, 5 foot 10, 180 pounds, medium complexion with gray sideburns, wearing an olive military-style uniform and carrying "a long gun." Before a scheduled economic speech at the White House, President Barack Obama deplored "yet another mass shooting" — this one targeting military and civilian personnel. “These are men and women who were going to work, doing their job, protecting all of us," Obama said. "They’re patriots, and they know the dangers of serving abroad. But today they faced the unimaginable: violence that they wouldn’t have expected here at home." "We will do everything in our power to make sure that whoever carried out this cowardly act is held responsible," the president added. "I want the investigation to be seamless."

Janis Orlowski, chief medical officer at Washington Hospital Center, said one Metropolitan Police officer and two civilians are being treated there. All three arrived in critical condition, Orlowski said, but are expected to make a full recovery. One was shot in the legs, another in the shoulder. Those victims were in surgery, Orlowski said. A woman who was shot in the head and hand would not need surgery because the bullet did not penetrate her skull. The Navy said shots were fired at the Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters building on the base at 8:20 a.m., and a "shelter in place" order was issued for Navy Yard personnel.

More 13 dead in Navy Yard shooting; 1 suspect dead, 1 sought

See also:

Police: 2 more possible suspects at Navy Yard
16 Sept.`13 WASHINGTON (AP) — At least one gunman opened fire inside a building at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday morning, and officials said six people were killed and at least four were wounded, including a law enforcement officer.
Police were looking for two other potential gunmen wearing military-style uniforms, including one who had on a beret, chief Cathy Lanier said. Authorities have identified the dead shooter as a Navy employee whose work status had been changed earlier this year, said a federal government official who spoke only on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak on the record. While that may suggest the motive was job related, authorities haven't ruled out anything including terrorism, the official said. Lanier said she didn't think the other gunmen were part of the military.

Witnesses described a gunman opening fire from the fourth floor, aiming down on people in the first-floor cafeteria. Others said a gunman fired at them in a third-floor hallway. It wasn't clear whether the witnesses on different floors were describing the same gunman. As emergency vehicles flooded the streets around the complex, a helicopter hovered overhead, nearby schools were on lockdown and airplanes at nearby Reagan National Airport were briefly grounded so they wouldn't interfere with law enforcement choppers. Less than 2 miles away, security was beefed up at the U.S. Capitol and other federal buildings, but officials said there was no known threat.

President Barack Obama mourned what he called "yet another mass shooting" in the U.S. that he says took the life of American patriots. Obama promised to make sure "whoever carried out this cowardly act is held responsible." Two Navy officials confirmed at least six people had died. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the situation publicly. About 3,000 people work at the Naval Sea Systems Command headquarters, which builds, buys and maintains the Navy's ships and submarines and combat systems.

Todd Brundidge, an executive assistant with Navy Sea Systems Command, said he and other co-workers encountered a gunman in a long hallway of their building on the third floor. The gunman was wearing all blue, he said. "He just turned and started firing," Brundidge said. Terrie Durham, an executive assistant with the same agency, said she also saw the gunman firing toward her and Brundidge. "He aimed high and missed," she said. "He said nothing. As soon as I realized he was shooting, we just said, 'Get out of the building.'"

More Police: 2 more possible suspects at Navy Yard


I'll stick around for a while just to watch you wiggle.

I've been very clear that I believe there is a place for guns and that place is not in every single pocket in the US.

You can tell any lie you want and you can keep following me from thread to thread but nothing will change.

Prove your idiotic lying blathering or shut up.
Or, keep right on lying.

Either way, makes no difference to me.

I gave you a link to a random killing with multiple victims that involved knives, did you start a thread?

Oh, sorry. I didn't realize there was also a mass killing today involving knives and that you are unable to post a new thread.

You are the one that claimed that the only reason that you mention guns is the killers use guns, did you lie?
Because they are not trained in their use and may shoot their eye out along with killing others.

Nonsense. Many states have training requirements for a gun license. If lack of expertise is your reason, it doesn't hold water.

I was unaware states had licensing for automatic weapons since it is illegal to own one. Are you sure about this? Please post a link.

It is not illegal to own automatic weapons.
That was funny considering how often people post the fact that various people from both sides have lied on national TV.

The only thing I want to watch Bill Maher do is suffer.

He is the lyingest piece of shit on TV and the reason I cancelled HBO.

No way I'd give that piece of shit even one hit on his despicable website or youtube or anything else he's connected to.

I'd give Josef Stalin more credit for truthfulness than Bill Maher
Yet, you won't be able to point to any of his supposed lies.



Bill Maher Admits He Lied To Get People To Appear In 'Religulous' | NewsBusters

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