Gunman Killed 4, Including Infant, Before Shooting At Cops, Polk Sheriff Says

True and it is not just Democratic Judges who release these people on bond each state has it's own way of handling the situation. In California if you are arrested for capital murder there is no bond.

Polk County has democratic judges?

Polk County is a red county in a red state.

But what does a judge have to do with this? Does the person you replied to know the gunman's arrest history? Of if he has an arrest history?

The person you replied to can't accept that this far right christian extremist murdered all those people so they try to change the subject.
Polk County has democratic judges?

Polk County is a red county in a red state.

But what does a judge have to do with this? Does the person you replied to know the gunman's arrest history? Of if he has an arrest history?

The person you replied to can't accept that this far right christian extremist murdered all those people so they try to change the subject.
He also wanted to make and excuse for why white people are so violent.
Most have to use federal guidelines and state guidelines of sentencing.
Since it seems you want to push this into a political theme, as per your general obsession, the general public tends to push for more and more leniency. Look at the idiocy we have had throughout the year+, rioters were never punished and funds were raised by Democrats to bail them out as soon as they were arrested. No where in the Constitution does it give permission for "rioting," only peaceful assembly.
This is very sad.

The man said god told him he had to talk to one of the daughters.

I will point out, that doesn't mean his god wanted him to go murder people including an infant.

"We're not dealing with a traditional criminal here," Judd said.

In Judd's words: "He was a decorated military veteran. And this morning, he's a cold, calculated murderer."

When I first saw this story I was wondering how 4 people could be dead yet he's still alive (he was shooting at the police), but I guess they wanted to question him?!?
Yes it's in the article I posted.

This is another far right christian evangelist extremist.

He was wearing body armor and had more weapons in his vehicle.

Another reason why it's not a good idea to let just anyone have a weapon.
frankly the article and this guys actions highlight why it’s important to have a weapon
This spawn of satan murdered 4 this morning, one of them an infant. And if this evil pos wasn't evil enough he shot and killed the family dog. I'm so sorry the police let him live.


I suppose doing a line in 1990 really affects me thirty years down the road..Have you always been clueless?
maybe i didn’t know you before you got on the meth…just now, maybe something else made you so nutty and easily fooled into falling into cults like the xidenist cult
This is very sad.

The man said god told him he had to talk to one of the daughters.

I will point out, that doesn't mean his god wanted him to go murder people including an infant.

Repubs will make an excuse for the violence because the guy is white.
This spawn of satan murdered 4 this morning, one of them an infant. And if this evil pos wasn't evil enough he shot and killed the family dog. I'm so sorry the police let him live.

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When and how did this asshole buy or steal a gun? Motive is one of three elements in a murder, and clearly murdering an infant and the family dog suggest this POS is mentally fucked up.
And in spite of this, Democrat and Leftist policies continue to INSIST that violent criminals be give a 2nd chance...and a 3rd....and a 4th....and a 5th.....
Child murderers set free on their "good word" they will show up for trial. "Defund The Police!!"
It is indeed so sad that Leftist polices around the world are getting people killed in home as well as Afghanistan etc etc etc
Defund the police. Legalize drugs. What could go wrong?
When and how did this asshole buy or steal a gun? Motive is one of three elements in a murder, and clearly murdering an infant and the family dog suggest this POS is mentally fucked up.
i don’t think motive is an element of murder.

Intent is, but the motive behind it not so much

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