Guns and abortion: let's do it this way

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The Far right and the Far left are birds of the same feather. The far left wants control over your wallet, and the far right wants to control your personal lives and the decisions you make.

Republicans drove women off in 2012, by going into issues of abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape. Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36 points, and this dumb ass opt is at it again. And he/she saw what happened in Colorado Springs with this kind of rhetoric.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Scott Walker & Rick Perry had to drop out of this race immediately because of the exact same stance--and this dumb ass opt never saw it. Scott Walker committing political suicide right on the stage during the 1st debate. Rick Perry mentioning a sono-gram first was OUT. Bobby Jindal is OUT because he enforced this in Lousiana, they don't want him back.

It's none of your dam business what women do. Abortion is a private family matter & only between them.

All this dumb ass opt has done is hit another home run for Hillary Clinton. Freaking idiots!


Let's see..the far left wants to control your healthcare, your salary, your retirement, wether you can work outside of a union, the type of toilet you have, what you can do with your property, how much salt you can have, they want to regulate sex on college campuses, they want to tell you what you can have on your popcorn, your portion size at restaurants, how much pop you can get at a restaurant…..

And you people think they will stop at the bedroom door…..

Post of the fucking year!!!!

The Far right and the Far left are birds of the same feather. The far left wants control over your wallet, and the far right wants to control your personal lives and the decisions you make.

Republicans drove women off in 2012, by going into issues of abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape. Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36 points, and this dumb ass opt is at it again. And he/she saw what happened in Colorado Springs with this kind of rhetoric.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Scott Walker & Rick Perry had to drop out of this race immediately because of the exact same stance--and this dumb ass opt never saw it. Scott Walker committing political suicide right on the stage during the 1st debate. Rick Perry mentioning a sono-gram first was OUT. Bobby Jindal is OUT because he enforced this in Lousiana, they don't want him back.

It's none of your dam business what women do. Abortion is a private family matter & only between them.

All this dumb ass opt has done is hit another home run for Hillary Clinton. Freaking idiots!


Let's see..the far left wants to control your healthcare, your salary, your retirement, wether you can work outside of a union, the type of toilet you have, what you can do with your property, how much salt you can have, they want to regulate sex on college campuses, they want to tell you what you can have on your popcorn, your portion size at restaurants, how much pop you can get at a restaurant…..

And you people think they will stop at the bedroom door…..
The far right busted through the bed room door long ago.
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