Guns in the hands of normal Americans don't cause gun crime. Democrats releasing 8,000 criminals causes rape, robbery and murder.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrat party Governor of California is going to release 8,000 criminals into Black and hispanic neighborhoods right before the election...


If you live in California and feel safe inside your home during the coronavirus, that may soon change. Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom plans on releasing 8,000 inmates, some currently serving time for serious felonies, from the California prison system by August. Democrats like Newsom have always wanted to release prisoners, but the Wuhan coronavirus has now given them an ostensible reason to do so.

Newsom believes prisoners, who broke criminal laws, will observe CDC guidelines and practice social distancing out of concern for their fellow man. In all fairness, the freed prisoners will likely wear face masks inside banks and liquor stores.

Three separate efforts aimed at releasing 8,000 prisoners by the end of August were recently approved by the governor.

I am sure Roger Stone will try to not kill anyone since he was pardoned.

What a dumb statement, since Stone's alleged crimes are all NON violent, and that he wasn't pardoned.

Trump grants clemency to ally Roger Stone after railing against 'unfair' conviction, sentencing



He is still in court fighting the charges.

Do try keeping up......
I am sure Roger Stone will try to not kill anyone since he was pardoned.

What a dumb statement, since Stone's alleged crimes are all NON violent, and that he wasn't pardoned.

Trump grants clemency to ally Roger Stone after railing against 'unfair' conviction, sentencing



He is still in court fighting the charges.

Do try keeping up......

Stone threatened a witness and the judge. Those are not “non violent crimes”.

Stone was convicted by a unanimous jury of his peers. Damn Skippy Stone was convicted and should be in jail.
Q: What does Roger Stone have to do with California releasing 8K criminals?
A: Nothing, but weak minds divert.
Some of his last bunch were only out hours before they killed again.
I don't know about the last group, but this group are prisoners in jail for NON VIOLENT crimes.....

So no one being released killed anyone before... as your post states?

Hard to believe that Kimberly G, Don Jr's girlfriend, was married to the California governor,

Gavin Newsom is her ex husband.... or one of them....
I am sure Roger Stone will try to not kill anyone since he was pardoned.

What a dumb statement, since Stone's alleged crimes are all NON violent, and that he wasn't pardoned.

Trump grants clemency to ally Roger Stone after railing against 'unfair' conviction, sentencing



He is still in court fighting the charges.

Do try keeping up......

Stone threatened a witness and the judge. Those are not “non violent crimes”.

Stone was convicted by a unanimous jury of his peers. Damn Skippy Stone was convicted and should be in jail.

You didn't read the link I posted, here is what you missed:

"The grant, which wiped out Stone's sentence but left his conviction in place, brought the years-long battle over Russia's involvement in the 2016 election back to the forefront in the middle of Trump's bid for reelection. "


Meanwhile this article shows that Witness threat claim was discounted by the witness himself, and that Wikileaks never had direct contact with Stone, thus he didn't lie.

Justice for Roger Stone
By Grant Baker
July 11,2020


On Friday, July 10th, President Trump commuted Roger Stone’s prison sentence. The clemency order, not to be confused with a pardon, allows Stone to fight in the appeals court to clear his name against what many consider a legal railroading. Friends of Stone claim that Trump had offered a pardon only to be rebuffed by Stone who asked for clemency to remain out of jail as he fights through the appeals court.

The decision to grant clemency came after a series of revelations which proved that Mueller’s team of prosecutors had tampered with evidence, manufactured statements, and buried exonerating evidence in their case against General Flynn, prompting the Justice Department to drop the case out of embarrassment. Mueller’s prosecutorial misconduct in the Flynn case strongly mirrors the prosecution of Roger Stone. Despite no underlying crime or Russian collusion found, the prosecution chose to push forward with process crimes.

Stone was accused of threatening a witness after sending text messages to comedian Randy Credico, telling him “my lawyers are dying to rip you to shreds...prepare to die”. Stone felt Credico had spun a false narrative to Mueller’s investigators to throw him under the bus. Even Credico claims the texts were taken out of context and were not threats of violence or intimidation.

Stone was also charged with lying to Congress. When Stone was asked by Congress if he was speaking with Wikileaks, Stone replied that he did not have a contact in the organization, but was speaking with Credico, who had interviewed Julian Assange. This turned out to be a factual statement, but prosecutors alleged that Stone claimed his contact was Credico in order to protect Jerome Corsi. In hindsight, the claim that Stone was lying to protect Corsi from prosecution rings hollow, as Corsi was never found to have committed any crimes and was never charged.



There is indication that Stone was a victim of prosecution malfeasance, he still has a chance to make his case in court.

Meanwhile the same leftists didn't get upset by the horrible pardons by Obama, he pardoned a TRAITOR!

Pj Media

Obama Granted Clemency to Terrorists and Traitors, But We’re Supposed to Be Angry at Trump's Pardons


Last week, President Trump granted full pardons for Army First Lt. Clint Lorance and Army Maj. Mathew Golsteyn, who’d been accused of war crimes. Lorance had served six years of a 19-year sentence, and Golsteyn was facing trial for killing an alleged Taliban bombmaker. Navy SEAL Edward R. Gallagher, who was found not guilty of war crimes, but still had his rank reduced, was granted clemency and restoration of rank.

Lawmakers had been pushing for pardons for Lorance and Golsteyn because they’d taken actions to defend themselves on the battlefield and were charged with war crimes for it. Yet, when President Trump pardoned them, it immediately sparked controversy and outrage. Pete Buttigieg joined in the outrage chorus, claiming Trump “dishonored our armed services.”

American soldiers join the military knowing they can be sent away from their families for long periods of time into unsafe conditions with the possibility they might never come back—or come back severely injured. For Trump to give various members of our military a second chance is infinitely less outrageous than acts of clemency made by his predecessor.

Barack Obama commuted the sentence of Bradley Manning (you may also know him as Chelsea), who leaked hundreds of thousands of sensitive documents to WikiLeaks. A traitor in every sense, in 2013 Manning was convicted and sentenced to 35 years in prison. But, Bradley Manning became a hero of the political left for declaring himself to be transgender, and Obama made his controversial commutation days before leaving office.

Obama also commuted the sentence of convicted terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera. Lopez Rivera was a leader of the Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional Puertorriqueña (FALN), a Puerto Rican terrorist group responsible for 130 attacks in the United States, and at least six deaths. An unrepentant Lopez-Rivera was serving a 70-year sentence when Obama set him free.



How come you didn't get angry with Obama's horrid pardons?
Last edited:
I am sure Roger Stone will try to not kill anyone since he was pardoned.

What a dumb statement, since Stone's alleged crimes are all NON violent, and that he wasn't pardoned.

Trump grants clemency to ally Roger Stone after railing against 'unfair' conviction, sentencing



He is still in court fighting the charges.

Do try keeping up......
If you have been convicted AND sent to prison, a president can PARDON you.
If you have not yet gone to prison, a president can grant LENIENCY.
That's the only difference.
I am sure Roger Stone will try to not kill anyone since he was pardoned.

What a dumb statement, since Stone's alleged crimes are all NON violent, and that he wasn't pardoned.

Trump grants clemency to ally Roger Stone after railing against 'unfair' conviction, sentencing



He is still in court fighting the charges.

Do try keeping up......
If you have been convicted AND sent to prison, a president can PARDON you.
If you have not yet gone to prison, a president can grant LENIENCY.
That's the only difference.

He is still convicted, which is why it is a limited clemency, while Stone is STILL in Court addressing the charges.

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